Fiya's Trivia

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Fiya's Trivia Fiya's Trivia is a podcast about just about everything under the sun. And beyond! Started the podca

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Dear friends, it's with a mix of nostalgia and excitement that I share this bittersweet news with you today. After four amazing years of laughter, learning, and exploration together, I've decided to hit the pause button on our podcast journey—for now. This decision hasn't come lightly, but I believe it's time for me to venture into new adventures, to explore uncharted territories, and to embrace the unknown. As for the future of our podcast, it's uncertain. I'm not sure when—or if—I'll be back. But rest assured, the memories we've shared and the lessons we've learned will forever be etched in my heart. Thank you for your unwavering support, your endless enthusiasm, and your boundless curiosity. With love and gratitude, this is Fiya, signing off.

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Finding your passionHave you ever found yourself bored, unfulfilled or ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Finding your passion

Have you ever found yourself bored, unfulfilled or without a clear direction in life? Join me on a journey of self-discovery to find your passion and the keys to unlocking a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy! Join in as we dive deep into the heart of what it means to find your passion, offering practical insights, inspiring stories, and actionable strategies to help you ignite your inner fire and pursue your dreams with unwavering enthusiasm.

Have you ever found yourself bored, unfulfilled or without a clear direction in life? Join me on a journey of self-discovery to find your passion and the keys to unlocking a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy! Join in as we dive deep into the heart of what it means to find your passion,.... have a celesti...

We have a celestial spectacle lined up for you this episode, where the sun plays hide and seek with the moon! Listen in to know the science behind solar eclipse, the different types of solar eclipses, the duration, frequency, the cultural significance and some fun facts!

We have a celestial spectacle lined up for you this episode, where the sun plays hide and seek with the moon! Listen in to know the science behind solar eclipse, the different types of solar eclipses, the duration, frequency, the cultural significance and some fun facts! this episode, we boldly go where no...

In this episode, we boldly go where no podcast has gone before - we travel to the past and the future! We journey through the world of time travel, learn about wormholes, twin paradox, time loops, grandfather paradox and more. If you want to know if time travel could ever become a reality, listen in!

In this episode, we boldly go where no podcast has gone before - we travel to the past and the future! We journey through the world of time travel, learn about wormholes, twin paradox, time loops, grandfather paradox and more. If you want to know if time travel could ever become a reality, listen in...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Unlocking the science of sleepEver wondered why we spend one third of o...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Unlocking the science of sleep

Ever wondered why we spend one third of our lives sleeping? Or what's happening in our brains when we dream? Join me on this journey to uncover the mysteries behind our nightly adventures

Ever wondered why we spend one third of our lives sleeping? Or what's happening in our brains when we dream? Join me on this journey to uncover the mysteries behind our nightly adventures

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Quantum QuestImagine a world where particles can be in multiple pla...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Quantum Quest

Imagine a world where particles can be in multiple places at the same time, where cats can be both alive and dead at the same time (thanks to Schrödinger for that thought!), and where looking at something can actually change what happens! Sounds like a sci-fi movie right? But guess what, this is the reality of the quantum world! Listen in to learn some quantum concepts and how it affects our day to day life.

Imagine a world where particles can be in multiple places at the same time, where cats can be both alive and dead at the same time (thanks to Schrödinger for that thought!), and where looking at something can actually change what happens! Sounds like a sci-fi movie right? But guess what, this is th...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Magic of HoudiniIn this episode we unlock the secrets of a legendar...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Magic of Houdini

In this episode we unlock the secrets of a legendary wizard of the past - the one and only Harry Houdini! You get a glimpse of the secrets behind the Chinese water torture cell and the Milk can escape. He turned magic into a heart-pounding spectacle, blending danger, excitement and a touch of the extra ordinary! His magic continues forever.

In this episode we unlock the secrets of a legendary wizard of the past - the one and only Harry Houdini! You get a glimpse of the secrets behind the Chinese water torture cell and the Milk can escape. He turned magic into a heart-pounding spectacle, blending danger, excitement and a touch of the ex...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Inflation - the good, bad and uglyHave you ever felt that the value of ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Inflation - the good, bad and ugly

Have you ever felt that the value of your money is decreasing and that the same amount of money buys you a lot less today than earlier? That my friends, is inflation. Did you know that Zimbabwe had an inflation of 79.6 billion %?! And in Venezuela people needed wheelbarrows of cash just to buy groceries! Japan had a different problem - they had negative inflation or deflation. Listen to this episode to understand what causes inflation and what can be done to control it. Also learn about some interesting inflation related trivia.

