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Happy Birthday to HM Raja Zarith Sofiah.

Happy Birthday to HM Raja Zarith Sofiah.

Happy Birthday to HH Tunku Tun Aminah

Happy Birthday to HH Tunku Tun Aminah



HM The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, said Johor appreciates the role played by the Chinese community in the opening and development of the State since the beginning of the Johor Sultanate in the 16th century.

In a special interview to mark the Lunar New Year, His Majesty paid tribute to the Chinese, saying their hard work and resilience in modernizing Johor was significant and formidable.

Describing the Chinese as one of the “pillars of Johor’s economy”, he said they must be recognized for their outstanding contributions.

Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim also said far from being branded as “pendatang” (immigrants), the Chinese were actually invited to Johor as “guests” by his forefathers to help develop the State.

“My forefathers had the foresight to forge a unique relationship with the Chinese. They are not “pendatang”. They were invited to Johor to open our land and cultivate plantations.

“They are the “Bangsa Johor” - just like the Malays, Indians and others, who are all Malaysians,” he stressed.

Tracing the history of their arrivals, Tuanku Sultan said it was Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim who first invited the Chinese from China to come to Johor in 1844 to help open up big-scale gambier and pepper farms.

His Majesty noted that it was the Chinese who helped to put Johor on the world map by 1850 as the largest producer of pepper and gambier, with active downstream activities like leather tanning and cloth dyeing from gambier.

“The Johor Sultanate and the Chinese have a special relationship. They have played a pivotal role in the development of Johor. We appreciate their contributions,” he emphasised.

Happy Birthday to HH Tunku Abdul Rahman

Happy Birthday to HH Tunku Abdul Rahman

Happy Birthday to His Highness Tunku Idris.

Happy Birthday to His Highness Tunku Idris.


DYMM Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan Johor bersama YB Dato' David Wong, Mejar Cina.

("Mejar" diterjemahkan sebagai "玛腰" dalam loghat Teochew bahasa Cina pada zaman Sultan Sir Abu Bakar kerana loghat Teochew bahasa Cina ialah bahasa perantara masyarakat Cina di Johor pada masa itu.)


Happy Birthday to His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim.

Happy Birthday to His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim.



Menurut Perkara 46 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Dewan Rakyat hendaklah terdiri daripada 222 orang ahli dipilih, dan hendaklah ada 26 orang ahli dari Johor.

Jadi, jika di kalangan 80 orang Ahli Parlimen yang bersidang itu tidak ada sekurang-kurangnya 10 orang Ahli Parlimen dari Johor, Sidang Parlimen itu adalah tidak sah dari segi undang-undang.

Akademi Sains Sosial Jauhar (JASS)
(sebuah Badan Pemikir Empayar Johor yang berdaftar dengan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu)

PARTI POLITIK UNTUK BANGSA JOHOR DITOLAK OLEH JPPM ‼️JOHOR BAHRU (Nov 2): Pendaftaran sebuah parti politik untuk Negeri ...


JOHOR BAHRU (Nov 2): Pendaftaran sebuah parti politik untuk Negeri Johor dan Bangsa Johor sahaja telah ditolak oleh JPPM.

*** *** ***


JOHOR BAHRU (Nov 2): The registration of a political party for the State of Johor and Bangsa Johor only was rejected by ROS.


