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তথাকথিত “বাঙালী ছাত্র-গণপরিষদ-নাগরিক পরিষদ“ গঠন, পাহাড়ী জনগণের বিরুদ্ধে সরকারী চক্রান্ত
পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে সংখ্যালঘু জাতিসত্তাসমূহের জনগণের বিরুদ্ধে দমন পরিচালনাকারী বাঙালী সেনাবাহিনী ও জাতীয়তাবাদী আমলা-মুৎসুদ্দি বুর্জোয়াদের বিএনপি সরকারের পক্ষ থেকে সম্প্রতি দুটো পদক্ষেপ নেয়া হয়েছে। এক হচ্ছে পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের বাঙালী ছাত্র গণপরিষদ নামের এক উগ্র জাতীয়তাবাদী সংগঠন প্রতিষ্ঠা। যারা সম্প্রতি পাহাড়ী জনতার বিরুদ্ধে ঢাকায় অপপ্রচার চালিয়ে গেল, বুর্জোয়া প্রচার মাধ্যম এবং মার্কিনের দালাল বুর্জোয়া বুদ্ধিজীবী সাংবাদিক নেতাদের সহযোগিতায়।
এদের উদ্দেশ্য স্পষ্টতই এটা যে পাহাড়ী জনতার উপর উগ্র বাঙালী জাতীয়তাবাদী সরকারের যে শোষণ-নির্যাতন তাকে ধামাচাপা দিয়ে পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের পরিস্থিতির সমস্ত দোষ পাহাড়ীদের উপর চাপানো। পাহাড়ী ও বাঙালী জনগণের মধ্যে জাতিগত সংঘাতের উসকানি প্রদান।
এ ধরনের সংগঠন নিশ্চিতভাবেই বাঙালী শ্রমিক-কৃষক-মধ্যবিত্ত জনগণের মুক্তির সপক্ষে হতে পারে না। বরং বাঙালী জনগণের মুক্তির পক্ষে মৌলিক বাধা সাম্রাজ্যবাদের দালাল বুর্জোয়া ও সাম্রাজ্যবাদের স্বার্থ রক্ষাকারী বিদ্যমান রাষ্ট্রকে টিকিয়ে রাখার স্বার্থেই এ জাতীয় সংগঠন গড়ে তোলা হয়েছে। তাই বাঙালী শ্রমিক-কৃষক-মধ্যবিত্ত জনতার কর্তব্য হচ্ছে এ ধরনের স্বৈরাচারী জাতিবিদ্বেষমূলক সংগঠনকে তীব্রভাবে বিরোধিতা করা।
অন্যদিকে সরকার পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে সংগ্রামরত শান্তিবাহিনীকে সাধারণ ক্ষমা ঘোষণা করেছে। এই নিয়ে চারবার সাধারণ ক্ষমা করা হলো। এভাবে কথিত গণতান্ত্রিক সরকার পূর্ববর্তী সরকারগুলোর মতই পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের মূল সমস্যাকে রাজনৈতিকভাবে সমাধান না করে সমস্যা থেকে দৃষ্টিকে অন্যদিকে নেয়ার চক্রান্ত করছে।
এটা পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের সমস্যার সমাধানে সরকারের সদিচ্ছার পরিচায়ক নয়, বরং এটা ভাঁওতাবাজি।
সাধারণ ক্ষমা ঘোষণার মাধ্যমে বাঙালী সরকার পাহাড়ীদের সমস্যা সমাধানে আন্তরিকতার নামে পাহাড়ী বাঙালী জনগণকে ধোঁকা দিতে চেয়েছে। যদি ন্যূনতম সদিচ্ছা তাদের থাকতো তাহলে তারা বাঙালী সেনাবাহিনীকে পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম থেকে প্রত্যাহার, বাঙালী পুনর্বাসন বন্ধ, পুনর্বাসিত বাঙালীদের ফেরত আনা, বাঙালী সেনাবাহিনীর হাতে নিহত-আহত পাহাড়ী জনগণের ক্ষতিপূরণ প্রদানসহ পাহাড়ী জনতার পরিপূর্ণ আত্মনিয়ন্ত্রণাধিকার ঘোষণা করতো। কিন্তু উগ্র বাঙালী জাতীয়তাবাদী সরকার তা করবে না- করতে পারে না। এজন্য বাঙালী জনগণকেই তা প্রতিষ্ঠার আন্দোলন করতে হবে এবং আওয়াজ তুলতে হবে-

Rally at Khagrachari to call off ceasefire and unity of Jummo nation ---------------------------------------------------...

