Today was a better day. I asked Logan Schuttenhelm for some help in finding the right quote that just fit you. He knows you so well in a way that I don't believe many if anyone else does. You are both cynical yet loving in every way humanity should be. Im so sorry that i would get so jealous of the bond you had with him. I realize now it was petty, and i never needed to be jealous. You had such a special bond with anyone that really knew you. He reminded me of this quote, and it's so you. Whenever I was feeling so down on myself and felt I couldn't accomplish something, you would say this to me. I always laughed you off and told you that you are crazy or said, "Just believe in you with an eye roll." But I realize know just what you were trying to accomplish every time you said it, and it worked. I believed so much in you. If you said it was true, then it was. I never doubted you if you believed it, I believed it. All along, you were showing me how to believe in myself, something that I have struggled with my entire life. When you told me I could ride a motorcycle, I laughed at you, and while it took a crash and over a year, you never once stopped believing in me. It was the same for so many things in life the last 5 years. You taught me I was strong and deserving enough to be by your side and have these crazy dreams I truly believed we would accomplish one day. I promise I will always believe in you and believe that you believe in me. That will be my mantra so that I can continue the pursuit of our dreams. I miss you and love you always and forever. 💔🐰