James Mann Hypnosis

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James Mann Hypnosis YouTube Hypnotherapist offering hypnosis and meditation sessions. Full details at JamesMannHypnosis.com

Help to sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, lose weight, stop smoking, become more confident and a whole lot more.

The fear of spiders is up there with other fears such as flying, heights and even clowns. We weren’t born with that fear...

The fear of spiders is up there with other fears such as flying, heights and even clowns. We weren’t born with that fear or phobia, but something in our past has been the catalyst which causes us to be fearful.
Hypnosis is excellent at curing all sorts of fears and phobias, quickly and easily.

In this Fears of Spiders hypnosis recording, I use guided imagery to put your mind into a deep state of relaxation, then we move onto the use of an NLP technique (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and then hypnotic suggestions to change your feelings towards spiders once and for all.

Hello, and welcome to this Fear of Spiders Hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. The fear of spiders is up there with other fears such as ...

Hypnosis for Weight Loss is one of the most popular areas of hypnotherapy as of late, with more of the first world count...

Hypnosis for Weight Loss is one of the most popular areas of hypnotherapy as of late, with more of the first world countries struggling to lose and keep weight off.
This weight loss hypnosis recording will firstly deeply relax you into a state of peace and tranquillity, then provide a multitude of hypnotic weight loss suggestions to prime your subconscious mind to help you to begin losing weight.

I have a variety of weight loss hypnosis sessions on this channel, so if you need help in cutting down certain food types, motivation to exercise more, or if you have a little more than average to lose, please see my two gastric band hypnosis videos.

Hello, and welcome to this Weight Loss Hypnosis Meditation recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Hypnosis for Weight Loss is one of the most popula...

Hello, and welcome to this Fear of Flying Hypnosis – Feel Calm and Relaxed meditation from me, here at James Mann Hypnos...

Hello, and welcome to this Fear of Flying Hypnosis – Feel Calm and Relaxed meditation from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis.

Thousands of people fly to destinations all over the world, and flying is known to be safer than driving or being driven in a car. However, many people are still scared of flying.
Their fear of flying causes their heart to race and panic set, which causes them to not fly at all, or fly in total fear for the whole duration of the flight.

It doesn’t have to be like that though, there is another way. By changing how we react can cause us instead to feel calm and relaxed and enjoy the experience.
Hypnosis is great at curing a fear of flying, especially when used several times before flying.
You’ll begin to see a difference after just one listening, then as you listen further your fear will totally vanish.

Hello, and welcome to this Fear of Flying Hypnosis – Feel Calm and Relaxed meditation from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Thousands of people fly to destin...

Hello, and welcome to this Relaxation Hypnosis Meditation recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Being able to ...

Hello, and welcome to this Relaxation Hypnosis Meditation recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis.

Being able to relax is key to feel calm, relaxed, and ready to take on whatever life throws at us. Relaxation Hypnosis is very effective in helping us to achieve this.
This hypnotherapy session can be listened to just before you go to sleep at night, as it’s a form of sleep hypnosis.

It’s been designed to be relatively short, but long enough to be able to help you to deeply relax and drift off into a deep, restful sleep.
This session is a form of guided meditation, with relaxing music, binaural beats and spoken suggestions, which all have the effect of allowing you to relax deeply.

Hello, and welcome to this Relaxation Hypnosis Meditation recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Being able to relax is key to feel calm, relaxed, a...

Meeting your spirit guide can be a very profound experience and can be life changing for many. It takes time sometimes, ...

Meeting your spirit guide can be a very profound experience and can be life changing for many. It takes time sometimes, as your guide will only feel ready to reveal themselves when the time is right.
By listening to this hypnosis meditation frequently I’m confident that you’ll soon be conversing with them, receiving guidance and advice which you can use in your everyday life.

To meet your spirit guide you need first to quieten your conscious, everyday thinking mind, then allow your subconscious to bring forward the necessary images, sounds and feelings to facilitate a successful meeting with your guide.
This is what I have done within this hypnotherapy session.

Hello, and welcome to this Meet Your Spirit Guide Hypnosis Meditation hypnotherapy recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Meeting your spirit guide ...

