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Gompa Football Club is a 3rd division team established less than a year ago in Ganta city. The club qualified for nation...

Gompa Football Club is a 3rd division team established less than a year ago in Ganta city. The club qualified for national playoff and stopped at the quarterfinals when defeated by Wologisi fc in penalties.

The quality of the club is making many fans across Nimba to recommend that the President buy a second division space this season.

Whats your thought about this suggestion from fans? ...

The Ganta City administration has imposed night-time restrictions on the movement of motorbikes across the city to curb ...

The Ganta City administration has imposed night-time restrictions on the movement of motorbikes across the city to curb the growing crime rate.

The restriction, which is expected to be implemented by state security apparatus, will impact night time travel in the bustling City of Ganta, Nimba County’s largest commercial city.

“We have been mandated to stop the movement of motorcycles across Ganta at midnight to curtail the growing crime rate,” said Inspector Archie Dennis, Commander of the Ganta Detail, Liberia National Police. “The entire community leaders recommended the grounding of motorcyclists because the crime rate is becoming high at night.”

The motorcycle curfew, which runs from 10pm to 6am, was a decision reached at a city council meeting involving all the community leaders of the city. The meeting centered around the insecurity across the municipality, for which the motorcyclists have been accused as key facilitators.

The growing crime rate across Ganta has reached a borderline state of emergency status, since many of the perpetrators use motorcycles to steal phones and other valuable items from people on the street.

“The community leaders are complaining that motorcycles were used in most of the criminal activities across Ganta,” Dennis added.

However, he said the restriction is surely intended for commercial motorcycles. Those using private motorcycles during the curfew hours will be required to show genuine identity.

During the curfew hours, the police will place road blocks at strategic areas to streamline movement ahead of and during the Christmas and New Year holiday celebrations.

Recently, the police began cracking down on criminals across two major Nimba cities — Sanniquellie and Ganta — by raiding the criminals’ hideouts and sending high-profile criminals to court.

However, the police are warning the public and all motorcyclists to adhere to the restriction to avoid any further embarrassment.


BBC reports!😢

Liberia’s finance minister has said President George Weah is "entitled" to $2,000 (£1,700) daily allowance during his current controversial overseas trip that includes a stop in Qatar for nine days to watch the Fifa World Cup.

Sources are also saying that the president has overstayed and its a violation of the decent work act and the travel laws of Liberia which states “Public officials are to make nothing more than 7 days on a trip.” Samuel Tweah did not however disclose the overall budget for the president’s foreign travel, which began two weeks ago...

What do you think?


President Weah Sacks Two LISGIS Bosses😭😭

Paris, France - The President of the Republic, Dr. George Manneh Weah, has sacked with immediate effect the Acting Director General of the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS), Wilmot Smith, and the Deputy Director General for Statistics and Data Processing, Alex M. Williams.

The decision, the Liberian Leader said, is based on administrative reasons.

Both men are ordered to turn over all properties belonging to the institution in their possession.

Meanwhile, President Weah has designated the LISGIS Deputy Director General for Administration, Lawrence George, to act as Director General while Prof. Francis Wreh is on a leave of absence.

The President urges all those holding positions of public trust to act with diligence and seriousness in the discharge of their duties.



U.S Ambassador warns those who are attempting to do business with sanctioned officials..

Excerpts below:👇👇

"I also want to note that it was three months ago, almost to the day, that I announced to you in this room the Treasury Department’s Global Magnitsky sanctions of Nathaniel McGill, Bill Twehway, and Syrenius Cephus.

I think it’s important to draw our attention back to the Treasury Department’s statement, specifically its notification that persons that engage in certain transactions with these sanctioned individuals “may themselves be exposed to sanctions or subject to an enforcement action.

Furthermore, unless an exception applies, any foreign financial institution that knowingly facilitates a significant transaction for any of the individuals or entities could be subject to U.S. sanctions.”

This applies not only to those who transact with these three individuals, but also with the other two individuals sanctioned under Global Magnitsky in recent years: Senator Prince Y. Johnson and Senator Varney Sherman."




Sequel to the just concluded extraordinary meeting held in Washington DC on Nov. 2nd 2022 between the United States Federal Reserve Bank, Office of the Comptroller of Currency, IMF, World-Bank and Governors of Africa's Central Banks, the United States Govt has set date for restriction on acceptable legal tender note of US Dollar which will commence on Jan. 31st 2023.

