Mindy Pradia

Mindy Pradia Hi my name is Mindy and I am here to encourage women to stay grounded in Christ.

Happy  November! As we come to the last couple of months of the year I have a couple of important updates: 🌟 We have a n...

Happy November! As we come to the last couple of months of the year I have a couple of important updates:

🌟 We have a new website and new newsletter🎉 Everything moved from mindypradia.com to herfaiththrives.com.

🌟 If you were previously signed up to receive my newsletter - Growing Together, that has changed to the Her Faith Thrives Newsletter and the new sending address is: [email protected]. So add it to your address book so you don’t miss those emails 🙂

🌟I am taking an indefinite break from posting on this page. I will still be creating content so if you are signed up for the newsletter you will still receive content but I will not be updating this page for some time.

🌟 If you have not signed up for the newsletter, this is a great time! I have a new resource for you just to say thank you for creating space in your inbox. Check out From Routine to Reverence 👇🏾 my new favorite tool to enrich a Quiet Time and I look forward to connecting with you on the newsletter.

Peace and Blessings!


The resources at Her Faith Thrives are built to enrich your walk with God in sustainable and meaningful ways. Each resource, contains a variety of options that can be used as a menu board of ideas …

It is such a joy to see some new faces around here! Thank you for following or liking this page! I started this page to ...

It is such a joy to see some new faces around here! Thank you for following or liking this page! I started this page to make resources available to help you thrive in your faith so here are some things you should know:

âś… When I post new content on the website it shows up here on this page and I am so thankful when you take the time to check it out!

âś… And if you have not yet done so, check out the website: https://www.mindypradia.com/
There is a collection of blog posts and podcast episodes that I trust will bless you! I have written most of them but there are some there by godly women in my community over the years too!

✅ I have a newsletter which is one of my favorite ways to connect! Every couple of months I share a personal update and an encouraging resource of some kind. The newsletter started as a way to stay in touch with friends and continue to share what we were learning and still has it’s roots in everyday spiritual lessons. It is called the Growing Together Newsletter and I would love to connect with you there: https://mindypradia.com/join-my-mailing-list

P.S. When you sign up, you will be prompted to confirm your subscription. This is just a way to make sure that real people are signing up! Go ahead and confirm so that you can actually receive the newsletter 🙂🙂🙂

Have you had an experience that exposed your limits?   I have had experiences like this  a few times, but the most recen...

Have you had an experience that exposed your limits? I have had experiences like this a few times, but the most recent time was at the beginning of a season of living apart from my husband while he was in training for 4 months. Coming into this season, I had a 2.5 month old and not yet 2 year old in my care, and I was about to learn a lot about depending on God for every moment of every day.

Stop by the blog and reflect with me on God's faithfulness which empowers our faithfulness!


Christmas often tempts me to do more than I can reasonably accomplish. For the last 3 years, however, God in His soverei...

Christmas often tempts me to do more than I can reasonably accomplish. For the last 3 years, however, God in His sovereignty forced me to slow down and practice simplicity in a season overflowing with good possibilities. One year, God used a demanding job to move me toward simplicity. Two years in a row he used a season of pregnancy. In one holiday pregnancy, I was dealing with first trimester sickness and in the other I was really close to my due date. Although simplicity can bring a lot of peace of mind, the main reason I want to reflect on this discipline in this season is bigger than that.

Stop by the blog and read the rest of this reflection. Link below!


Our baby boy is almost 8 weeks old and I finally feel ready to tell the story of our journey with him. These last few mo...

Our baby boy is almost 8 weeks old and I finally feel ready to tell the story of our journey with him. These last few months have taught me so much. Growth often happens in unseen moments, in secret places, and in silence. In those times of wrestling God is powerfully present transforming hearts and making us more like Him.

Our HBAC story (Home Birth After Cesarean) is on the blog. Lean in with us and see God's faithfulness to lead us step by step, and His sovereignty over all of it. May it encourage you in your journey - birth related or otherwise.