Past Life Regression is becoming a very popular part of hypnotherapy, and in turn the relatively new aspect which is kno...

Past Life Regression is becoming a very popular part of hypnotherapy, and in turn the relatively new aspect which is known as Life Between Lives hypnosis too.
Past Life Regression is when you are deeply relaxed, using hypnosis, and then taken back to previous lives once lived.

These could be lives within the last one hundred years, five hundred years or even further back. Your subconscious helps to decide which life would be appropriate for you to see at that moment in time.

Life Between Lives hypnosis is the one area of hypnotherapy that excites me the most. This is the time-period between lives, where you are essentially in spirit form. Here you evaluate past lives, plan for future lives, and discuss matters with your spirit guides and rest and recuperate from previous past lives.

In the spirit form you can discover your life purpose, visit other souls and a whole lot more. Life Between Lives hypnosis always amazes me as to what comes up and is often life changing.

Hello, and welcome to this Hypnosis for Life Between Lives – Past Life Regression and Spiritual Regression hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hyp...

This Past Life Regression recording will allow you to uncover two past lives that you have lived, with more detailed que...

This Past Life Regression recording will allow you to uncover two past lives that you have lived, with more detailed questions on who you knew in that life, your surroundings, and the death scene for both lives.
You may listen repeated times should you wish to uncover further past lives.
There is also a part within the hypnosis session where you will be able to experience what if feels like to be in-between lives, in the spiritual state.

Hello, and welcome to this Past Life Regression Meditation – Discover Two Past Lives hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. This Past Life...


Hello, and welcome to this Reduce Stress Hypnosis – Feel Calm and Relaxed in Any Situation hypnotherapy recording from m...

Hello, and welcome to this Reduce Stress Hypnosis – Feel Calm and Relaxed in Any Situation hypnotherapy recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis.

Day-to-day life we encounter all sorts of stressful situations, from the rush to get to work on time, children testing our patience, money worries and all manner of other issues.
How we deal with these situations is key to remaining calm and relaxed, and not getting stressed out. How we perceive any situation is vital.

In this hypnosis video for stress, I’ll be showing you a useful technique to help you change your response to any situation in life which is currently causing you stress, which you can then use every day to instantly become calm, instead of stressed out.

Hello, and welcome to this Reduce Stress Hypnosis – Feel Calm and Relaxed in Any Situation hypnotherapy recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Day-t...




Life Between Life hypnotherapy sessions go into more depth than a past life regression session, so this session is notic...

Life Between Life hypnotherapy sessions go into more depth than a past life regression session, so this session is noticeable longer than my previous regression sessions.
In this Life Between Lives hypnosis session, I firstly take you back to your childhood, then into the womb, just before you were born.

Followed by a journey into your most recent past life, and then into the spiritual realms of consciousness.
The time where you were purely a spirit, without a body. Here we’ll explore your life’s purpose, your soul family, and other related matters.
It truly is astounding what materialises within these sessions.

This is the area which I enjoy the most within hypnotherapy, as you never known what life changing messages or events will reveal themselves.
Please do let me know what you find, as I always love to hear what surfaces.
You may need to listen to the recording a few times, but if you have listened to my previous sessions your mind will already be open and more receptive to my words.

Hello, and welcome to this Life Between Lives Hypnosis meditation recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Life Between Life hypnotherapy sessions go ...

Stopping Smoking through the use of hypnosis is well known for producing quick results. It helps you to change your feel...

Stopping Smoking through the use of hypnosis is well known for producing quick results. It helps you to change your feelings towards ci******es and to***co, create new healthier habits and begin leading a healthier life.
Many people want to quit smoking, but struggle through will power alone.
What hypnosis does is re-programme your mind, your subconscious in particular, so smoking becomes something that you just don’t want to do anymore.

Hello, and welcome to this Stop Smoking Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking for Good recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Stopping Smoking thr...

Stress is all around, especially now. From feeling stressed out due to a lack of money, children misbehaving, stress at ...