Federal Constitution: Proclamation of emergency
150. (1) If the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that a grave emergency exists whereby the security, or the economic life, or public order in the Federation or any part thereof is threatened, he may issue a Proclamation of Emergency making therein a declaration to that effect.
(2) A Proclamation of Emergency under Clause (1) may be issued before the actual occurrence of the event which threatens the security, or the economic life, or public order in the Federation or any part thereof if the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that there is imminent danger of the occurrence of such event.
(2A) The power conferred on the Yang di-Pertuan Agong by this Article shall include the power to issue different Proclamations on different grounds or in different circumstances, whether or not there is a Proclamation or Proclamations already issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Clause (1) and such Proclamation or Proclamations are in operation.
(2B) If at any time while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, except when both Houses of Parliament are sitting concurrently, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that certain circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action, he may promulgate such ordinances as circumstances appear to him to require.
(2C) An ordinance promulgated under Clause (2B) shall have the same force and effect as an Act of Parliament, and shall continue in full force and effect as if it is an Act of Parliament until it is revoked or annulled under Clause (3) or until it lapses under Clause (7); and the power of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to promulgate ordinances under Clause (2B) may be exercised in relation to any matter with respect to which Parliament has power to make laws, regardless of the legislative or other procedures required to be followed, or the proportion of the total votes required to be had, in either House of Parliament.
(3) A Proclamation of Emergency and any ordinance promulgated under Clause (2B) shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament and, if not sooner revoked, shall cease to have effect if resolutions are passed by both Houses annulling such Proclamation or ordinance, but without prejudice to anything previously done by virtue thereof or to the power of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to issue a new Proclamation under Clause (1) or promulgate any ordinance under Clause (2B).
(4) While a Proclamation of Emergency is in force the executive authority of the Federation shall, notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, extend to any matter within the legislative authority of a State and to the giving of directions to the Government of a State or to any officer or authority thereof.
(5) Subject to Clause (6A), while a Proclamation of Emergency is in force, Parliament may, notwithstanding anything in this Constitution make laws with respect to any matter, if it appears to Parliament that the law is required by reason of the emergency; and Article 79 shall not apply to a Bill for such a law or an amendment to such a Bill, nor shall any provision of this Constitution or of any written law which requires any consent or concurrence to the passing of a law or any consultation with respect thereto, or which restricts the coming into force of a law after it is passed or the presentation of a Bill to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for his assent.
(6) Subject to Clause (6A), no provision of any ordinance promulgated under this Article, and no provision of any Act of Parliament which is passed while a Proclamation of Emergency is in force and which declares that the law appears to Parliament to be required by reason of the emergency, shall be invalid on the ground of inconsistency with any provision of this Constitution.
(6A) Clause (5) shall not extend the powers of Parliament with respect to any matter of Islamic law or the custom of the Malays, or with respect to any matter of native law or customs in the State of Sabah or Sarawak; nor shall Clause (6) validate any provision inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution relating to any such matter or relating to religion, citizenship, or language.
(7) At the expiration of a period of six months beginning with the date on which a Proclamation of Emergency ceases to be in force, any ordinance promulgated in pursuance of the Proclamation and, to the extent that it could not have been validly made but for this Article, any law made while the Proclamation was in force, shall cease to have effect, except as to things done or omitted to be done before the expiration of that period.
(8) Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution—
(a) the satisfaction of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong mentioned in Clause (1) and Clause (2B) shall be final and conclusive and shall not be challenged or called in question in any court on any ground; and
(b) no court shall have jurisdiction to entertain or determine any application, question or proceeding, in whatever form, on any ground, regarding the validity of—
(i) a Proclamation under Clause (1) or of a declaration made in such Proclamation to the effect stated in Clause (1);
(ii) the continued operation of such Proclamation;
(iii) any ordinance promulgated under Clause (2B); or
(iv) the continuation in force of any such ordinance.
(9) For the purpose of this Article the Houses of Parliament shall be regarded as sitting only if the members of each House are respectively assembled together and carrying out the business of the House.

