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Mainunstream - Real people, real experience Real people, real experience; unfiltered in*******se, free from hype and hidden agendas. This vide

Left & right of the political spectrum is all the same lie appeared first on MainUnStream Solutions.

Left & right of the political spectrum is all the same lie appeared first on MainUnStream Solutions.

MainUnStream is about you the people, and leaving the decision about who you are and what you want to do, about your choices and your freedoms, with you.

Stop Holding The Line. Stop Reclaiming The Line. Start PUSHING The Line Deep Into Their Territory.It’s time to stop hold...

Stop Holding The Line. Stop Reclaiming The Line. Start PUSHING The Line Deep Into Their Territory.

It’s time to stop holding the line. Now it’s time to push the line. Holding the line is a defensive move. Reclaiming the line infers we've lost the line. We haven't!! We've got the line and we've simply held it line along enough. It's now time to take this fight to them where they live, where they work, where they breathe. It is time for the people, the world to stop simply holding the line and push deep into enemy territory.

I'm not inciting violence. I'm not suggesting you need to take up arms and start shooting people, because we all have different capabilities and you use those capabilities to ...
1. Attack strategy
2. Disrupt alliances.

In war, you only pick up weapons for combat (in the physical sense) as an absolute last action. So attack strategy and disrupt alliances with whatever your capabilities are and push the line in that way.

It’s time to stop holding the line. Now it’s time to push the line. We've held the line along enough. It's now time to take this fight to them where they live, where they work, where they breathe. It is time for the people, the world to stop simply holding the line and push deep into enemy terri...

JJ Ferrari On Trust, Business, Diversity, Transitions, And Freedom With Paul Lange - This conversation is a business gro...

JJ Ferrari On Trust, Business, Diversity, Transitions, And Freedom With Paul Lange - This conversation is a business growth and personal development course condensed into a (less than) one hour conversation that is both as detailed and comprehensive as it is easy to comprehend. JJ has an exceptional capacity to bring focus and brevity to concepts like few.

This conversation is a business growth and personal development course condensed into a (less than) one hour conversation that is both as detailed and comprehensive as it is easy to comprehend. JJ has an exceptional capacity to bring focus and brevity to concepts like few other people … including ...

Associate Professor Simon Michaux & Paul Lange Discuss Energy Resources And Bursting Some Comfy Bubbles - Are you sittin...

Associate Professor Simon Michaux & Paul Lange Discuss Energy Resources And Bursting Some Comfy Bubbles - Are you sitting nice and comfy? That might be about to change! Get ready to understand the convenient omission within the inconvenient truth we've been sold. Today I'm joined on the MainUnStream mic by Simon Michaux, Associate Professor working for the Geological Survey of Finland.

Are you sitting nice & comfy? That might be about to change! Get ready to understand the convenient omission within the inconvenient truth we've been sold.

Paul Lange with Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Discussing What Being An Entrepreneur Means To Him - Pete Evans is an inspirin...

Paul Lange with Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Discussing What Being An Entrepreneur Means To Him - Pete Evans is an inspiring person. IMHO he has achieved so much more by his 40's than most people will achieve in a lifetime and he does it while still remaining a humble, kind and giving human being.

Pete Evans is an inspiring person. IMHO he has achieved so much more by his 40's than most people will achieve in a lifetime and he does it while still remaining a humble, kind and giving human being.

The Fragility Of The Financial System & Quantitative Easing With Associate Professor Simon Michaux And Paul Lange - Get ...

The Fragility Of The Financial System & Quantitative Easing With Associate Professor Simon Michaux And Paul Lange - Get ready to understand Quantitative Easing (indiscriminate printing of money by central banks), how the financial system works, who owns your financial system, who lets them get away with it and why, why gold is not necessarily going to come to the rescue like many.

Get ready to understand Quantitative Easing (indiscriminate printing of money by central banks), how the financial system works, who owns your financial system, who lets them get away with it and why, why gold is not necessarily going to come to the rescue like many hope it will, why it’s all abou...

Fiat Social Currency System. A Futurist Perspective On Future Money. - How would you feel if your behaviour online AND o...