Stress is all around, especially now.
From feeling stressed out due to a lack of money, children misbehaving, stress at work, stressful relationships and many more we all feel under stress at some point in our lives.
How we deal with that stress is the key to maintaining our emotions, and this hypnosis recording will help you to remain calm, poised and at ease even in situations that previously stressed you out.
Which, in turn, will help you to deal with life in a better, calmer and more relaxed way. Let me help you to relax and unwind with this twenty minute hypnosis session. James.

Hello, and welcome to this Hypnotherapy to Reduce Stress meditation from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Stress is all around, especially now. From feeling ...

This anxiety hypnotherapy meditation is designed to create positive changes in how you react to anxious situations, by u...

This anxiety hypnotherapy meditation is designed to create positive changes in how you react to anxious situations, by using the power of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

It works by creating new positive associations with situations which previously you perceived as stressful. Stress, anxiety, and depression are the most common issues that clients report, and I use this particular session with great results each and every time.

Hello, and welcome to this Stop Anxiety Hypnotherapy recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. This anxiety hypnotherapy meditation is designed to crea...

People worry for all sorts of reasons, including a lack of money, illness, fear of dying and a whole host of other reaso...

People worry for all sorts of reasons, including a lack of money, illness, fear of dying and a whole host of other reasons.

Hypnosis can help you to drastically cut down the amount of time that you worry, so you can begin living life in a calmer, less anxious way.

Hello, and welcome to this Stop Worrying Hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. People worry for all sorts of reasons, including a lack of ...

80% of women suffer from menstrual pain at some time in their life, with millions of women suffering from the pain each ...

80% of women suffer from menstrual pain at some time in their life, with millions of women suffering from the pain each and every month.
Hypnotherapy has been proven to be effective at reducing the pain associated with period pain, so please feel free to listen to this hypnosis recording for menstrual pain as often as you wish.


Hello, and welcome to this Menstrual Pain Relief Hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. 80% of women suffer from menstrual pain at some tim...

In this hypnosis for depression video I’ll be helping you to ease the anxiety and stress that you may be feeling as part...

In this hypnosis for depression video I’ll be helping you to ease the anxiety and stress that you may be feeling as part of the depression you may be suffering from, allowing your mind the chance to rest from the unhelpful thought patterns that are filling your mind.

I’ll then present positive and effective suggestions into your subconscious mind, so you can begin to feel yourself once again.


Hello, and welcome to this Depression Hypnosis Meditation hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. In this hypnosis for depression video I’ll...


This hypnosis meditation for anxiety relief is designed to be as relaxing and comforting as possible, using calm, soothi...

This hypnosis meditation for anxiety relief is designed to be as relaxing and comforting as possible, using calm, soothing suggestions, and background music.

By listening to this frequently you’ll train your brain to become calmer and more relaxed, resulting in less anxiety each and every day.


Hello, and welcome to this Anxiety Hypnosis Meditation hypnotherapy recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. This hypnosis meditation for anxiety reli...

I'm pleased to announce that you can now download self hypnosis downloads and CD's. See the video description below each...

I'm pleased to announce that you can now download self hypnosis downloads and CD's. See the video description below each my YouTube videos.

In this stop smoking hypnotherapy session I’ll be showing you how you can control stressful situations within your life,...

In this stop smoking hypnotherapy session I’ll be showing you how you can control stressful situations within your life, so in turn you’ll be able to easily stop smoking for good.

Many people I speak to say that what keeps them smoking is life’s stressful events, so if we change how we react we will no longer feel the urge to reach out for a cigarette. Remove the stress, then you’ll have no need to smoke any longer.


Hello, and welcome to this Stop Smoking by Controlling Stress Hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. In this stop smoking hypnotherapy sess...

Stress is one of the world's biggest killers, through the likes of heart attacks and strokes, so should be avoided where...

Stress is one of the world's biggest killers, through the likes of heart attacks and strokes, so should be avoided wherever possible.
However, sometimes stress is unavoidable and simply a part of whatever situation we find ourselves in.

Hypnotherapy is great at helping us to deal effectively with stress, which in turn allows us to remain calm, relaxed and focussed at all times.


Hello, and welcome to this Relaxing Hypnosis for Stress Relief meditation from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Stress is one of the world's biggest killers,...

