The monthly vulnerable post.
It has definitely been difficult days where my anxiety has been bombarded by a thousand things. It’s been weeks since I’ve felt that I haven’t breathed. It’s hard when you realize that you don’t have everything under control.
These days I have learned (which has become difficult) that I am not in control of anything, that God is the one who has it. I have always been a person who likes to have everything warned so nothing can surprises me, but I have had to give that to the Lord because I can’t do that anymore. He defeated my anxiety in that cross, I believe it even when is a long process to embrace. We are still learning and growing in that.
What if I’ve grown up? Yes, although it has hurt. Lies have arisen, triggers, situations that I do not want to be, abandonment, loneliness and where my flesh has wanted to be the previous Gustavo and send everyone to cook french fries in hell 😂. However, I have decided to believe that the Holy Spirit is doing something even if there is war against me. I’ve decided to say yes, even if I don’t understand. Jesus said that we were going to suffer in the world, but he has already defeated the world so we are safe.
God has been good, faithful and that his support and favor is upon me. He’s doing something. He has saved me, and everything that can be hidden has come to light with His truth.
I’m so glad for my family and for my friends who are with me and don’t leave me alone. The process is hard, but it’s better when you have people who genuinely love you, advise you, believe in your call, say yes with you and want the best for you. To each of you, THANK YOU. 🧡
Beautiful things are coming, I believe it and I am in a time of kindness from the Lord to myself and joy no matter what. I’m watching it and I’m living it. 🤟🏻