The restriction implies that any US Dollar note below 2021 printed date will no longer be accepted or be a legal tender anywhere in the world... This effort is to curb billions of illegal monies in dollar bills warehoused around African continent emanating from drug related, terrorism, kidnapping and money from corrupt politicians.

As part of the enforcement of the strict action plan, African central banks will be assigned with a special agent from the Office of the Comptroller of Currency, Administrator of National bank United States of America to checkmate all inflows and outflows of dollar transactions.

The report also has it that US president has also written to British Government and European Union to tow same line and redesign their currencies accordingly to frustrate those with ill-gotten money in US dollar, British Pound Sterling and Euros.

Should this action be implemented come January 2023 as reported, Nigerian corrupt politicians will be worse hit.


Rueters News.

Meet Rebina CarsonIn exactly 1 day few hours, this beautiful queen from Nimba County could be the 25th Miss Liberia.    ...

Meet Rebina Carson
In exactly 1 day few hours, this beautiful queen from Nimba County could be the 25th Miss Liberia.

The first phase of Miss Liberia has just ended Nimba County made it to the Grand Final. Congratulations to Rebina Carson...

The first phase of Miss Liberia has just ended Nimba County made it to the Grand Final.
Congratulations to Rebina Carson for ending the first face with success.

Yaa go Nimba Yaa seeh
Rebina Carson for the Crown 👑

Liberia is now producing its own Pills 💊 Global Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Company is a Liberian , Pakistani Company ...

Liberia is now producing its own Pills 💊
Global Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Company is a Liberian , Pakistani Company which is involved in
manufacturing of Tablets. the Company is set to put out it first MADE IN LIBERIA drugs on the LIBERIAN Market.

A few years ago President Weah blessed the union to gather their group to see how they can start Manufacturing Tablets in Liberia instead of us importing. Phase one of the company is up and Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor inspected the facility.

50 Liberian pharmacists are currently employed at the Company and 2000 more are Expected to be hired once the project is finished.

Global Pharmaceuticals is the company that just bought Monrovia Club Breweries/ Club Beer Fc and Changed it’s Named to GLOBAL PHARMACEUTICAL FC.

Thanks to CEO Mark Deah for the new platform provided. We trust your platforms.

Thanks to CEO Mark Deah for the new platform provided. We trust your platforms.

MADMAM is set to launch its sports program starting in Ganta city this August 2022.
Nimba Got Talent get set.

Mob violence leaves a man dead and others homeless in District 3 Nimba CountyA man believes to be in his mid twenties ha...

Mob violence leaves a man dead and others homeless in District 3 Nimba County

A man believes to be in his mid twenties has been allegedly killed in Geanplay town District # 3 Nimba County

Frankline Gehmie who was said to be a senior student at the Nimba County University was killed by angry mob in Geanplay Town Gbelay Geh District Nimba county
Frankline who was a resident, and hails from Duoplay Town, one of the surrounding towns around Kanplay city Gbelay Geh District, was on Tuesday morning April 20, 2022 alleged of stealing a goat over night, something that prompted the residents of Geanplay town to have beaten him mercilessly

The victim was later rush to the kanplay health center where he was pronounced dead by health practitioners on duty

Meanwhile, the people of Duoplay Town angrily invaded Geanplay town where the incident took place, looted shops, burned houses in revenge of the death of their son Frankline Gehmie.

The situation escalated to the esteem that residents of Geanplay flew for their lives leaving the town abandon,
the Liberian National Police Emergency Response Unit ERU, Police Support Unit PSU, the Liberian Immigration Service LIS border patrol Unit and the local county authorities were immediately dispatched to Geanplay to intervene in the situation and restore calm to Geanplay town.

The County Inspector of Nimba County Hon. Mark B. Gblewon has expressed disappointment over the manner in which citizens continued to take law into their hands

In an interview with our reporter, the county CI said though victim Frankline was brutally murder on allegation that he stole a goat but those accusing the victim are yet to establish evidence of the crime they alleged the victim perpetrated

He maintain there has been several arrest made and forwarded to prison awaiting trails, but did not exactly disclose where those suspect currently arrested being transfer,

He also called on all citizens to remain calm as the Liberian Police and other security apparatus lunched preliminary investigation into the situation.
He further noted that, they will make sure any one guilty face the full weight of the Law

Sad news😭😢28yrs old man identified as Preston Dolo allegedly killed his 24yrs old girlfriend for alleged Jealousy in Gle...

