Teen1d Podcast

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Teen1d Podcast Podcast for teens with Type 1 Diabetes hosted by Jackie Lynch, a teen with Type 1 Diabetes.

Take the time to appreciate the little things and the opportunities you have in life!I spoke with Morgan Panzirer, a Jun...

Take the time to appreciate the little things and the opportunities you have in life!

I spoke with Morgan Panzirer, a Junior at Villanova University. Morgan shares that it’s so important to take advantage of all of the opportunity college presents.

College goes by fast, take the time to appreciate the little things and take in every minute.

Check out the rest of our conversation where Morgan talks about her book, college, and some incredible people she has met through T1D advocacy.


Everyone should take the opportunity to share their journey!

I had the chance the interview Morgan Panzirer, author of Actually, I Can, an autobiography about her journey with T1D. We connect on the power of sharing your story and the impact the book has had.

Check out the rest of our conversation, where Morgan dives into college, how she treats low blood sugar, and advice for new college students.

It's okay to ask for help when you need it!There are so many amazing opportunities and support systems in college, don’t...

It's okay to ask for help when you need it!

There are so many amazing opportunities and support systems in college, don’t be afraid to reach out when you need help!

Check out my conversation with Elle Shaheen, where we dive into how she managed her T1D while attending Harvard, pursuing theater professionally, and Coach, Elle's diabetes alert dog.


A furry friend can go a long way in helping you manage your T1D.

Elle Shaheen tells us all about Coach, her diabetes alert dog, and the impact he’s had on her diabetes management. Coach can smell when Elle's blood sugar is too low or too high, and will alert her when that happens.

Check out the rest of our conversation where Elle dives into attending Harvard, advancing her theater career, and how Coach was trained.

Diabetes service dogs can be a life-saver, literally!Capo is a service dog that helps monitor Carson Magee’s blood sugar...

Diabetes service dogs can be a life-saver, literally!

Capo is a service dog that helps monitor Carson Magee’s blood sugar. Capo will alert Carson when his sugar is too high or too low.

Check out my conversation with Carson as he dives into how he trained Capo, how Capo has helped him with T1D, and how others may benefit from having their own service dog.


Have you ever wondered how diabetes service dogs are trained?

It all starts with the basics! Capo, a diabetes service dog, started by learning how to walk on a leash and be comfortable around strangers. From there, Capo learned how to detect and alert Carson when his blood sugar is too high or too low through reward-based training using scent samples.

Check out my conversation with Carson Magee, where he dives deeper into Capo's training, and how Capo has been a real lifesaver for him.

If you’re heading off to college soon (or already there), see if your college has a diabetes network!It’s a great way to...

If you’re heading off to college soon (or already there), see if your college has a diabetes network!

It’s a great way to meet new people and it’s always nice to have a support group you can relate to.

Check out my conversation with Yoni Gilad as we talk about T1D and college. Yoni gives us insight into what he has done to help manage T1D as a college student and athlete.


Life is full of changes when you’re heading off to college. Your diabetes management is no different!

Your food, environment, and schedule are all likely to change, so it’s super important to monitor your blood sugar for changes and adjust as needed for the first few weeks. After the first few weeks, you tend to get into a routine, which can actually be very beneficial to your diabetes management.

Come listen in as I talk with Yoni Gilad about what he has done to manage his T1D while in college with the help of monitoring and getting on a set schedule.

How has T1D changed the way you look at the world?I sat down with Adrianne Abed-Fitt, and she highlighted how T1D has ma...

How has T1D changed the way you look at the world?

I sat down with Adrianne Abed-Fitt, and she highlighted how T1D has made her more aware of what other people are going through and how she can change things for them.

Check out my conversation with Adrianne where we discuss T1D, the importance of mental health, and making a difference in people’s lives.


JDRF has an outreach program that pairs newly diagnosed individuals (or their parent) with JDRF outreach volunteers.

