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Tenzinlovewriting17 tenzinlovewriting17 will basically write stories based on fiction and non-fiction which benefits and entertain the readers and followers of this page.

Chapter 3In following day, bar owner told me to serve him his request. To my surprise, I saw him sitting with one man. I...

Chapter 3

In following day, bar owner told me to serve him his request.
To my surprise, I saw him sitting with one man. I walked to their direction and their conversation was loud enough to hear everything.

"I know you are upset with your wife. I know she chased you out from your house but drinking is not your final option. You got three kids. Who is going to look after them? They need you at this moment. They are still young to understand. For time being, you can stay at my house. You are well educated man. You know anything better than me" Man sitting next told.

I served them alcohol and walked back. While reaching near door, I decided to listen them further.

"For past five years, I have been living under her like servant. I sometimes couldn't belive I am officer. When I am outside, I had to act bold for rest of people but when I enter inside that house, I had to live with no power. I am also man. Even if she doesn't respect me, she should at least take responsibility being mother of our kids. Listening to her father was my greatest mistakes. I wished if he is alive today so that he can witness all the scene" He replied holding glass on his hand.

"We will talk to sister inlaw about it. If she keeps on playing card and doesn't want to shoulder responsibility as mom, that's different point. Let's go and stay at my house. Stop drinking and spending night in your car" Man pull him holding his arm.

"Brother Tashi, how much you will become middle man between us? How much you will intermediate between us? Don't you feel pity on your brother? I really want to divorce and live separately. Otherwise my life will get spoiled. If you really want to help, help me to get away from her. I can take care of my kids alone" He said.

"Tashi, are you sure you can take care of your one year old son? Rest two are going school and it's fine. Better you think carefully." His brother told.

I walked away thereafter.
From back of my mind, I thought even rich people had same problem like us.

After sometimes when I return back, I saw Tashi sitting alone.
I wanted to narrate my stories being as witness of alcoholic patent. I wanted to help him saying how much we the child suffered so that he can understand and rejoin with wife.

I walked slowly and picked up empty bottle.
"Sir, can I take the plate?" I asked.
"Yes you can and would you mind to refill my glass?" He told in half smile.

I refilled his glass and said "would you mind if I sit here and talk with you?"

He nod his head indicating its fine.
"Seeing your face, I can say you are in great sorrow. Can you share with me?" I asked.

He laughed at me and told "kids like you all will never understand elders problem."

"If you share your problems, I can reply as kids. Elder doesn't understand what we kids are thinking and how much we are suffering.if you tell me if alcohol is solving all problems, I will let my mom to continue drinking. Till now, I hate mom for drinking. Whenever she comes home drinking, I use to think if I have another mom in place of her."

He stared at me for so long and never replied anything.
"How many kids you have?" I asked.
"Are they all grown up?"

"Youngest is one year old" He replied.
"My eldest sister dropped out from school to look after us. She born the duty of mother because we hardly gets meal. Later, she got married. Since she is housewife, she don't have any power to take care of our family. If mother have carried her duty, my sister might have lead happy life" I said.

"How many siblings you have?" He asked.
He dropped his wine glass.

To be continued.. . .

Chapter 2I accept that I came from middle class family. Moreover, I got ample of siblings and living in core city of Thi...

Chapter 2

I accept that I came from middle class family. Moreover, I got ample of siblings and living in core city of Thimphu with only one sorce of income vibrant us time and again.
When I was young, my friends used to ignore me for not being able to bring what they brought.
They even teased me for bringing only potatoes curry.

Because of several problems faced by our family, eldest sister dropped from school and married taxi driver. Her marriaged only caused more problem.

After that, second elder sister couldn't qualify from ten and married to police. Although she couldn't helped our family, burden has been reduced.
Only seven of us left in home.

If only my mother skip drinking, we wouldn't faced such disaster.
When two elder sisters left home, I became eldest and whole responsibilities shoulder on me.
Keeping insult from school in mind, I decided to do something for rest of my siblings. I started gardening and growing vegetables.
Side by side, I even kept studying hard. I cannot say I am most intelligent child among my siblings but I always hold positions which makes my father proud.

My father works as chef in hotel. He never drink nor scold mother for drinking. He wakes up early morning, prepare lunch for us and goes duty.
Sometimes, I wonder "is there any man who is so calm like my father?"

My happiest moment is when I qualified from class ten scoring flying colors of result, my father was so proud.
That was only time I saw the smile on his face.
"You will make our family proud one day. I am so happy" He told with bright smile.

