I recently heard from two daughters that my youngest granddaughters have discovered The Silver Wreath's North Pole Stories. Then a request come from somewhere that I should read these stories to them .... do you remember Christmas 2020 when Covid had us all pacing our living rooms, unable to visit friends? I did record three of the books at that time and made them available online - for free! But, what happened to the link to these tales? I found it and they are alive and well. If you would like to pause and enjoy a delightful story from the reindeer barn at the North Pole, go to woodsmanstories.com and click on the Christmas stocking, or click here: https://www.woodsmanstories.com/christmastales.html
If these stories bring a smile to your face and you would like them for your own, read to your grandchildren, look up North Pole Stories on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DKPFNKQ2
And if I don't get back, Merry Christmas.
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