Read the story on the blog: https://www.mindypradia.com/blog/homebirthstory

Picture Credit: Liberty Doula Services


There are often times in our Christian walk that feel lonely.

If I’m honest, loneliness has always been something I’ve struggled with. Somehow I never quite feel like I fit into the “mainstream” of whatever my Christian peers are doing. Of course as a Christian, I know we are called to be “set apart” as believers. But what if I also feel called apart from those who are walking with Jesus?

What if it’s not enough for me to attend church on a Sunday morning, Bible study on a Thursday, volunteer for this or that service, fellowship with friends, and call it a day? It might be how Peter felt when he said, “Lord, what about him?” (John 21:21). This is what I call the lonely walk of faithfulness. Jesus calls all of us to walk with Him on this path.

Read this guest post article on the website!


You can return to our homepage by clicking here, or you can try searching for the content you are seeking by clicking here.

Whether it is the direct result of sin we have committed or the result of experiencing brokenness in the world, we have ...

Whether it is the direct result of sin we have committed or the result of experiencing brokenness in the world, we have all been burdened and sometimes even disillusioned by different kinds of guilt.

Unresolved or wrongly resolved feelings of guilt can be a real burden on the Christian life.

In this episode, we talk about some pitfalls in dealing with guilt and how we can find a way to true freedom from guilt.

Listen in: https://www.mindypradia.com/new-blog/introducing-her-faith-thrives-clbs8-3tndm-sz2ee-2hjnr-7433s

Whether it is the direct result of sin we have committed or the result of experiencing brokenness in the world, we have all been burdened and sometimes even disillusioned by different kinds of guilt. Unresolved or wrongly resolved feelings of guilt can be a real burden on the Christian life.

When we try to respond to the deeply disorienting hardships in life with hope grounded in temporal things, we oversimpli...

When we try to respond to the deeply disorienting hardships in life with hope grounded in temporal things, we oversimplify at best and at worst, we believe in a lie.

In Episode 4 of the Her Faith Thrives Podcast, we acknowledge the way platitudes in the light of suffering do more harm than good and refocus our hearts on the God who is big enough to handle brokenness and heartache. Join me as we acknowledge God’s power in the midst of pain, and take some time to bring our burdens to Him in prayer.


When we try to respond to the deeply disorienting hardships in life with hope grounded in temporal things, we oversimplify the problem at best, and at worst, we believe in a lie. In this episode, we acknowledge the way platitudes in the light of suffering do more harm than good and refocus our heart

Prayer can sometimes feel like a roller coaster experience of hope and disappointment. When you are walking through a lo...

Prayer can sometimes feel like a roller coaster experience of hope and disappointment.

When you are walking through a long difficult season it is easy to begin to question the effectiveness of your prayer life and wonder if it is worth pursuing or deepening.

One thing I have found that really magnifies this roller coaster experience is the kind of solutions we are seeking when we pray.

Join me on Episode 3 of the Her Faith Thrives Podcast, as we explore one of the great negative influences on our prayer lives and how to overcome it.

We all know that there is no escaping the hardships of life but as Christian women we can rightly expect to walk through them anchored in God’s hope, peace, and rest.


Prayer can sometimes feel like a roller coaster experience of hope and disappointment. We all know that there is no escaping the hardships of life but as Christian women we can rightly expect to walk through difficult seasons anchored in lasting biblical hope. If you want to step off the roller coas

Baking banana bread over the weekend felt like a rare luxury this month! January has been challenging and looking around...

Baking banana bread over the weekend felt like a rare luxury this month! January has been challenging and looking around here, I know I am not the only one who feels that way! Yet as we wrap up the month I am thankful that we are slowly finding our footing.

This month on the Growing Together Newsletter I am reflecting on encouraging truths and resources in navigating a challenging season.

If you do not receive this monthly Newsletter, please sign up! The Newsletter goes out a week from today! I would love to connect with you in that space! Link in profile : Growing Together Newsletter

Do you feel weighed down by soul clutter?  Have you had times when you are able to get up and go physically, but on the ...