Sad news😭😢

28yrs old man identified as Preston Dolo allegedly killed his 24yrs old girlfriend for alleged Jealousy in Glenyiluu Community, Gompa/Ganta city.

According to report this sad accident occurred during the late hours of Sunday April 10, 2022 in Glenyiluu Community following serious argument of acquiring his Grace Menlor for sleeping with someone in the community which lead him of stabbing his girlfriend to death.

However, following the stabbing of his girlfriend, the dower Preston Dolo attended in destroying every pieces of of information which could serve as evidence for proper investigation.

Furthermore, Preston Dolo also attempted killing himself by stabbing himself in his stomach multiple times report says.

Preston Dolo is still alive but under critical condition at a nearby health center in Gompa/Ganta City undergoing treatment.

Mr. Philibert BrownProprietor HotPepper Newspaper Monrovia, Liberia Dear Mr. Brown:I feel obliged to write and denounce ...

Mr. Philibert Brown
HotPepper Newspaper
Monrovia, Liberia

Dear Mr. Brown:
I feel obliged to write and denounce your today Thursday's edition of your newspaper with a caption 'Woman Discovered Selling Human Parts in Food in Yekepa'.
As a Liberian hailing from Nimba, I am very much concern about your publication and would urge you that considering this alleged act not to only be criminal but inhumane, barbaric and uncivilized, I am seeking authenticity to such report that doesn't only defame my home of birth but an international disgrace and embarrassment to our country.
Please do me and all people of Nimba County justice by providing more details of this damaging story that you reported which has caused anxiety and confusion amongst our people in and out of Liberia.
Your failure to provide more details or to retract this unfounded story will compel us to prevail on all companies and businesses in Nimba to have your media business entity removed from their sponsorship deal they may have with you.
While we acknowledge the right to free speech, it is equally important to consider that it goes with RESPONSIBILITY which entails adhering to the ABC theory in media studies and practice something which I am convinced that your paper didn't follow but intentionally culled such fake story from a blogger's page to present as if such happened in Yekepa, Nimba County.
Best regards.
Michael T. Biddle
Citizen of Nimba County

LNP Unleashed Investigation On The Mysterious Death Of Princess Cooper.. “On March 24, 2022 at 2 PM, Police investigator...

LNP Unleashed Investigation On The Mysterious Death Of Princess Cooper..

“On March 24, 2022 at 2 PM, Police investigators were informed of the discovery of a female, Princess Cooper, 25, a resident of the Tweh Farm, Bushrod Island Community, who was lying in a pool of blood in a fence belonging to the FAWAZ Building Construction Company at the ELWA Junction, Paynesville City.

Our team of investigators immediately rushed to the scene and discovered the deceased lying in a pool of blood which oozed from her mouth and nose. A physical examination conducted established no laceration and bruises on her body.

She was immediately rushed to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead by doctors on duty. Her remains was deposited at the JFK Mogue for preservation while investigation continues in establishing facts and circumstances surrounding her death.

Yesterday, three private security guards were taken at the headquarters of the Liberia National Police and are currently undergoing interrogation while residents of the Compound, as well as employees of the company who were present in the compound before and during yesterday’s incident, are all being considered as Persons of Interest to assist the investigation”.

Signed: —————————————————
H. Moses Carter, Sr.
Press and Public Affairs Division (U-122)
Liberia National Police, RL
Tel: 0770800122


Breaking News!!!

Zogos threaten unspecified actions against Citizens and Police!!!

Please Read comprehensively!!

(Press Statement for Immediate Release)
National Union of Zogos in Liberia (NUZOL)

Monrovia, Liberia ( January 26, 2022)-- Fellow citizens, car loaders, and Motta takers, thousands of disadvantaged youths scattered across the country, Ladies and gentlemen of the press, one and all.
(NUZOL), Demands the immediate release of its peaceful members.

It is with deep regret our nation mourns the death of 30-persons at a church stampede in New Kru Town, we will like to pay homage to our falling brothers and sisters who kicked the bucket in reach of miracles due to industrialized poverty in the Country.

