Meaningful stories part #1 - a Ph.D. to prepare for climate change 🤩 Yesterday, live here on Facebook. I interviewed Bridget on her current Ph.D.
🎬 Watch the replay of these 7 minutes where passionate Bridget explains why cities must start preparing for the effects of climate change and why building drainage is super important in the time we live in. This stream was definitely a good start to promoting her message! 🙌
Life is fragile, embrace it!
Do you have plans for tomorrow or next week? What if they all disappeared in a blink of an eye? The ongoing war in Ukraine has shown the importance of embracing what you have.
I created this video to help raise money for the people in Ukraine, who not long ago were having normal lives just like me and you <3 #StandWithUkraine #fundraising #embracelife
The filming is done in Gøteborg, Sweden for a school project, for illustrative purposes only, and did not have any budget.
Authentic storytelling through music: featuring eTameem
Dette budskapet til artisten eTameem handler om et vekst mindset og å tro på seg selv og gjøre noe på tross av at andre sier du «ikke er god nok» 🙌👊💯 Se gjerne hele intervjuet, da man forstår historien og budskapet bak sangen.
Ps. Hvis du vil hoppe rett til intervjuet etter introen kan du hoppe til 5:32 😊