Rally at Khagrachari to call off ceasefire and unity of Jummo nation
chtnews.blogspot.com, 29 September 2019
# Khagrachari correspondent:In this slogan, "united struggle is the only way to liberation", a procession and rally was organized in some areas of Khagrachari, calling on the JSS (Larma) to stop the conflict and to unite the Jummo nation.
These rallies were held on Sunday, September 29 at Matiranga, Manikchari, Laxmichari and Mahalchari in # Khagrachari district.
The rallies called for the formation of a united movement by avoiding conflict with the JSS (MN Larma).
Matiranga: Guimara-Matiranga this afternoon
The prominent rally was addressed by Kala Halma, member of Halfchari union and chaired by Murubi Kumar Chakma at the next rally held under the banner of the area.
Mohan Tripura, Nakrai Parabari Marma and Karbari.
"We do not want jummo vs jummo conflict, we want unity," said the assembly's performer Kala Marma. If we are involved in a conflict between ourselves, we will soon be destroyed. He urged all parties, including the JSS (Larama), to unite the movement.
Chan Mohan Tripura said, "We do not want to see brotherly brotherly conflict, unitedly see strong movement." He said those who want conflict are national enemies, they are enemies of the country. So we will hate those who want conflict, we will oppose them.
"If the ongoing conflict in the Chittagong Hill Tracts is prolonged, we will not be able to remain in peace," said Angoy Joy Marma. As the conflict continues, the oppression of the ruling party and the occupation of the land of the settlers will increase. And as a conscious citizen we cannot expect this destruction. Therefore, today I call for the end of the conflict through this rally.
Chihala Pru Karbari said the united struggle of the hills is the only way of liberation. If all united, our salvation will come, or not!
Speaking to the president, Rasik Kumar Chakma said, "We urgen all parties, including the JSS (Larama), from this rally - all of you should join hands, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, and then the movement will be strong." Land will be protected, mothers and sisters will be oppressed. Above all, the nation will be protected. # And then you will be the keeper of the nation real patriot. The nation will remember you forever. So you forget all your conflicts, conflicts and strengthen the united movement.
Manikchari: A procession and rally was held in Manikchari at 9am on the same call. Public(U.P) (members) Sumita Chakma and Nilo Chakma addressed the rally organized under the banner of Manikchari area residents.
They called on the JSS (MN Larma) to avoid conflict, saying the conflict could never be good for the nation.So stop this destructive act and build a united movement.
Laxmichhari: Former member of the party, Pachikhoi Marma, presided over the rally at Kutukchhari Bazar ground of Burmachari union of Laxmichari upazila and UP member Tony Chakma spoke on the occasion.
Speakers called for a ceasefire and said, "We do not want to disappear from the hills. Therefore, we call on the united government to fight against oppression, oppression and injustice.
# Mahalachari: On the same call, rallies were also held in Mahalachari. Speaking at a rally held this afternoon in the Upazila's Maisachari area, Marma, chairman of Maisachari union, Washington Chakma of the same union, and Murubabi Sukton Chakma of the Qianghat union.
The speakers emphasized on united struggle, saying that the existence of the nation is threatened today due to conflict. Therefore, the passage from this will be good for the nation.

Listen to what happened to Rasmani Chakma's younger brother, Suromani Chakma, arrested by the BD Army.-Part-1Fact  # Ras...