This relaxing hypnosis meditation will allow you to unwind, relax and allow your mind to be free of all unwanted thought...

This relaxing hypnosis meditation will allow you to unwind, relax and allow your mind to be free of all unwanted thoughts, so you can fall asleep easily and sleep soundly through the night.
You can also listen just to relax if you so wish, after a hard day at work or taking care of your children.


Hello, and welcome to this Hypnosis for Deep Sleep and Relaxation with Positive Affirmations hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. This re...

This hypnosis session will help you to feel more confident, whilst boosting your self-esteem each time that you listen t...

This hypnosis session will help you to feel more confident, whilst boosting your self-esteem each time that you listen to it.
We all need a confidence boost at times, as life gets on top of us, and we struggle with our self-esteem.

Whether you are looking for a confidence for a job interview, at work or dealing with other people each day, this hypnosis meditation session will help you deal much better with the situation.


Hello, and welcome to this Hypnosis to Boost Confidence and Self Esteem hypnotherapy recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. This hypnosis session wi...



This hypnosis for relaxation meditation will help you to relax easily and effortlessly, as well as enabling you to sleep better and achieve a better night’s sleep.
We all sometimes struggle to relax, especially after a stressful day.
Hypnosis is excellent at calming our overactive minds, reducing anxiety and allowing for a deep restful state to ensue.


This hypnosis video will show you how to stop fears and phobias that you may have had since an early age or developed wi...

This hypnosis video will show you how to stop fears and phobias that you may have had since an early age or developed within childhood or even as an adult.
I’ll be using a technique called NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming to help you to overcome your fears and phobias today.

This hypnosis technique is used widely by many professional therapists throughout the world, as it’s so quick and efficient in helping people overcome their fears and phobias for good.
Whether your fear is that of spiders, flying, needles, clowns or anything else you’ll begin to notice change after listening to this hypnotherapy session.

Hello, and welcome to this Hypnosis to Overcome Fears and Phobias - Using NLP Hypnotherapy re-cording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. This hypnosis vid...

Panic attacks can happen to anyone, anytime. Often triggered when we have suffered from a great deal of stress and anxie...

Panic attacks can happen to anyone, anytime. Often triggered when we have suffered from a great deal of stress and anxiety.
This sleep hypnosis meditation will help you to feel calm and relaxed, then provide powerful hypnotic affirmations and suggestions to help stop panic attacks as well as reduce general anxiety.

Hello, and welcome to this Sleep Meditation for Panic Attacks - Reduce Anxiety and Stress hypnosis recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Panic atta...

Hypnotherapy for confidence and self-esteem works very effectively in giving you a much-needed confidence boost, as well...

Hypnotherapy for confidence and self-esteem works very effectively in giving you a much-needed confidence boost, as well as boosting your self-esteem at the same time.
This sleep hypnosis session will allow you to fall asleep if you wish, as you listen to the relaxing background music and hypnotic positive suggestions.

Hello, and welcome to this Sleep Hypnosis for Confidence and Self Esteem hypnosis meditation from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy for confidenc...

With so many people suffering from insomnia sleep hypnosis is a great way to help your mind unwind and relax at the end ...

With so many people suffering from insomnia sleep hypnosis is a great way to help your mind unwind and relax at the end of a busy day.
Listening to a meditation for sleep as you drift off into deep relaxation will ensure that your mind winds down efficiently and lets you fall asleep easily, and more importantly stay asleep until the next day, so when you wake up you feel refreshed, revitalised and ready to take on the day.

Hello, and welcome to this Sleep Hypnosis Fall Asleep and Stay asleep meditation hypnotherapy recording from me, here at James Mann Hypnosis. With so many pe...

This sleep hypnosis session is designed to be listened to at night as you fall asleep but can also be used to relax afte...

This sleep hypnosis session is designed to be listened to at night as you fall asleep but can also be used to relax after a hard day, or to simply let go of life’s worries and concerns to a place of quiet relaxation.

Relaxation meditations are known to decrease stress, anxiety and depression too, so can also be used to alleviate these symptoms too.

This hypnotherapy recording is designed to be as relaxing as can be, with future sessions aiming to achieve the same outcome too.




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