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Japan Life Hack Channel Thank you for visiting our channel "JAPAN LIFE HACK CHANNEL" ❣❣❣

Japan life might be overwhelming for foreigners even if they are experienced.

Thus we decided to post useful short video about Japan lives for foreigners.

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?
Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.
You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!
Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻✨

抹茶フォンデュは2016年よりモンド・セレクション8年連続最高金賞を受賞。寿スピリッツグループの寿製菓がお届けする不動の人気フォンデュ!。【ふるさと納税】ケーキ KAnoZA フォンデュ 2種 食べ比べ セット (抹茶フォン.....

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?
Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.
You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!
Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻✨

【ヨーグルトフォーシーズンズ】イチゴ・ブルーベリー・マンゴー。果実のごろっとした食感をお楽しみください。。【ふるさと納税】源吉兆庵乳業 フルーツヨーグルト スペシャルアソート3種 セット【選べる計6個・9個】...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?
Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.
You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!
Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻✨

ふるさと納税 いちご あまおう 苺 イチゴ 期間限定 増量 キャンペーン 苺 イチゴ 540g 1080g 1620g 4パック 6パック 果物 フルーツ 福岡県 鞍手郡 小竹町。【ふるさと納税】【TVで紹介されました!】★2025年出荷分★【先行予約】 ...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?
Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.
You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!
Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻✨

先行予約 ふるさと納税 南アルプスの果物セット2種 桃 シャインマスカット フルーツ ぶどう 山梨県 南アルプス市 ジューシー 果物 くだもの 果汁。【ふるさと納税】【2025年発送分 定期便2〜3回】 南アルプスの果物セット2.....

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀

Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.

You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!

Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻

ハンバーグ 温めるだけ レンチン 簡単 大容量 業務用 レトルト。【ふるさと納税】累計300万個突破記念!レンチン可!湯煎可!ベストな4種ハンバーグから選べる4個〜20個セット ハンバーグ 温めるだけ 簡単 大容...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?

Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.

You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!

Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻✨

ふるさと納税 ハーゲンダッツ セット 詰め合わせ カップ バニラ ストロベリー グリーンティー クッキー & クリーム マカデミアナッツ アイス アイスクリーム 北海道 浜中町 送料無料。【ふるさと納税】【着日指定】 【個数...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀

Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.

You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!

👍🏻 Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax!

凍る手前の氷温域で熟成させた、旨味濃厚冷凍かき。【ふるさと納税】【数量限定】【残りわずか】牡蠣 宮城県産 氷温熟成 かき 生食用(冷凍)3袋〜9袋(1袋 210g) 小分け 冷凍 バラバラ冷凍

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀

Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.

You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!

Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻

ふるさと納税 桃 ふるさと納税 もも 和歌山 モモ あかつき 果物 品種 紀の川 紀の里 送料無料 フルーツ 12000円 和歌山 桃 和歌山 和歌山の桃。【ふるさと納税】高レビュー 和歌山県産 紀の里の桃 約2kg(6〜8玉) 先行予約《2025.....

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀

Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.

You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!

Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax! 👍🏻

ふるさと納税 ビール 名水百選のナイベツ川湧水、おいしい水を使用!。【ふるさと納税】 キリン一番搾り生ビール<千歳工場産>350ml(24本)北海道 ふるさと納税 ビール お酒 ケース ギフト 酒 ビール ギフト 美味しさに ....

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is 👀?

Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.

You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!

👍🏻 Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax!

ラーメン らーめん 豚骨 とんこつ 豚骨ラーメン とんこつラーメン あごだし 久留米 熊本 食べ比べ 麺 乾麺 スープ 手軽 即席 乾麺 小分け ポストに投函 3000 3000円 3千円。【ふるさと納税】【選べる内容量】〈累計22万食突破.....

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you...

Do you know what 'Furusato Nozei' (Hometown Tax) is? 👀

Hometown Tax is a tax system by the Japanese government, where you can purchase products from various prefectural or local governments to pay for your upcoming resident tax.

You not only pay your resident tax but also receive high-quality products from different regions. Foreigners living in Japan can also participate in the Hometown Tax program!

👍🏻 Follow our page to get the latest information on Hometown Tax!

国内外問わずその時期旬の産地のものを沼津の職人が丹精込めて作りました。【ふるさと納税】 訳あり 干物 2.2kg 3.4kg 4.2kg 量が選べる 詰め合わせ セット ホッケ 金目鯛 アジ サバ カレイ 赤魚 醤油干し フィレ 冷凍 ひもの .....

【New Videos】🔔🔔We have new videos to update you.😄😄Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this su...