Listen to what happened to Rasmani Chakma's younger brother, Suromani Chakma, arrested by the BD Army.-Part-1
Fact # Rasmani Chakma (younger brother) On 6 August, the army surrounded the house and broke the door and arrested the duo.
I woke up early and saw my younger brother screaming loudly and Mao, Omao (help me, help me) shouting. An army member grabbed me by the throat saying, 'Why do I arrest my younger brother ?' Then tied me with rope. In front of me, younger brother@ Rasmani was beaten and physically tortured in the eye. Then two brothers were taken. An army officer brought me to Nuopara and asked me, "What are you doing? Do you do politics of UPDF? I do farming work. Saying this, took me in a car and drove me to Junamachara Primary School. As a raid member, I was going to look at the front, threatening to shoot at the rear.
# Then we informed the Ghagra UP member-chairman and tried to inform him. Where we have taken my brother, we are now in a state of panic. This is a country of peace and harmony
Who wants to make this Hill Chittagong disturbed? Who is engaged in anti-zamindari activities? Who wants to make peace in the name of peace? An innocent peasant and did not allow them to live in peace. Wants to disturb the sleep by name.

Press releaseGhagra condemns the arrest of two former UPDF membersUnited People's Democratic Front (UPDF) Rangamati Dist...

Press release
Ghagra condemns the arrest of two former UPDF members
United People's Democratic Front (UPDF) Rangamati District Unit Organizer Sachol Chakma today arrested two former UPDF members from his house in Badolchari village of Ghagra union under Kaukhali upazila of the district at 7am this morning in a statement.
In the statement, he said that at around 2am today, a group of armed men dressed in army robes went to Badolchari village, four kilometers northeast of Ghagra Sadar, adding 4 CNGs and 1 microbes and from there Rasmani Chakma (40) Dhan Chakma and Sajan Chakma (35) Lakkidhan Chakma woke up two former UPDF members. Besides, Rasmani Chakma's brother Suromani Chakma was also taken away, but he was released at the opening of the Junumachara.
He said the detainees have not been traced since the incident.
He said those arrested resigned from the party for 10-12 years and kept themselves busy in family work. Sajan Chakma rented a motorcycle, and Rasmani Chakma farmed and made a living.
The UPDF leader demanded release of those arrested immediately.

Press release--------------------------------------------Protest against murder after arrest of three UPDF members in Di...

Press release
Protest against murder after arrest of three UPDF members in Dighinala
UPDF protests in different upazila of three UPDF members Nabin Jyoti Chakma, Bhujendra Chakma and Ruchil Chakma were shot in the head after they were arrested on August 26 in Khagrachari. In the initiative, Khagrachari and Rangamati upazilas were seized separately Anger and rallies were held.
The upazilas where the rally rallies were held - Panchari, Mahalachari, Ramgarh, Manikchari, Matiranga, Laxmichhari and Rangamati Baghichari Upazila Sadar and Sajek in Khagrachari district.
Panchari: Bihar exits after three UPDF members arrested
The UPDF's Panchari Upazila unit organized a separate rally in Rangapani Chara and Dhudhokchara areas of Panchari Upazila this morning to protest the killing of the bay and demanded justice for the murder.
Nicolas Chakma, organizer of the Panchari unit of UPDF, Panchari Upazila president of the Democratic Youth Forum, Kripayan Chakma and nitidotta Chakma addressed the rally at Rangapani Chara area.
On the other hand, the organizer of the UPDF Cyclone Chakma chaired the rally held in Dhudhokhara area and addressed the function of Rodong Chakma. Organizing Secretary of Panchari Upazila Committee of the Democratic Youth Forum. Mangal Chakma and Sunil Chakma, member of the convening committee of the Greater Hill Chittagong Hill Student Council Thana.
Speakers at the rally held strongly condemned the killing of three UPDF members at Dighinala and said that the UPDF's murder was being carried out by a group of political oppressors as part of political oppression to suppress the right movement in Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Speakers immediately demanded an end to all forms of torture and torture in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, including a fair and impartial investigation into the murder and the extrajudicial killings.
Ramgarh: Lallan Chakma, organizer of UPDF's Ramgarh unit, spoke at a rally held at Ramgarh Sadar area at 9 am this morning in protest of the UPDF's Ramgarh unit protesting the killing of three UPDF activists in Dighinala
He said that the people's equitable movement could not be stopped by killing leaders and activists, torture and torture. He remarked that if the government tried to suppress the equitable movement by force, then the government should be responsible for all the circumstances.
He urged the people to stand up against the wrongdoing.
Manikchari: A protest rally was organized by the UPDF local unit in Manikchari to protest the same incident.
Speaking at a rally held at Manikchari Sadar area at 9am this morning, UPDF organizer Edison Chakma and P*P Manikchari Police Station Branch General Secretary Debit Chakma spoke. Luckying Marma, a member of P*P Manikchari police station, conducted the rally.
Speakers demanded extra-judicial killings after the arrest of three UPDF activists at Dighinala, saying that leaders and activists were being killed one after another in order to prevent the movement for realization of rights in Chittagong Hill Tracts.
They also said that the Chittagong Hill Tracts problem will not be solved by killing, oppressing. In order to establish real peace in Chittagong Hill Tracts, it must be resolved politically.
SAZAK: Protests and rallies have been organized at the initiative of the Sajek unit of UPDF to protest the killing of three UPDF members after the arrest of three UPDF members in Rangamati district.
Rupam Chakma, the organizer of the Sajek unit of UPDF, general secretary of the Sajek branch of the Democratic Youth Forum, Kalon Baran Chakma and President of the P*P Sajek Branch, Rupayan Chakma, addressed the rally on Sunday at 12 noon.
Speakers said three UPDF members were killed in a similar trial in Dighina on August 23, just three days after former UPDF activist Sumon Chakma was arrested and shot in the name of the alleged gun battle.
The speakers condemned the killing as brutal and demanded that the killers be tried and opened Ladumni Bazaar.
Besides, demonstrations were also held at Mahalachari, Matiranga, Laxmichhari and Rangamati Baghichari Upazila Sadar areas of Khagrachari district.


