#journalwithme #journalideas #journalingcollage #journalingaddict #journalscrapbook #aestheticjournal #journalingcommunity #creativejournal #journalingcollage #collagejournaling #collageoftheday #journalofinstagram #scrapbooking
Decorate the folder for my shop's diecuts
#journalideas #journalingcollage #journalingaddict #aestheticjournal #journalscrapbook #creativejournalingcommunity #journalingcommunity #creativejournal #journaling #diecuts #diecuthaul #diecutforjournaling #diecutframes #diecutting
Are you looking for decorative cuts???🥰 checkout my #kofishop and follow to be the first in the know.
#journalideas #journalingcollage #journalingaddict #aestheticjournal #journalscrapbook #journaling #journaladdict #papercrafting #diecuts #journalingcommunity #creativejournal #creativejournalingcommunity #papercuts
Happy New Year! May your year be filled with endless creativity, colorful inspiration, and the joy of crafting something truly beautiful. Here's to another year of making magic with your hands and heart!
From Doodly Ruby with 💕💕💕
Once upon a time...
#creativejournalingcommunity #journalingaddict #journalingcollage #journalingcommunity #journalideas #journalscrapbook #aestheticjournal #creativejournal #Winterjournalchallenge #princessjournal #aestheticjournaling #collagejournal #journalwithme #journalinspiration
What is gonna be revealed today?
#journalideas #journalingcollage #journalingaddict #aestheticjournal #creativejournalingcommunity #journalingaddict #journalingcollage #journalscrapbook #journalingcommunity #creativejournal #creativejournalingcommunity
Christmas in blue, white, and silver? Your wish is my command!❄️🤍. Such an excellent color choice 🤍❄️
Packing the orders with me
#journalinspiration #journalingcollage #journalingaddict #journalscrapbook #aestheticjournal #journalingaddict #journallove #journalingyourway #packingorders #journaling #journalofinstagram #winterjournalchallenge #winterjournal #holidayscrapbooking #holidayjunkjournal #winterscrapbooking
You're never too old to dream of a winter wonderland. Let your imagination drift with the falling snow.
#journalinspiration #journaladdict #journalingcollage #journalideas #journaling #journalwithmevideo #journalscrapbook #winterjournal #journalingcommunity #creativejournalingcommunity #aestheticjournal #journalformentalhealth #journalofinstagram #winterjournalchallenge #collagejournaling #aestheticjournal
#journalideas #journalingcollage #journalingaddict #aestheticjournal #journalscrapbook #creativejournalingcommunity #journallove #journalingcommunity #creativejournal #journaling #aestheticjournal #collagejournaling
At the start of this year, I began this junk journal, not knowing where the pages would take me and though it's still a work in progress, I could't resist flipping through it as November comes to a close.
As I flip through it, page by page, it feels like a journey through time—little pieces of creativity, and memories collected over the months. It’s amazing how much you can hold within a year, all tucked between the covers of a journal.
Here’s a peek inside🥰
#creativejournalingcommunity #junkjournal #junkjournalingcommunity #junkjournalideas #journalingcollage #journalingformentalhealth #journalinspiration #journalingaddict #journalingcommunity #creativejournalingcommunity #creativejournalingideas #creativejournaling #collagejournaling #collagejournal #aestheticjournal #journalflipthrough
Journal With Me🌨️🌨️
#journalideas #journalingcollage #journalingaddict #aestheticjournal #journalscrapbook #creativejournalingcommunity #creativejournal #journalingcommunity #creativejournalingideas #journalinspiration #journalingcollage #journalofinstagram #winterjournal #wintervibes
Inky fingers and rubber stamps… because creativity is way more fun when it gets a little messy!
Let's make some diy labels with me
#creativejournalingcommunity #journalinspiration #journalscrapbook #journallove #journalingaddict #artjournaling #journalideas #journalingcollage #journalingcommunity