Masha Vixov

Masha Vixov Loving connecting with ya'll online

Where I see myself in 5 years:Still here 🤪 online 😄Instagram most likely isn’t going to go anywhere and we all are most ...

Where I see myself in 5 years:

Still here 🤪 online 😄

Instagram most likely isn’t going to go anywhere and we all are most likely going to continue being here. Might as well make the most of the journey on it!:))

I’m inspired by people showing up consistently and self-improving. I want to be that too. It’s beautiful how you mature as a person by doing what you thought impossible (consistency is probably my biggest weakness) and it’s exciting to see progress in your growth.. Isn’t growth and contribution to of enrichment of lives around you what makes life so satisfying?? (God and spiritual world aside 🤍🤍)

So, I DO see myself having a million followers in 5 years. It’s more than doable. It’s not hard. And I’d love for that to be a part of my single life I have here on this Earth ♥️

I DO see myself being an active part in in growth of 2000 people/families getting stable, recession-proof, additional income. 500 of which I would love to make 10,000$ or more a month.

I DO see myself in a whole different place mind-set wise.. being well-traveled.. provider of my parents.. married (🙈🤗).. and organizer of so much more than just my city’s 300-foot-long Mountain Mural and a beautiful, thriving, loving Instagram page.

Yes, the economy doesn’t seem the brightest.. yes, the political world in America seems darker than ever before.. shouldn’t THIS be the reason why we dream bigger than ever before? Why we set aims and visions higher than we normally would?

So yes, I hope that I’ll still be alive.. and still here to give value and heart.. to continually improve what I provide 🤍

People aren’t longing to be impressed; they’re longing to feel like they’re home. If you create a space full of love and...

People aren’t longing to be impressed; they’re longing to feel like they’re home. If you create a space full of love and character and creativity and soul, they’ll curl up with gratitude and rest, bo matter how small, no matter how undone, no matter how odd. -Shauna Niequist

So glad to know each of you here. ♥️ I really mean it 🥰

So glad to know each of you here. ♥️ I really mean it 🥰

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.~ Dale CarnegieMy sweet nephew Jaxon!! How I adore thi...

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.
~ Dale Carnegie

My sweet nephew Jaxon!! How I adore this little boy! One of the reasons for starting my online business is so I could spoil him with fun and presence and have the chance to savor more of the moments of him growing up 🥰

Велики и чудны дела Твои, Господи! И душа моя вполне осознает это!

Велики и чудны дела Твои, Господи! И душа моя вполне осознает это!

Probably the hardest thing. And the bravest..

Probably the hardest thing. And the bravest..

3 random facts about me--I say "what the chicken" because I love God and I can't allow myself to say His name in vain an...

3 random facts about me

--I say "what the chicken" because I love God and I can't allow myself to say His name in vain and because chickens (literally) were my favorite animals for like 4-5 years haha

--I can't hear no one snore yeah. be jealous hahaha

--I played piano for like 5 years (late elementary to early middle school years :)). And I loved it. Think I'll be going back to it!

What are some random facts are YOU that you think I might actually not yet know?

Jobs I used to work at:-Math Tutor (College Level math on campus).-House cleaning (drove to 1-3 houses a day).-Data Entr...

Jobs I used to work at:

-Math Tutor (College Level math on campus).

-House cleaning (drove to 1-3 houses a day).

-Data Entry Clerk for Assistive Technology Department in college (where technology accommodations were provided for student with disabilities).

-Administrative Assistant in Learning Disability Department and Assessment Center in college.

-Independent Living Transition Coordinator (work directly with physicians, nurses, Medical funding department, nursing homes, high schools to guide disabled elders and youth to independent living).

-All-Subjects Homeschool Teacher (2.5 hours, 6 days.. a week after my full-time job and Saturdays)

-In Home Support and Services (worked for my grandma. Literally the best job ever!)

-DoorDash (delivered food from restaurants and stores).

-Amazon Flex (delivered packages in 3-4 hour increments of time).

-Amazon Warehouse Team Member (prepared same-day orders for Amazon Flex drivers to deliver).

-Listed vehicles, items, and houses for sale online.

-Organized a Spartanburg City Community Art Project (you say see it in my highlight "mural").

All over the place. But that's the thrill-- trying out everything. Testing your limits. Discovering different parts of yourself. :)

Aaaaaaand one part of myself that I discovered is that jobs AREN'T for me! hahaha I now know better. It is too hard to settle for trading time for money when you KNOW you can have money being almost independent of time (passive income).

That is one of the many, many reasons why I started my online business. Comment or DM "same here!" if an online business sounds like the thing for you too!

Beauty is powerful. It may be the most powerful thing on earth. Because it matters. Let me try to explain why. [Of the s...