*** *** ***

Perlembagaan Persekutuan: Proklamasi darurat
150. (1) Jika Yang di-Pertuan Agong berpuas hati bahawa suatu darurat besar sedang berlaku yang menyebabkan keselamatan, atau kehidupan ekonomi, atau ketenteraman awam di dalam Persekutuan atau mana-mana bahagiannya terancam, maka Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh mengeluarkan suatu Proklamasi Darurat dengan membuat dalamnya suatu perisytiharan yang bermaksud sedemikian.
(2) Proklamasi Darurat di bawah Fasal (1) boleh dikeluarkan sebelum sebenarnya berlaku kejadian yang mengancam keselamatan, atau kehidupan ekonomi, atau ketenteraman awam di dalam Persekutuan atau mana-mana bahagiannya jika Yang di-Pertuan Agong berpuas hati bahawa kejadian sedemikian hampir benar berlaku.
(2A) Kuasa yang diberikan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong oleh Perkara ini termasuklah kuasa untuk mengeluarkan ProklamasiProklamasi yang berlainan atas alasan-alasan yang berlainan atau dalam hal-hal keadaan yang berlainan, sama ada suatu Proklamasi atau Proklamasi-Proklamasi telah dikeluarkan atau tidak oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong di bawah Fasal (1) dan Proklamasi atau Proklamasi-Proklamasi itu sedang berkuat kuasa.
(2B) Jika pada bila-bila masa semasa suatu Proklamasi Darurat sedang berkuat kuasa, kecuali apabila kedua-dua Majlis Parlimen sedang bersidang serentak, Yang di-Pertuan Agong berpuas hati bahawa ada hal-hal keadaan tertentu yang menyebabkan perlu baginya mengambil tindakan serta-merta, maka Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh memasyhurkan apa-apa ordinan sebagaimana yang didapatinya perlu mengikut hal keadaan.
(2C) Sesuatu ordinan yang dimasyhurkan di bawah Fasal (2B) hendaklah mempunyai kuat kuasa dan kesan yang sama sebagaimana Akta Parlimen, dan hendaklah terus berkuat kuasa dan berkesan sepenuhnya seolah-olah ordinan itu ialah Akta Parlimen sehingga ordinan itu dibatalkan atau diungkaikan di bawah Fasal (3) atau sehingga ordinan itu luput di bawah Fasal (7); dan kuasa Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk memasyhurkan ordinan di bawah Fasal (2B) boleh dijalankan berhubung dengan apa-apa perkara mengenainya Parlimen berkuasa membuat undang-undang, tanpa menghiraukan tatacara perundangan atau tatacara lain yang dikehendaki diikuti, atau perkadaran jumlah undi yang dikehendaki diperoleh di dalam mana-mana satu Majlis Parlimen.
(3) Proklamasi Darurat dan apa-apa ordinan yang dimasyhurkan di bawah Fasal (2B) hendaklah dibentangkan di hadapan keduadua Majlis Parlimen dan, jika tidak terlebih dahulu dibatalkan, hendaklah terhenti berkuat kuasa jika ketetapan diluluskan oleh kedua-dua Majlis yang mengungkaikan Proklamasi atau ordinan itu, tetapi tanpa menjejaskan apa-apa jua yang dilakukan sebelumnya menurut kuasa Proklamasi atau ordinan itu atau tanpa menjejaskan kuasa Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk mengeluarkan suatu Proklamasi baru di bawah Fasal (1) atau memasyhurkan apa-apa ordinan di bawah Fasal (2B).
(4) Semasa Proklamasi Darurat berkuat kuasa, kuasa eksekutif Persekutuan hendaklah, walau apa pun apa-apa jua dalam Perlembagaan ini, meliputi apa-apa perkara dalam kuasa perundangan sesuatu Negeri dan pemberian arahan kepada Kerajaan sesuatu Negeri atau kepada mana-mana pegawai atau pihak berkuasa Negeri itu.
