Native rebel

Native rebel just an average gamer who likes to have fun. if you like the content make sure to hit that follow bu


Slaying nation what’s up I hope everyone is doing well on this beautiful Monday. Today marks 1 year since I started streaming I had plans to go live tonight but I’m worn out from work and just tired in general so I’m just gonna play offline for a bit then pass out for the night.

Which leads into the second part of my post I haven’t been as dedicated to streaming here lately and I just haven’t had fun with it like I used to part of this is because of going back to work and spending more time with my kids and wife the other part is that just mentally I’ve just kinda checked out from streaming with that being said tomorrow nights stream with KillaQueenLaVee RaddTastic Gaming and rusty will be my last one for awhile. I don’t want to stream and put out bad content when My heart isn’t in it.
This isn’t goodbye forever but it is goodbye for now. I love you all so much and I can’t thank you guys enough for all the support and love you have shown me over this past year.
Also I my boy SlimTimmy Gaming is live we started streaming the same day so make sure to go show him some love and I will catch you guys tomorrow!!


Slaying nation what’s up hope everyone is doing well. First I just want to give a huge shoutout to everyone who stopped by this was my first real stream in 3 weeks and you guys absolutely killed it. We did have to restart twice but you guys came back so thank you for that.

I also want to give a huge shoutout to BAM Ruxin1164 and everyone else who came through with the massive star donations. I love you guys you absolute legends.

Lastly I would like to shoutout KillaQueenLaVee thank you for pushing me to go live again and for running with me today I can’t thank you enough for being you and always being there I couldn’t ask for a better friend. And of course it wouldn’t be a real party unless RaddTastic Gaming showed up and she did thank you for running radd and giving me all the laughs I could handle.

We will be back live tomorrow at some point everyone probably around 12-1 CST not sure what we are running but make sure to tune in and see what kinda wacky s**t I get into. Until then guys much love and peace!


Slaying nation hope everyone is doing well on this Tuesday. I know I said I would be live tonight but I’m still not feeling great and I don’t want to put out bad content so I’m canceling tonight’s co stream but please if you guys would go show my co streamers some love KillaQueenLaVee RaddTastic Gaming and MoetheBlaxican are all absolutely amazing content creators and people so please go show them some love. If I feel better tomorrow I will get a stream in sometime in the afternoon much love everyone and have. A great night!


Yo slaying nation what’s up hope everyone has had a great Monday sorry for no streams over the weekend I was moving. I had planned on being live tonight for follower games but I woke up not feeling great so I’m taking today to rest up. Will be back tomorrow night with some warzone action with KillaQueenLaVee RaddTastic Gaming and MoetheBlaxican. Tell tomorrow night guys much love and stay safe


So Microsoft has agreed to purchase activision for 70 billion what’s everyone’s thoughts on this? Is the future of cod better with Microsoft at the helm? Sale won’t go through tell 2023 but maybe some changes coming that will benefit the cod community


Slaying nation hope everyone is doing well tonight!
First I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who came and showed their support and cheered us on tonight. Sadly tonight just wasn’t our night and we were bounced in the first round.
Secondly I would like to take the time to apologize for the way I acted on stream games were super frustrating and we were getting put in some insane lobbies that we normally wouldn’t have. That’s not who I am as a content creator and I need to learn to better control my emotions.
Lastly with the state of warzone at the moment I’m having a hard time wanting to stream it. I think maybe it’s time for a change to something else I just don’t know what that may be if you guys have any suggestions on what you would want me to play let me know and I will try to make it happen. I don’t mind streaming warzone 1-2 times a week but everyday is just to much at the moment and I hope you guys can understand that.
I would like to give a very special shout out to KillaQueenLaVee and CHIBBS these two are absolutely amazing people and content creators so if you haven’t already please go show them some love.
Thank you again guys for being an amazing community and much love!

Well what can I say KillaQueenLaVee CHIBBS and myself showed out last night and took the first seed. Final 8 starts toni...

Well what can I say KillaQueenLaVee CHIBBS and myself showed out last night and took the first seed. Final 8 starts tonight at 4 pm CST come cheer us on

What a massive first day! A huge congrats to Slaying swealot gaming for taking out day 1! Tomorrow is all about the top 8!

Did your team get through? Do you think they will still clutch?

Jordania The ODD
TinMan Gaming
Brownmvn Gaming
HADES Gaming
Peak Gaming
Skydiving_Dragon Gaming
AstroCat Gaming

Tonight, were dropping into Caldera with two of my favorite people KillaQueenLaVee and CHIBBS. always a good time so mak...

Tonight, were dropping into Caldera with two of my favorite people KillaQueenLaVee and CHIBBS. always a good time so make sure to tune in.

Tonight, we are taking over Caldera with Crapweasel99 gaming Xquisite and Blondie_410 you guys don't want to miss this!!...

