The Heiress

The Heiress The Heiress is a faith based podcast reminding you that you are an heir to the kingdom.


Really excited to launch my latest project! A faith based lifestyle blog encouraging you to step out of the cookie cutter Christian mold and boldly walk into who God has truly called you to be! Check out the blog, subscribe and lmk your thoughts

I may have to attend!

I may have to attend!

Fred Hammond Israel Houghton Dorinda Clark-Cole Pastor Mike, Jr. Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts Diamond Life Concerts Inc.


Pick up your crown and act like you know WHO you belong to!


It’s the first month of the last quarter of the year, and I keep hearing one thing: BREAKTHROUGHS.

It’s time for your breakthrough! But first, you must understand this

2 Timothy 2: 4-7 NLT

“Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules. And hardworking farmers should be the first to enjoy the fruit of their labor. Think about what I’m saying the Lord will help you understand these things”.

Whew 😮‍💨 that was a lot but to keep it simple, IF YOU ARE CALLED TO BE DIFFERENT YOU HAVE TO MOVE DIFFERENT. It’s time to step away from the crowd, from the usual, from the typical, the day to day arguments, and debates, and actions, and thoughts. If you want you walk into your breakthrough you first have to break through. The verse says the farmer will be THE FIRST to enjoy the fruit of their labor. You’ll see it first, you’ll see the vision first, you’ll feel the peace first, the blessing first, BUT FIRST, before you can get to that you gotta follow line one “don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life”


Step out on faith & move forward….


I read somewhere that the problem is that many people hear “Jesus Loves You” but because they hear it and don’t understand it, that phrase goes ignored, it gets resented, and in some cases hated.

So I want to clarify. I’m John it says God is love. Okay yea, but what does that mean.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT)
Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful or proud, or rude. It does not demand it’s own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Imagine knowing someone who meets you right where you are, no matter how big you feel like your mistake is, he meets you with patience, and kindness. You ever feel like you can’t tell someone what upsets you because you fear the reaction? Imagine someone who will always be a listening ear, and “never rejoices about injustice”, that means whatever is upsetting you, he will never just brush it off, he listens and he will handle it and what? “Rejoice when the truth wins”, imagine someone that ALWAYS wants to see you win. Someone who is never rude, no matter how rude you may be him. That’s Love and it comes at NO PRICE. you don’t have to win his love, you don’t have to make sure your life is right before you get his love, you don’t have to dress up, or show the best parts of you personality, you don’t even have to smile, matter fact, you can come to him with your brokenness, teary eyed, snot faced hurt and baggage, and he will meet you with love. It’s something you can’t explain, it’s something you have to experience. But once you experience it, you’ll understand. But until you do, just know, his love is for you too.

There is someone right now dealing with imposter syndrome, and I want to remind you, wherever you are right now, the roo...

There is someone right now dealing with imposter syndrome, and I want to remind you, wherever you are right now, the room you are in or WILL BE IN, you are meant to be there.

The spiritual attack is so real right now! God needs ALL his followers to step up in ministry. Ministry is not just teaching in a church. Where ever God has called you, you are to be his representation, spread love & spread truth. If your a teacher, save our youth! If your a doctor, use your healing hands! If you are a fashion designer, express your love of God in your style, the list goes on and I just want to remind you that whatever you are doing or want to, can be aligned with his one true purpose! Your potential, your talents, your skills, they will not go to waste

I just need everyone to realize, your gifts, your skills, wherever God has called you in life, you are meant to be there, to win souls! You are right where you need to be, it is your testimony, your love, your heart, that may be the very seed for someone else.

Happy Sunday Heirs! 👑God is good! Stay in his will, his desires become ours!

Happy Sunday Heirs! 👑

God is good! Stay in his will, his desires become ours!


There will be people that are uncomfortable with who you are becoming and who you are today.

They only know, who you been. The things you USE to do, USE to say, USE to act like. They want to remind you of who you were because they can’t fathom, believe or grasp the idea that someone can change in the way that you have. They will only highlight your past moments because they cant get behind your new ones. HEAR ME: don’t let them convince you you can’t change

Speak it over yourself
I have changed and I am still changing
I’m not who I use to be
I’m not chained to who I use to be
The things that I use to do, the things that I use to say, act, they may remember but GOD HAS FORGOTTEN it says in Psalms 103:12 “he has removed our sins as far from us as East is to west”

That means I don’t care who has anything to say about who I use to be, because the one more powerful than you and I and all, says HE SEES ME WHO HAS CHANGED.