(5) Tertakluk kepada Fasal (6A), semasa Proklamasi Darurat berkuat kuasa, Parlimen boleh, walau apa pun apa-apa jua dalam Perlembagaan ini, membuat undang-undang mengenai apa-apa perkara, jika didapati oleh Parlimen bahawa undang-undang itu dikehendaki oleh sebab darurat itu; dan Perkara 79 tidaklah terpakai bagi suatu Rang Undang-Undang untuk sesuatu undang-undang yang sedemikian atau bagi sesuatu pindaan kepada sesuatu Rang Undang-Undang yang sedemikian, dan juga tidaklah terpakai mana-mana peruntukan Perlembagaan ini atau peruntukan mana-mana undang-undang bertulis yang menghendaki apa-apa keizinan atau persetujuan bagi meluluskan sesuatu undang-undang atau apa-apa rundingan mengenainya atau yang menyekat permulaan kuat kuasa sesuatu undang-undang selepas undang-undang itu diluluskan atau yang menyekat Rang Undang-Undang daripada dipersembahkan kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong untuk diperkenankan olehnya.
(6) Tertakluk kepada Fasal (6A), tiada peruntukan mana-mana ordinan yang dimasyhurkan di bawah Perkara ini, dan tiada peruntukan mana-mana Akta Parlimen yang diluluskan semasa Proklamasi Darurat berkuat kuasa dan yang mengisytiharkan bahawa didapati oleh Parlimen undang-undang itu dikehendaki oleh sebab darurat, boleh menjadi tidak sah atas alasan ketidakselarasan dengan mana-mana peruntukan Perlembagaan ini.
(6A) Fasal (5) tidak boleh memperluas kuasa Parlimen mengenai apa-apa perkara hukum Syarak atau adat Melayu atau mengenai apa-apa perkara undang-undang atau adat anak negeri di Negeri Sabah atau Sarawak; dan juga Fasal (6) tidak boleh menjadikan sah mana-mana peruntukan yang tidak selaras dengan peruntukan Perlembagaan ini yang berhubungan dengan apa-apa perkara sedemikian atau berhubungan dengan agama, kewarganegaraan, atau bahasa.
(7) Apabila habis tempoh enam bulan yang bermula dengan tarikh sesuatu Proklamasi Darurat terhenti berkuat kuasa, apa-apa ordinan yang dimasyhurkan menurut Proklamasi itu dan, setakat yang undang-undang itu tidak dapat dibuat dengan sahnya jika tidak kerana Perkara ini, apa-apa undang-undang yang dibuat semasa Proklamasi itu berkuat kuasa, hendaklah terhenti berkuat kuasa, kecuali tentang perkara-perkara yang telah dilakukan atau ditinggalkan daripada dilakukan sebelum habis tempoh itu.
(8) Walau apa pun apa-apa jua dalam Perlembagaan ini—
(a) hal puas hati Yang di-Pertuan Agong yang disebut dalam Fasal (1) dan Fasal (2B) adalah muktamad dan konklusif dan tidaklah boleh dicabar atau dipersoalkan di dalam mana-mana mahkamah atas apa-apa alasan; dan
(b) tiada mahkamah boleh mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk melayan atau memutuskan apa-apa permohonan, soal atau prosiding, dalam apa-apa jua bentuk, atas apa-apa alasan, mengenai kesahan—
(i) sesuatu Proklamasi di bawah Fasal (1) atau sesuatu perisytiharan yang dibuat dalam Proklamasi itu yang bermaksud seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Fasal (1);
(ii) kuat kuasa berterusan Proklamasi itu;
(iii) mana-mana ordinan yang dimasyhurkan di bawah Fasal (2B); atau
(iv) penerusan kuat kuasa mana-mana ordinan itu.
(9) Bagi maksud Perkara ini Majlis-Majlis Parlimen hendaklah dikira sebagai bersidang hanya jika ahli setiap Majlis itu masingmasingnya berhimpun bersama dan menjalankan urusan Majlis itu.