Beauty is powerful. It may be the most powerful thing on earth. Because it matters. Let me try to explain why. [Of the six reasons John Eldredge provided, here is one]

Beauty comforts. There is something profoundly healing about it. Have you ever wondered why we send flowers to the bereaved? In the midst of their suffering and loss, only a gift of beauty says enough, or says it right. After I lost my dearest friend, Brent, there were months when only beauty helped. I could not hear words of counsel. I could not read or even pray. Only beauty helped. There's a touching story told from the hospitals of WWII, where a young and badly wounded soldier was brought in from a hellish week of fighting. After doing what she could do for him, the nurse asked if there was anything else she could do. "Yes," he said. "Could you just put on some lipstick while I watch?" Beauty comforts. It soothes the soul.

-John Eldredge in the book "Captivating" written by him and his wife Stasi Eldredge

One of the million and fifteen reasons why nature is so healing and good for us. Why our beauty, as ladies, really matters. Why beauty is so needed for our souls..

Dreams take flight 🦅 when the mind ignites, And born is a fire to burn through nights, A blazing fire that is second to ...

Dreams take flight 🦅 when the mind ignites,
And born is a fire to burn through nights,
A blazing fire that is second to none,
A light far brighter than our solar sun,

The fire of the mind, the sparkle of your soul,
The power that dwells within to make dreams whole,
Creativity, persistence and an iron will is formed,
Circumstances change, your life is transformed,

Opportunities seen in difficulties, a new view is born,
Obstacles become challenges, the fear within is torn,
Success becomes closer when the mind is conditioned,
The workload becomes less when the soul is positioned.

-Daya Nandan



Your vision, your goal, your aim can be hard to see at first. Obstacles and limiting self-beliefs will get in the way. E...

Your vision, your goal, your aim can be hard to see at first. Obstacles and limiting self-beliefs will get in the way. ESPECIALLY the limiting beliefs. The self-doubts. I’m not good enough. I’m not firm enough. I’m not reliable enough, I’m not worthy enough of this etc, etc, etc.

But the confusion. The blurry sight. The things standing in the way are a part of the exciting journey! It is in the GROWING THROUGH them that we get the most fulfillment and excitement of the journey! And the best part? Because you went through the unthinkable, the fear.. and came out victorious on the other side.. you now have the precious testimony of not only HOW the walk can be walked.. but also that there IS a way through and there IS worthy victory waiting on the other side!🙉

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." — Carl Sagan

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." — Carl Sagan

There’s this boy.. he kinda stole my heart 🙈 he calls me auntie 😁🥰🥰🥰🥰 “He called a little child to him, and placed the c...

There’s this boy.. he kinda stole my heart 🙈 he calls me auntie 😁🥰🥰🥰🥰

“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And He said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in My Name welcomes Me.” – Matthew 18:2-5, NIV

Having faith like a child is not easy.. especially when you have “grown up” and have had your fair share of trials and taste of unfairness of life..

Having faith like a child requires putting aside our will. This way, our opinions and misconceptions do not get in the way of trusting Christ wholeheartedly. We have to admit that we do not always know what is best and humble ourselves.

Having childlike faith in Christ as an adult does not mean that we have to trust blindly as some may assume. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

It’s the deeper maturity that understands that we, humans, truly know VERY, VERY little.

It’s the acceptance of the truth of life that we do NOT have control over our lives.. no matter how well we prepared ourselves or how much we manipulated matters.

It’s the full surrender of self (that comes from wisdom gained through life experiences) to God in understanding that only in God do we have all Hope any ANY real sense of certainty whatsoever.

Childlike faith is a form of praise to God. You recognize His goodness and you believe Him. You know His good heart and you trust Him. You witnessed His great works in your life (abundantly!!!!!!) and your innermost reaction is to.. trust Him..

Trust that He knows all. Trust that everything is in His control. And know that EVEN IF all fails, God is onto something. He’s creating something for good… 🔥

“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team”⁠– Reid ...

“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team”⁠
– Reid Hoffman, co-founder LinkedIn⁠

Don't close away in your game. Realize how much you NEED an accountability partner. What big of a blessing it is to have a business community. Allow yourself to soak in ALL of the togetherness.. the inter-pouring of goodness and support and encouragement and wisdom and companionship into each other. God created us to need each other.. and you will MOST DEFINITELY need other people on this wild, fun, thrilling business journey with you. 💚

Happy gal over here 🤗 Nothing happened. Just everything IS. And it all fills me with SO much joy! Life, I love you whole...

Happy gal over here 🤗 Nothing happened. Just everything IS. And it all fills me with SO much joy! Life, I love you wholeheartedly and thank you for loving me right back ☺️🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❣️

My beloved sister, Violet  🌸, and her hubby, Paul  (I call him Pasha 😁).They’re such incredible example for me of what i...

My beloved sister, Violet 🌸, and her hubby, Paul (I call him Pasha 😁).