Press release
Protest against murder after arrest of three UPDF members in Dighinala
UPDF protests in different upazila of three UPDF members Nabin Jyoti Chakma, Bhujendra Chakma and Ruchil Chakma were shot in the head after they were arrested on August 26 in Khagrachari. In the initiative, Khagrachari and Rangamati upazilas were seized separately Anger and rallies were held.
The upazilas where the rally rallies were held - Panchari, Mahalachari, Ramgarh, Manikchari, Matiranga, Laxmichhari and Rangamati Baghichari Upazila Sadar and Sajek in Khagrachari district.
Panchari: Bihar exits after three UPDF members arrested
The UPDF's Panchari Upazila unit organized a separate rally in Rangapani Chara and Dhudhokchara areas of Panchari Upazila this morning to protest the killing of the bay and demanded justice for the murder.
Nicolas Chakma, organizer of the Panchari unit of UPDF, Panchari Upazila president of the Democratic Youth Forum, Kripayan Chakma and nitidotta Chakma addressed the rally at Rangapani Chara area.
On the other hand, the organizer of the UPDF Cyclone Chakma chaired the rally held in Dhudhokhara area and addressed the function of Rodong Chakma. Organizing Secretary of Panchari Upazila Committee of the Democratic Youth Forum. Mangal Chakma and Sunil Chakma, member of the convening committee of the Greater Hill Chittagong Hill Student Council Thana.
Speakers at the rally held strongly condemned the killing of three UPDF members at Dighinala and said that the UPDF's murder was being carried out by a group of political oppressors as part of political oppression to suppress the right movement in Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Speakers immediately demanded an end to all forms of torture and torture in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, including a fair and impartial investigation into the murder and the extrajudicial killings.
Ramgarh: Lallan Chakma, organizer of UPDF's Ramgarh unit, spoke at a rally held at Ramgarh Sadar area at 9 am this morning in protest of the UPDF's Ramgarh unit protesting the killing of three UPDF activists in Dighinala
He said that the people's equitable movement could not be stopped by killing leaders and activists, torture and torture. He remarked that if the government tried to suppress the equitable movement by force, then the government should be responsible for all the circumstances.
He urged the people to stand up against the wrongdoing.
Manikchari: A protest rally was organized by the UPDF local unit in Manikchari to protest the same incident.
Speaking at a rally held at Manikchari Sadar area at 9am this morning, UPDF organizer Edison Chakma and P*P Manikchari Police Station Branch General Secretary Debit Chakma spoke. Luckying Marma, a member of P*P Manikchari police station, conducted the rally.
Speakers demanded extra-judicial killings after the arrest of three UPDF activists at Dighinala, saying that leaders and activists were being killed one after another in order to prevent the movement for realization of rights in Chittagong Hill Tracts.
They also said that the Chittagong Hill Tracts problem will not be solved by killing, oppressing. In order to establish real peace in Chittagong Hill Tracts, it must be resolved politically.
SAZAK: Protests and rallies have been organized at the initiative of the Sajek unit of UPDF to protest the killing of three UPDF members after the arrest of three UPDF members in Rangamati district.
Rupam Chakma, the organizer of the Sajek unit of UPDF, general secretary of the Sajek branch of the Democratic Youth Forum, Kalon Baran Chakma and President of the P*P Sajek Branch, Rupayan Chakma, addressed the rally on Sunday at 12 noon.
Speakers said three UPDF members were killed in a similar trial in Dighina on August 23, just three days after former UPDF activist Sumon Chakma was arrested and shot in the name of the alleged gun battle.
The speakers condemned the killing as brutal and demanded that the killers be tried and opened Ladumni Bazaar.
Besides, demonstrations were also held at Mahalachari, Matiranga, Laxmichhari and Rangamati Baghichari Upazila Sadar areas of Khagrachari district.