I have no idea when did mother begin drinking and why she became addicted to alcohol.
My good habit was although I had lots of domestic problems, I never allowed it to hamper my studies.

After twelve, I discussed with father to do part time job.
He helped me finding job as bar tender right next to his work.

With lots of excitement I joined job where owner told me she will pay ten thousand bucks per month.

The moment I joined as bar tender, I saw one man coming on same time, sitting on same seat and taking same order.

He was all alone. He hardly talk with people around. I was botherless at first but through his expression, I sensed something is going on.

Although he was our regular customer, I never talked with him once.
One day, while I was waiting for my father, I saw him getting up and heading to car. I watched where he is heading but the car never moved.

In following day, bar owner asked me to close shop early since she had to attain funeral.
That man kept on drinking unless I went near him and said "sir we had to close shop early."

He paid and walked away. I watched him until he reached inside car. Like early, car never moved.

To be continued....

Chapter 1Knock.....knock.....The door keeps on knocking. I woke up with half sleep and opened door."You bitch. How dare ...

Chapter 1

The door keeps on knocking. I woke up with half sleep and opened door.
"You bitch. How dare you sn**ch my husband?" She pushed me aside and walked inside my house.

I followed her towards bedroom.
"Don't you feel ashamed? Do you know what she will do later on? She will take all your property and leave you." Then she looked at me with dirty face.
"Hey you....how could you stay with married man? You think enjoying others property will give you happiness? You will get your reward soon......" She keeps on talking and I decided not to concentrate.

I knew I can't compete with her in any case. Her background, her lifestyle, her wealth and all.
More than that, in case of argument.

I looked at our husband indirectly. As aspected, he remain silent without replying anything.
After knowing she will not get any reply, she asked at last, "What will you do about us and kids?"
From back of my mind, I thought "why she keeps on talking? After all, he will never reply"

But he did. He replied her, which is beyond my imagination.
"I am done with you. We will divorce and regarding kids, I will raise" He told in low voice.

"If it's your decision, I am fine with that but I will not let my kids to suffer under your guidance. We will talk once we reach inside court"

She slumped the door so harsh.

"Do you think its good idea?" I asked Karma after sometimes. Actually he is twelve years older than me but being my boyfriend, I treat him like friends of my age.

"I want happiness. I want freedom. I will do whatver I want from here onwards" Karma replied.

I decided not to asked further and headed to kitchen. As always, I brought him black coffee in bed and turned back to go when he said "What we will do if my ex-wife doesn't want us to raise kids like she said earlier?"

"If that's her decision, it's fine. But we will help kids by providing necessary things." I replied.

"I am sorry once again that you have to hear all those unwanted words." Karma begged forgiveness on behalf of ex-wife.

"I am now used to. Never mind"

Actually, those words mind me although I heard several times from his ex-wife and kids.
She slapped me mercilessly. His kids spit on my face. More than anything, they even told me I am pr******te and begger. Never in my life, I thought I will get such names.

On the other hand, I always think positively. Even if I am in their position, I will do same because I am taking away their sorce of income. But, I also wonder whether they will live happily if he goes back to thier life?

It doesn't mean, I never told him to go back with his family.
If everything goes well with his old family, I am all alone and I can move on. But he told me, his wife will not change her character.

Infact, I saved him from getting ruined. Why I am being called sugar baby? Why people defame me? Humiliate me?

Because of one or two people, everyone who marry older man is being talked behind.

To be continued.........


Story of Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup

Tsaling is place few kilometers away from Trashiyangtse and on the way towards bomdeling.

If you ever visit Tsaling, you are going to come across big stone which is supposed to mean its luggage of Tsaling Gakpa Sumdrup.

After hearing the story, I became curious to see his luggage and I hope you too will be curious.

Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup was son of single mother. From young kid, mother notice her son taking meal more than what is supposed to consume. As he grew older, he took meal which is sufficient for nine to ten people.
He even finish taking whole fruits that the tree bear.

The luggage which is in form of stone is said to be the luggage where his mother asked him to get from another village. Since mother didn't feed enough meal, he couldn't reach the luggage inside house.
Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup was such strong man who can even defeat ox. By his looks, he was just few feet tall but he was gifted with strong willpower.

His story was heard by one of strong man in Tashigang. Out of curiosity, strong man at Tashigang requested Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup to challenge him. They gathered at one place where lots of people came to witness the show. Strong man of Tashigang was very tall. He told Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup to show his talent first.
Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup hold left hand of Tashigang's strong man and make hundred round. That strong man died before he could show his talent.

