I love the structure of network marketing. It’s brilliant. Except for the fact the masses dont succeed. But I’m changing that.
My identity isn’t a network marketer.
I’ve always stood in the gaps and fought my way free from lies to the truth.
-Religion gaps. 🤣
-Network marketing gaps.
-Parenting gaps.
Let me quickly break this down.
Religion stole from us.
There are so many gaps. The Word says this “______” but religion won’t allow for me to bask in the freedom of it. So I broke free of that lie to the exhilarating freedom of truth in my life in Jesus and I get to stand in that gap and show others the path to true freedom.
-Network marketing gaps.
I, like millions of others, believed in the industry until we had our hopes smashed and our belief broken to smithereens. So I searched very long and hard for breakthrough if there was indeed breakthrough to be found. There is. I now stand in that gap and am pointing network marketers toward their breakthrough.
-Parenting gap.
From the time I held my wee one, my first born, in my arms and gazed into his adorable round face and beautiful baby eyes and smothered his little downy head with kisses, the world, the church, and culture all told me he will grow up and be rebellious someday. “You just wait” is what I was told over and over and over again by “well meaning” ignorant people. But Jesus whispered something different to me. I now stand in the gap and assure families that they’re doing an incredible job and that the messaging that their kids will be rebellious someday is a LIE. And I replace the lie with TRUTH.
As Kingdom people, we are not of scarcity heart set. We are problem solvers. We are carriers of breakthrough.
So in any arena, any avenue we replace the lies with truth. We are builders in the Kingdom. We break down what is not working and build something that works. We are the Nehemiah’s who show up where others have written it off as hopeless and destroyed and we RE-BUILD it.
Too many people are fearing the future.
Fearing the elections.
Fearing the economy.
Be the Nehemiah’s. Roll your sleeves up, put your growl on, and with blinders to the distractions of the enemy Re-build. ☀️💯