Memorial at National Press Club in remember of Shaheed Tapan-Elton-Palash Chakma----------------------------------------...

Memorial at National Press Club in remember of Shaheed Tapan-Elton-Palash Chakma
August 30,2019 Chtnews.blogspot.com
Dhaka. Greater Hill Chittagong Hill students council (P*P) Democratic Youth Forum (DYF) Hill women,s Federation (HWF),Workers Front(UWDF) and Swanirvarbazar are celebrating the commemoration of those including Shaheed Tapan-Elton-Palash at the National Press Club in Dhaka on Friday (August 30th). .
The commemoration was held at the National Press Club's Jahur Hossain Chowdhury Hall at 3 pm on the slogan, "Punish the misguided clique of the murdered JSS (Larma) and the of the new Mukhosh Bahini
A minute of silence was observed at the commencement of the commemoration for those who gave their sacrifices in the struggle for the right of the hill nation of Chittagong Hill Tracts. Then Ruposi Chakma recited a brief political biography of Shaheed Tapan-Elton-Palash Chakma.
The general secretary of Bangladesh Revolutionary Workers Party Saiful Haque, member of the Communist League of the United Communist League, freedom fighter and professor Abdus Sattar, member of Basad (Maoist), Zahirul Fazil Islam, student of Jadir Fakhshul Islam and Jatiya Mukti Council leaders Faizul Hakim were present in the meeting. President MM Parvez Leylin, Revolutionary Student Youth President Atif Anik wave, students ganamancera President Syed Iqbal Kabir addressed by the president of the Revolutionary Student Alliance. The meeting was chaired by Nirupa Chakma, president of the Hill Women's Federation.
General Secretary of the Revolutionary Workers Party, Saiful Hall, said that the ruling group was representing those who were representing the hill people's self-determination movement in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and it was being planned. Which is really shocking.
He also said that by liberation war in 1971,we have liberated the country. In the war, the Pahari-Bengali blood is mixed with blood. Did we want a state like this? The state will be a humanitarian state, why the state will be demonic?
Abdus Sattar, a member of the United Communist League's editorial, said the hills were a heroic contribution to the liberation war. But after the independence of the hills, the right of self-control, the right to land, the right to identity, were denied by the Awami government at first. A large amount of troops have been deployed there with the separatist mission of the hills. Why would an army be part of an independent democratic state?
Zahirul Islam, a member of the Socialist Party of Bangladesh (Basad Marxist), said the people of the hill are not good, the majority of the people of the plane are not at peace. The state, in the name of crossfire, encounter, gunfire, killing anyone who does not like it. In a word, the state has now become an instrument of oppression.
Referring to recently disappeared UPDF leader Michel Chakma, editor of the National Liberation Council Faizul Hakim said, "It is very sad that some of the people for whom we are reminded today are aged 25,some are aged 26 and some are 30"
He said that the persecution policy that was being carried out by conspiracy groups was in the external constitution. In that constitution, the minorities on the hills and plains have been denied. They have not yet recognized these nationalities even after the ruling Awami government was in power. When the state denies its own people, the behavior of the state towards the minorities can be estimated.
It is note that on August 18 last year, armed forces of Mukhush bahini Elton, Youth Forum leader Palash Chakma, Tapan Chakma were killed in an armed attack by army-Mukhush bahini terrorists in Khagrachari district headquarters. A year has passed since the incident but the administration has not arrested the killers yet.