As a JDRF outreach volunteer, you have the opportunity to help people through the diagnosis process and give them the information and support they need.

Check out my conversation with Adrianne where we discuss T1D, the importance of mental health, and making a difference in people’s lives.

Do you know what really matters to you in life? Are you willing to make the sacrifices required to make those a priority...

Do you know what really matters to you in life? Are you willing to make the sacrifices required to make those a priority?

When you really take the time to dig deep into what matters most to you, it gives you direction. When you know where you want to be in life, it can make those tough decisions much easier.

Check out my conversation with Sam Tullman where we discuss how he balanced life and T1D as an athlete.

Sam is also facilitating weekly for the Diabetes Sangha, which focuses on the link between mental and physical health through meditation within the T1D community. 🧘♀️

Check out the link below to learn more!



Finding balance in life can be difficult and Type 1 can often throw a wrench in that. It's important to stay focused on what matters most to you, and sometimes that means making sacrifices. ⚖️

Check out my conversation with Sam Tullman, who discusses the importance of figuring out what really matters to you and making a commitment toward those aspects of your life.

Sam is also facilitating weekly for Diabetes Sangha, which focuses on the link between mental and physical health through meditation within the T1D community. 🧘♀️

Check out the link below to learn more!


With a DIY closed-loop system, your insulin pump communicates with your monitor to make basal insulin adjustments automa...

With a DIY closed-loop system, your insulin pump communicates with your monitor to make basal insulin adjustments automatically.

No more manually adjusting your insulin throughout the day! 🤯

Come listen in as I sit down with Will Hall, National Director of Leadership Giving, JDRF International, who has used this system for 4 years. He dives into his opinion on the system and how it works.


With Type 1 Diabetes, the body mistakenly destroys cells that house insulin, also known as beta cells. There is more and more research being done to look into this and even how it can impact treatment for Type 1!

Beta cell research is on the rise, and the outcomes sound incredible!

Come listen in as I sit down with Will Hall, National Director of Leadership Giving, JDRF International, to discuss these innovations in beta cells research and how they could benefit T1D.

Low blood sugar affects your brain for almost an hour!Check your CGM before you get in the car to monitor your sugars. I...

Low blood sugar affects your brain for almost an hour!

Check your CGM before you get in the car to monitor your sugars. If you think you might have low sugars prior to driving, plan ahead by taking insulin to keep yourself and others safe.

Check out my conversation with Amy Hess Fischl as we discuss the importance of honest conversations with your healthcare provider and the impact of your insulin distribution timeline.


Don't blame yourself every time your blood sugar is insufficient!

Often, inaccurate numbers come from a site issue, so take a few extra minutes to watch your numbers and replace the site if you need to.

We're not perfect, neither is our diabetes management, and that is okay. The goal is to live a long and healthy life, and a drop in your blood sugars won’t have to defer that.

Check out my conversation with Amy Hess Fischl as we discuss the importance of honest conversations with your healthcare provider and the impact of your insulin distribution timeline.

You have the freedom to try new things whenever you want!College is a time of trial and if you don’t like what you’re do...

You have the freedom to try new things whenever you want!

College is a time of trial and if you don’t like what you’re doing just try something else. Take advantage of the freedom you have now before you have to start adulting!

Take a listen to my conversation with Professor Matthew Webber as we discuss the work he is doing with glucose-responsive hydrogels📊


New advances in technology are creating breakthroughs for diabetes management!

Glucose-responsive hydrogel has the potential to prevent the devastating impacts of low sugars. While it is still in the early trial stages, the effects on mice are providing positive results. 🧪

Take a listen to my conversation with Professor Matthew Webber as we discuss the work he is doing with glucose-responsive hydrogels📊

Although the closed-loop system sounds complicated, it doesn’t need to be. By understanding how the system works, you ca...

Although the closed-loop system sounds complicated, it doesn’t need to be.

