G.B. Veerman - Husband, Father, Mentor, Partner, Friend, Yonder Boy. Eternally
Yesterday, July 3, the world lost one of the best ones. After too short a battle with cancer, Greg passed, comfortably in his sleep.
I (Geoffrey) had the good fortune of spending Greg’s last few years on earth, working closely with him on this podcast. It was a labor of love. There was no money in it and very little glory. But we both believed. We believed that there was a better way to live, work and get around in our communities. And like all passionate ad-folk, we believed that our powers of persuasion could help accelerate that “better way.”
When this podcast was first conceived, I knew Greg had to be my partner. His intellect, his charm, his gift of gab and that velvety smooth voice of his. He would be the ballast to my manic energy, just as he had been since the day we met, back in 1993, at the Willamette Week. I, the nervous but eager intern. Greg, only one year older, and already a seasoned columnist with good hair, and playing weekend gigs in a cool indie rock band.
Jealous? Sure. But that didn’t stop me from getting to know him, becoming life-long friends, taking a similar career path and ultimately, talking shop and life, once a week, as partners in pod-casting. Greg even got our OG Portland people in the mix - Rick Pinchera on the artwork and Pete Miser on the 1s and 2s.
The Yonder Boys opened new and exciting doors for us, the latest being our annual trip to co-host the CHARGE - Powering Energy Brands conference, just two months ago in May. Greg wasn't feeling great, but in true Veerman form, he carried us, making our guests feel welcome, engaged and smarter for being involved. We ate well and drank too much and for a brief moment, we forgot about the reality ahead of him.
Shortly after returning home, Greg's condition took a bad turn. He knew. I knew. We all knew. But he kept sending me news about this sustainable world we dove into, right up until a few days ago.
For anyone who knew Greg, these last few weeks have been gut-wrenching. Knowing we were about to lose him and there was nothing any of us could do.
So, dear listeners, it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye. Thank you for tuning in and for being a part of this little community we formed. The mission continues and you may even hear from me (Geoffrey) again, in some other format, but for now, let's do as Greg would want us to do and just enjoy every last ride.
See you down the road, my friend. Yonder Boys out!