Do you feel weighed down by soul clutter? Have you had times when you are able to get up and go physically, but on the inside you feel weary, stuck, pensive, or unusually down.

In this episode we consider what weighs us down and how to stop the cycle of accumulating soul clutter by praying your feelings.

Whether this is an established practice for you or something that you would like to learn to do, this episode is for you! Link in Profile : Latest Podcast Episode



One of the most memorable ways I was challenged in my faith in College was through the testimonies and hard earned wisdom of older Christians. As we start the new year, I remember with deep gratitude the wise older man who challenged bright eyed college students to have a deep working knowledge of

As we settle into a new year it is natural and even wise to spend some time evaluating where you are and where you want ...

As we settle into a new year it is natural and even wise to spend some time evaluating where you are and where you want to be.

This year, the one thing that has been hard to wrap my head around is it all feels the same.

Other than the change in dates, 2022 does not have some of the shine and motivation that comes with a new year.

You may be in the same boat asking the question: How do we thrive when we are so weary?

Here is the good news: We do not have to find life, energy, drive within ourselves. Jesus is the source of abundant life and even now, whatever this moment holds for you, you can experience thriving faith that energizes and refreshes every area of your life.

Episode 1: Finding the Power to Thrive in your Faith is a necessary reminder of the grace that can be yours as a follower of Christ no matter what is going on in your life.

Take a listen on Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/her-faith-thrives/id1593131045

Whether we are aware of it or not  we consciously choose to magnify something every moment of every day. Sometimes we ma...

Whether we are aware of it or not we consciously choose to magnify something every moment of every day. Sometimes we magnify God’s blessings and provision. Sometimes we magnify what we lack. Sometimes we magnify our expectations and sometimes we magnify God’s expectations for us. We magnify overwhelm, anxiety, angst, unfulfillment, laziness, discontentment, thankfulness, right worship, and peace. The possibilities are endless but here is the point, we get to choose what we magnify.

As we enter this Christmas season, join me in being intentional about Magnifying Christ!

Click the Link below to read this article on the blog!


Whether we are aware of it or not we consciously choose to magnify something every moment of every day. Sometimes we magnify God’s blessings and provision. Sometimes we magnify what we lack. Sometimes we magnify our expectations and sometimes we magnify God’s expectations for us. We magnify over...

Thriving in the Christian faith becomes more  precious the more it’s threatened.  I wish I could say the most meaningful...

Thriving in the Christian faith becomes more precious the more it’s threatened.

I wish I could say the most meaningful things I have learned came in times when I was comfortable but that would not be true. I have found that in the places where I am overwhelmed or stuck, I also gain an increasingly life changing view of God.

This fire in my bones discovery has inspired all the content I create from newsletters to devotionals to blog posts and now a brand new podcast!!!

I could not be more excited to tell you about the Her Faith Thrives Podcast!

I have loved the audio world for a long time and about a year ago I started taking steps to actually start a podcast! It's been months of prayer and hard work but we are finally here!

The Her Faith Thrives is a biweekly seasonal podcast seeking to offer perspectives and practices to help Christian women thrive in their faith through cultivating authentic and truth filled prayer lives!

Since prayer is not an isolated exercise, this podcast tackles many aspects of our walk with God so that we connect biblical truth to our everyday life experiences.

Over the next couple of weeks I look forward to telling you more about this exciting new adventure.

I hope this podcast is a blessing and an encouragement to you. I look forward to connecting with you through this podcast as we grow together and press on to follow Jesus!

The trailer for the Her Faith Thrives Podcast is up! I would be so honored if you would listen!


Remember, you can be a woman who thrives in every season!

God’s word is like a mirror showing us where things are not as they should be and giving us the chance to change. On the...

God’s word is like a mirror showing us where things are not as they should be and giving us the chance to change. On the upcoming edition of the Newsletter, I am reflecting on growth through repentance in this season.