Fiat Social Currency System. A Futurist Perspective On Future Money. - How would you feel if your behaviour online AND offline, in society, at work, in the community, potentially even in your home determined the amount you earned. As a consequence your occupation becomes a necessary function of society through which you get to add value…

How would you feel if your behaviour online AND offline, in society, at work, in the community, potentially even in your home determined the amount you earned. As a consequence your occupation becomes a necessary function of society through which you get to add value and demonstrate compliance with....

Is The Australian Federal Government Planning For A Civil Uprising? - FOREIGN FORCES (armies, police, storm troopers) ca...

Is The Australian Federal Government Planning For A Civil Uprising? - FOREIGN FORCES (armies, police, storm troopers) can be brought onto Australian soil at the direction of the ‘minister’ with complete IMMUNITY from CRIMINAL or CIVIL LIABILITY in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response.

FOREIGN FORCES (armies, police, storm troopers) can be brought onto Australian soil at the direction of the ‘minister’ with complete IMMUNITY from CRIMINAL or CIVIL LIABILITY in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response.

Australian Politicians Either Have Gone Insane, Or Are Drunk On Power, Or Worse - The cost of a sinister and dark period...

Australian Politicians Either Have Gone Insane, Or Are Drunk On Power, Or Worse - The cost of a sinister and dark period of human submission and political oppression, justified in the name of select science. All scientific data that corrects and proves false the claims of the government is suppressed...

The cost of a sinister and dark period of human submission and political oppression, justified in the name of select science. All scientific data that corrects and proves false the claims of the government is suppressed, censored and memory holed.

Your Badge Won't Protect You If You Are Complicit And/Or Corrupt - Australia will not tolerate a corrupt and criminal po...

Your Badge Won't Protect You If You Are Complicit And/Or Corrupt - Australia will not tolerate a corrupt and criminal police force at any level. Police committing crimes and acting unconstitutionally because they were “just following orders” does not cut it. This was the same excuse used by the N***s.

Australia will not tolerate a corrupt and criminal police force at any level. Police committing crimes and acting unconstitutionally because they were “just following orders” does not cut it. This was the same excuse used by the Nazi’s at the Nuremberg Trials and it didn’t save their asses e...

There is now scientific proof of graphene oxide in mRNA vaccines and given the information that has come to light becaus...

There is now scientific proof of graphene oxide in mRNA vaccines and given the information that has come to light because of real journalists instead of the fake news presstitutes, one must ask the question, what conflicts of interest does the Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt have? It's no longer able to be disputed that these vaccines contain graphene oxide that is poisonous to humans. Denial is simply a lie. The evidence is now in the public domain. What exacerbates this when governments and bureaucrats have undeclared conflicts of interest. -19

It's no longer able to be disputed that these vaccines contain graphene oxide that is poisonous to humans. Denial is simply a lie. The evidence is now in the public domain. What exacerbates this when governments and government officials are corrupt and/or have undeclared conflicts of interest.

The hypocrisy and corruption is so in your face it’s too close for the masses to see it, let alone question it. The NSW ...

The hypocrisy and corruption is so in your face it’s too close for the masses to see it, let alone question it. The NSW Fire Brigade, NSW Police and at the time of recording this the GP’s in NSW are not being given a deadline by which to submit to the global clinical trial of the mRNA technology and other unnecessary vaccines. Th...

The NSW Fire Brigade, NSW Police and at the time of recording this the GP’s in NSW are not being given a deadline by which to submit to the global clinical trial of the mRNA technology and other unnecessary vaccines.

mRNA Will Be The Last One Standing The Fix Was In From The Start. - Only Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines (eg Moderna … Ga...

mRNA Will Be The Last One Standing The Fix Was In From The Start. - Only Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines (eg Moderna … Gates) will remain. I've said it since the beginning. AstraZeneca will be phased out. The Australian government has secured 85 million doses of Pfizer for 2022 and i...

Only Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines (eg Moderna … Gates) will remain. I've said it since the beginning. AstraZeneca will be phased out.The Australian government has secured 85 million doses of Pfizer for 2022 and is currently looking at getting Moderna to bridge 2021 given the AstraZeneca issues.

Are You Chronically Mentally Ill? Are You A Hypochondriac? - Before 2020, when was the last time you worried excessively...

