
Ihya502 Ihya502 is a podcast serving the Louisville Muslim community. This podcast features interviews with Ihya502 is a podcast for the Louisville Muslim Community.

This podcast serves as a means to connect and consider their fellow Muslims, their viewpoints, and how we can constructively address topics & issues that affect us - either as practicing Muslims or as residents in Louisville. This podcast has three primary formats:

1. Muslim Musings: Host Hamza Foy will invite a member from the Muslim community to discuss common themes and topics. Guests will inc

lude both laymen and our imams, people of different professions or experiences, and will vary month to month.

2. Read Between the Lines: The host will discuss a book or books to encourage others who are looking for new literature to read.

3. Suhba Roundtable: The host will have a few members of a local young men's affiliation to discuss common themes or topics that are relevant to the Muslim community. There will be intermittent episodes when time permits that do not necessarily follow the formats explained above.

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy interviews his wife Mishkat Suleiman, a Senior IT Compliance Professional wit...

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy interviews his wife Mishkat Suleiman, a Senior IT Compliance Professional with Humana, to discuss cybersecurity and its importance in our daily lives. We concentrate on three main topics: password security, credit card security, and social engineering tactics such as phishing. This episode is full of advice that the average person can take and use for themselves.

▬ Announcements ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. MCC will be hosting Imam Suleiman Hani on Friday, February 25th. He will serve as the khateeb on Jumuah, give a short khatirah after Fajr, and have a community lecture on 'Worldview of Islam' starting at 6:30PM.
2. There is a class for new Muslims held every Sunday taught at Guiding Light Islamic Center. We review the fard al'3yn (individual obligations) of a Muslim and currently learning to read & write Arabic. If interested, contact me directly.

▬ Timestamps ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:09 - Introducing guest Mishkat Suleiman
04:05 - 3 Areas of our Lives affected by Cybersecurity Issues
04:34 - What is 'data' & why does it matter to us?
08:13 - Brute-forcing & Password Security
15:05 - Credit/Debit Card Security
24:30 - How banks handle stolen credit cards
30:40 - What is social engineering?
45:30 - Cases of social engineering that we experience
55:45 - Closing Pieces of Advice

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Check to see if your email is involved in a data breach at: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
You can find this podcast's website at https://ihya502.vercel.app/
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip


In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy interviews his wife Mishkat Suleiman to discuss cybersecurity and its importance in our daily lives. We concentrat...

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy discusses the matter of misattributing made-up or innovated hadiths or knowle...

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy discusses the matter of misattributing made-up or innovated hadiths or knowledge of the Deen centered around a narration found in Sahih Bukhari about the consequences of intentionally misattributing something to the Prophet (SAW). This reminder, brief in its content, is intended to remind all of us about being careful about our sources when we learn our Deen, being cautious about sharing the floods of information that is found all over the internet, and overall thinking before one speaks [or shares in our modern cases].

▬ Announcement ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. Women Only Swimming Night at the Southeast YMCA (5930 Six Mile Ln) on Saturday, February 19th at 5:00PM-7:00PM. Free event!
2. Louisville Annual Quran Competition. Youth ages 5-21 years of age can attend the qualifying round on Saturday April 9th at 2:30PM at one of the four masjids: LICC, MCC, Guiding Light, Al-Nur 4th St.

▬ Qu'ran & Hadith References ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. Narrated Anas: "The fact which stops me from narrating a great number of Hadiths to you is that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever tells a lie against me intentionally, then (surely) let him occupy his seat in Hell-fire."" [Sahih al-Bukhari 108]
2. Urwah' narrated that 'Aishah said: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) did not speak quickly like you do now, rather he would speak so clearly, unmistakably, that those who sat with him would memorize it." [Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3639, Sahih]

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
You can find this podcast's website at https://ihya502.vercel.app/
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy discusses the matter of misattributing made-up or innovated hadiths or knowledge of the Deen centered around a nar...

In this episode of Ihya502, Hamza Foy sits with Mishkat Suleiman to discuss the book 'Moral Capitalism: Why Fairness Won...