Tonight, we are taking over Caldera with Crapweasel99 gaming Xquisite and Blondie_410 you guys don't want to miss this!!


Schedule as of now will be updated as people join. Anyone that wants to co stream hit me up!

Monday- 4 PM CST games with KillaQueenLaVee tell 6 pm then games with Drussolini The SilentStorm Gaming & Ruxin1164
Tuesday 7 am CST coffee and chat then games with KillaQueenLaVee and Mysteryperson1992-gaming
Tuesday night- 7 PM CST games with Crapweasel99 gaming Xquisite & blondie_410
Wednesday morning- games starting at 7 AM CST (have 3 openings)
Wednesday night- 4 PM CST games with CHIBBS and KillaQueenLaVee
Thursday- games starting at 7AM CST (have 3 openings)
thursday night screamz zstreamz
Friday- off out of town
Saturday- off out of town
Sunday- there may be a stream but won’t be tell the evening

Guys I’m excited to announce that I will be a captain for this tournament. That being said I need two teammates the comb...

Guys I’m excited to announce that I will be a captain for this tournament. That being said I need two teammates the combined kd cap is 3 and I have a 1.02 if anyone is interested let me know

Finally!! The BIG announcement has arrived!!
Anarchy 77 Robo and I have been working hard to host our very first invitational tournament.

More details will be released soon but mark your calenders for January 14th and 15th!! It will be a blast!!

Any questions or comments let me know and I will do my best to help.

Let's Go!!!!


Schedule for 12/21-12/28 all times are CST

12/21-10 am-4 pm games with SlimTimmy Gaming
4 pm-7pm follower games with Killa Queen LaVee
7pm-10pm games with slim Timmy gaming and Crapweasel99 gaming

12/22- 7am-7pm games with slim Timmy gaming does anyone want to join?

12/23- 7am-11pm coffee and chat tell 9am then games with KillaQueenLaVeeand KT Leigh. at 4pm games with Killa Queen LaVee slim Timmy gaming and RaddTastic Gaming then at around 8 pm we will be playing with brones and Killa Queen LaVee.

12/24-7am-3pm probably do some more follower games

12/25-christmas-off to spend time with family

12/26- 7 am-4pm if anyone wants to join

12/27- 7 am- 4 pm games with slim Timmy gaming we will probably have two spots open if anyone wants to join

12/28-7 am- 4 pm games with slim Timmy gaming we will probably have two spots open if anyone wants to join

If anyone wants to get a co stream in just send me a message and we can make it happen

Let’s go!!!

Let’s go!!!

Slaying swealot gaming Smashed 1k Followers Today! Let’sa Go Let’sa Grow! Congratulations on making the Cover for The New Year in the January Issue! Community Interaction is Key and the Growth shows!


Slaying nation I know we were supposed to be live today but I woke up with a sore throat and just feeling achy and rundown so I’m gonna take today to try and get to feeling better and hopefully be live again tomorrow morning much love all and have a great day!


Thank you, guys, for 1K. much love everyone I will see you tomorrow


Slaying nation what’s up hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate you guys last nights stream was absolutely amazing and it all thanks to you guys.

I’m taking today and tomorrow off to just spend some time with the family because starting Sunday we are gonna start pushing hard for supporter button. I along with SlimTimmy Gaming carguygaming and KillaQueenLaVee will all be on our supporter push and we can use your guys help. Stay 90 seconds as a personal page and I know we can smash this goal and go into next year riding a wave. Much love all and I look forward to seeing you Sunday!


Slaying nation hope everyone is well on this Monday morning. First I want to say thank you guys for the continued support can’t thank you guys enough for that.
Second I would like to take the time to apologize to all of you the last couple days I haven’t been myself. The anniversary of the death of my grandpa and son are coming up and mentally right now I’m just not where I need to be with that being said I’m gonna take the next couple days to just relax and try and get back to where I need to be so no streams till Wednesday at the earliest. Much love everyone and thank you guys again for everything you guys do!!

Spent our last night in Verdansk with the OG crew sharing memories and just having a good time. Even caught SlimTimmy Ga...

Spent our last night in Verdansk with the OG crew sharing memories and just having a good time. Even caught SlimTimmy Gaming 100TH warzone dub with two minutes left before the servers shut down. thank you, boys, for the games. we will be live tomorrow with warzone pacific at 9AM CST. See you guys there!!!


Just some of the high quality action you can get when me and KillaQueenLaVee run together


Slaying nation I’ll be live here in a bit but just wanted to give you a run down of the next couple days. Today we will be doing our normal start time. The warzone servers will go offline at 9 pm PT tonight and won’t be back on tell 9am PT tomorrow so we won’t be live again tell then. We will probably do a super long stream today and tomorrow want to get as much verdansk as I can before it’s goes bye bye. See you all in a bit


Yo slaying nation hope you all are well. Just got off a 12 hour stream and you guys absolutely killed it today. Over 100 reactions, over 50 shares and over 500 comments one of our best streams to date and that all thanks to you guys.