【New Videos】🔔🔔
We have new videos to update you.😄😄
Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this summer with the popular Japanese Weather Casters. 🍙🍵

“Weathernews LiVE” is a very popular program.
Its current channel subscriber count is over a million. (with the number of monthly viewers which has reached 7 million people).🎥🧑‍🏫👩‍🏫💞
Our videos have various options of subtitle languages as below.
・Basic Subtitles: English and Japanese (Kanji and Hiragana)
・Manual Input Subtitles: Indonesian, Tagalog, Mandarin, and Cantonese

All the subtitles are translated by native speakers, so they are precise enough for you to use as the educational materials, too.🐱🦖
If you are interested, please take a look.🙇‍♂️🉐♨️


👉 Mii-chan says that she can make noises with her stomach at will.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Rii-chan enjoys observing the Perseid meteor shower in Nagasaki.【Riena Kobayashi】【Weather News】

👉 Mayu-chan talks about her memory of the time she was a rhythmic gymnast.【Mayu Uozumi】【Weather News】

👉 Momo-chan loves the underground spaces and hopes to live in there.【Momoka Aohara】【Weather News】

👉 Momo-chan and Mii-chan fail to do the Otonablue dance.【Momoka Aohara】【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Airin acts as "Doraemon" perfectly to pronounce “Kyary Pamyu Pamyu”.【Airi Yamagishi】【Weather News】

👉 Mayu-chan is on air while waving her hand at someone.【Mayu Uozumi】【Weather News】

Original videos: https://www.youtube.com/live/md68BBdl9q4?si=ouf71plB8aXFlB52 【Weathernews LiVE】Official Site: https://weathernews.jp/ 【Weathernews LiVE】Offi...

【New Videos】🔔🔔We have new videos to update you.😊😊Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this su...

【New Videos】🔔🔔
We have new videos to update you.😊😊
Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this summer with the popular Japanese Weather Casters. 🍱🍤

“Weathernews LiVE” is a very popular program.
Its current channel subscriber count is over a million. (with the number of monthly viewers which has reached 7 million people).🧑‍💻👩‍💻💝
Our videos have various options of subtitle languages as below.
・Basic Subtitles: English and Japanese (Kanji and Hiragana)
・Manual Input Subtitles: Indonesian, Tagalog, Mandarin, and Cantonese

They are all translated by native speakers, so they are helpful for your Japanese learning, too.🐥🐠
If you are interested, please take a look.🙆💮💯


👉 The popular comedians "Cotton" give Mii-chan a self-introduction joke.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Yuiko-chan can’t stop laughing even when her segment starts.【Yuiko Lisa Okamoto】【Weather News】

👉 Momo-chan suddenly starts wearing her elegant sunglasses.【Momoka Aohara】【Weather News】

👉 Mii-chan is good at making people say “Yes” with her “Kawaii” skills.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Mii-chan gets so hyper over lunch and runs around the studio.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Mayu-chan enjoys making her original oral rehydration solution.【Mayu Uozumi】【Weather News】

👉 Airin feels considerable pressure from the picture of Yamaguchi-san.【Airi Yamagishi】【Weather News】

Original videos: https://www.youtube.com/live/D8TN182_-_Q?si=5rnBHUOrGH3iItnK 【Weathernews LiVE】Official Site: https://weathernews.jp/ 【Weathernews LiVE】Offi...

【New Videos】🔔🔔We have new videos to update you.😜😜Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this su...

【New Videos】🔔🔔
We have new videos to update you.😜😜
Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this summer with the popular Japanese Weather Casters. 🍣🍜

“Weathernews LiVE” is a very popular program.
Its current channel subscriber count is over a million. (with the number of monthly viewers which has reached 7 million people).🎥👩‍🏫👨‍🏫💞
Our videos have various subtitle languages as below.
・Basic Subtitles: English and Japanese (Kanji and Hiragana)
・Manual Input Subtitles: Indonesian, Tagalog, Mandarin, and Cantonese

All the subtitles are translated by native speakers, so they are useful for you to memorize the Japanese vocabularies, too.🦊🐻
If you are interested, please take a look.🙇‍♂️㊗️🎊


👉 Sen-chan runs on the wall after watching "Kingdom" and "Rurouni Kenshin".【Senna Ogawa】【Weather News】

👉 They can't do a cute pose before the show ends.【Mizuki Tokita】【Yuiko Lisa Okamoto】【Weather News】

👉 Momo-chan hides the private zone of this dog with her great reflexes.【Momoka Aohara】【Weather News】

👉 Sen-chan cries for her favorite comedian who won't appear on her segment.【Senna Ogawa】【Weather News】

👉 A popular musician MINA plays bass in Mii-chan's weather forecast.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Sen-chan is surprised on her birthday.【Senna Ogawa】【Mizuki Tokita】【Yuiko Lisa Okamoto】【Weather News】

👉 Yui-chan officially announces that she got married !!!!!【Yui Komaki】【Weather News】

Please watch the full video in various languages(English, Japanese, Indonesian, Mandarin, and Cantonese) !!!Original videos: https://www.youtube.com/live/GYd...

【New Videos】🔔🔔We have new videos to update you.😁😁Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this su...

