Scoffs in British...
#ittakestwo #ittakestwogame #funnyhats #britishspeaking #beingsilly #dogood #feelgood #getgood
This house of faces needs to check its butt...yeah! Its butt.
Stay tuned for more fun tonight when we hopefully finish It Takes Two.
#Minecraftbuilds #MinecraftLive #minecraftmemes #twitchtv #videogamehighlights #dogood #feelgood #getgood
Wes was so excited to find a whole family of Donkey's so we had to adopt them (duh)
#Minecraftbuilds #minecraftmemes #videogamestream #twitchtv #donkey #dogood #feelgood #getgood
This was a throwback to Rod Kim joining us on his episode. He shared with us some wisdom he learned from speaking with Katie Morton about internalizing anger and how he started keeping a gratitude journal. She gave him two pieces of advice that were super helpful for him to let all those negative emotions go.
Listen to this episode and our entire first season where ever you get podcasts or on YouTube!
What did you learn from Rods episode?
#tbt #ThrowbackThursday #podcast #gratitude #gratitudejournal #dogood #feelgood #getgood
We got some outtakes for you from the Taco Olympics!
#TacoTuesday #Olympics #Parody #danceoff #WINNER #dogood #getgood #feelgood
Rosie thinks push up kisses are the best kisses.
#dogslife #petsofınstagram #poweroflove #pushupsfordays #takingabreakfromwork #dogood #feelgood #getgood
Guess how many tries it takes?
#ItTakesTwo #tryagain #TwitchTVGaming #gamers #videogames #dogood #feelgood #getgood
Mike got his revenge! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
#ItTakesTwo #twitchstreamer #Highlights #videogames #FriendshipGoals #dogood #feelgood #getgood
Here's another throw back to our episode with Catie Shampine where she was teaching us about how she balances her expectations when it comes to spirituality vs. having a realistic mindset.
If you haven't heard this one, find this episode and our entire first season where ever you get podcasts or on our YouTube Channel!
What was your favorite moment from Catie's episode?
#tbt #throwbackthursday #podcast #PodcastandChill
#tarotreader #reikihealer #reikienergy #spirituality #balance #dogood #getgood #feelgood
Team work is about timing + tragedy.... wait no that's comedy.
#ittakestwo #Coop #twitchstreamer #TwitchTVGaming #podcastlifestyle
Side effects of transforming into an acorn include vengeance and a thirst for blood.
#squirrels #ittakestwo #twitchstreamer #TwitchTVGaming #GamingLife #podcasting
It's for smelting iron, dude!
#twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchtv #minecraft #minecraftstream #minecraftlive #minecraftmemes #Minecraftsurvival #videogames #videogamestreamer #videogamestream #streaminggames #streaming #StreamingLive #gamer #gamerlife #gamerforlife #podcastlifestyle #podcast #PodcastandChill #podcasting #podcasters #dogood #feelgood #getgood