Are You Chronically Mentally Ill? Are You A Hypochondriac? - Before 2020, when was the last time you worried excessively about the possibility of being ill? When was the last time you sought out frequent medical advice, had medical tests performed, despite being perfectly healthy...

Before 2020, when was the last time you worried excessively about the possibility of being ill? When was the last time you sought out frequent medical advice, had medical tests performed, despite being perfectly healthy and having the tests confirm as much. Or if you were ill it was nothing like wha...

The Hallmark Of A Democracy Vs Totalitarian Tyranny In Summary.The hallmark of a democracy is simply that we, the people...

The Hallmark Of A Democracy Vs Totalitarian Tyranny In Summary.
The hallmark of a democracy is simply that we, the people, have the right to know everything about the people who we elected and what they do in office. The hallmark of a totalitarian tyranny is one where the elected officials demand to know everything about you and create laws and systems under those laws to ensure they get the information they want. Which system are you living under where you live?

The hallmark of a democracy is simply that we, the people, have the right to know everything about the people who we elected and what they do in office. The hallmark of a totalitarian tyranny is one where the elected officials demand to know everything about you and create laws and systems under tho...

You’re Not Going Crazy! Jabbed People Are Changing, And Are They Being Mind Controlled?A lot of people are noticing that...

You’re Not Going Crazy! Jabbed People Are Changing, And Are They Being Mind Controlled?
A lot of people are noticing that once someone gets jabbed, they seem to do a 180 degree flip on the jab and mandates and most things convidian. Obviously there is the possibility that this is nothing more than a simple matter of psychology of acceptance or the like and that the jabbed are just putting it all behind them. But what about the rumours and in fact scientific potential for mind control facilitated through the jab and possibly also other external factors?

A lot of people are noticing that once someone gets jabbed, they seem to do a 180 degree flip on the jab and mandates and most things convidian. Obviously there is the possibility that this is nothing more than a simple matter of psychology, of acceptance or the like and that the jabbed are just put...

Those Who Hate Freedom Will Use Deception And Betrayal To Keep You Enslaved. So Is Craig Kelly Really Just Controlled Op...

Those Who Hate Freedom Will Use Deception And Betrayal To Keep You Enslaved. So Is Craig Kelly Really Just Controlled Opposition?
A recent comment by Romeo Georges has sparked questions about one party and a high profile candidate, namely the UAP (the United Australia Party) and its apparent leader Craig Kelly. Craig was previously a Liberal federal parliamentarian, whose opinions in parliament and publicly were opposed to those of his party. So he left and he became the leader of the UAP. For our North American friends, the Liberals in Australia are meant to be our conservatives, like the Republicans but are more like the RINOs.

A recent comment by Romeo Georges has sparked questions about one party and a high profile candidate, namely the UAP (the United Australia Party) and its apparent leader Craig Kelly. Craig was previously a Liberal federal parliamentarian, whose opinions in parliament and publicly were opposed to tho...

WTF!! Teachers Need To Get Their Priority Clear.This episode will probably not make me terribly popular with part of one...

WTF!! Teachers Need To Get Their Priority Clear.
This episode will probably not make me terribly popular with part of one segment of the community, namely teachers. Yesterday there was a teacher's strike in Sydney, NSW, Australia, and they weren't striking for jab mandates, or freedom or anything like that or something even pretty damn relevant at the time. No, they were on strike for more money and less work because they say they don't have enough teachers. The average primary school teacher earns a lot more than an average healthcare worker in Sydney, so your average nurses, pathologists, general healthcare workers et al.

This episode will probably not make me terribly popular with part of one segment of the community, namely teachers. Yesterday there was a teacher's strike in Sydney, NSW, Australia, and they weren't striking for jab mandates, or freedom or anything like that or something even pretty damn relevant at...

GFC Was Nothing. They Are About To Break And Bankrupt The Entire System. - If you think the GFC was bad, wait for the fa...

GFC Was Nothing. They Are About To Break And Bankrupt The Entire System. - If you think the GFC was bad, wait for the fall-out after they push this through in the next month. Despite what the IMF says on their website, the SDR’s ARE a currency. A currency is defined as a system for a medium o...

If you think the GFC was bad, wait for the fall-out after they push this through in the next month. Despite what the IMF says on their website, the SDR’s ARE a currency. A currency is defined as a system for a medium of exchange. Money is defined as a medium of exchange but it is not the only one....

