
SideMom Life tips, helpful info and mentoring from your substitute mom. I'm here to help.

So many young people have grown up without the opportunity to learn simple but valuable life skills, like cooking & home-making, personal care, finances, and much more.

The world is a-changing.SideMom has enjoyed a WFM situation since long before it was a thing, so I can relate to the vie...

The world is a-changing.
SideMom has enjoyed a WFM situation since long before it was a thing, so I can relate to the viewpoints in this article:

Three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote and hybrid work are as popular as ever. Only 6 percent of employees able to do their jobs remotely …

Whether you have overbooked yourself, realized you have a conflict, or otherwise can’t or don’t want to participate in a...

Whether you have overbooked yourself, realized you have a conflict, or otherwise can’t or don’t want to participate in a project, it’s essential to uncommit gracefully.
The point is ... don't be afraid to back out if your "yes" is now unreasonable.

Whether you have overbooked yourself, realized you have a conflict, or otherwise can’t or don’t want to participate in a project, it’s essential to uncommit gracefully.

Listen up, youngsters ...

Listen up, youngsters ...

"Wash your face, and remember to clean behind your ears".OK, its a bit more detailed than that!Some of us (cough, cough)...

"Wash your face, and remember to clean behind your ears".
OK, its a bit more detailed than that!
Some of us (cough, cough) lazily plop into bed with the entire day's gunk still on our faces. We know its wrong, but we keep doing it... *hangs head in shame.

To keep your youthful radiance, double-cleansing is worth the extra effort.

Turns out there is a right and wrong way to do it, too.


I'm clearing out my wardrobe and found some cool stuff, some of it vintage and hardy used!
Take a look and pick up one of my pre-loved items...

Pre-loved things I no longer need.

Ace that job interview with this helpful list:

Ace that job interview with this helpful list:

Helpful, straightforward approaches to discussing your salary expectations, resume gaps, and yes, weaknesses.

Adulting means looking after your stuff. If you have a vehicle of your own (or even sharing with a sibling) ongoing main...

Adulting means looking after your stuff. If you have a vehicle of your own (or even sharing with a sibling) ongoing maintenance is important to keep it in running order. One of those maintenance tasks is rotating your tyres. That means moving them to a different corner of your car, not spinning them around, lol!
Take a look here:

Don’t wait; rotate.

Sidemom can relate!!!LOL!

Sidemom can relate!!!

If you try to imagine parenthood, you'll see it as an easy role. You just have to take care of your child, and that's it.But what does it mean in reality? In reality, you have to provide for kids to be always fed, dressed, and clean, a piece of cake.Though if you think a little deeper, you'll realiz...

Sidemom agrees! Eat the cupcakes!

Sidemom agrees! Eat the cupcakes!

This photo that Christy Strever took of me just popped up on my timeline and brings me so much joy!

She crafted this crazy cupcake carnival for cupcakes of hope - charity baking a difference for little kids fighting the biggest battles!

So here's my advice today.

Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction... even in this really weird two years that we've been in.

Work towards the things that set your soul on fire and give you a sense of hope.

Every decision you make, from what you eat, to what you do with your time today, turns you into who you are tomorrow and the day after that. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not get exactly where you thought you'd be, but you will be doing things that bring you closer to your peace.

Don't let life randomly kick you into a person you don't want to become. Instead, let your decisions made today embody your hopes and not your fears.

And promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget, how much you have always loved to swim.

Also, eat all the cupcakes whenever you get the opportunity.

That's it. Happy today!

Okay. Love you. Okay. Bye.

Anything is possible. Believe in yourself. And don’t let anyone count you out.

Anything is possible. Believe in yourself. And don’t let anyone count you out.

Last year, a two-year-old c**t finished dead last in his first race. Disappointed, his owners placed him in a “claiming” race, where anyone can take the ownership of a horse for a fee. An older man claims the c**t after missing his chance to claim another horse he wanted. He says it is his last attempt to find some success in the racing industry.

The c**t wins by 17 lengths, and his new owner is encouraged. But in the races that follow he finishes third twice, fourth once and fifth once. His owner still believes in him.

This year, 2022, is the c**t's only chance to race in major thoroughbred races, which are limited to three-year-olds. The day before the Kentucky Derby, the field of horses is already full. But then, at the last moment, a famous trainer scratches (withdraws) his horse. The c**t takes his place in a field of twenty horses, just 30 seconds before the entry deadline. He is in the game. He has a chance.

But all the metrics and predictors are against him. Neither his owner, his trainer nor his jockey has ever been associated with any horse in the Kentucky Derby. His jockey has never even won a major event. They are outsiders and newbies in an elite arena. On the morning of the race, his odds of winning are set at 80 to 1, the second-longest odds in Derby history.