The Growing Together Newsletter is one of my favorite places to round up encouraging articles, sermons, and songs as well as share stories, reflections, and challenges. I can't wait to connect with you there on Monday!



This side of heaven there is often a disconnect between the life we want and the life we have. This shows up in varying degrees in all seasons of our lives. It ranges from minor annoyances in an otherwise smooth season to complete upheaval. The season of singleness that has lasted too long, the marriage that is much more challenging than you expected, the job you don’t like but you are still doing, the friends who don't really know you, the family you are estranged from.

There is no shortage of difficult and disappointing circumstances that we need to find our way through. So what do we do when the life we have is not the life we want? How do we thrive in our faith and steward this life well despite its disappointments and difficulties? How do we bear good fruit in seasons that are so withering?

Read the rest of this monthly devotional on the blog! https://mindypradia.com/when-the-life-you-wanted-is-not-the-life-you-have

You can return to our homepage by clicking here, or you can try searching for the content you are seeking by clicking here.

Last month I felt a deep desire to regroup. I wanted to lay all the pieces of my life - responsibilities, people, events...

Last month I felt a deep desire to regroup. I wanted to lay all the pieces of my life - responsibilities, people, events, emotions on one big table where I could see them all and decide what boxes to assign them to.

Can you relate?

In the upcoming newsletter, I will be reflecting on the lessons I learned as I set out to regroup last month. If you are in a similar place or have been here before, I am hoping this one is encouraging for you! The newsletter also includes a handful of encouraging resources that I hope are a blessing to you!

Not signed up to receive my monthly newsletter?

The newsletter will go out on Monday 10/4/21. Sign up BEFORE Monday to receive this latest edition (link below).

Earlier this month, I miscarried our second baby and it broke my heart.  Over the last few weeks, I have been thinking a...

Earlier this month, I miscarried our second baby and it broke my heart. Over the last few weeks, I have been thinking a lot about what impact our baby's short life has had on mine.

One of the immeasurably beautiful things carrying this baby did for me was draw me closer to God both when he was alive and when I lost him. This blog post is a tribute to his life and the impact he had. I hope it blesses you!


Whether through a miscarriage, a child born never to live on this earth, one taken so shortly after or even at the prime of their lives - the loss of a life you have carried, cherished, loved, mothered is one we hope to never experience. Yet this side of heaven, this kind of suffering touches the li

Last month we celebrated two years of marriage! Even though there is so much joy in this journey, it takes a long time t...

Last month we celebrated two years of marriage! Even though there is so much joy in this journey, it takes a long time to really settle in. Two years in we know we are still at the beginning of this beautiful journey but we are also learning the ropes.

This month in the newsletter I reflect on one question I have been carrying for these two years of marriage and the answer that finally became clear weeks before we celebrated our anniversary. This is one of many areas where I can testify to the faithfulness of God. Whether you are wanting specific encouragement in your marriage or just an opportunity to reflect on God’s faithfulness, my hope is this newsletter will encourage you! The Growing Together Newsletter goes out on Monday! If you want to receive it follow this link: https://mindypradia.com/join-my-mailing-list

This newsletter also contains a behind the scenes update, an exciting personal announcement, and a handful of encouraging resources!

For those of you who are already on my mailing list, thank you! It is such a joy to connect with you in that space!

*We had been married for 5 days in this picture!*

Have you wondered how to approach God after He withheld the good thing you asked for?  Perhaps it was a job that you did...

Have you wondered how to approach God after He withheld the good thing you asked for?

Perhaps it was a job that you did not get, a loved one who you hoped would live longer, a friend you hoped would choose to follow God, or relief from a very difficult situation.

This side of heaven there seems to be many disappointments that we can readily recall as we venture out to trust God again.

Talking to God can feel scary, pointless, and confusing.

After a disappointing outcome you may be asking where to begin with trusting God for the next thing?

If you are wrestling with a disappointing outcome this month's devotional is for you!