How he died?
One day, while he was fishing at kholongchu, he came across long fish which doesn't have end. Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup pull out that long fish and carried towards his village. He cut small pieces and given to whole villagers.
Actually, that fish was mermaid. After that accident, Tsaling Gakpa Samdrup died falling sick.


Another story of Gaap Lungi Khorlo(heard from old man)

We were all watching TV silently and then the movie of Gaap Lungi Khorlo appeared on screen. All of us broaden our eyes as scene gets more scary.

After movie, I asked to one of friends "What you will do if you meet Nala duem?"
She laughed and replied "By any means, you will be in hook. How can fish escape?"

"I heard different story from my ancestors. Actually, Gaap Lungi Khorlo was not murdered" Old man near me capture my attention.

"Really?" I asked shifting myself towards his direction.
"I am not saying this movie is wrong. Stories are all stories after all." He added.

"Tell us what you heard" I said.

He begins telling.

There were three strong man with different capabilities. One could sharp his knife and make it like needle in a day. Another could sew whole gho in a day and Gaap Lungi Khorlo could carry massage from Thimphu to Trongsa and can return back to Thimphu.

Every time when he reach near palace of Nala duem, he use to tell "I have task to be reach at Trongsa. I am only using your way. Hope we will understand each other."
That makes Nala duem to not harm him in any way. In fact they were like good friend where one let him to use her area as way. She doesn't bother Gaap Lungi Khorlo passing from her territory.
However, as he gets older, his body weaken day by day and couldn't perform his duty well.
Out of tiredness, one day when he reached near palace, he shouted on top of his voice.
"Nala duem....till now you never harmed me although i passed from your area many times. Many people complained you were dangerous but you treated me like your friend. For that i am always greatful. Today i am calling you to tell since i cannot perform my duty well like i use to perform in olden days, i will repay you with my body. You can eat my flash and bone as if you are eating after so many days of hunger. You can drink my blood unless you satisfy out of thirst. Now i am offering you my body to you. You can take my soul."
That makes Nala duem to understand that he is no longer useful as human being and he really wanted to quit his life. So she granted his request and took his soul.

This story is not to defame other story of Gaap Lungi Khorlo. It's what I heard and sharing

My lordOh! King of Bhutan With your glumorious effort People are blessed in tonesWe walk with pride That we are citizen ...

My lord
Oh! King of Bhutan
With your glumorious effort
People are blessed in tones

We walk with pride
That we are citizen of your country
Nothing seems bright
As we live under your sovergnity

Some country beg for freedom
Some country beg for good leader
We never get any boredom
Under reign of your splendour

Your people are celebrating today
With immense pleasure of enthusiasm
On your 40th birthday
May you live longer with heart of Buddhism

Thank you for being our king, happy birthday la your majesty

I also deserve respect I am eldest among three siblings and my father left us. Mom tried her level best to feed us and I...

I also deserve respect

I am eldest among three siblings and my father left us. Mom tried her level best to feed us and I felt proud since single mother can raise her children very well.

One day, I saw mom coming along with a man. He is one of the rich man as per my knowledge.

"Is he marrying you?" I ask to mom. With her drowned face, she replied "Not me. He is marrying you. Listen daughter, till now he is helping us because he has great feeling for you. I know he will be good to you and our family. If you accept, he is taking us with him. We can give best education to your siblings."

I had to accept him for the sake of my family. He take us from our village to town. We all followed him inside his house. We were all happy to see his well furnished house.
After dinner, man took me along with him. I looked at my mom. I saw tears in her eyes but she nodded her head indicating everything will be fine.

When I reach inside his bedroom, he close door from behind and begin to kiss me. His big hand grab on my shoulder and drag me towards bed. Than he undress me. He is fifteen years older than me. I screamed so loud when he begin to have s*x with me. He never showed any mercy.

I turn towards door and cried silently. After few minutes later, he again begin to have s*x with me. I thought I am dying in pain. He repeatedly make love with me for whole night. He never asked if I am in pain.

Following day, I was bed ridden. My mom console "it's fine and I can get use to."
My husband reach back during lunch time. He close bedroom door and begin to undress me. I pleaded him that I can't serve him but he denied my request.

From there, he begins to have s*x any time he like. Sometimes, I had to follow him even if I was in kitchen.

I never complaint any single words although I hated my husband since he was good to my family. As promised, he gave education to my siblings. He was good to my mom.