In this episode of Ihya502, Hamza Foy sits with Mishkat Suleiman to discuss the book 'Moral Capitalism: Why Fairness Won't Make Us Poor' by Steven Pearlstein. This book is an incredibly easy read for such a complex topic like economics and discusses a number of assumptions made by the general public in the United States about capitalism and our current economic system. We discuss a few of the more interesting and thought-provoking tidbits such as pre-distribution vs. re-distribution, the difference between our modern economy vs older and simpler economies, and the need for more education surrounding economics and macro-level mathematics.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de-Vg2uXA3Q

▬ Relevant Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. Moral Capitalism on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/4zwestdn

▬ Timestamps ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:30 - Introducing the Book
01:50 - The Concept of Social Capital
07:15 - The issue of predistribution vs redistribution of wealth
18:00 - The Economies of Now & Past Economies
22:30 - Consequences of C-Level Employees

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

You can find this podcast's website at https://ihya502.vercel.app/
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip

In this episode of Ihya502, Hamza Foy sits with Mishkat Suleiman to discuss the book 'Moral Capitalism: Why Fairness Won't Make Us Poor' by Steven Pearlstein...

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy sits down to speak with Nini Mohamed. Nini Mohamed operates a large youth spo...

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy sits down to speak with Nini Mohamed. Nini Mohamed operates a large youth sports camp called 'The African in America' based in the Shively neighborhood and works to provide mentorship for young children 9 years of age and older. Nini Mohamed has collaborated with Louisville FC and has therapists from Seven Counties to assist him in his work! If you are interested in getting in touch with him, donating, or collaborating with him - you'll find links below to get in contact.

New Episode here (via YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBx6Op4LfuI

▬ Relevant Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. Nini Mohamed's email is [email protected].
2. Nini's website related to his soccer camp: https://ninimohamedtwo.com/pages/events

New Website: https://ihya502.vercel.app/

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy sits down to speak with Nini Mohamed. Nini Mohamed operates a large youth sports camp called 'The African in Ameri...

In this episode of Ihya502, we made a big announcement about the regular return of the podcast starting in January 2022....

In this episode of Ihya502, we made a big announcement about the regular return of the podcast starting in January 2022. We also made an announcement of a new website developed by myself where you can leave feedback relating to the podcast! You can find the new website at https://ihya502.vercel.app/

This short episode recaps a trip recently taken by a group of brothers from our Louisville Muslim community to Ohio County, Kentucky to help aid in cleaning up tornado damage from recent storms. We discuss the process we took to arrange this mission and hopefully encourage others to take the leap to help others.


In this episode of Ihya502, we made a big announcement about the regular return of the podcast starting in January 2022. We also made an announcement of a ne...

Glad tidings upon the men & women who fasted the 10th of Muharram! As we keep our tongues dry from water, gossip, & any ...

Glad tidings upon the men & women who fasted the 10th of Muharram! As we keep our tongues dry from water, gossip, & any other harmful speech and our bellies empty from food; we should remember these fasting moments in the future if we ever feel we don't possess self-discipline or that we can't overcome any obstacle.

May Allah al-Raqeeb wal-Mujeeb keep us in good health and contentment through the days we fast, the days & nights we spend reading, learning from, & modelling ourselves after the guidance from the Qu'ran.

May Allah al-Haleem wal-Jabbar make it easy for those struggling to abide by the Qu'ran or in keeping with the practice of fasting!

In this episode of Reading between the Lines, Hamza Foy & Mishkat Suleiman discuss What Tech Calls Thinking by author Ad...

In this episode of Reading between the Lines, Hamza Foy & Mishkat Suleiman discuss What Tech Calls Thinking by author Adrian Daub. This book discusses the themes & major ideas that are produced by the key figures of the tech industry such as 'disruption', 'the medium is the message', & other ideas and where these ideas originated from.

We discuss the unintended consequences of major apps such as Facebook, Twitter, & Lyft, what is 'trolling', and what resulted in the fact that more & more of tech revolves around engagement rather than meaningful transfer of information & other modes of communication.


▬ Announcement Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. GLIC Weekend School: https://sites.google.com/site/glicweekendschool/
2. Blood Drive Signup: www.redcrossblood.org enter IslamicCenter as sponsor
3. Dawah Booth Signup: https://signupschedule.com/glicstatefair

▬ Timestamps ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:01 - Introduction & Community Announcements
02:12​ - Intro to 'What Tech Calls Thinking'
05:00​​​ - 'Failing Better' & the Pitfalls of this Motto
13:58​​ - Apps & the (un)intended consequences
21:28 - Apps, Engagement, & Trolling
30:09​​ - Debate as Engagement vs Debate to Dissuade/Persuade
35:04 - Practical Steps to Help remove Harm

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

You can find this podcast's website at http://bit.ly/ihya-502​
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip

In this episode of Reading between the Lines, Hamza Foy & Mishkat Suleiman discuss What Tech Calls Thinking by author Adrian Daub. This book discusses the th...