Don’t let old wounds, old scars, bleed when he has already healed it.

That is how you can wake up one day and decide you are change, and it be true.


Disclaimer: This is a faith based podcast/ page

this page was never meant for everyone! But for those that want to elevate and grow spiritually, those that crave to understand who they are, the crown they have on their head. Which means you will be motivated, but you’ll be corrected as well.

You won’t always hear what you want because growing never comes from a place of being okay with where you are.

This is also a loving place, where I don’t condemn or judge. We all have our things that we are dealing with, working on, getting through etc. who am I to judge anyone!


Without TEST there are no testimonies!! Before your breakthrough you are going to be tested, you are going to be challenged, it’s gonna get hard, you’re going to want to give up, but push through, past the test, cause your breakthrough is on the other side! For when you don’t past the test, when you give up, when you give in, when you decide to default back into your old ways, you fail the test and you keep going through the same things until you pass. It’s time to grow up spiritually so that you can inherit what’s meant for you!


I’m no longer scared to be bold for Jesus, GOD IS AMAZING

It’s time for me to continue on the path he has for me, I may lose some things along the way, including people, but anything I gain in Christ is worth it


I just want to stay in HIS presence

Good Morning Heirs! I address you as such because it’s time you remember who you are and the inheritance you were given....

Good Morning Heirs!

I address you as such because it’s time you remember who you are and the inheritance you were given.

Last night, at Bible study with MWTG (message me for more details), I was reminded about a very powerful verse that I wanted to share. We often talk about John 3:16- God so loved the word he gave his only son. Buuuuut we never talk about verse 17 which talks about us. Which talk about me, and YOU.

God did not send his son to judge or condemn us.
It is literally written that he is not here to judge you, your decisions your past choices no matter how bad you THINK they were/are. He is here to release you from the burden, the weight you’ve been feeling BECAUSE of your decisions. He doesn’t want you to carry that with you anymore. In John 15:3 it says my word has already cleansed you. Speak that over yourself on a daily, remember you are pruned, you are purified, you are cleansed. The more you say this, the more you believe it and receive it, the more you will be able to let go of what you been through, what you’re going through, what you will go through and rest it in him. I hope you all understand that you can be set free, because that’s what he came to do. Remember this is not a book about judging and condemnation, it’s a love story about redemption through Jesus Christ, and if you receive that, you are redeemed. If you don’t feel any different, keep affirming this, keep saying it out loud, there is powers in the tongue, and you’ll soon see the shift you’ve been waiting for


It’s time to GROW UP!

I got some revelation after listening in to Rock City this past weekend and I have to share:

Quick background: The heiress focuses on Galatians 4:7 as my foundational scripture; that God has made us heirs to his kingdom. I just want everyone to understand the true power in who they are and the authority you have, and the crown you have on your head!

But I’ve skipped over an important part that I was reminded of. Galatians 4:1 read carefully

“Think of it this way. If a father dies and leaves and inheritance for his young children, those children are not much better off than slaves until they grow up, even though they own everything their father had”

Whew, hear meeeee! You can’t inherit what is FOR YOU until you reach a certain level of maturity. How many of us are currently waiting for a blessing? Currently waiting for that prayer to be answered? Have you even reached the level of SPIRITUAL MATURITY to receive it??? Have you GROWN UP?? Some of us can’t even manage $1000 but begging God to just give us that $10,000 🥴 make it make sense! Asking to go places you aren’t ready for, asking for peace when you love the drama.

What is for you, what you inherited, you can not get, you won’t even receive, it won’t even be released to you, until you are ready. Gods timing is ALWAYS perfect, so why do you think he will pre maturely give you the blessing you are not ready for.

I need you right now to say you are ready to grow up and seek him to figure out where he is waiting for you to do so. You’re blessing is waiting on you, not the other way around, keep reading that until you receive it!