Bondukbangga accused of burning house of a widow hill woman by army !!----------------------------------------------Rang...

Bondukbangga accused of burning house of a widow hill woman by army !!
Rangamati representative. It is alleged that members of the army burnt the house of a widow of a hill woman in the village of Tibirechari, to the left of the Bondukbangga union of Rangamati Sadar Upazila.
The person whose house was burnt is Mrs Nirupa Chakma husband-deceased Sudharma Chakma.
According to the complaint, on Wednesday (August 28), at around 12pm, a group of army personnel took along some of the Bahini forces and attacked the left village of Tiberechhari. At that time, the army set fire to Nirupa Chakma's house without any reason.

The problem of the mountains is not military but political----------------------------------------------Daily Ittefaq, U...

The problem of the mountains is not military but political
Daily Ittefaq, University Reporter | Release Date: August 28, 12:1AM
Several hill student organizations have staged a humanitarian and protest rally at Dhaka University (Dhaka) demanding that the hill minorities be 'massacred' in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. They claim the mountain problem is not a military issue but a political problem. It would be wrong for the government to try to resolve it militarily.
They celebrated the program at the foot of the Raju sculpture of the university on Tuesday under the banner of Chittagong Hill Tracts Council. During this time various slogans and placards were displayed. Their demands include - judging the killings that have taken place in the mountains for a few days, shutting down the silent 'genocide', judging those who have killed the hills and withdrawing the forces that were 'illegally' deployed there. They complain that the government has created a kind of discrimination in the name of development. Although the constitution gives the rights of minorities, the army has been deployed in violation of the constitution.
Sunoyan Chakma, general secretary of the Hill Student Council, said, “The problem of Chittagong Hill Tracts is a political problem. This is not a military issue. There, the army is murdering political men. If the government of Bangladesh wants to solve the problems of the mountains through murder, we will say that the government is doing very wrong. They will have to respond one day to those who are passing the political problems of Chittagong Hill Tracts and killing innocent people in the name of gunfire. ”
The hill organization 'Hill Women's Federation' president Nirupa Chakma said, "Yesterday, three UPDF activists were beaten and killed by the army in the name of gunfire." They are already committing these killings. There, those who speak out against oppression, protest against wrongdoing, are beaten and killed to shut their mouths. '

On August 26 around 3 am, the army members broke the door of the house from Suman Chakma resident of Dighinala Kripapur ...

On August 26 around 3 am, the army members broke the door of the house from Suman Chakma resident of Dighinala Kripapur area and closed the eyes of three UPDF personnel while they were asleep and took them to the army camp. Suman Chakma's wife was talking about the murder. Duke at the house told everyone to get out Not a member Sumon Chakma, wife is asking whether her mobile phone? Sumon Chakma, wife she says, there is no mobile phone. When the army members asked for more, they said, "Sir I do not understand Bangla"
# Suman Chakma's wife says they have no weapons in their hands.
# The incident was publicized by the army and media as the gun battle and attack on the army patrol team.
The UPDF media has been saying from the beginning that three UPDF members were arrested and killed in cold head with a brushfire. No shells, no gun war.

Press release ---------------------------------------------- August 27 P*P protests in Dhaka to protest crossfire killin...