Happy Birthday to His Royal Highness Tunku Iskandar.

Happy Birthday to His Royal Highness Tunku Iskandar.

SULTAN OF JOHOR: “DON’T TAKE SPIKE IN COVID-19 CASES LIGHTLY”HM The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan...


HM The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar reminds the rakyat to always be vigilant and not take the recent increase in COVID-19 cases for granted.

His Majesty said if attitudes do not improve with regards to the practice of new norms and standard operating procedures (SOPs), the spread of the virus will quickly get out of control.

“While our frontliners are doing an outstanding job, all of us must do our part to break the chain of this dreaded pandemic. Do not be complacent and negligent of the SOP’s that have been put in place, for it risks endangering society at large.

“If the virus spreads out of control, the consequences will be dire. When that happens, don’t blame the government. We must all do what is right and abide by the SOPs,” said His Majesty to the Royal Press Office (RPO) today (7 Oct).

His Majesty warned that the social and economic ramifications would be very severe if the government is forced to enforce the full Movement Control Order (MCO).

“I’m sure the people remember how hard it was just when MCO was implemented a few months ago. If you do not want suffer the hardship again, please take care of yourselves, stay safe and adhere to the safety guidelines,” said His Majesty.

(Source: Royal Press Office)

Sumber: Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police )POSTING PILIHAN: SELAMAT 'BEREHAT' THO, TERIMA KASIH ATAS JASAMU ...

Sumber: Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police )


Kuantan, 20 September 2020 - Setelah menanggung kesakitan akibat sakit tua, akhirnya seekor anjing dari Unit Anjing Pengesan (K9), Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah (JSJ), Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Pahang bernama Tho, 12, menghembus nafasnya yang terakhir pada semalam, kira-kira jam 7.30 malam.

Tho yang dilahirkan pada 30 Januari 2008 pernah berkhidmat di Seksyen K9 IPK Johor, sebelum dipindahkan ke IPK Pahang pada 1 Jun 2018.

Tho merupakan antara aset hidup Polis Diraja Malaysia yang banyak menyumbangkan khidmat bakti dalam siasatan melalui kemahiran pengesanannya, selain membantu kes-kes melibatkan narkotik.

Selamat berehat buat selamanya, Tho. Sesungguhnya kehilanganmu amat dirasai dan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga atas jasa baktimu kepada Pasukan selama ini. 😔🐕🦺❤️

(Info: 1 tahun anjing bersamaan 7 tahun manusia.)


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His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim made a surprise visit by boat to check on river pollution in Sungai Tebrau, Johor Bahru. His Majesty, who is very concerned about environmental issues, expressed regret over the irresponsible dumping of trash into the river. His Majesty has ordered the State Government and local authorities to come down hard against river polluters, saying this was one of the main causes of flash floods in Johor Bahru.

"Values of Proactive Constitutional Monarchy"1. Monarchs are especially important in multi-ethnic countries because the ...

"Values of Proactive Constitutional Monarchy"

1. Monarchs are especially important in multi-ethnic countries because the institution of monarchy unites diverse and often hostile ethnic groups under shared loyalty to the monarch instead of to an ethnic or tribal group.

2. Monarchs prevent the emergence of extreme forms of government in their countries by fixing the form of government.

3. Monarchs have the gravitas and prestige to make last-resort, hard, and necessary decisions—decisions that politicians cannot make.

(Photo: Dewan Cina Istana Besar, Johor Bahru)

Johor Royalists Club
Badan Setiaraja Johor
ஜொகூர் முடியரசுவாதிகள் சங்கம்
بدان ستياراج جوهر

"Nilai Raja Berperlembagaan Proaktif"

1. Raja boleh menyatupadukan rakyat dengan lebih berkesan dalam negara berbilang kaum.

2. Raja boleh mengelakkan dasar kerajaan yang melampau.

3. Raja boleh membuat keputusan yang paling memanfaatkan negara dan rakyat semasa krisis, manakala ahli politik hanya ada pertimbangan politik.

(Foto: Masyarakat Cina menghargai jasa Temenggong dan Maharaja Abu Bakar. Pada tahun 1873 mereka membina dan menghadiahkan bangunan "Dewan Cina" di kawasan Istana Besar kepada Maharaja Abu Bakar untuk dijadikan tempat mesyuarat Dewan Negeri, dan tempat perjumpaan Maharaja dengan kangcu setiap tahun menyambut ulangtahun hari kerajaan.)






"Values of Proactive Constitutional Monarchy"

1. Monarchs are especially important in multi-ethnic countries because the institution of monarchy unites diverse and often hostile ethnic groups under shared loyalty to the monarch instead of to an ethnic or tribal group.

2. Monarchs prevent the emergence of extreme forms of government in their countries by fixing the form of government.

3. Monarchs have the gravitas and prestige to make last-resort, hard, and necessary decisions—decisions that politicians cannot make.

(Photo: Dewan Cina Istana Besar, Johor Bahru)

Johor Royalists Club
Badan Setiaraja Johor
ஜொகூர் முடியரசுவாதிகள் சங்கம்
بدان ستياراج جوهر





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