That habit you've tried to kick? Try to kick it again. That error you fall into time & time again? Strive to avoid it. I...

That habit you've tried to kick? Try to kick it again. That error you fall into time & time again? Strive to avoid it. If you find other people's names spoken from your tongue or typed by your fingers as a form of gossip, divert yourself from situations where you fall into that behavior.

If you've neglected the expected duties to Allah, repent now in the present & recommit yourself. If you've done wrong to someone, reach out with a sincere apology now rather than procrastinating or pretending you owe no such thing.

May Allah al-Barr wal-Jabbar make accessible the means to steer clear from errors, wrongdoings, & bad habits & the courage to reconcile our relationship whether with Allah or with others when such reconciliation is necessary.

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy sits down with a student of a madrasah to discuss what it means to be a stude...

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy sits down with a student of a madrasah to discuss what it means to be a student of Islamic knowledge & his day-to-day routine and fields of study.


▬ Announcement Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. Louisville Job Board: https://www.liveinlou.com/jobs/
2. Job/Career Resources: https://jobversity.upwardlyglobal.org/resource-library/

▬ Qu'ran & Hadith References ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The scholars are the successors of the prophets. Verily, the prophets do not pass on gold and silver coins, but rather they only impart knowledge.” [Musnad al-Bazzār 10/68]

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

You can find this podcast's website at http://bit.ly/ihya-502​​
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy sits down with a student of a madrasah to discuss what it means to be a student of Islamic knowledge & his day-to-...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, learn about a couple of changes to the podcast and listen to a discussion from the la...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, learn about a couple of changes to the podcast and listen to a discussion from the last gathering for new Muslims.

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


You can find this podcast's website at http://bit.ly/ihya-502​​
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip

In this episode of Muslim Musings, learn about a couple of changes to the podcast and listen to a discussion from the last gathering for new Muslims.▬ Links ...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, we have a short discussion recapping the first class for reverts which includes point...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, we have a short discussion recapping the first class for reverts which includes pointers regarding aqidah (tenants of creed) and how sitting in gatherings for new Muslims can help you comprehend the very pragmatic issues affecting Muslims everyday in contrast to the theoretical and rare 'debate topics' that consume much of Muslim media.

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

You can find this podcast's website at http://bit.ly/ihya-502​​
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip

In this episode of Muslim Musings, a return from a short hiatus results in musing about organic gatherings across the co...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, a return from a short hiatus results in musing about organic gatherings across the community and the importance of going out of your way to benefit from them.

▬ Qu'ran & Hadith References ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. "Zayd ibn Thabit reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, May Allah brighten the face of a person who hears a tradition from us and he memorizes it until he can convey it to others. Perhaps he will convey it to one who understands better than him, and perhaps one who conveys knowledge does not understand it himself.", hadith in Sunan Abi Dawud 3660.
2. "Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Verily, this religion is firmly solid, so study its depths with gentleness..", hadith in Musnad Ahmad 27318.

▬ Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

You can find this podcast's website at http://bit.ly/ihya-502​​
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip

In this episode of Muslim Musings, a return from a short hiatus results in musing about organic gatherings across the community and the importance of going o...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, a short discussion on Palestine & its theological importance, on what we can do for P...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, a short discussion on Palestine & its theological importance, on what we can do for Palestine, & a new gathering for local Muslims.

▬ Timestamps ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00​ - Introduction
02:30 - Palestine & Bayt al-Maqdis
07:20​ - A list of action items for Filasteen
12:00 - New gathering for new Muslims & old
15:35 - al-Maqasid - Nawawi's Manual on Islam
21:40 - Purification of the Heart
26:40 - Closing Du'a

▬ Qu'ran & Hadith References ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
1. "Maymunah reported: She said, “O Messenger of Allah, tell us about the Sacred House in Jerusalem.” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “It is the land of the gathering and the Resurrection. Go there and pray, for one prayer in it is like a thousand prayers elsewhere.” She said, “What if I cannot endure travel to there?” The Prophet said, “Let one send a gift of oil to light its lamps, for whoever does so is as if he has gone there.” ", Sahih hadith per al-Arnaut in Sharh Mushkil al-Athir 610.
2. "Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no veil between it and Allah.", hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari 4347.


In this episode of Muslim Musings, a short discussion on Palestine & its theological importance, on what we can do for Palestine, & a new gathering for local...