Two weeks back I started the featured streamer of the week I left the 1st for two weeks as I was just super busy last week. So this week we will have two.

First we have KillaQueenLaVee there is so much I could say about this young lady she is a absolutely amazing content creator as well as a awesome human bean and someone I look up to quite a bit so if you could all do me a favor and go drop her a follow and show her some slaying nation love it would be greatly appreciated.

Second featured streamer is CarGuy Gaming. This man is what most content creators seek to be someone who puts others before himself and he is currently on a supporter push so if you could go help him out not only would I greatly appreciate it but he would as well.

Once again thank you all for being a absolutely amazing community I can’t thank you guys enough for showing up each and every day and allowing me to sit in that gaming chair and do what I love to do.

Idk if there will be a stream today but I will most definitely be live again by Monday morning. Until then guys much love and I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend.


Hello Slaying Nation. First off u hope every is having a great day. Its Friday for most the work week is over. Unfortunately for me I have to go back to work. On my way now. Was really hoping to be on tonight and seeing everyone in stream. I apologize for not being there with you guys. Hope you have a great nite and I am definitely hoping to see y'all tomorrow. I miss you guys and hope to see you next stream.


Ok I’m gonna say this to everyone I try and stop by everyone streams and show love. From time to time my life gets really hectic I have a full time job two kids that are also a full time job on top of that I go to school full time and still try to make time to stream and for my family. If this offends anyone I’m sorry but my family and my job will always come first before I stop in anyone’s stream if I’m spending time with my family I’m sorry that’s just how I am. With that being said I will always try my best to get in everyone’s streams and at least say hi if I don’t I’m sorry but don’t take it personally. And by all means if you have a problem feel free to message me and we can talk about it.


Yo slaying nation hope everyone is having a good Tuesday. What game should I stream this morning let me know in the comments most votes wins I’ll be live at 9:30 AM CST


Come show our boy some love slaying nation


Let’s go slaying nation get this wonderful new streamer to 100 followers she only needs 7 more let her know you came from slaying nation


Let’s go slaying nation hype this man up


Hey slaying nation what’s up hope everyone is doing firstly I want to thank everyone for the support it’s greatly appreciated. Secondly here lately I haven’t been following my schedule but starting today I’m going to start sticking to it which will be Wednesday Thursday off and the rest of the week will be random sometimes but I’ll try and stick to about the same time everyday I stream. Lastly I have made the decision to stop streaming warzone as much I will only be streaming it on Sundays the rest of the days I stream I will be streaming something else such as Skyrim I have some Star Wars I may do spell break and I’m honestly willing to buy any game you guys might want to see. For the past couple months I have made my calling on warzone and I love it but the game has become stale and just not as fun its a struggle to even want to get on and stream most nights because I know most nights it’s not gonna be the content you are accustomed to seeing that is where I’m at with it if things change I will go back to streaming it more but for now I feel this is best for not only me but the growth of our great community I understand some may not agree with this decision and I respect that and hope you will still tune into the streams cause that is honestly the highlight of my day most of the time. I thank you all again for the support you guys have given me when I started this journey I never thought I could get this far but here we are and I will continue to build a community that we all can be proud of. Thanks slaying nation and much love to all of you


Slaying nation what’s good everybody hope everyone is enjoying their taco Tuesday. Tonight we got a special guest joining us The SilentStorm Gaming and myself will be co streaming some follower games so please drop in chat and come play some games with us I should be live at 5pm CST with silent joining me shortly after. See you tonight slaying nations LETS GO!!!!


Slaying nation I’m thinking about putting together a little warzone tournament. Haven’t figured out all the details it would be open to anyone. I was thinking duos with a $10 dollar entry fee per team 1st place would take 75% of the prize poll and second would take 25% is there anyone who would be interested. It would have a KD cap to ensure that one team wasn’t just gonna beat the crap out of everyone in the lobby who would be down for something like this want to make sure we have people before I start hashing everything else out. Let me know if you have any ideas also I think we would have to also cap out at like 20 teams but not sure yet let me know what ya guys think


Slaying nation I was gonna try and stream tonight but I don’t think I have it in me tonight Father’s Day is a really hard day for me. I didn’t know my real dad growing up I found him when I was 28 we have a great relationship and I’m thankful for that. The man who helped raise me my grandpa died of cancer three years ago and in February of 2020 me and my wife lost our newborn son a hour after he was born. And while I’m thankful for the two beautiful daughters I have days like Father’s Day and Mother’s Day are hard. I usually don’t get really personal but I feel like sometime it helps to get it off my chest. I will be back tomorrow to stream for all you wonderful people. Just want to spend time with my wife and kids. Love you all and thank you for all your support guys it doesn’t go unnoticed


Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Hope everyone has a great day.




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