Halfway around the track, the c**t is 16 horses back from the lead. He can’t even be seen in the field of view of the drone camera flying above the race. He is a nobody, a throw-away, an inconsequential participant.

But then he makes his move. He begins working his way through the crowded pack, finding a few narrow, fleeting opportunities to improve his position. As they head toward the finish line, he has moved up to fifth, then fourth. Still, no one notices him. No one mentions him. Everyone’s attention is still focused on the battle between the two famous front-runners.

Only seconds before the finish, he suddenly, magically passes the two front-runners. The announcer struggles to identify him and say his name in time. He says, almost in a single breath, “Rich Strike is coming up on the inside ... Oh my goodness! The longest shot has won the Kentucky Derby!”

Moral: Where there is life, there is hope. Anything is possible. Believe in yourself. And don’t let anyone count you out. Persistence and determination beat the odds.

"Thou shalt fly without wings."

As a proud  , I really love this!

As a proud , I really love this!

In your own time ...

In your own time ...

Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before securing a good job.
Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50.
While another became a CEO at 50, and lived to 90 years.
Someone is still single, while someone from his school group has become grandfather.
Obama retired at 55 & Trump started at 70.
Everyone in this world works based on their time zone.
People around you might seem ahead of you & some might seem to be behind you.
But everyone is running their own race, in their own time.
Do not envy them.
They are in their time zone, and you are in yours.
So, relax.
You're not late.
You're not early.
You are very much on time.


Hey kids!This post came up in my newsfeed, and as I read all the "grandma tips", I realised that I'd learned much of thi...

Hey kids!
This post came up in my newsfeed, and as I read all the "grandma tips", I realised that I'd learned much of this from my mom and gran as a young cook, but over time - taking shortcuts in the kitchen - I'd forgotten so many things.
Like adding baking powder to scrambled eggs, or browning meat before adding all the rest of the stew.
When we take a little extra time in our cooking, the results are just so much better!
Take a look:

A gentle reminder as we roll towards the year end festivities...

A gentle reminder as we roll towards the year end festivities...

Important notes for Christmas


We have created hundreds of pictures over the past two years. The following 10 images rank as readers' favorites. I hope you find inspiration today in them.

Build a life, not a career.

Build a life, not a career.

Find a way to float in the ocean, eat fruit and hang out!

Find a way to float in the ocean, eat fruit and hang out!



This is what happens when you find your thing and live it with all your heart!Believing for a win, Byron McNeil !Love yo...

This is what happens when you find your thing and live it with all your heart!
Believing for a win, Byron McNeil !
Love you 😍

Best Actor:Film

Looking for a new adventure?Try volunteering!

Looking for a new adventure?
Try volunteering!

You've been waiting patiently, but we're very pleased to announce that applications are open for new Two Oceans Aquarium volunteers! To become a volunteer at the Aquarium, you'll need to complete a short training programme - applications below!

"Learning should never be confined to just your time in classrooms."Some great advice from Nomadic Matt.For me, college ...

"Learning should never be confined to just your time in classrooms."
Some great advice from Nomadic Matt.

For me, college WAS my gap year (I managed a year and a half of teachers training) and I ended up doing something completely different. Didn't get to do the traveling thing before starting a family.
There is no wrong answer 😉

Is it better to skip school and travel until you can figure out what you want to go to school for? I say, "Yes, it is."

The feed is full of great advice today ;)

The feed is full of great advice today ;)


Kelly 💕💖

Never say "I can't".There's always a way!Follow AMC Princess Ana & Nana for inspiration when you're feeling a little squ...

Never say "I can't".
There's always a way!
Follow AMC Princess Ana & Nana for inspiration when you're feeling a little squashed by life.

Try Everything (at least) Once“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than...

Try Everything (at least) Once

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
― Jackson Brown Jr., P.S. I Love You

I’m sure you’ve heard that before!
If you don’t try something, you’ll never know if it’s good for you, right! OK, I’m not talking about obviously destructive practices, or anything morally dodgy.
Opportunities may pop up when you least expect, sometimes you won’t have the luxury of mental or physical preparation. That’s OK – just go for it. You may discover a new hobby or even a nudge towards an interesting career. And if your first time trying a new experience isn’t great, you’ll at least know if you want to try again – with better prep next time 😊
Right now, time is on your side. Chase your dreams, learn a new skill, sing karaoke, paint a picture, go travelling (even around your own country if you can’t go abroad).
There are so many adventures waiting for you – just say yes!


