New episode available NOW🚨
New episode!! 🚨🎙🎧
An abusive relationship can be challenging to identify, especially to the victim. This episode will explore various forms of abuse, including sexual, emotional, and physiological abuse.
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Season 2!
Season 2 coming soon!
Nuevo episodio
La Doctora Maria Belen Alvarez nos comparte su conocimiento sobre la relaciones perjudicioles.
Las carateriscas de diches relaciones, como nuestra infancia impacta esas relaciones, como salir de ellas y la responsabildad de los padres como guias. Nuevo episodio, enlace en la biografía #nuevoepisodio #relacionesperjudiciales #relacionestoxicas #amor #relaciones #podcastespañol #podcastinspanish #saludmental #saludmentalyemocional #sicologia #sponsoredbymcdonalds #applepodcasts #spotifypodcast
New episode available
Some of the many reason why domestic abused victims stay with their abuser is due to lack of support, fear for their well-being, and economic dependence. Safe Harbor support is devoted to support and assist domestic abused victims and their families during one of the most vulnerable, hardest and scariest moments. This episode provides information of all the ways they support DV victims and family, the director of prevention and outreach Amanda Callahan was a pleasure to have on the podcast. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. @rep_sc @safeharborsc #dvsupport #dvvictims #communitysupport #communitylove #nonprofitorganization #safehabor #yeahthatgreenvillesc
Último episodio
¿Está escuchando a un experto? absolutamente NO ... ¿Está escuchando a una persona perfecta que ha dominado la vida ... de nuevo absolutamente NO? Las declaraciones anteriores no solo serían una mentira, sino también una señal de alerta para un individuo tóxico, tal vez incluso narcisista. Pero está escuchando a una persona que está al tanto y está notando que las relaciones saludables y tóxicas se vuelven más comunes e incuestionablemente aceptadas. ¡Mira el episodio, enlace
Latest episode
Are you re hearing from an expert? absolutely NOT…Are you hearing from a perfect individual who has mastered life… again absolutely NOT. Not only would the previous statements be a lie but also a red flag for toxic maybe even narcissistic individual. But you are hearing from an individual who’s keeping track and is noticing healthy and toxic relationships become more common and unquestionably accepted. Check out the episode,
The Phoenix rises.
Domestic abused goes beyond physical scars. Amanda experienced emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse from her ex husband for many years. She raises her voice in the fight against domestic abused. On this episode of strugglers Anonymous Amanda tells us all how abuse looks, feels, and most importantly what it takes to walk away from that abuse. If you are in an abusive relationship, please reach out to the hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233). Strugglers Anonymous is also here to support you.
After hours…
I’m sure you all are sick and tired of hearing me spread awareness and prevention information on suicide but I hope are you’re not too tired to hear one more message. We know the information, we have the hot line phone number but it’s just not enough. We need more love, sympathy and understanding with one another. Go send that caring text to someone you know needs it, this is my challenge to you all.
Enfrentando un intento de suicidio
Episodio en español con una invitada demasiado importante, Mi MAMA. En este episodio hablamos de mi intento de suicidio. Lastimosamente el suicidio continúa siendo una de las causes de muerto más alta. Este episodio se realizó con la esperanza de dar una palabra de aliento y apoyo a cualquier persona viviendo en medio de esta dolorosa y difícil de navigate situación. Si usted está completando el suicidio, le hago una invitación a escuchar este episodio. Línea de ayuda 1-800-273-8255
. #prevencióndelsuicidio #depresion #apoyofamiliar #intentodesuicidio #saludmental #sanando #contraelsuicidio #familiauniada #amor #apoyo #abuso
I lose my mom to suicide
When a mother’s inner strugglers with depression, addictions over powers the will to live. Donna Tilley was a fun and loving mom and wife who loss her life to suicide. Christi shared her experience through the gray and painful moments her family and herself endure. We honor all of the lives effected by suicided, through the memory and experiences of Donna Tilley.
