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PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 5 de agostoTONELADA (ton)Ejemplo básico: La fábrica produce varias toneladas...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 5 de agosto


Ejemplo básico: La fábrica produce varias toneladas de acero al mes. (The factory produces several tons of steel per month.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El camión cargado con toneladas de mercancía pesada se dirigió hacia el puerto para su exportación. (The truck loaded with tons of heavy goods headed towards the port for export.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 4 de agostoSACAR BUENAS NOTAS (to get good grades)Ejemplo básico: Estudio mu...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 4 de agosto

SACAR BUENAS NOTAS (to get good grades)

Ejemplo básico: Estudio mucho para sacar buenas notas en mis exámenes. (I study a lot to get good grades on my exams.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Mi hermana siempre se esfuerza por sacar buenas notas y está en el cuadro de honor de su escuela. (My sister always strives to get good grades and she's on the honour roll at her school.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 3 de agostoFOLLETO (brochure, pamphlet)Ejemplo básico: Tomé un folleto del h...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 3 de agosto

FOLLETO (brochure, pamphlet)

Ejemplo básico: Tomé un folleto del hotel para obtener información sobre sus servicios. (I took a brochure from the hotel to get information about their services.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El folleto detallaba los atractivos turísticos de la ciudad y ofrecía descuentos en las entradas. (The brochure detailed the tourist attractions of the city and offered discounts on tickets.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 2 de agostoATROPELLAR (to run over, to hit)Ejemplo básico: Ten cuidado al cr...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 2 de agosto

ATROPELLAR (to run over, to hit)

Ejemplo básico: Ten cuidado al cruzar la calle, te pueden atropellar. (Be careful when crossing the street, you could get run over.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El conductor distraído atropelló a un peatón quien fue llevado rápidamente al hospital. (The distracted driver ran over a pedestrian who was quickly taken to the hospital.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 1 de agostoESTAR HARTO DE (to be fed up with)Ejemplo básico: Estoy harto de ...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 1 de agosto

ESTAR HARTO DE (to be fed up with)

Ejemplo básico: Estoy harto de los atascos de tráfico todos los días. (I'm fed up with the traffic jams every day.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Después de meses de discusiones y desacuerdos, Ana decidió que estaba harta de la situación y tomó la difícil decisión de mudarse. (After months of arguments and disagreements, Ana decided that she had had enough of the situation and made the difficult decision to move.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 31 de julioCHANCLAS (flip-flops)Ejemplo básico: En verano, me gusta usar cha...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 31 de julio

CHANCLAS (flip-flops)

Ejemplo básico: En verano, me gusta usar chanclas para sentir la brisa en mis pies. (In summer, I like to wear flip-flops to feel the breeze on my feet.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El niño perdió una de sus chanclas mientras jugaba en la playa y tuvo que caminar cojeando hasta llegar a casa. (The boy lost one of his flip-flops while playing on the beach and had to limp his way home.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 30 de julioYERNO (son-in-law)Ejemplo básico: Mi yerno es muy amable y siempr...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 30 de julio

YERNO (son-in-law)

Ejemplo básico: Mi yerno es muy amable y siempre nos ayuda en casa. (My son-in-law is very kind and always helps us at home.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Mi yerno se desempeña como médico y tiene su propia clínica en la ciudad. (My son-in-law works as a doctor and has his own clinic in the city.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 29 de julioPOR DESGRACIA (unfortunately)Ejemplo básico: Por desgracia, perdí...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 29 de julio

POR DESGRACIA (unfortunately)

Ejemplo básico: Por desgracia, perdí mi cartera y ahora no tengo dinero. (Unfortunately, I lost my wallet and now I have no money.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Por desgracia, el proyecto no fue aprobado debido a falta de financiamiento. (Unfortunately, the project was not approved due to a lack of funding.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 28 de julioINFORMÁTICA (computer science, IT)Ejemplo básico: Estoy estudiand...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 28 de julio

INFORMÁTICA (computer science, IT)

Ejemplo básico: Estoy estudiando informática en la universidad para aprender sobre programación y redes. (I'm studying computer science at university to learn about programming and networks.)