They’re such incredible example for me of what it means to choose your other half over and over, time and time again.

No matter what comes up or- should I rather say- ESPECIALLY when things come up.

Violet is the first to get married from all us siblings (there’s just three of us 🤪) and it’s been so relieving to see just how beautifully marriage can transform a person.

How much realer a person can become through marriage.

How much more calm.

So much more devoted.


To watch you transform gradually from a single, quirky, happily spoiled girl to a lady who puts others’ needs before hers and who is no longer all her own— but belongs to others.. A beautiful lady who is now someone’s beloved wife.. someone’s precious, irreplaceable mother… 💖✨

I adore you, sister 😍 Thank you for being a role model, a light, and inspiration for me in sooo many things. I still remember all the ways my heart enjoyed being connected with you. And I savor our sister bond. 💙💎

What a grand thing life can be! What an all-consuming journey!! What an adventure of self-discovery! What a ride of a lifetime!!!

It’s true! 💥

It’s true! 💥

I keep talking about creating an online business, yet am only just laying the most basic of the basic foundations of a b...

I keep talking about creating an online business, yet am only just laying the most basic of the basic foundations of a business online— the content.

The content of any brand are to be built upon a marketing concept called “Know Like Trust” Factor. This Factor is becoming increasingly important as the way brands are built is starting to permanently change. The goal of this “Know Like Trust” Factor is to get your audience, prospects, leads, customers, or clients to understand and eventually believe in your brand.

“Know” means that when someone comes onto your page and does a quick scan through your profile, they’ll get a clear sense of who you are, what you stand for, and what you’re about. You want them to know how you relate to them. What exactly it is that you’re doing or committed to speaking about.

The “Like” comes from you just being yourself. Don’t worry about pleasing people over here. That should be the last thing on your mind— because you want YOUR people to resonate with the real you. The people who will love you will love you and vibe with you. The rest won’t and that’s totally okay.. even a good thing! This can also be called your “niche”.. the very specific way you express yourself to find the very specific people who you want to be connected with.

The “Trust” comes in last. This can only be obtained through consistency. The famous quote “time tells all” definitely rings true here.

So, connection. Consistency. Authenticity. Those are the things you want to focus on at the very beginning of your business when you are just laying down the concrete foundation of brand content. And, again, just be patient. :) Because, again, WITH TIME 🤪 all will be. 🥰

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Btw, can you spot me?😜

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

Btw, can you spot me?😜

“The things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose. Follow them.”The Mishchenko’s!! Such a b...

“The things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose. Follow them.”

The Mishchenko’s!! Such a beloved family!!!😍😍😍😍

The husband Dimitriy and wife Svetlana are an amazing couple who founded the Side by Side Ministry in the flourishing, ever organized for parents of children with disabilities. Their ministry has been ongoing for MANY years.. and I’m SO proud of them!!!! I just HAD to have a date with them the last time I came to California for a few days 🤗🤗🤗🤗🥰

What excites me.. ALWAYS- without fail- is the belonging within, the connection with, and contribution to the marvelous Disabled Community.

I hear you’re hard of hearing as well? We’re automatically best friends 😂

I see you’re in a wheelchair? I have to fight the urge to hug you randomly 🤣

In college, as a president of Disability Awareness Club, I was passionate about making sure as many disabled students as possible knew about the accommodations available to them on campus.

I connect uniquely to all veterans and feel especially close to them when they share of their struggles with PTSD or how they’ve learned to adjust to civilian life.

When it comes to disability and self-advocacy, a tiger in me comes to life. GGRRRRRRR!!!! 🐅🤣

I’m currently in a phase of my life where I’m “sidetracked” from my passion.. so that I could prepare and gain strength to approach my passion again.. but with much more wisdom and calmness (my exceedingly great passion burned me out a few years back.. propelling me into 2.5 years of recovery. I want to come back to it with wisdom and balance).

All those in my life who have allowed me close enough to them and I them to me.. know that one of my biggest passions.. my most savage dream… is to connect the disabled people of the world.. globally.

I know it’ll happen.

I can see just about 500 different ways it can come about. 🤪😅

And I just can’t WAIIITT to be a part of that growth of global Disabled Community. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😆🔥❣️

It always seems impossible until it's done.⁠Nelson MandelaVisited this remarkable historical palace with my cousin  last...

It always seems impossible until it's done.⁠
Nelson Mandela

Visited this remarkable historical palace with my cousin last summer 😍🤗✨

This Palace is well preserved with all the most important historical buildings, in the center of the city of Split, the second-largest city of modern Croatia. As the world's most complete remains of a Roman palace, Diocletian’s Palace holds an outstanding place in Mediterranean, European, and world heritage.

Diocletian, a Roman Emperor, built this Palace for himself upon retirement. His story is quite interesting..

