Again, I know it's been a while, but I am excited to share the latest Choosing Faith episode, which features Charles Lawson, author of the book 'The Millennial Shot: A spiritual inoculation for the modern Latter-day Saint'.
After watching many young people grow up and out of the church, Charles was prompted to delve into the reasons why, and found himself embarking on a faith journey of his own. In this episode we explore the top ten causes for the millennial generation leaving the church, and Charles offers his insights on the tough questions facing the rising LDS generation. While he doesn’t profess to have all the answers, Charles does provide the context to better understand certain issues, policies and practices which can trouble so many of us.
You can find his book at very little cost in both hardcover and kindle form here: https://www.amazon.com/Millennial-Shot-Inoculation-Latter-day-Inoculations-ebook/dp/B0B5FLLXFP
To learn more and read a preview, head to the book's website: https://www.millennialshot.com/
I hope you enjoy this episode. I personally found it validating, comforting and faith promoting. If any of it resonates with you, please share it with a friend who also might benefit from Charles' insights. Thank you :)
Apple: shorturl.at/beizH
Spotify: shorturl.at/tBFJ3
Other: https://anchor.fm/choosingfaithpodcast