According to the worldwide Mission Outreach research and aid programs statistics as of 2021, there are 36,000 zogos and zoges currently in Montserrado County alone. While 82,000 others in the rest of the 14-counties I greet you all.

Note that our men numerical strength
surpasses your 2,500 geapping police officers.

Ladies and gentlemen of the press, it is inherently saddened and frustrating to hear one Patrick Sudu Inspector General of Police blaming zogos for the death of those innocent people.

Mr. Police big man, your allegations that we (zogos) caused the stampede is not just false and misleading, but it is a well-calculated lie from all the ghettos operated by Police officers in the Country and intended to derail the hard-earned contribution zogos are making to the economy.

We want to let you know Mr. Police man, that during the time of the Crusade our men were never around the premises of the D-Tweh field due to the presence of security officers of the Pastor and Police officers from the Kru Town Police Department.

We also want to state that, at no time did we invade any crusade or worship ground.

Mr. Suddu you are a pathological and certified public lair, we also give you a 24-hour ultimatum to apologize and conventionally release our colleagues your muppets arrested or face our unspecified actions both against citizens and your malnourished police officers.

This Country belongs to us too, fake policeman.

If you are not aware Mr. Liar man, your men, and women usually get high with us, sent some of us on operations, they even sell our businesses, if you don't desist from getting at us Mr. IG, we will expose all of your men that are doing armed robbery business with us.

Over the years, you people have used our silence to ride us like donkeys, killed us like chickens, and neglect some of our many compatriots. This time you people have across the pink line.

For your information, the car loading industry contributes 4-million annually to the country's economy less to say the w**d sector.

What does LNP contribute to the economy Mr man? Do you have police before mysterious is like minutes boys in the city, you have police before crazy man entered the President bedroom? you have police before 3 boys got missing from the hands of St.Moses you can't find them? You have Police before 4 auditors kissed death you can conclude the matter? Fine place and kak!

My fellow citizens, those citizens who passed away had gone in serious search of miracles, like a financial breakthrough, traveling, visa, husband or wife, job, or healing among others. As it is written in the Bible Psalm 122:1, I was glad when they said to me let us go in the house of the Lord. It is a great joy to die in the house of God and not at nightclubs, or ghettos or homes, we should not take blame me for their deaths.

If we invaded the Church gathering, why didn't we take away the offering buckets, why didn't we take the generators and other valuable things? Don't lie on us. Why nothing happen to the Pastor and the offering baskets?

To end with, we are also disappointed in our President, who stood down there for 2 hours plus, saying he was giving a speech without mentioning what is in the budget for us. No detox Center, rehabilitation, and reintegration program plan for us, Do you think our lives tie to loading cars, jerking phones, and picking pockets? We need change Mr. Musical Jorweah.

You need to respect yourself and go put us in that budget photo with not less than 5-million.

Thanks, may God Bless all zogos and zoges as they go hustle each day.

Signed __________________
Smoke All cracks
Secretary-General (NUZOL)

Fagao I
President (NUZOL)

  Criminals “Zokors” Attack Crusade Ground Leaving 30 People Dead at the New Kru town football field.On yesterday evenin...

Criminals “Zokors” Attack Crusade Ground Leaving 30 People Dead at the New Kru town football field.

On yesterday evening, a renowned man of God identified as Apostle Abraham Kromah had a crusade in the borough of New Kru Town (District-16) precisely on the Dee Tweh Field which ended successful. Of no doubt, the crusade was so overcrowded as it always appears once it’s about Apostle Abraham Kromah.

Surprisingly after the crusade ended and the apostle left, some unknown guys termed as “zokors started harassing people. With facts, many people were confused running, struggling for their lives while some people were being walked on leaving at least 30 persons dead. This tragic is unprecedented and we look forward to seeing how best the government can handle the issue of harassment in the country.

My Point Here👇😭😭😭

Normally on such scene people “zokors” to harass people steal and rob them. In such situation like last night some people started leaving soon before the service could end and some left immediately the service ended so they were safe cus no one harm them by then nights were on the field cus the apostle was still there.