In this episode of Islamic Reminders, we discuss the importance of trying to retain the knowledge, good acts, & habits w...

In this episode of Islamic Reminders, we discuss the importance of trying to retain the knowledge, good acts, & habits we gained during Ramadan even after this blessed month. It is of utmost importance that we understand that virtue is not in pretending that we do not have desires and inclinations to return to what bad we may have left off during Ramadan - but virtue is in responding strongly (with taqwa) against returning to those vices, bad habits, and desires which we have left.

▬ Qu'ran & Hadith References

1. "And she certainly determined [to seduce] him, and he would have inclined to her had he not seen the proof [i.e., sign] of his Lord. And thus [it was] that We should avert from him evil and immorality. Indeed, he was of Our chosen servants.", Qu'ran 12:24.
2. "There was a man who never did any good deed, but he used to lend to people and he would say to this messenger: "Take what can be paid easily and leave what is difficult. . .", Sahih hadith in Sunan an-Nasa'i 4694.
3.. "Be moderate and adhere to moderation, for there is no one among you who will be saved by his deeds.” They said: “Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “Not even me. Unless Allah encompasses me with mercy and grace from Him.”, Sahih hadith in Sunan ibn Majah 4201.
4. "Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Allah says, 'If My slave intends to do a bad deed then (O Angels) do not write it unless he does it; if he does it, then write it as it is, but if he refrains from doing it for My Sake, then write it as a good deed (in his account). (On the other hand) if he intends to do a good deed, but does not do it, then write a good deed (in his account), and if he does it, then write it for him (in his account) as ten good deeds up to seven-hundred times.", hadith in Sahih Bukhari 7501.

▬ Links

You can find this podcast's website at http://bit.ly/ihya-502​​
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp​
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip


In this episode of Islamic Reminders, we discuss the importance of trying to retain the knowledge, good acts, & habits we gained during Ramadan even after th...

Our upcoming episodes this month!

Our upcoming episodes this month!

In this episode of Islamic Reminders, we are still in the first half of Ramadan and there is a reminder to seek forgiven...

In this episode of Islamic Reminders, we are still in the first half of Ramadan and there is a reminder to seek forgiveness from others that we have wronged. Our nafs (ego) may delude us into believing that the wrong we do may be negligible, thus causing us to bypass apologizing to another person, but we should build the habit of seeking forgiveness and returning to harmonious relationships between brothers and sisters.

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In this episode of Islamic Reminders, we are still in the first half of Ramadan and there is a reminder to seek forgiveness from others that we have wronged....

In this episode of Reading between the Lines, Hamza Foy & Mishkat Suleiman discuss an insightful & challenging read titl...

In this episode of Reading between the Lines, Hamza Foy & Mishkat Suleiman discuss an insightful & challenging read titled 'The Coddling of the American Mind by authors Jonathan Haidt & Greg Lukianoff. This book centers its discussion on recent changes in ideas and behaviors promoted on American universities that are deterring incoming young adults from building an intellectual foundation encouraging reason and debate.

We discuss the 'untruths', as outlined in the book which are that 'what doesn't kill you, makes you weaker' and how that is applied intellectually, the rise of emotional reasoning, and overuse of tribal dichotomies (Us vs. Them). We elaborate on some shifts in behavior such as interpreting other people through the lense of intent vs. impact and talk a little about personal anecdotes where we have witnessed what the book is discussing

You can find this podcast's website at http://bit.ly/ihya-502​
Check us out on Substack: http://bit.ly/louisville-lip​
Check us out on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ihya502-spotify​
Check us out on Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/ihya502-applepod​
Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip


In this episode of Reading between the Lines, Hamza Foy & Mishkat Suleiman discuss an insightful & challenging read titled 'The Coddling of the American Mind...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, host Hamza Foy sits with Amanda Brown (Counselor, MA, LPCA, EMDR) & Ameenah Ikram (MA...

In this episode of Muslim Musings, host Hamza Foy sits with Amanda Brown (Counselor, MA, LPCA, EMDR) & Ameenah Ikram (MA, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student) to begin exploring the field of mental health. The discussion includes the differences between psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, & therapist, how to get in touch with these mental health professionals, and what are some of the methods employed by mental health professionals are such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) & CBT (cognitive behaviorial therapy).

