A new episode of Psycho Bob Says is being released on Sunday, our first episode since our heart failure and stroke earlier this year Yup we are pretty damn excited too! Catch all episodes where you listen to podcasts or at our website, shakinshaner.com
mixing up some new episodes to be released next week
It's been about 5 months since, I have been in the podcast lab, this recovery from heart surgery and a stroke is taking its toll miss creating, just a bit limited to one hand typing, but here we are!
With any luck could have a new episode out in a week or so, its so good to be back.
If you are wondering, Holy Crapadoodle, a new episode is will be launched on Sunday...The Legends of Pirate Treasure!
Holy Crapadoodle! A new Psycho Bob Says is being released on Sunday. Get ready to learn about the Cosmos Club!
NEW Episode at Midnight! I am excited too. Check out the 42nd episode on your favorite platform or head over to our website shakinshaner.com
Spending some quality time in the old #podcast laboratory this morning editing some upcoming episodes on P.A.I.N. and Buffalo Bill Cody. Hell Yes, we are getting it done this morning.
A new episode of What's Shakin With Shaner is coming out on Sunday. Get ready for Dashiell Hammett & the Dain Curse. To see all episodes you can find us on most platforms or at our website shakinshaner.com
Super Hero Powers
If you had the ability to pick one super hero power, what would it be? I think mine would be the ability metally control oatmeal in all its forms. Hey Nerd Herd, what would you pick?
Coffee Reality
Happy Monday Morning Nerd Herd! Hope your coffee is flowing freely this morning. What's your favorite coffee to get the day rolling? I have several but love Caribou Coffee's mahogany, what about you?
What do you think
Hey Nerd Herd, if you had the chance to come on the show, would you? And what would you wanna talk about--books, movies, food, tv shows, cartoons. Drop us a comment if you want to come on the show and the topic to discuss.