Ejemplo intermedio: La informática es una disciplina en constante evolución debido a los avances tecnológicos. (Computer science is a constantly evolving discipline due to technological advancements.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 27 de julioSOBRESALIENTE (excellent, outstanding)Ejemplo básico: Mi hermano ...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 27 de julio

SOBRESALIENTE (excellent, outstanding)

Ejemplo básico: Mi hermano siempre saca notas sobresalientes en la escuela. (My brother always gets excellent grades in school.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El pianista dio una actuación sobresaliente, dejando al público sin palabras. (The pianist gave an outstanding performance, leaving the audience speechless.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 26 de julioPARQUE DE ATRACCIONES (amusement park)Ejemplo básico: El fin de s...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 26 de julio

PARQUE DE ATRACCIONES (amusement park)

Ejemplo básico: El fin de semana fuimos al parque de atracciones y nos divertimos mucho en las montañas rusas. (On the weekend, we went to the amusement park and had a lot of fun on the roller coasters.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El parque de atracciones tiene una amplia variedad de juegos y atracciones para todas las edades. (The amusement park has a wide variety of games and attractions for all ages.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 25 de julioDESPACHO (office)Ejemplo básico: Trabajo en un despacho donde rea...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 25 de julio

DESPACHO (office)

Ejemplo básico: Trabajo en un despacho donde realizo tareas administrativas. (I work in an office where I perform administrative tasks.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El abogado se encontraba en su despacho preparando el caso para el juicio del próximo mes. (The lawyer was in his office preparing the case for next month's trial.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 24 de julioALMA (soul)Ejemplo básico: El arte puede expresar el alma del art...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 24 de julio

ALMA (soul)

Ejemplo básico: El arte puede expresar el alma del artista de una manera única. (Art can express the soul of the artist in a unique way.)

Ejemplo intermedio: La música resonaba en el teatro y tocaba el alma de cada persona en la audiencia. (The music resonated in the theater and touched the soul of each person in the audience.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 23 de julioAZAFRÁN (saffron)Ejemplo básico: En la receta de paella se utiliz...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 23 de julio

AZAFRÁN (saffron)

Ejemplo básico: En la receta de paella se utiliza azafrán para darle un sabor y color característico. (Saffron is used in the paella recipe to give it a distinctive flavour and colour.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El azafrán es una especia muy valiosa y se obtiene de las flores de la planta del azafrán. (Saffron is a highly valuable spice obtained from the flowers of the saffron plant.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 22 de julioHORCHATA (horchata, a traditional Spanish drink)Ejemplo básico: E...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 22 de julio

HORCHATA (horchata, a traditional Spanish drink)

Ejemplo básico: En verano, me encanta tomar horchata bien fría. (In summer, I love to drink cold horchata.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Durante mi viaje a Valencia, probé la auténtica horchata hecha con chufa y me encantó su sabor refrescante. (During my trip to Valencia, I tried authentic horchata made with tiger nuts, and I loved its refreshing flavour.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 21 de julioENCONTRAR SU MEDIA NARANJA* (to find one's better half, to find o...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 21 de julio

ENCONTRAR SU MEDIA NARANJA* (to find one's better half, to find one's soulmate)

Ejemplo básico: Espero encontrar mi media naranja algún día. (I hope to find my better half someday.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Después de años de búsqueda, finalmente encontró a su media naranja y ahora son una pareja feliz. (After years of searching, he finally found his soulmate, and now they are a happy couple.)

*Yes, this does literally translate as “find one’s half orange”!

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 20 de julioDEPENDIENTE (salesperson, shop assistant)Ejemplo básico: El depen...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 20 de julio

DEPENDIENTE (salesperson, shop assistant)

Ejemplo básico: El dependiente de la tienda me ayudó a encontrar lo que estaba buscando. (The shop assistant helped me find what I was looking for.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Mi amiga trabaja como dependienta en una tienda de ropa y tiene excelentes habilidades de atención al cliente. (My friend works as a salesperson in a clothing store and has excellent customer service skills.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 19 de julioTAMAÑO (size)Ejemplo básico: Este bolso tiene un buen tamaño para...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 19 de julio

TAMAÑO (size)

Ejemplo básico: Este bolso tiene un buen tamaño para llevar todas mis cosas. (This bag has a good size to carry all my things.)

Ejemplo intermedio: La empresa produce diferentes tamaños de botellas para satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes. (The company produces different sizes of bottles to meet the needs of its customers.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 18 de julioDISFRAZARSE DE (to dress up as, to disguise oneself as)Ejemplo bá...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 18 de julio

DISFRAZARSE DE (to dress up as, to disguise oneself as)

Ejemplo básico: En Halloween, los niños se disfrazan de monstruos y fantasmas. (On Halloween, children dress up as monsters and ghosts.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Para la fiesta de disfraces, decidí disfrazarme de pirata y usar un parche en el ojo. (For the costume party, I decided to dress up as a pirate and wear an eye patch.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 17 de julioTROZO (piece, chunk)Ejemplo básico: Me gustaría un trozo de paste...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 17 de julio

TROZO (piece, chunk)

Ejemplo básico: Me gustaría un trozo de pastel, por favor. (I would like a piece of cake, please.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El chef cortó un trozo de carne y lo cocinó a la parrilla. (The chef cut a chunk of meat and grilled it.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 16 de julioCONSTRUIR (to build)Ejemplo básico: Mi hermano sabe cómo construi...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 16 de julio