After one year, I gave birth to one son. I prayed God not to send daughter and suffer like me. I was discharged from hospital after five days. He again forced me to have s*x. Blood flooded on bedsheet and stitches were all tore off. I was admitted back to hospital and doctor scold him not to disturb me till I recover.

There are some husband who only wanted to fulfill their lust. They don't want to understand the pain of wife.

This is self created story dedicated to all boys. Women are not your slave. Respect her. She needs happiness, peace and love. Support her with all your heart.

Namshey Bardo (Samara) Episode 1The cool breeze gently enter inside living room making the wrestling sounds of leaves as...

Namshey Bardo (Samara)

Episode 1

The cool breeze gently enter inside living room making the wrestling sounds of leaves as sun sets and evening falls. Gaki waited eagerly to give her husband the big surprise by sharing the pregnancy news.

Before she could hold onto photo frame, sudden winds enter inside room and gave massive damages towards their special photo.

Gaki run towards window to close before it brings another damages. As if there was wishper in her ears, she heard strange sounds in which she has to look around. "What's that sound? Did he came already?" She peep through the window and saw nothing.

Tring........ Thring.....tring.....telephone sound pumped her heart. She ran towards telephone when her night gown got hooked at corner of table. Dark shadow disappeared from window curtains. She picked the call "Hello?"

"Gaki I have meeting tonight. You can have dinner and go for sleep. I will call you when I get home" Tshezang told her.

"At what time you....... Tut...tut...tut" The line got disconnected.

Gaki headed towards kitchen and open fridge to check something to eat. She feels as if someone is following her. She turn her neck towards door. Only she could hear is room filled with the sound of television.

With strange feelings, she turn back and opens the pot. Girl with long hair and white dress stand behind her. She gave nasty smile seeing Gaki and walk little by little towards Gaki's side.

Lid of pot slip from Gaki's hand and hit on floor. "Oh gosh. What's happening today? Why Tshezang has to get busy tonight when I get scared?"

Gaki recited the prayers of dema which gives safer feelings. After dinner, she put off TV and headed to bedroom.
Murmuring the songs, she checked her phone for a while and fall asleep.

In her half sleep, she saw girl with long hair standing beside her. She tried her best to run away but she couldn't do. She even tried to shout but nothing works. The girl keeps on staring at her.

Gaki searched her phone to call Tsezang but her hand couldn't move. At that moment, girl came close to her and bend down. Gaki shouted "Please no no no no.... Please no...... "

Girl took sit on her feet which makes her difficult to move around. Gaki tried to shout but her voice was too low to hear. Struggling so many hours, Gaki was released when her phone rang. She woke up instantly feeling so light of her body. Tsezang called her where she took deep breath and received the call

My storyWhen I was little girl, I use to wish if there is no English subject because I was not good in English. Starting...

My story

When I was little girl, I use to wish if there is no English subject because I was not good in English. Starting from pp till five, I managed to get cp (carried pass) due to failed in English paper.

After 6th grade, we are send to lower school from primary. Out there, I met motivational teacher who use to teach us English. Every word that comes from his mouth is like chocolate for me. I don't remember even single period of his classes getting bored.

Because of him, I feel teacher is one of the most important person in our life. It depends upon how teacher teaches in the class.
Thanks to him, I scored good marks in English.

Than, we are send to middle school. Out there, I met with school captain who looks so charming. That is not the point but the way he talks in English melt my heart. Sometimes, we use to respect him like our teacher.

One day I heard his story from my friend. He was also backwarded student like me who hardly get pass in English. One of his teacher encourage him to read lots of book and always carry pocket dictionary to find out meaning. He followed the instructions and within no time, his English improve drastically.

Hearing his motivational story, I started reading novel. Reading becomes my habit after that. So I cannot say I am drastically changed like he does but I started getting interest in writing stories and reading books.

Let us read more books....happy reading to all

I didn't raised you to go against meToday I missed your mom more than anything. And also I wished if I had another child...

I didn't raised you to go against me

Today I missed your mom more than anything. And also I wished if I had another child when I walk out from your house.
Thank you. Thank you God that I have seen my son living happily with his family.

If I am strong enough to live independently, I maynot have opt your house as my second option.

I am old enough to feet of my own and every disease takes advantage of my weak cells.
When I heard my son got job, I aspect him to give me good news. Because I have been praying for so long. He didn't call me. Nevertheless, I requested our village mate to make call for my son. I longed for your sweet conversation but my excitement turn into dullness when you cut after few minutes.