Happy Birthday to me 🎂🥹

Happy Birthday to me 🎂🥹

Happy June! Let this be the month you pick up your crown and remember who you are 👸🏽Returning to a podcast app near you

Happy June! Let this be the month you pick up your crown and remember who you are 👸🏽

Returning to a podcast app near you


New song of the day on my story, let me know if you listen to it!


To all my people that LOVE music

I will now be posting daily music recommendations in my story 🔥🎶

If you’re like me, and love music and trying to get your gospel music up, I got you! Worship, Hip hop, r&b, Reggae vibes and everything else. Something new everyday- all positive and speaking LIFE over you while staying lit 💃🏽

Finally time for another Podcast episode. Available on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcast. The He...

Finally time for another Podcast episode.

Available on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcast.

The Heiress Des

We can all learn something from yesterdays reminder. What are we holding onto that was meant to be put out? What are you...

We can all learn something from yesterdays reminder. What are we holding onto that was meant to be put out? What are you holding onto that quite literally needs to die? Your past, people, circumstance, your stubborness the list goes on, but hear meeeee when I say, you can not, you WILL not, move into your purpose, you will not flourish, you will not birth new things with out letting the old die first.

I am a believer ✝️I know he not only laid down for me but he rose again. Because everytime I feel backed in a corner, he...

I am a believer ✝️

I know he not only laid down for me but he rose again.

Because everytime I feel backed in a corner, he makes a way

Every time I feel lost, he finds me

Every time I feel like I couldn’t breathe, he gave me breath

Every time I lose sight, he helps me see

Every time I think I’ve fallen and I couldn’t get up, he picks me up every every time.

My God is good, and he is real!

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
Every knee shall bow

He is king

Happy Resurrection Sunday 💐

May all things that need to die in your life be put to death, so he can bring to life, what ever you are meant for.


Happy Sunday heirs ✨💕


Can I just give a quick reminder: AGAINST ALL ODDs

Against all odds God will remain faithful to you
Against all odds God will see you through your situations
Against all odds God will make sure all bad get USED for the greater good
Against all odds God will literally make sure you have HIS divine protection, so that HIS will for your life will get fulfilled, it will be seen through, you will be all he wants you to be

Against all odds

But…. Only if his hands is on it, only if you let his hands be on it. He doesn’t force his way into anything, invite him in because against all odds he has you

🚨The Heiress is taking a small break! 🚨1. Daily affirmations will be paused until March 3rd 2. Podcast episode releases ...

🚨The Heiress is taking a small break! 🚨

1. Daily affirmations will be paused until March 3rd

2. Podcast episode releases will be paused until March 3rd

Thank you all for the support so far. Please aknowledge when it’s time to give yourself rest and time for you. We will return shortly- until then, head over to the website to sign up for daily affirmations and podcast reminders so you’ll be the first ones to get alerted when we return

Grab your crown and remember - You are an heir 👑


Today I got a word I HAVE to share:

You have to RECEIVE it! - that’s it that’s the word.

You can hear the word all day, you can hear good news all day, you can hear great things spoke over you all day, you can get “positive vibes” only ayeeeee but do you receive it, sis? Do you claim it.

I was in the word today and God had me in Acts chapter 8, and there were two people mentioned. Simon and the Eu**ch. They both heard the good news. The Eu**ch took it, and received it and he was able to feel joy the rest of the day. Simon, heard the news, he believed the news but he didn’t receive the news. He had bitterness in his heart still, jealousy in his heart still, he had envy in his heart! He had to receive the good news completely, he had to let go of the bad parts being held in his heart. So that he can truly receive the good news. So he can feel the joy, the peace, he inherits when the Holy Spirit is upon you.

I hope that today you learn to receive and not just hear, Amen

A word from the heiress

Podcast returning soon

I send out affirmations every morning 💫 start your day on a positive not with me - sign up for free

I send out affirmations every morning 💫 start your day on a positive not with me - sign up for free

Week 1 of daily affirmations were a success! Everyday a small affirmation followed by an in depth explanation sent to yo...

Week 1 of daily affirmations were a success!

Everyday a small affirmation followed by an in depth explanation sent to your email. Subscribe if you enjoy getting daily motivation (only Monday-Friday)



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