Have you ever felt that the value of your money is decreasing and that the same amount of money buys you a lot less today than earlier? That my friends, is inflation. Did you know that Zimbabwe had an inflation of 79.6 billion %?! And in Venezuela people needed wheelbarrows of cash just to buy groce...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The mystery and magic of Coca cola In this episode we explore the world...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The mystery and magic of Coca cola

In this episode we explore the world-wide phenomenon that is Coca cola, and uncover the secrets behind its 125 years old legendary formula. The recipe is such a secret, that it is divided into two parts and kept in high security vaults! Coca cola's logo is one of the most recognized symbols on the planet! Today, it is available in every country in the world except Cuba and North Korea. Listen in, to learn many more interesting trivia!

In this episode we explore the world-wide phenomenon that is Coca cola, and uncover the secrets behind its 125 years old legendary formula. The recipe is such a secret, that it is divided into two parts and kept in high security vaults! Coca cola's logo is one of the most recognized symbols on the p...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Kings and Queens of the 21st centuryAre Kings & Queens a thing of the p...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Kings and Queens of the 21st century

Are Kings & Queens a thing of the past? Well, not quite! In the 21st century, there are 43 sovereign states in the world with a Monarch as the head of state. In this episode we learn about the various types of monarchies, the countries ruled by monarchs and learn about some of the most extra-ordinary and influential royal figures of this century.

Are Kings & Queens a thing of the past? Well, not quite! In the 21st century, there are 43 sovereign states in the world with a Monarch as the head of state. In this episode we learn about the various types of monarchies, the countries ruled by monarchs and learn about some of the most extra-ordinar...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Random acts of kindnessRandom acts of kindness, whether to family and f...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness, whether to family and friends or to complete strangers, not only gives joy to the receiver, but also the giver. Infact, many a times the giver feels more joy! Small things that don't cost much can make someone's day or uplift their mood. Listen to this episode to hear heart warming examples of random acts of kindness. Hope it inspires you to spread some joy around you and make the world a better place!

Random acts of kindness, whether to family and friends or to complete strangers, not only gives joy to the receiver, but also the giver. Infact, many a times the giver feels more joy! Small things that don't cost much can make someone's day or uplift their mood. Listen to this episode to hear heart....

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Kumbh mela the most phenomenal spiritual partyKumbh mela is one of the ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Kumbh mela the most phenomenal spiritual party

Kumbh mela is one of the most fascinating Hindu festivals and the largest peaceful gathering of human beings on Earth! The Purna kumbh is celebrated in 4 cities in rotation all of which are on the banks of a river - Allahabad or Prayagraj, Haridwar, Nashik and Ujjain. Legend has it that when the Gods and Demons were fighting over a Kumbh or a pot of Amrit (nectar of immortality), the nectar fell on these 4 cities. It is said that 200 million people from all over the world attended the 2019 Kumbh Mela! Listen to this episode to learn about a lot more interesting stories.

Kumbh mela is one of the most fascinating Hindu festivals and the largest peaceful gathering of human beings on Earth! The Purna kumbh is celebrated in 4 cities in rotation all of which are on the banks of a river - Allahabad or Prayagraj, Haridwar, Nashik and Ujjain. Legend has it that when the God...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Processed food - To eat or Not to eat With our lives getting busier, it...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Processed food - To eat or Not to eat

With our lives getting busier, it is so easy and convenient to get ready to eat packaged foods and munch on chips and other packaged snacks. These are called processed foods which are modified in some way - mechanically, chemically or thermally. This is usually done to increase the shelf life of the product, improve the texture and add flavor. During processing, unhealthy fats, preservatives, additives, like sugar and sodium are added to the food. In this episode we talk about the pros and cons of processed food and how to make healthier choices. Choose wisely, your health is in your hands.