Amanda Brown is a licensed counselor and is currently practicing - you can reach her through these methods:

Ameenah Ikram provided a list of mental health professionals who either accept insurance or have sliding scale for their costs: http://bit.ly/lou-mental-health

Join the Louisville Muslims News Whatsapp: https://bit.ly/3b2D7rp
Subscribe to the Louisville Lip Email Newsletter: https://bit.ly/louisville-lip


In this episode of Muslim Musings, host Hamza Foy sits with Amanda Brown (Counselor, MA, LPCA, EMDR) & Ameenah Ikram (MA, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Studen...

In this episode of Ihya502, there is a short reminder as we near Ramadan. There is a short discussion on Huquq Allah & H...

In this episode of Ihya502, there is a short reminder as we near Ramadan. There is a short discussion on Huquq Allah & Huquq al-ibad which are the rights that Allah has over us as Muslims and the rights that Muslims have over one another. This discussion is related to the need for us to remember to avoid harming others & other vices alongside the more recognizable abstaining from food, drink, & sexual activity during the month of Ramadan.

Islamic Reminders will be interspersed throughout the month of Ramadan.

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In this episode of Ihya502, there is a short reminder as we near Ramadan. There is a short discussion on Huquq Allah & Huquq al-ibad which are the rights tha...

Salam Alaikum,We have a great schedule coming up this month of April. For our formal episodes, we will have an episode d...

Salam Alaikum,

We have a great schedule coming up this month of April. For our formal episodes, we will have an episode discussing mental health with Sr. Amanda Brown & Sr. Ameenah Ikram, we will have an episode reviewing the book 'The Coddling of the American Mind' by Greg Kukianoff & Jonathan Haidt, and we will have another reverts discussion with a wonderful couple in the Louisville community.

We may release shorter episodes dispersed throughout the month of Ramadan giving practical advice, general hikmah, & more for our fasting community!

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy expands on a few discussion items at a recent panel discussion for Muslim rev...

In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy expands on a few discussion items at a recent panel discussion for Muslim reverts at the University of Louisville. In this episode, learn about why advice that reverts can give can be effective, how culture is understood in the Islamic tradition, & some points of advice on how we can come together & how we can better protect ourselves from misinformation as learning Muslims.

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In this episode of Ihya502, host Hamza Foy expands on a few discussion items at a recent panel discussion for Muslim reverts at the University of Louisville....

In this episode of Reading Between The Lines, Hamza & Mishkat dig into a famous book by scholar Joseph Campbell which de...

In this episode of Reading Between The Lines, Hamza & Mishkat dig into a famous book by scholar Joseph Campbell which details a common outline in myths & fiction stories across the world - the hero's journey - and what this may say about human psychology & how it may affirm the Islamic tradition's credal conception of the fitrah.

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In this episode of Reading between the Lines, Hamza & Mishkat dig into one of the most riveting books concerning world mythology & fiction, 'The Hero with a ...

In this week's Ihya502 podcast episode, Farhan Abdi joins to discuss our Somali community in Louisville and challenges f...

In this week's Ihya502 podcast episode, Farhan Abdi joins to discuss our Somali community in Louisville and challenges faced as a community leader!

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In this episode of Muslim Musings, host Hamza Foy sits with Farhan Abdi, one of the leaders of the Somali community here in Louisville. Farhan Abdi manages t...

Here is our schedule for March!We will have Farhan Abdi with the Somali Community of Louisville Inc. on this month's epi...

Here is our schedule for March!

We will have Farhan Abdi with the Somali Community of Louisville Inc. on this month's episode of Muslim Musings. Mishkat & Hamza will be discussing Joseph Campbell's 'Hero of a Thousand Faces' for Reading between the Lines. We will be discussing all things Ramadan for this month's Suhba Roundtable!

In this week's Ihya502 podcast episode, Arshak Naseer & Yazen Kurdi join to discuss emotional intelligence!Like, Follow,...

In this week's Ihya502 podcast episode, Arshak Naseer & Yazen Kurdi join to discuss emotional intelligence!

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In this episode of Suhba Roundtable, host Hamza Foy sits with Arshak Naseer & Yazen Kurdi to discuss emotional intelligence in relation to how we interact wi...

Salam Alaikum,If you are an Apple user, then you'll find it easier to access the Ihya502 podcast! We are finally on iTun...

Salam Alaikum,

If you are an Apple user, then you'll find it easier to access the Ihya502 podcast! We are finally on iTunes/Apple Podcasts!

Visit us at: https://tinyurl.com/ihya502-apple-podcast

‎Islam · 2021


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