Immediately the apostle left cus he’s always escorted by arm men by huge securities so when they left that’s how the zokors started harassing the people robbing them people started running here and there they were all confused people started falling down and once you fall down more than 50 people coming walk and run on you cus everybody running the zokors had weapons starving people and all they took the entrances of the field so for people to get outside wasn’t an easy thing it was so unprecedented imagine fighting for ur life then u fall down and people walking over u definitely it’s so bad and sad.....

That’s how many people died last night and many got wounded. People were taken to the Redemption Hospital and others were taken to the various clinics and drugstores cus the hospital was filled. Funny thing is the statistics about the 30 persons being dead is only coming from the hospital but those who were taken to the various clinics some of them died as well😭😭😭😭 but people won’t focusing on it only on the hospital news....

Full and actually story will be published in hours time😭😭😭😭

Breaking News!!The Nimba County Sports Steering Committee has used the 15K USD received from Mr.  Musa Hassan Bility to ...

Breaking News!!

The Nimba County Sports Steering Committee has used the 15K USD received from Mr. Musa Hassan Bility to secure a brand new Hayonda Bus for the Nimba team.

This is in fulfillment of Mr. Bility's promised to purchase a minibus for the Soccer team after winning the County Meet title.

Thanks to Nathaniel Tokpah for the update


MADAM Edith Gongloe-Weh WRITES

I shared Honorable Younquoi's post because I sense a political motivation to criticize him without understanding the relevance of Honorable Younquoi's concerns as raised therein. Let me remind readers here of the historical trend of road construction and rehabilitation throughout Liberia.

Firstly, I hope that readers are aware that the government of Liberia has the sole obligation for the construction of roads and bridges throughout the country. This includes primary and secondary (farm to market) roads. Prior to the war, the Ministry of Public Works, as the implementer of such responsibility of government, procured tons of road building equipment to carry out its national function, somewhat. The Ministry then established sub-offices in the counties to enable it execute its duties in every county. And it did so to some extent.

For example, some may recall the "public works yard in Ganta and Sanniquillie." Those communities derived their names from being the locations of the Works Ministry's storage for road equipment intended for work in Nimba County. I believe similar warehouses or workshops were in other counties prior to the war.

Fast forward to the 2000s, since the restoration of peace and the ushering in of a constitutional government after the war, the Ministry of Public Works reverted to a contract approach in the ex*****on of its duties- building/rehabilitating roads, with assistance from the donor community. This approach was inadequate to tackle the huge demand for the building and rehabilitation of roads throughout the country, and it remains that way today. Nimba County, with its size and dire need for roads, especially farm to market roads for our largely resilient agricultural population, was hard pressed for road rehabilitation, to put it lightly.

Meanwhile, the ArcerlorMittal Mineral Agreement which was signed in 2005 and amended in 2006, provided the County with an annual benefit of 1.5 million United States Dollars, which we all know about.

Hence, citizens and stakeholders of Nimba County convened a county consultative meeting, in Saclepea in 2006, to discuss ways to utilize the County's portion of the ArcelorMittal annual contribution. It was at this meeting that the decision to purchase road building equipment for the county was unanimously reached.

Following this meeting, there were some attempts to purchase used equipment for the County through the involvement of the Caucus and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2008. The deal to purchase used equipment, costing over 3 million United States Dollars, ended in confusion amongst members of the Caucus, the Minister of Internal Affairs and the commercial entity that won the controversial bid to purchase the equipment.

While the case was in court, we became Superintendent of the County in August, 2009. Under our administration, we devised a different approach, learning from the controversy over the bid process. That approach was to avoid the purchase of used and unworthy equipment, which would have definitely been a waste of money, and to purchase brand new fleets of yellow machines with the help of the President. Our intention was to decisively tackle the rehabilitation of our roads, especially our farm to market roads. This was a County decision implemented by us.

Yes, it was our primary goal to ensure that all of our roads are rehabilitated, including primary roads that are impeding the efforts of our farmers within the county. Here is the issue being discussed. When the government wants to do road works in its name, it should use the Ministry of Public Works' equipment. If the Ministry does not have the capacity to carry out its obligation and intends to use the county's equipment, it must be negotiated with the entire caucus, in collaboration with stakeholders in the county.

Here is my argument in support of the concerns raised by Honorable Younquoi. First, please disabuse your minds of politics, if any. Let's consider the fact that Public works does have a set budget for annual road construction and rehabilitation. In fact, the Ministry has one of the highest percentage of our annual national budget. That means that the Ministry already costed all the roads it has to complete within the budget year.