I waited for you to invite me in your house but you never did. Again with positive thought, I told you I am visiting to hospital. I aspect you to ask "if I got some bus fare" but you didn't.
With little amount I saved, I took journey to Thimphu.
When you were little, you never walk back to school with less amount.

With lots of difficulty, I reached at Thimphu. I forgot to ask where you are staying. So I requested unknown woman to call you. You didn't respond my call. I waited almost two hour when one taxi driver ask "Where you are heading"

I gave your number and you responded after few calls. Actually you knew I am coming to your house.

I was so happy to see you and your family but you guys are not happy to see me. I tried every way to make you guys feel tentative on my talk but you guys were busy watching TV.

My three days staying in your house was like three years staying in meditation cafe. Sister in-law in our village was very supportive but your wife hardly notice me.

I walk to hospital alone without knowing where is entry and exit. Son, it's no use of me for tackling lots of obstacles for sending you to school if I have to walk hospital alone where I need is your support.

Your mother and I decided to raised you to best of best child by giving you highest education. When she left us, I promised her I will make you most powerful man in society. I don't remember myself getting so down to earth like I feel today.

Your wife was not happy seeing my untidy dress but I didn't aspect you from behind her.
When you were little, I use to have feelings of love towards you but now, I have feelings of scaredness. My title of dad changes to bastard.

But then, I never had drop of negative feelings towards you and your family. Everytime you scold me, I prayed for God, this things should not happen to him in his old age. Whenever you let me walk alone in hospital, I prayed "let his children take care of him"

Son, when I came from village, I came with lots of hope that you will take care of me. After spending few weeks with your family, I realized no matter what, hometown is best.

Remember, you will also get old like me. But you will never feel lonely like I do because I prayed for God that "Let him not suffer like I did"

Our parents are best no matter how poor they are. Remember to be good to them. It is self created story.

I am different ability guyLadies and gentlemen, today I am here on this wheel chair seeking help from my hand to walk ar...

I am different ability guy

Ladies and gentlemen, today I am here on this wheel chair seeking help from my hand to walk around. Actually hands are not meant to walk but people like us don't have any other option.

I was body fit guy like you all. My parent raised me to the fine boy. I played football, participated in race, and won lots of awards. Never in my dream that I imagine myself being disable.

I was married, got two child and even owned my own company.

When I could able do everything and gained lots of properties, I never thought whether God is existing or not. That is life.

You know, we the people don't remember God when we are in safer side. It was on 25th of June 2004, when I travel to Phuntsholing. I got car accident at Jumja (place mostly filled by clouds)

Actually I am not blaming to my wife for the cause of my accident but at that time, her cursed succeeded.
She is the woman who don't want to think about future. She want to spent everything lavishly and showoff in front of her friends.

Most of the time, we have to argue for the pocket money. Whenever I goes out, I hand over minimum of ten thousand bucks in case of emergency. She wants more.

On that day of my accident, she cursed me for not giving her the amount she requested. We had tough argument which distracted my mood. So I took the journey without peaceful mind.
When I reached Gedu, the weather was fine but suddenly climate changed to cloudy. Rain begins to fall with gust of wind blowing heavily. I was only one traveling from that area. A big stone fall in front of my car. I tried to drive from other side when my hand tremble out of nervousness and car fall from cliff.

In my little sense, I found myself lying on bushes with half body under car. After that, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was in hospital with bandage all over my body.

I cried with regrets, frustration, sadness and fear. That time only, I think about my lord. I told him "You should save me or you should have took my life"

The most trategy moment in my life is when I heard from doctor that I can't walk like normal people.

I spend almost a year in hospital doing treatment. My company downsize day by day and left nothing. Than my wife got opportunity to hate me more. She pick up fight for small matter. Everytime she keeps on criticizing me and makes me guilty. And finally she filled divorce in 2006.

I lost my wealth, wife and children. Then, I went back to village. When I was healthy, I focuses to my family. But when I became useless, I turn back to my parent. During that time, I learn how much affection our parent hold for their children. My parent accepted me with full support.

Once, in our village a great rimpoche dzongser Jamyang khentshe visited and blessed us. I promised to pray whole heatedly.
For a day, I chanted one hundred thousand mantra for Jetshen Drolma. God listened to my prayers.

I got opportunity to participate in Druk Olympic Archery play in which I won first and got chance to play at Korea. Out there, I didn't only won matches but also won the heart of many people.