By understanding how the system works, you can implement it pretty easily. You don’t have to be a master programmer to use this new system to better your health. You just need to understand yourself! 🧍🧍🧍

Check out my conversation with Dana Lewis as we discuss new diabetes technology and the advancements and benefits that come along with it!


A closed-loop system will give you a lot more freedom and flexibility. ⭕

The fact that your pump can run on its own with a few minor adjustments from you opens more doors for you. This amount of flexibility gives you the freedom to live your life! 📊

Check out my conversation with Dana Lewis as we discuss new diabetes technology and the advancements and benefits that come along with it!

Don’t let diabetes define where you go to college!There are many options available to you to help you manage your diabet...

Don’t let diabetes define where you go to college!

There are many options available to you to help you manage your diabetes. Don’t limit yourself based on circumstances you can take control of.

Check out my conversation with Will Jennette as we discuss the transition from high school to college, the College Diabetes Network, and managing diabetes during college.

The College Diabetes Network


The accommodations provided to you by a 504 plan can be extremely beneficial! ℹ️

These accommodations can make all the difference in your college life and will give you the peace of mind you need to tackle this next chapter in your life.

Take a listen to my conversation with Will Jennette as we discuss the transition from high school to college, the College Diabetes Network, and managing diabetes during college.

The College Diabetes Network

There is already so much preparation that goes into being a professional athlete! 🏈When you’re a professional athlete wi...

There is already so much preparation that goes into being a professional athlete! 🏈

When you’re a professional athlete with Type 1, that preparation only becomes that much more important. It’s critical to put yourself in a place that you can focus on your craft, and that all comes down to management and preparation.

Take a listen my conversation with Brandon Green as we discuss what it’s like to be an athlete with Type 1!


Finding the right plan of action to manage your numbers as an athlete is absolutely key to your performance. You need to be able to focus on your sport, and there’s nowhere that’s more true than at the professional level.

Check out my conversation with Brandon Green as we discuss what it’s like to be a professional athlete with Type 1! 🏈

Diabetes management can be hard, it’s important to give yourself grace and enjoy life sometimes. 🤙It can be easy to beco...

Diabetes management can be hard, it’s important to give yourself grace and enjoy life sometimes. 🤙

It can be easy to become fatigued with your diabetes management; it’s important to accept that it may be hard and that you can only do your best each day. 🎉

Check out my conversations with Chris German as we discuss the impact of modern advancements in diabetes management, the role of science, and what it was like to live with Type 1 in the ’80s


Through modern advances in medicine, life expectancies have significantly increased for those with Type 1 Diabetes. 💻

These advancements are literally giving people their lives back.

Take a listen to my conversations with Chris German as we discuss the impact of modern advancements in diabetes management, the role of science, and what it was like to live with Type 1 in the ’80s.

Chronic diseases should not hold you back from the things you want to do in life. It is your life, and you can take char...

Chronic diseases should not hold you back from the things you want to do in life. It is your life, and you can take charge of it. 🧭

Check out my conversation with Casey Raymond as we discuss what it’s like being a student and a pilot while managing Type 1! ✈️


Type 1 diabetics are now able to pilot commercial flights, and this is a huge step forward for those in the community!

Growth and progress are key to being able to live the life you want to live. ⛹️🎸🎬🎨⚽

Check out my conversation with Casey Raymond as we discuss what it’s like being a student and a pilot while managing Type 1! ✈️

It’s vital to find a solid community that understands and can help you as you go through life.  🧑🤝🧑🧑🤝🧑🧑🤝🧑With the benefi...

It’s vital to find a solid community that understands and can help you as you go through life. 🧑🤝🧑🧑🤝🧑🧑🤝🧑

With the benefits of social media and technology, your community can be anywhere. Don’t be afraid to reach out and connect; you never know who you’ll meet. 😁

Head over and listen to my conversation with Dana Lewis as we discuss new diabetes technology and the advancements and benefits that come along with it!