CONSTRUIR (to build)

Ejemplo básico: Mi hermano sabe cómo construir casas. (My brother knows how to build houses.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El arquitecto está diseñando un plan para construir un nuevo edificio en el centro de la ciudad. (The architect is designing a plan to build a new building in the city centre.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 15 de julioCHÁNDAL (tracksuit)Ejemplo básico: Me siento cómodo cuando uso un...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 15 de julio

CHÁNDAL (tracksuit)

Ejemplo básico: Me siento cómodo cuando uso un chándal para hacer ejercicio. (I feel comfortable when I wear a tracksuit for exercising.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Después del trabajo, me pongo un chándal para relajarme en casa. (After work, I put on a tracksuit to relax at home.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 14 de julioUBICAR (to locate, to position)Ejemplo básico: No puedo ubicar mi...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 14 de julio

UBICAR (to locate, to position)

Ejemplo básico: No puedo ubicar mis llaves, las he perdido. (I can't locate my keys, I've lost them.)

Ejemplo intermedio: La empresa decidió ubicar su nueva sucursal en el centro de la ciudad. (The company decided to position its new branch in the city centre.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 13 de julioA PESAR DE (despite, in spite of)Ejemplo básico: A pesar de la ll...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 13 de julio

A PESAR DE (despite, in spite of)

Ejemplo básico: A pesar de la lluvia, salí a dar un paseo. (Despite the rain, I went out for a walk.)

Ejemplo intermedio: A pesar de los obstáculos, logró alcanzar sus metas y cumplir sus sueños. (In spite of the obstacles, he managed to achieve his goals and fulfill his dreams.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 12 de julioLIBRA ESTERLINA (British pound)Ejemplo básico: Me gustaría cambia...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 12 de julio

LIBRA ESTERLINA (British pound)

Ejemplo básico: Me gustaría cambiar euros por libras esterlinas para mi viaje a Londres. (I would like to exchange euros for British pounds for my trip to London.)

Ejemplo intermedio: La libra esterlina ha experimentado cierta volatilidad en los últimos meses debido a los cambios económicos. (The British pound has experienced some volatility in the past months due to economic changes.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 11 de julioTOMAR EL PELO (to pull someone's leg, to tease)Ejemplo básico: No...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 11 de julio

TOMAR EL PELO (to pull someone's leg, to tease)

Ejemplo básico: No te lo tomes en serio, solo te estoy tomando el pelo. (Don't take it seriously, I'm just pulling your leg.)

Ejemplo intermedio: No me gusta que me tomen el pelo, prefiero la sinceridad en las relaciones. (I don't like being teased, I prefer honesty in relationships.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 10 de julioPOR SI LAS MOSCAS (just in case, literally "for if the flies")Eje...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 10 de julio

POR SI LAS MOSCAS (just in case, literally "for if the flies")

Ejemplo básico: Lleva un paraguas por si las moscas, podría llover. (Take an umbrella just in case, it might rain.)

Ejemplo intermedio: Siempre llevo algo de dinero extra por si las moscas, nunca se sabe cuándo lo necesitaré. (I always carry some extra money just in case, you never know when I'll need it.)

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 9 de julioTUTEARSE (to address someone informally as "tú*")Ejemplo básico: E...

PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 9 de julio

TUTEARSE (to address someone informally as "tú*")

Ejemplo básico: En España, es común tutearte con amigos y familiares. (In Spain, it's common to address friends and family informally as "tú*".)

Ejemplo intermedio: Después de varios encuentros, decidieron tutearse y establecer una relación más cercana. (After several encounters, they decided to address each other informally and establish a closer relationship.)

*In some Latin American countries such as Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, vos is used instead of tú. The equivalent verb to tutear as vosear. Note that vos has its own verb forms, distinct from tú.

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Unlock the beauty of the Spanish language with "Spanish Word of the Day – A Year of Learning." Immerse yourself in a year-long journey of language discovery as you explore 366 carefully selected Spanish words, each accompanied by its English translation and contextual examples. T...


PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 8 de julio

CANELA (cinnamon)

Ejemplo básico: La canela tiene un aroma y sabor deliciosos. (Cinnamon has a delicious aroma and flavour.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El té de canela se ha utilizado tradicionalmente para aliviar malestares digestivos y mejorar la circulación sanguínea. (Cinnamon tea has traditionally been used to relieve digestive discomfort and improve blood circulation.)


PALABRA DEL DÍA – Spanish Word of the Day - 7 de julio

APROBAR (to pass, to approve)

Ejemplo básico: Estudié mucho y logré aprobar el examen. (I studied a lot and managed to pass the exam.)

Ejemplo intermedio: El comité revisó detenidamente el proyecto y decidió aprobarlo por unanimidad. (The committee carefully reviewed the project and decided to approve it unanimously.)




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