Get the monthly devotional at: https://www.mindypradia.com/get-the-monthly-devotional

Tired of trying to find the perfect system to help you finally pray consistently?The Pray Everyday Guide is a practical ...

Tired of trying to find the perfect system to help you finally pray consistently?

The Pray Everyday Guide is a practical guide to help you establish an easy prayer rhythm so you can pray consistently without feeling overwhelmed.

If you want to pray consistently without adding a long, complicated, expensive process to your already busy life this guide is for you!

Get the FREE Pray Everyday Guide today! www.mindypradia.com/resources

Can I tell you a little bit of my story?Thriving in every season of life became really important to me when it was most ...

Can I tell you a little bit of my story?

Thriving in every season of life became really important to me when it was most threatened.

With every major transition I really wanted the season, however challenging, to be a fruitful one. Starting when I moved halfway across the world to go to college and continuing on, I wanted to live wholeheartedly for Christ no matter what. I was like Jacob, so unworthy but clinging to God for the blessing no matter what.

Fast forward to my first career, starting a job after grad school. I had moved to a new city and was determined to succeed at whatever opportunities God provided.

When I found myself wondering if I would have a job shortly after I had moved cities because the company was under new ownership. I remember desperately wanting to thrive no matter how difficult things turned out to be.

In that season, I started practicing intentional thankfulness and it changed my life. Over 5 years later, I still count the ways I can be thankful everyday. I told as many people as I could about the lifegiving practice of thankfulness but even then God was doing an even bigger work than I imagined.

Through all of the transitions and uncertainties God was forming me into a woman who prayed.

After my baby girl was born, I was grappling with what became a complicated birth and post partum recovery. This is when it became obvious that God had been forming me into a woman who prayed.

At the most unlikely time, adjusting to new motherhood, I had fire in my bones to quantify what effective prayer looked like in my life and how it could continue to grow. I began to share this with some of my friends and as I did it began to grow.

On Monday August 16th, I will be releasing a new resource which is the first product of this fire-in-my-bones process. This is the first step in becoming a woman who thrives in every season by praying authentic and truth filled prayers.

This is the beginning and I am so excited to share it with you. Will you meet me here on Monday?

One of my highlights this month was tending to the ordinary!I enjoyed cooking meals for my people, hosting friends and f...

One of my highlights this month was tending to the ordinary!

I enjoyed cooking meals for my people, hosting friends and family, reading to my sweet girl, looking at our routines and tweaking them so that they serve us all better.

I had the satisfaction of seeing some of our boxes unpacked from our recent move, starting to decorate a new space and finding places for things that make our lives easy.

In doing these things wholeheartedly, I discovered that faithfulness in little things can be both very satisfying and challenging.

This month in the newsletter I will be reflecting on this and sharing some encouraging resources.

I will be sending out the newsletter on Monday morning (8/9/21). If you have not already, sign up to receive the Growing Together Newsletter! (link below)


I would love to connect with you there!

Friends, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you! This month we just wrapped up a blog series on Community and i...

Friends, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you!

This month we just wrapped up a blog series on Community and it has been so enriching to connect with you through that content! This was a series of posts written by my community to encourage and challenge you as you pursue and participate in community .You can catch up on any article you may have missed by following this link: https://www.mindypradia.com/connection

This month also marks 8 months since my website went live and I have loved connecting with you through the blog posts, monthly newsletter and devotional!

Writing has challenged me to walk closer with the Lord, be more attentive when I am in His presence and live out the truths He teaches everyday! Thank you for joining me on the journey so far!

If you are new around here, the best way to connect with me is by joining my mailing list. You will have access to a monthly newsletter with a short personal update, a handful of resources and some behind the scenes information.

You will also get a monthly devotional which is intended to be the meeting place between some of the hard places in our hearts and the refreshing word of God. In the past I have written on things like weariness, trusting God with unknowns, overcoming unbelief and so on!

You can join my mailing list by clicking on this link! https://mindypradia.com/join-my-mailing-list

I would love to see you there!

Peace and Blessings!



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