Today is AnriMade's FIRST birthday. 🤯 I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude that I get to do what I love everyday; gratitude for my clients who trust in me to support them and their companies; gratitude for my family who always encouraged me to follow my heart and do BIG things; gratitude for my past self for taking the leap and spreading her wings - helping me to become the woman I am today. And of course, gratitude for God for supporting my company and helping it thrive.
It's crazy to look at this past year and see how far I've come. Let me tell you, there is a fair bit of faking it until you make it when starting your own business.
I remember a time (not that long ago) when I didn't know the difference between Photoshop and Illustrator. "How do people know when to use one or the other?"
Well, now not only do I know the difference, but I teach people, like my intern Ethan, how to use both programs. 🙌
All of this to say, don't let fear of not knowing enough ever hold you back. You're never going to know everything, and you learn a lot by DOING. So, get out there! I believe in you and your dreams and know you are meant for something great.
If I didn't break out of my comfort zone a year ago, I wouldn't be the person I am today - a person dedicated to serving her clients the highest quality services because she believes in them and what they are doing. Someone who goes out of her way to educate people and help them feel informed, as the marketing industry can so often leave people in the dark. Someone who believes in the power of manifestation, God, and tapping into our gifts to serve the world at a large scale. 💫
Let me ask you - what are you doing today to help you become your best self tomorrow, next month, or next year? How are you breaking out of your comfort zone to become someone better, stronger, more confident, more caring?
Think about it, and let me know if you feel called to do so. I love hearing from you!
Thank you again to everyone who believed in me from the beginning (and always). It means the world to me to have your support in this journey. This is just the beginning, and I can't wait to celebrate many more years with you. 🤍