They gave me thousands of bucks and promised to help me by sending money in future. Today I am here at my village owing diary firm. I have four workers gunienly helps me. I am living peacefully and independently.

Every one will have their own story. This story is created out of my own thought. Let us support for our disable friends.


IF YOU HAVE HAD S*X IN DREAM, please stop what you are doing and read this.

In a hotel where I was staying.

One early morning while heading to have my breakfast, I met one of the boys that works at the hotel.

I decided to interact with him, I called him to join me for the breakfast, he did and we started talking.

In middle of the conversation he told me how he graduated from the University of Benin with an honour in Economics.

Since then he started looking for a job without finding any until he decided to come to the hotel and become a waitress.

The sad part of the story is that according to him, anyone that promises to help him accidentally dies or become poor.

He didn't understand his life but decided to live with it.

He told me that each time he's promised a job or someone offers to help him, a strange woman suddenly appears and have s*x with him in dream and once that is done, the promise fails.

Many people are going through this.

Read this carefully!!! Having s*x in dream means you are married and sleeping with demons.

Nothing on earth is more jealous than a spiritual husband or wife, if you have s*x in dream nothing will work physically for you.

Once you have s*x in dream, you have left your blood inside a demon as a man and as a woman a demon has left his blood inside you.

Anywhere you go, you carry demon inside you that's why everything you try to do fails.

Your life will be frustrated until you ask whether really God does exist or not.

I prayed for this young man and that same night in his dream, a woman came and gave him a ring and waved him bye.

As I type today, he's working with Access Bank, married with kids and wealthy.

Have you ever had s*x in dream?

You need serious deliverance.

Use any of your right fingers to Type "Fire" 7 times and share this post 7 times, before you wake up tomorrow morning, you will have a dream, that demon will come and say bye to you.

That's the end of spiritual wife and husband.

No more s*x in dream. It's done. Try and see.

Type and share

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Career separate usChapter 6"I......i decided to go with you." Pedey told when Rubgay reached at her house. "Well that's ...

Career separate us

Chapter 6

"I......i decided to go with you." Pedey told when Rubgay reached at her house.

"Well that's good news. My wife will be so happy. Thank you for accepting our request and we promised to help you and your baby keep safe." Rubgay replied.

Pedey followed Rubgay after locking her door and make sure everything is fine with her Hut. She glance at Hut for last time with memories of her husband Khando. When they first saw the area, they both pointed at same place saying "Should we settle there?" They both laughed loudly seeing themselves pointing at same location.

She remembered the laughter of Khando and how she waits patiently for him to return back from work.

Every time he returned back to home, he comes along with new gift like kitchen utensils or her clothes.

His love towards her was evergreen. She didn't realized single day scolding her or getting mad at her. He almost shouted on top of mountains when she announced that she is pregnant.

Pedey always thought, running away from her loved one is no regrets.

"Should we proceed?" Rubgay disturbed her memories.
Pedey followed him silently.

On the way, all Pedey heard was Rubgay calling his wife and explaining where they have been? What gift she wants and all.

For several times, Tshokey had to cut in between or don't respond his call due to her work schedule. She didn't like patient waiting in front of her chamber or let them to wait.

She gives preference to her work first. Sometimes, she falls asleep without calling her husband when she gets exhausted.
Even than, she was happy to get understanding husband like Rubgay who treats her like princess.

Once she missed their anniversary where Rubgay gets mad and she had to beg him perdon. He told "I also work for government and they need my skills day and night but I spare my time to you. Right now, we are fine without child. In case of future, if you hardly have time even to attend our child's birthday, I just can't imagine."

Tshokey remained silent seeing her fault but she can't deny her responsibility at office.

Rubgay and Pedey reached at night due to long distance traveled and they did few conversations. Tshokey showed Pedey;their room and gave her few clothes to get changed.

Rubgay jumped onto bed after taking shower. "Honey, I am glad that you accepted my request. She is just pretty lady and child is so cute. Hope you will be happy even if we don't plan to have child early? " Tshokey told him hugging.

"Don't be silly hon. The child belongs to her. They will disappear once they find their life comfortable. It is great time for us to plan for baby. It has been almost two years." Rubgay replied.

"Couples marry for eight to nine years and give birth. Is that not fine with us? Since it is first time having Pedey here, you might not feel anything but slowly, you will get more attachment to her child and you will love that child. We will treat well like our own child. Will give good education....." Tshokey tried to sooth him when he interrupted "Hon please, it is fine until you are here with me. Anyway I missed you so much"




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