With our lives getting busier, it is so easy and convenient to get ready to eat packaged foods and munch on chips and other packaged snacks. These are called processed foods which are modified in some way - mechanically, chemically or thermally. This is usually done to increase the shelf life of the...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Pass life on - Organ donationHundreds of thousands of people die every ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Pass life on - Organ donation

Hundreds of thousands of people die every year in India, even though their lives could have been saved if someone else who dies had donated their organs. People of all ages, irrespective of gender, blood group, skin color etc. can donate their organs. Each person has the potential to save up to 8 lives. And yet, only 0.08% of people have registered to be organ donors. Many people don't because they feel they are too old or not fit. In this episode we bust many myths and share how one can register to be a donor

Hundreds of thousands of people die every year in India, even though their lives could have been saved if someone else who dies had donated their organs. People of all ages, irrespective of gender, blood group, skin color etc. can donate their organs. Each person has the potential to save up to 8 li...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Every breath you take

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Every breath you take

One of the most basic functions of the human body, breathing not only fuels the body with oxygen, it can also clear a foggy mind and help strengthen muscles. It is not called "the breath of life" for nothing. Yet few people learn how to breathe in a way that allows the body to function the way it sh...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: It's never too late to follow your dreams At what age are you supposed ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: It's never too late to follow your dreams

At what age are you supposed to forget about your dreams? How old is too old to do something new? Short answer: Never! In this episode we learn about Harland Sanders who first franchised a KFC outlet at 62, Mani aunty who transformed her hobby into a successful business at 88, Harry Bernstein who became a successful author at 96, Boman Irani who got his big break in movies at 44, Gladys Burrill who completed a marathon at 92, and more such inspirational stories. After listening to these stories, you will agree that it is never to late to start anything new.

At what age are you supposed to forget about your dreams? How old is too old to do something new? Short answer: Never! In this episode we learn about Harland Sanders who first franchised a KFC outlet at 62, Mani aunty who transformed her hobby into a successful business at 88, Harry Bernstein who be...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: All that glitters is Gold! Did you know that Gold is not formed on Eart...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: All that glitters is Gold!

Did you know that Gold is not formed on Earth but has come from outer space? And that 85% of gold ever mined is still in circulation? Or that 75% of Indian households own gold in some form or the other, making India the largest holder of the precious metal in the world? Now Indians have this fascination for the yellow metal and India's love for gold is as ancient as its culture. In this episode we learn more about the metal, where it comes from, why it is so valuable, the gold standard and a lot of interesting facts.

Did you know that Gold is not formed on Earth but has come from outer space? And that 85% of gold ever mined is still in circulation? Or that 75% of Indian households own gold in some form or the other, making Indian the largest holder of the precious metal in the world? Now Indians have this fascin... of us know that Mount Everest is the tallest place on Earth. But do...

Most of us know that Mount Everest is the tallest place on Earth. But do you know which is the deepest place on Earth? It is the Mariana trench in the western Pacific ocean and is 11km or 36000 feet deep! It was created when two tectonic plates crashed into each other. Humans have explore the Mariana trench for the same reasons as we have explore space - to see if there is life out there. But though thousands have summitted Everest, only 3 divers have explored the Challenger Deep which is the deepest point in the Mariana trench, and Hollywood director James Cameron is one of them! Listen to this episode to learn many more interesting facts

Most of us know that Mount Everest is the tallest place on Earth. But do you know which is the deepest place on Earth? It is the Mariana trench in the western Pacific ocean and is 11km or 36000 feet deep! It was created when two tectonic plates crashed into each other. Humans have explore the Marian...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Santa Claus is coming to town!

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Santa Claus is coming to town!

Christmas is around the corner and the Christmas spirit is in the air. And children are looking forward to Santa Claus and his gifts! But Santa Claus and gifting is a recent phenomenon. In this episode we learn about the various characters from history that Santa is influenced from, Santa's official home in Lapland, Finland, about climbing down the chimney and reindeer and a lot more!

Christmas is around the corner and the Christmas spirit is in the air. And children are looking forward to Santa Claus and his gifts! But Santa Claus and gifting is a recent phenomenon. In this episode we learn about the various characters from history that Santa is influenced from, Santa's official... all the diamonds in the world, the Kohi...