Today we celebrate one of my favourite moms ...
My husband's mother, Doreen.
I'm so blessed to have this awesome lady in our life! She has taught me so much and I value her friendship. I encourage hubby to spend time with her whenever he can - he will always be her son.
It's also cool that my birthday is really close to hers, so we often celebrate day together ❤
Love you, Mom D!

So often we really don't know what to say or do for a grieving friend.The best advice is just to love them, listen to th...

So often we really don't know what to say or do for a grieving friend.
The best advice is just to love them, listen to them, and let them work through the process.
If you're close enough friends, they will let you know what they need from you.

It takes a village. Join ours.

Get the #1 best-selling book: “You Are the of All .” A gorgeous for . Give the of .

Now on Amazon!

Talk to strangers!When you engage in social interactions with people around you – including people you may not know (the...

Talk to strangers!
When you engage in social interactions with people around you – including people you may not know (the security guard, petrol attendant, shop checkout person, neighbours, etc) - it enhances mental health and also helps you live longer.
It also prevents you hanging around like a lost f@rt looking for directions, or trying to find the laundry aisle, or wondering what day the rubbish will be collected 😃
Most people are good, friendly and helpful.
We grew up hearing “Don’t talk to strangers” (presumably so you wouldn’t be drugged or kidnapped), and these days we’re encouraged to keep our distance and hide our smiles. This might be great for introverts, but it isn’t good for humanity.
Stay safe, of course, but don’t be afraid to talk to the people around you.


A bit chilly, neh?
Sleep on top of your fleece blanket (and under your duvet, of course). You'll be warmer.
For extra toastiness, use a second fleece blanket to turn yourself into a fleecy sandwich!
Follow SideMom for more great advice.


Tell me something you wish you'd learned before you left home?

In my youth, I enjoyed few things more than writing - I could write pages and pages just for the pleasure of watching in...

In my youth, I enjoyed few things more than writing - I could write pages and pages just for the pleasure of watching ink flow from my pen. I practised various styles of script, a collection of handwritings to add to the storyline.
Now, my handwriting is an untidy scrawl. Skipped letters, misplaced dots and crosses, skewed lines, and narrowed margins.
Perhaps this transition, too, is a story.
Perhaps I should start crafting tales again.

It's not too late to start being an amazing old lady, I've only just passed 50!

It's not too late to start being an amazing old lady, I've only just passed 50!

“At 107, there’s nothing I can’t do! I wake up at 3 AM, go to my farm before all my workers and after a whole day of ploughing and harvesting, I cycle down to the market to sell my produce!
There were no formal schools when I was growing up; I’m self-taught. I was 14 when I got married and inherited a piece of Appa’s land after.
In those days, married women were confined to four walls, but I didn’t want to sit idle. So, at 16, I started my first venture–I set up an idli-vada shop. This was the 1950’s–I’d make about 20 Rs a month!
My husband and I couldn’t have kids, so we adopted. Years passed by, my son grew up, but still I kept myself occupied–at 35, I was appointed as the first woman Sarpanch of my village. After, I’d travel to farmers’ meets–there, I learnt about organic farming; I was fascinated!
So, at 50, I invested all my money and bought 10 acres of land where I started cultivating my own crops. I didn’t make a lot of money, but I was content! After keeping what was needed for me and my husband, I’d donate the extra produce.
And 57 years later, my routine is still the same. In fact now, my workload has increased–the thing is, this younger lot is very lethargic, so I have to constantly sit on their heads to get the work done. Even my great grandson, who’s 16, needs a break every half an hour. I tell him, ‘Wake up you lazy boy!’
In all these years, I haven’t taken a single day off and after I turned 100, I became the talk of town. On my centenary, 3000 villagers threw a party for me–I fed them kheer and chicken biryani; we danced to folk songs. People even started inviting me to weddings to bless the couple; they called me their good luck charm!
Now, when I think of it, from running an idli-vada shop, to being a Sarpanch, to owning an organic farm to being a lucky mascot, I’ve lived quite a life, no? But life continues to surprise me–just 2 weeks ago, I got a call from Delhi saying, I’m being awarded the Padma Shri!
And now, hundreds queue up outside my house to buy my produce! Some of them ask me to pose with a big smile while the others ask me to look stern–I find everything so funny. Just yesterday, I gave 30 interviews! My grandson keeps telling me, ‘Patti, you’ve become a celebrity!’ I chuckle and retort, ‘When was I not?’”

“I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with ...

“I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.”

By Kurt Vonnegut:

“When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject? And I told him, no I don’t play any sports. I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes.

And he went WOW. That’s amazing! And I said, “Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.”

And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.”

And that honestly changed my life. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.”

- Kurt Vonnegut




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