Press release
August 27
P*P protests in Dhaka to protest crossfire killing by army in Chittagong Hill Tracts A protest rally was organized today at the University of Dhaka on August 27, protesting the killing of three UPDF personnel in the cross fire by the army in the dighinala of Khagrachari in the name of gun battle. Speakers said a breathtaking situation was prevailing in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The freedom of expression of hill people is being forgotten day by day. False lawsuits, killings and disappearances are being leveled against discrimination. The army and administration are engaged in a vain attempt to establish their promotion trade by forming new masked forces and patronizing special groups. And the situation is being waged again by the army camp. Speakers also said that the army resumed their activities in Chittagong Hill Tracts by killing Sajek Sumon Chakma and arresting three UPDF leaders at Dighinala on August 26 in crossfire. The army was actively involved in the abduction of Kalpana Chakma, the beating of Ramel Chakma, the r**e and murder of two Marma girls at Bilaichhari in Rangamati. These cases are becoming more and more desperate for justice. The speakers said that the problem of Chittagong Hill Tracts is a complete political problem. It has to be resolved politically. With the military, the problem will not be solved in the language of the weapon. Rather, it will lead to bloodshed. The constitutional recognition of the hill nations and their right to self-governance must be given. Speakers demanded withdrawal of army from Chittagong Hill Tracts, closure of cross-fire and trial of the soldiers involved in the killing. The meeting was chaired by P*P Dhaka branch president Shubhasish Chakma and general secretary Ripon Jyoti Chakma.

National Liberation Council condemns the killing of three UPDF activists----------------------------------------------Au...

National Liberation Council condemns the killing of three UPDF activists
August 27
Dhaka. National Liberation Council President Badruddin Umar and editor Faizul Hakim issued a statement on Tuesday (August 27th), condemning the government's policy of abolishing the political awakening of the people of Chittagong Hill Tracts in the grassroots, and condemning the nation. have to do.
Leaders have strongly condemned the killing of three UPDF activists in the name of 'bullets'.
In the statement, the leaders said that the obstructed situation that was created by taking away the freedom of organizing the assembly of the people of Chittagong Hill Tracts; Domestic and foreign interest groups are exploiting this situation.
In a statement, the leaders said that by dismantling the freedom of organizing a people's assembly, bypassing the freedom of expression, by issuing extrajudicial killings in the name of the missing gun war, imposing a culture of fear on the people, casting their voting right to elect the representative of the people through direct participation of the people. Has been Of this terrorist dictatorship,
The brunt of the fascist regime is now on the people.
The statement urged the country's democratic and progressive forces to speak out against the state's killing and terrorism on the hills.

Protests and rallies in the joint venture of the Pahari Chatra Parishad,C.U and Metropolitan Branch in Chittagong City.-...

Protests and rallies in the joint venture of the Pahari Chatra Parishad,C.U and Metropolitan Branch in Chittagong City.
A protest was held at Chittagong Metropolitan City today in protest of the killing of three UPDF members Nabin Jyoti Chakma, Bhujendra Chakma and Ruchil Chakma in an unprecedented manner in Khagrachari Dighinala. Chittagong Hill Tracts stop killing people in the name of gun battle across the country
A rally was organized from DCHILL to the Cheragi Hills at the press club.
Amit Chakma presided over the functioning of the P*P office secretary Sohel Chakma, while the organizing secretary Ronel Chakma and the central general secretary of the Hill Women's Federation Monty Chakma spoke.
Speakers at the rally said that on Sunday, August 26,at around 2pm on Sunday night, a Sumon Chakma house surrounded a house in Kripapur in Dighinala upazila. He was inhumanly tortured overnight and taken to the jungle called Binondachug near the camp at around 8am this morning and killed in a crossfire.
Chittagong Hill Tracts, like the whole country, have killed people indiscriminately and put the countrymen in virtually a dire situation. The speakers said the three UPDF members were "shot in the head" like a bird and expressed deep concern at the rally.
Speakers also said that the Bangladesh Army had confined indigenous peoples to the zoo animals by militarizing the Chittagong Hill Tracts. As a result, whomever he wishes to shoot, he is unjustly arrested and involved in the case.
Finally, the Speaker of the meeting said that the student youth of the hill also announced the completion of the rally by urging the people to be physically and mentally prepared to face any difficult situation in the coming days. বাংলা হতে ইংরেজি অনুবাদ।

There was an agreement to bring peace back to the mountains. The peacekeepers submitted weapons, but the army did not re...

There was an agreement to bring peace back to the mountains. The peacekeepers submitted weapons, but the army did not return to the barracks. So there was no peace and return to Chittagong Hill Tracts.
In the near future, a new war is waiting to bring peace to the mountains, which will lead today's young students.
Let it be. Do or Die.




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