Of all the diamonds in the world, the Kohinoor is by far the most famous with truck loads of drama! According to folklore, a Hindu description warns that "He who owns this diamond will own the world, but, will also know all its misfortunes". Only God or a woman can wear it with impunity. Throughout history, the cursed diamond traded hands and caused the fall of many kingdoms. Brothers set against brothers; sons overthrowing their fathers; the history and lives of rulers who owned the Kohinoor diamond were filled with violence, murder, mutilation, torture and treachery. Whether or not people believe in the curse of the Kohinoor diamond, the history of the stone is undeniable.

Of all the diamonds in the world, the Kohinoor is by far the most famous with truck loads of drama! According to folklore, a Hindu description warns that "He who owns this diamond will own the world, but, will also know all its misfortunes". Only God or a woman can wear it with impunity. Throughout.... grew up watching a lot of Martial Arts movies starring Br...

I grew up watching a lot of Martial Arts movies starring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan whose flying kicks and quick reflexes seemed to defy the laws of physics and I was so in awe of them. And there is a cool quotient that gets associated with people who practice Martial Arts. This episode is about the history and different types of Martial Arts and how India played a role in one of the most popularly known Chinese Martial Art form.

I grew up watching a lot of Martial Arts movies starring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan whose flying kicks and quick reflexes seemed to defy the laws of physics and I was so in awe of them. And there is a cool quotient that gets associated with people who practice Martial Arts. This episode is about the....

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Bucket listThe idea behind a bucket list is, as they say in the movie w...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Bucket list

The idea behind a bucket list is, as they say in the movie with the same title, to create a list of things you hope to do before you "kick the bucket", basically before you die. Many people will live their entire lives without having any idea of what they really want. They follow society's conventions like getting a job, getting married, having children, buying a house, because that is what they are "supposed to do". A bucket list helps you focus on things you like to do; those things that give you a jolt of excitement and give you the most wonderful memories. People often say they don't know what to add to the bucket list. But there is a structured approach to creating a bucket list and in this episode I will guide you to create one.

The idea behind a bucket list is, as they say in the movie with the same title, to create a list of things you hope to do before you "kick the bucket", basically before you die. Many people will live their entire lives without having any idea of what they really want. They follow society's conventio...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Do parallel universes exist?Our Universe is unimaginably big with billi...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Do parallel universes exist?

Our Universe is unimaginably big with billions of galaxies and stars in it. But is there anything beyond what we can see and know? Science fiction and even some scientists believe that there could be an infinite number of universes called parallel universes that exist alongside ours, with anything from small differences in events to entirely different rules of Physics! This idea has references in religion and mythology as well. As well as many movies and books like Spiderman, Dr. Who, Star Trek and others. Would you like to go meet yourself in another Universe?!

Our Universe is unimaginably big with billions of galaxies and stars in it. But is there anything beyond what we can see and know? Science fiction and even some scientists believe that there could be an infinite number of universes called parallel universes that exist alongside ours, with anything f...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Turning Adversity into OpportunityWe're faced with so many adverse situ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Turning Adversity into Opportunity

We're faced with so many adverse situations in our life. Some of us just sit back and curse, give up or blame fate or someone else. But there are some who take charge, see the opportunity in the problem and make the most of it. We will learn about a few such inspiring people who see prospects where others only see problems who turn adversity into opportunity.

We're faced with so many adverse situations in our life. Some of us just sit back and curse, give up or blame fate or someone else. But there are some who take charge, see the opportunity in the problem and make the most of it. We will learn about a few such inspiring people who see prospects where....

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Hallyu - The Korean WaveHallyu is a Chinese term which literally means ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Hallyu - The Korean Wave

Hallyu is a Chinese term which literally means "Korean Wave" referring to the global craze for Korean culture. It is a collective term used to refer to the phenomenal growth of Korean culture including everything from movies, music, drama, to online games and cuisine. It is a way for Korea to develop its soft power. Dramas like Crash Landing on You, movies like Parasite, bands like BTS and the extreme popularity of their songs like Butter and Dynamite have made Hallyu the phenomenon it is today.