Born to a family of low status in the Roman Province of Dalmatia, Diocletian rose through the ranks of the military to become a cavalry commander of the Emperor Carus's army. After the deaths of Carus and his son Numerian on campaign in Persia, Diocletian was proclaimed emperor by the troops and stood as Roman emperor from 284 to 305 AD.

Diocletian was originally a swineherd and, in this part of his life, he was teased and abused by young Jews. When he became the Emperor, he called up the leaders of the Jews, who were fearful, saying "We have teased Diocletian the Swineherd but we respect Diocletian the Emperor" – to which Diocletian responded "You must show respect even to the smallest and lowest of the Romans, because you can never know which one of us will rise to greatness."

It’s true.

We never know how the story of a janitor might turn out. I used to be one.

It’s not impossible for a student with consistent low grades to end up making it big in the business world. I am a complete college drop-out (though my grades weren’t too bad 🤪😜).

It doesn’t matter if you failed for 13 years straight at a something, you might actually have a breakthrough on the 14th year. I am still awaiting mines.

It’s never too late.

It’s only impossible if you don’t believe it. Over and over it may seem impossible to us… until it’s actually done.

Life is so much more fun when you don’t give up and buckle up for the wild ride:)

Stress is caused by being “here” but wanting to be “there” -Eckhart TolleBeing in the moment. 🌿Letting life be just as i...

Stress is caused by being “here” but wanting to be “there” -Eckhart Tolle

Being in the moment. 🌿

Letting life be just as it is.

While simultaneously growing, aiming for more, and challenging the status quo.. it IS possible to just be. 💫

I think the key here is gratitude.

📚While you are studying, you can be grateful that you CAN study.

⚡️While you are hustling, you can be grateful that you HAVE an opportunity to hustle.

💭 While you are dreaming, you can be grateful that there IS a dream in your heart.. that gives you wings, arouses hope, gently breathes in inspiration.

🤔 While you are facing yourself and your hard truths of self, you CAN be grateful that you’ve reached that point of realization.

Because you ALSO understand that no change can take place without awareness. And now that you’ve been aware, truly conscious on your lack, of your shortcomings, of your weakness.. you can change. 💎

If you’re willing to approach life with improvement of self, then you have a whole lifetime of better changes:)

It IS possible to want to be “there”, but being SO SO HAPPY that you are “here”!!!

Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering. Nothing- not career, not wealth, not status....

Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering. Nothing- not career, not wealth, not status. We have to feel for one another if we’re going to survive with dignity. -Audrey Hepburn

Empathy. Definitely a strong quality my precious dad possesses. ♥️ Love him so much!!

Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get ot...

Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get others.”⁠
- David Seabury.⁠

Somehow I knew this early on and used this as a mask.⁠ It took me yeeaaarrs to be able to discern between my mask of enthusiasm and my genuine, bubbly personality. Being enthusiastic in any daily-life scenario is a great way to have people open to you, want you around, and also a great way to steer the conversation in the way that you want to. That last part— the ability to steer the conversation in the way you want or DON’T want it to go- when you are one of the highest vibe in the conversation.. THAT was my mask. And a very successful one. It was my way of protecting myself from people seeing me. Asking personal questions I didn’t want asked. And whatnot.

Now, I’ve learned (and am learning) to just speak up of my boundaries. To just allow conversations to flow and not feel the pressing need to control the course of the conversation. I’ve learned that people are amazing and when you give them room to lead the conversation, you give them room to shine. I’ve healed and grown and gradually switched to wanting others to genuinely shine instead of me take all of the limelight (not selfishly, just immaturely).

I’m still the chatty, loud, boisterous typical self.. but I’m a lot more careful to listen and let another person speak instead of me..

I LOVE enthusiasm (and who doesn’t?) but I’ve learned to honor it.. honor the energy. And not use it for personal gain (affection, acknowledgment).

Regardless of this whole journey of mine, the phrase still rings true “give yourself, if you wish to get others”. 🤍 What changed here is .. “for what?” 🥰 For THEM. 🤍

Young girls. 12, 14, 14 years old.. So much hope in their eyes. Yet, the journey they’re to navigate is, in many ways, s...

Young girls. 12, 14, 14 years old.. So much hope in their eyes.

Yet, the journey they’re to navigate is, in many ways, so much complex than the journeys of generations upon generations before them.

Social media is an amazing resource, yet it can be a very tragic one too. I want to meet these young girls (and boys) here on social media.. and emanate the light of how they’re meant to radiate their existence.

What stance they’re to hold and how.

What position of heart they’re to defend and how to win the growing opposition against their positions (gender identity, love of Christ, confidence in self..).

These girls.. they’re also one of the reasons why I fiercely want to maintain my presence on here. On social media..

A kind word is like a spring day.Russian Proverb 🔥

A kind word is like a spring day.

Russian Proverb 🔥




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