If the Saclepea to Diala road or any other road within the county was, by any chance, captured in the Ministry's annual work plan, then of course it was budgeted for. Yes, it is Nimba and we purchased our equipment to relief our people of the horrible road conditions during this time of the year. I am particularly aware of the condition of the road from Saclepea to Tappita and beyond. It demands urgent attention. However, the Ministry's approach should be a sort of public-private partnership engagement and not the coercive use of power. The Ministry cannot use our machines for the government to take the glory. Who repairs the Machines in case of damage when the government wants to bag the work as one of its accomplishments? And of course some agents and collaborators of the government will soon catalog the work as one of their accomplishments. They want to use what belongs to the County and shamelessly take the credit.

Lastly, the Caucus is a unit comprising nine equal members representing the constituencies of Nimba County. Decisions emanating from that body must meet at least two-thirds of its members. I think the Ministry in collaboration of the Superintendent engaged the situation with gross disregard to stakeholders of the County. If nothing is said, the next time we shall hear that the Ministry has borrowed the machines to work in other counties. I can imagine that some will then argue that the machines are meant for development in the country.

The action of the Ministry in collaboration with the county administration is not in good faith. And did I hear Senator Johnson signed the agreement with the Minister without the participation of his colleagues? To our people in Sacleoea, Tappita, Dialla and all the mega towns along the route, you need relief with the road condition. And no one in their right mind can dispute that. I have shed tears in the past years, just seeing people trapped in the mud for weeks on that road. I am glad that the machines are finally up and functional again to complete critical interventions along the road. The issue is the approach used by this government and its collaborators. The government still owes our money. I mean huge amount! Sadly, instead of paying what they owe, they want to appease us with the use of our own machines.

As I close, let me remind all readers that many detractors, some who are today beating their chest over Nimba's ownership of those machines are the ones who have consistently maligned my character for the purchase of those very same machines! Wow!! The highest level of political hypocracy and deception is at play here. I have been hypocritically accused of taking money when those monies in question were the payments for the very equipment that they are bragging about today! And they know the facts! Shameless!!! Honorable Younquoi is right to question their motives and approach.

Taa Wongbe get recognition by Forbes as next 1,000 entrepreneur.

Taa Wongbe get recognition by Forbes as next 1,000 entrepreneur.

Congratulations to our Queen Miss Odella Kanu Flomo. The Goddess of Flower. Miss Earth 2021. We are so proud of you.

Congratulations to our Queen Miss Odella Kanu Flomo. The Goddess of Flower.
Miss Earth 2021.
We are so proud of you.


Ganta Records Third Successive Fire Outbreak In Just Three Weeks

A five bedroom house was gutted by fire on Monday morning May 31, 2021 in Ganta City, Nimba County, thus burning down the entire building.

The cause of the fire which started between 5-6 AM in the Deakehmain Community is yet to be established, as authorities investigate the incident.

There was no casualty reported in the incident, as occupants managed to escape the scene with their children and some personal belongings.

Our Nimba County Correspondent who visited the scene disclosed that the pace of the fire made it more difficult for nearby residents to help extinguish it.

The situation has left victims pondering over the possibility of acquiring another home, as they appeal to good will individuals for help.

The latest incident brings to three, the number of fire outbreaks recorded in Ganta in the span of three weeks.

Meanwhile, residents are calling on national government to establish an active and efficient fire service in Ganta so as to speedily and adequately respond to the growing wave of fire incidents in the commercial City.

Breaking News:Two Trains 🚆 🚆 Belonging To Arcelor Mittal  early May 21,2021 at about 12 Am leaving about fourteen person...

Breaking News:

Two Trains 🚆 🚆 Belonging To Arcelor Mittal early May 21,2021 at about 12 Am leaving about fourteen persons wounded.

Those wounded includes Four Employees of Arcelor Mittal and ten non Employees.

Six females and eight males, no death reported so far.

Those involved in the accident are currently seeking medication at the Ganta United Methodist Hospital in Ganta City, Nimba County.

The incident occurred around mama Liberia Junction Constance's farm in District eight Nimba County.

Keep Posted...


Ganta Main Street


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