Social media n mental health
Does social media affects is mental health? #mentalhealthawareness #socialmedia #happybalancedlife #podcastigtv #podcastoninstagram #relationahips #parenting #teen #healthysocialmedia #depression
Una de mis palabras menos favoritas, cuando se usa para describir rasgos de personalidad, apariencia, proceso de curación, gustos, aversiones, entiendes mi punto. Normal a los estándares de quién⁉️ Lo que es natural para ti, tal vez anormal para mí. Como adultos, ALGUNAS VECES entendemos eso y lo aceptamos "para cada uno" por derecho, pero cuando no nos estamos aceptando lo suficiente bien HOUSTON TENEMOS UN PROBLEMA 🚨 Recomendaría 100 ml de un poco de amor propio dos veces al día, tal vez tres veces. Pero nuestros niños y adolescentes, umm, esa es otra historia. Durante esos años de adolescencia, luchamos por ser respetados, y la aprobación comunitaria es MAYOR. Las redes sociales han establecido estándares notables sobre lo que es regular o aprobado para nuestros niños y adolescentes. Pero, ¿qué sucede si lo que las redes sociales dicen que es normal no coincide con la apariencia de nuestros niños / adolescentes, lo que quiere o no les gusta? ⁉️⁉️⁉️ esta es UNA de las preocupaciones con la depresión y el suicidio en adolescentes, niños e incluso adultos jóvenes. Los padres y tutores promueven el amor propio y la aceptación, los devuelven a la realidad de que todos somos maravillosamente diferentes.
One of my least favorite words, when used to describe personality traits, looks, healing process, likes, dislikes you get my point. Normal to whose standards⁉️ What's natural to you, maybe abnormal to me. As adults, we SOMETIMES understand that and accept it “to each their own” right, but when we aren’t accepting enough of ourselves well HOUSTON WE GOT A PROBLEM 🚨 I would recommend 100 ml of some self-love twice a day maybe three times. But our children and teenagers, umm that’s another story. During those teen years, we struggle with being respected, and communal approval is MAJOR. Social media has remarkable made standards to what’s regular or approved for our children and teens. But what happens if what social media is saying is normal doesn't match with our kids/teens looks, wants dislike or likes ⁉️⁉️⁉️ this is ONE of the concerns with depression and suicide in teenagers, kids and even young adults. Parents and guardians promote self-love and acceptance, bring them back to the reality that we are all and beautifully different. #normal #socialanxiety #socialmediaanddepression #socialmediamentalhealth #youngadult #teens #uniqueisbeautiful #different #healing #selflove #parents #guardians #mentalhealthawareness #parentalawareness
My own suicide attempt story.
My very personal suicidal attempt story will be available on all podcast platforms. Here is a small clip of the episode. I shared with you all a very painful and personal season of my life, in hopes to raise awareness on child abuse and suicide. I also hope whoever maybe facing this situation from whatever angle can find some helpful information within my story. #suicideawarenessmonth #suicideattemptsurvivor #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #childsexualabuseawareness #podcastoninstagram #podcast #familyhealing #mystory
Blinded by Alcochol
A small episode on alcoholism, now available on all platforms. We will be diving deep onto his highly important subject after our special focus on suicide. #alcholic #alcholism #toxic #recovery #support #podcast #podcastoninstagram #strugglersanonymouspodcast
Comportamientos Infieles
Comportamiento Infieles con la doctora Ana Judith Sánchez Medina @psic.ana_judith episodio disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast. #infidelidad #relaciones#psicología #saludmental #podcast #podcastenespañol #strugglersanonymouspodcast
Alcohol y Drogas
Corto video del episodio donde indagamos el tema del alcohol y las drogas desde en punto de vista social, sicólogo, familiar y cultural con la Dr. Belen Álvarez y con Carlos Loaiza @mindandsoulec @dawatamon. Atentos a cuando este episodio el episodio complete. Tenemos mucha información y mucho apoyo para las personas que está atravesando por estas aficiones.
. #alchol #drogas #familia #cultura #apoyo #adictos #familiadeadictos #psicologaclinica #experienciahumana #podcastespañol #podcasteninstagram #latinos #strugglersanonymouspodcast
Paraiso infiel
Una relación admirada por todos, felicidad total que terminó en las manos de la traición. El relató de una mujer que venció sus medios y el dolor causó por el desengaños por aquel acto que toda pareja teme. Episodio disponible mañana en todas la plataformas de podcast. Disponible YA en todas las plataformas de podcast.
A Three Ring Circus.
Tomorrow the full interview will be available on all podcast platforms and YouTube! An explosive book that details the true feeling behind one of the most devastating experiencesC infidelity and betrayal. Join us on this hot conversation of the real raw story of heart breaking and healing.