Hallyu is a Chinese term which literally means "Korean Wave" referring to the global craze for Korean culture. It is a collective term used to refer to the phenomenal growth of Korean culture including everything from movies, music, drama, to online games and cuisine. It is a way for Korea to develo...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Lucid dreaming We all dream almost everyday, but while dreaming, we don...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Lucid dreaming

We all dream almost everyday, but while dreaming, we don't really know it's a dream. Lucid dreams are those where you "know" that you are dreaming while you are asleep and dreaming! You're aware that the events flashing through your brain aren't really happening. But the dream feels vivid and real. You may even be able to control how the action unfolds, as if you're directing a movie in your sleep!

We all dream almost everyday, but while dreaming, we don't really know it's a dream. Lucid dreams are those where you "know" that you are dreaming while you are asleep and dreaming! You're aware that the events flashing through your brain aren't really happening. But the dream feels vivid and real.....

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Superheroes!Most of us love reading superhero books and watching superh...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Superheroes!

Most of us love reading superhero books and watching superhero movies. Many even secretly dream of having superpowers and saving the world! In this episode we learn about the history of super heroes, what qualities they have and why we love them. Hear about the super powers of Superman, Batman, Phantom, Spiderman, Hulk, Ironman, their backgrounds the costumes they wear and how they help the world around them. There are a few interesting Indian super heroes too. But superheroes make mistakes too and have their own flaws. That is what makes them so relatable. And if they can make mistakes, learn from them and get better, we can too. There is a bit of a super hero in each of us and we should strive to bring that out.

Most of us love reading superhero books and watching superhero movies. Many even secretly dream of having superpowers and saving the world! In this episode we learn about the history of super heroes, what qualities they have and why we love them. Hear about the super powers of Superman, Batman, Phan...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Plastic is not fantasticOur planet is bogged down by the weight of plas...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Plastic is not fantastic

Our planet is bogged down by the weight of plastic we humans have used and discarded over generations. Plastic's wide range of unique properties has made it indispensable, but single use plastics account for 40% of the plastic made each year. And the amount of plastic made in the first 10 years of this century is more than what was produced in the entire last century, most of which is landfilled and will remain on earth for centuries. Plastics pollute soil water and air resulting in severe health impacts for all living species and is also a major cause for global warming. It is predicted that by 2050 the mass of plastic in the oceans will be more than the mass of fishes. Millions of animals are killed by plastics every year. The world is facing a plastic crisis and status quo is not an option. Say no to plastic!

Our planet is bogged down by the weight of plastic we humans have used and discarded over generations. Plastic's wide range of unique properties has made it indispensable, but single use plastics account for 40% of the plastic made each year. And the amount of plastic made in the first 10 years of t...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Road Best TraveledI am an avid traveler, rather a travel addict! I ...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Road Best Traveled

I am an avid traveler, rather a travel addict! I have traveled extensively across the globe visiting 35 countries across 5 continents. In this episode I share interesting anecdotes and things that travel has taught me. The kindness of people, the wonder of nature the astuteness of the human mind that can be experienced in the magnificent man made monuments, the mind numbing cruelty of a dictator, art, music, food, culture, adventure, you name it. Travel gives you an opportunity to experience all this and more.

I am an avid travel, rather a travel addict! I have traveled extensively across the globe visiting 35 countries across 5 continents. In this episode I share interesting anecdotes and things that travel has taught me. The kindness of people, the wonder of nature the astuteness of the human mind that....

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Sol, our magnificent Sun!A big bang happened 13.8 billion years ago and...

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Sol, our magnificent Sun!

A big bang happened 13.8 billion years ago and that was the birth of our Universe which expanded from a dot to several billion kilometers in a few minutes! After 400 million years, the first stars and galaxies were formed. And about 4.6 billion years ago, our sun was born from the remnants of a supernova explosion of another star. and then all the planets and the solar system was formed. We also learn a lot of fun facts about the Sun.

A big bang happened 13.8 billion years ago and that was the birth of our Universe which expanded from a dot to several billion kilometers in a few minutes! After 400 million years, the first stars and galaxies were formed. And about 4.6 billion years ago, our sun was born from the remnants of a supe...




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