Being able to use a closed-loop system can drastically change the way that you manage your numbers and your diabetes. 📊

Head over and listen to my conversation with Dana Lewis as we discuss new diabetes technology and the advancements and benefits that come along with it!

Whether you’re a writer, artist, athlete, designer, etc., almost anything you do in life will allow for criticism. 🖊️🎨⚽🎬...

Whether you’re a writer, artist, athlete, designer, etc., almost anything you do in life will allow for criticism. 🖊️🎨⚽🎬

If you aren’t challenging yourself, then how can you grow?

Check out my conversation with TV writer Liz Craft as we discuss what it’s like being a writer and TV producer as well as what it’s like to manage diabetes throughout her work life!


Criticism can be a hard thing to deal with, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. 🚫

Being able to take criticism and grow from it is an invaluable skill that will help carry you throughout your life. 💯

Check out my conversation with TV writer Liz Craft as we discuss what it’s like to be a writer and TV producer, as well as what it’s like to manage diabetes throughout her work routines!

Inspiration has led to so many great achievements throughout history. ✨For Sean, it led him to start his own non-profit ...

Inspiration has led to so many great achievements throughout history. ✨

For Sean, it led him to start his own non-profit to help benefit the diabetes community!

Listen to my conversation with Sean Busby as we discuss what it’s like to live with diabetes and why it’s important to embrace it and find people who are going through the same thing as you!


There will always be ups and downs when dealing with a chronic illness. ⬆️⬇️

But being able to find people that you can connect with and building up your community and support system can make the bad days easier! 🧑🤝🧑🧑🤝🧑🧑🤝🧑

Listen to my conversation with Sean Busby as we discuss what it’s like to live with diabetes and why it’s important to embrace it and find people who are going through the same thing as you!

You aren’t alone in your journey, but it’s important to find independence in your diabetes management. 😄Taking charge of...

You aren’t alone in your journey, but it’s important to find independence in your diabetes management. 😄

Taking charge of your diabetes management is the next step along your journey. 🗺️

Check out my conversation with Will Jennette as we discuss diabetes management and how you can gain independence as you work towards taking ownership of your diabetes care and management.

The College Diabetes Network


As you’re growing up and getting ready to head off to college or moving out and transitioning into adulthood, taking control of your diabetes management is key! 🔑

This transition can be hard, but with the right tools and an early start, taking control of your diabetes management can be a seamless step towards independence. 🗣️

Check out my conversation with Will Jennette as we discuss diabetes management and how you can gain independence as you work towards taking ownership of your diabetes care and management.

The College Diabetes Network

Your healthcare is your own! You have the right to take control of the healthcare you receive. 🧑⚕️Check out my conversat...

Your healthcare is your own! You have the right to take control of the healthcare you receive. 🧑⚕️

Check out my conversation with Amy Hess Fischl as we discuss why it is so important for you to be able to have honest conversations with your healthcare provider.


Your health is the most important thing, so being able to have open conversations with your healthcare provider is VITAL! 🤝

It is a partnership and one of the most important partnerships you will have.

Check out my conversation with Amy Hess Fischl as we discuss why it is so important for you to be able to have honest conversations with your healthcare provider.

When you’re going through something, it is so beneficial to have something you enjoy to give you a break from reality⚽📚🎹...

When you’re going through something, it is so beneficial to have something you enjoy to give you a break from reality⚽📚🎹🎨

Check out my conversation with Dr. Louis Philipson and some of the developments with ultra fast-acting insulin. 💉

UChicago Medicine Kovler Diabetes Center The University of Chicago


Ultra fast-acting insulin can be a great benefit, but there are some things you need to know first🗣️

Check out my conversation with Dr. Louis Philipson and some of the developments with ultra fast-acting insulin. 💉

UChicago Medicine Kovler Diabetes Center The University of Chicago




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