Thank you Meredith for this amazing review of The Book of Mental Toughness Mantras:
Mantras that will inspire you to action
This is one of the most valuable books you could ever invest in.
I don’t say that lightly. I’ve read 100s of self-help types of books over the years.
I’ve followed Chris Dorris for 3+ years through his Tough Talks Podcast and Daily Dose email messages. He’s committed to helping people experience less suffering (of their own making) and more joy (also of their own making). In this book, he shares 52 mantras or life lessons that have profoundly impacted my thinking and my actions.
There are so many examples. A favorite is the mantra, “I Relinquish the Need to Defend.” This is about experiencing the need to defend ourselves emotionally when another person speaks words that we take offense to. What Chris advises: “Instead of taking those words as offensive, you see through the emotion, perfectly peacefully, with curiosity…You are capable of experiencing reality AS IT IS.”
Others, you can gather from the titles, address common situations we all go through and remind us that we have choices: “Ain’t Bad, Just Is” and “Nervous Can’t Exist in Service” and “I have/GET TO.”
This is a book I’ll be re-reading multiple times because there are so many nuggets packed in here that I simply can’t absorb them all at once. Plus, I’ll be in a different place myself as a result of making changes based on the prior reading.
If you’d like to upgrade your thinking and actions, get this book. When you study and apply the mantras, I bet you’ll see positive changes in your life.