Google Pay & Apple Pay Is For Convidians ONLY Until Further Notice - Using services like Apple Pay and Google Pay (there...

Google Pay & Apple Pay Is For Convidians ONLY Until Further Notice - Using services like Apple Pay and Google Pay (there are others) only makes it easier for them turn off the tap to your access to money at will and with the click of a mouse … actually with even less effort than that. Th...

Using services like Apple Pay and Google Pay (there are others) only makes it easier for them turn off the tap to your access to money at will and with the click of a mouse … actually with even less effort than that.

This Democrat gets it. Total Government vs Minimal Government.

This Democrat gets it. Total Government vs Minimal Government.

MainUnStream is about you the people, and leaving the decision about who you are and what you want to do, about your choices and your freedoms, with you.

The Fourth Reich Awaits - Accept This Deal At Your Own Peril - This is an example from Australia and I'll guarantee you ...

The Fourth Reich Awaits - Accept This Deal At Your Own Peril - This is an example from Australia and I'll guarantee you that if you look around you'll find this in your country and/or other countries close to you. The Australian Federal Government is guaranteeing 15% of yo...

This is an example from Australia and I'll guarantee you that if you look around you'll find this in your country and/or other countries close to you. The Australian Federal Government is guaranteeing 15% of your home loan amount in respect of the required minimum 20% deposit. You might think this i...

There Are Two Global ConVid Clinical Trials. One Public, One Secret.There are two clinical trials going on. There's the ...

There Are Two Global ConVid Clinical Trials. One Public, One Secret.
There are two clinical trials going on. There's the one that you would expect to some degree given the criminal activity of big pharma and governments around the world. Namely that you get jabbed and they measure ad...

There are two clinical trials going on. There's the one that you would expect to some degree given the criminal activity of big pharma and governments around the world. Namely that you get jabbed and they measure adverse effects and deaths. But of course those numbers are but a very small minute fra...

Reflections on Convidianism, one year further down the track.

Reflections on Convidianism, one year further down the track.

MainUnStream is about you the people, and leaving the decision about who you are and what you want to do, about your choices and your freedoms, with you.

Republished Convidian Considerations.

Republished Convidian Considerations.

MainUnStream is about you the people, and leaving the decision about who you are and what you want to do, about your choices and your freedoms, with you.

Accurately renaming the global political landscape

Accurately renaming the global political landscape

MainUnStream is about you the people, and leaving the decision about who you are and what you want to do, about your choices and your freedoms, with you.

It's Time Now More Than Ever Before! - For the last year the global population has been conditioned, softened up, and ha...

It's Time Now More Than Ever Before! - For the last year the global population has been conditioned, softened up, and had their resolve tested. As always there will be people at the ends of a perceived spectrum who are immovable. The vast majority however ar...

For the last year the global population has been conditioned, softened up, and had their resolve tested. As always there will be people at the ends of a perceived spectrum who are immovable. The vast majority however are in the middle ranging from supporting one or other of the opposing ideals to si...

The Parallel Society And Education. An Exceptional Interview With Dr. Brendan Moloney, CEO Of The Darlo GroupDr Brendan ...

The Parallel Society And Education. An Exceptional Interview With Dr. Brendan Moloney, CEO Of The Darlo Group
Dr Brendan Moloney, CEO of the Darlo Group is a thought leader in the parallel society space. With the challenges facing humanity with a small elite group controlling everything and seeking to tighten their grip even further, there has never been a more important time to break from the system and establish an alternative that serves all people once more.

Dr Brendan Moloney, CEO of the Darlo Group is a thought leader in the parallel society space. With the challenges facing humanity with a small elite group controlling everything and seeking to tighten their grip even further, there has never been a more important time to break from the system and es...

You've Made Your Choice Based On Informed Consent… or at least you let them tell you that you had informed consent and y...

You've Made Your Choice Based On Informed Consent… or at least you let them tell you that you had informed consent and you believed them ... So don't come whinging and whining that you have some medical problem you want to be compensated for, that possibility has been removed. Watch the full (short) episode ...

… or at least you let them tell you that you had informed consent and you believed them ... So don't come whinging and whining that you have some medical problem you want to be compensated for, because that possibility has been removed.



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