【New Videos】🔔🔔
We have new videos to update you.😁😁
Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this summer with the popular Japanese Weather Casters. 🍘🍥

“Weathernews LiVE” is a very popular program.
Its current channel subscriber count is over a million. (with the number of monthly viewers which has reached 7 million people).🤳👩‍💻👨‍💻💝
Our videos have various options of subtitle languages as below.
・Basic Subtitles: English and Japanese (Kanji and Hiragana)
・Manual Input Subtitles: Indonesian, Tagalog, Mandarin, and Cantonese

They are all translated by native speakers, so they are precise enough for your Japanese learning, too.🐤🐟
If you are interested, please take a look.🙆💮♨️


👉 Mii-chan jumps with a pedestrian on the Live Camera simultaneously.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Rii-chan is shown on the screen suddenly without notice.【Riena Kobayashi】【Weather News】

👉 Momo-chan got mad to be called "a tall elementary school kid".【Momoka Aohara】【Weather News】

👉 We all knew Airin was Ponko-chan at that time. 【Airi Yamagishi】【Weather News】

👉 Staff-san puts Airin on the Weather Camera for real as she wished. 【Airi Yamagishi】【Weather News】

👉 Yui-chan screams at ants and ends up giving Staff-san her number.【Yui Komaki】【Weather News】

👉 Yui-chan gets angry because her fans hear the “thud” sound.【Yui Komaki】【Weather News】

Original videos: https://www.youtube.com/live/1RzvXs0zpyo?si=gQuGYP7sxtIhBwwk 【Weathernews LiVE】Official Site: https://weathernews.jp/ 【Weathernews LiVE】Offi...

【New Videos】🔔🔔We have new videos to update you.😄😄Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this su...

【New Videos】🔔🔔
We have new videos to update you.😄😄
Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this summer with the popular Japanese Weather Casters. 🍛🍣

“Weathernews LiVE” is a very popular program.
Its current channel subscriber count is over a million. (with the number of monthly viewers which has reached 7 million people).🎥👩‍🏫👨‍🏫💞
Our videos have various options of subtitle languages as below.
・Basic Subtitles: English and Japanese (Kanji and Hiragana)
・Manual Input Subtitles: Indonesian, Tagalog, Mandarin, and Cantonese

All the subtitles are translated by native speakers, so they are helpful for you to learn Japanese vocabularies, too.🦞🦁
If you are interested, please take a look.🙇💯♨️


👉 Let’s go for a Virtual Walk with Yui-chan in Inokashira Park, Kichijoji !!【Yui Komaki】【Weather News】

👉 Non-chan and Gussan enjoy working with Sakura-chan from Nogizaka46.【Rinon Ohshima】【Weather News】

👉 Mayu-chan loves the lonely viewers envying the someone’s love life.【Mayu Uozumi】【Weather News】

👉 A renowned comedian admires Airin's skill as a live show host.【Airi Yamagishi】【Weather News】

👉 Yui-chan's cutest advertisement for Gucchannel ends up at her jelousy.【Yui Komaki】【Weather News】

👉 Airin and Sayacchi enjoy Yamaguchi san’s unique skipping.【Airi Yamagishi】【Saya Hiyama】【Weather News】

👉 Mii-chan may be involved in the conspiracy of the cardigan industry.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

Original videos: https://www.youtube.com/live/gPX9qZhAuh4?si=5uXynMIKn7TIQlsK 【Weathernews LiVE】Official Site: https://weathernews.jp/ 【Weathernews LiVE】Off...

【New Videos】🔔🔔We have new videos to update you.😜😜Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this su...

【New Videos】🔔🔔
We have new videos to update you.😜😜
Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this summer with the popular Japanese Weather Casters. 🍵🍜

“Weathernews LiVE” is a very popular program.
Its current channel subscriber count is over a million. (with the number of monthly viewers which has reached 7 million people).🤳🧑‍💻👩‍💻💝
Our videos have various subtitle languages as below.
・Basic Subtitles: English and Japanese (Kanji and Hiragana)
・Manual Input Subtitles: Indonesian, Tagalog, Mandarin, and Cantonese

They are all translated by native speakers, so they are precise enough for your Japanese learning, too.🐥🦐
If you are interested, please take a look.🙆‍♀️💮🎉


👉 Airin and Mii-chan play charades too furiously.【Airi Yamagishi】【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Mayu-chan watches the announcement video with an extremely straight face.【Mayu Uozumi】【Weather News】

👉 Momo-chan feels excited to find a lovely couple via the weather camera.【Momoka Aohara】【Weather News】

👉 Osen was about to destroy an expensive camera by throwing a rugby ball.【Senna Ogawa】【Weather News】

👉 Airin calls attention to the hay fever without joking in this outfit.【Airi Yamagishi】【Weather News】

👉 Mayu-chan can make everyone smile just by saying a single word.【Mayu Uozumi】【Weather News】

Original videos: https://www.youtube.com/live/1b0Ice1tbDk?si=TotuDYQez-5G6A2d 【Weathernews LiVE】Official Site: https://weathernews.jp/ 【Weathernews LiVE】Offi...

【New Videos】🔔🔔We have new videos to update you.😆😆Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this su...

【New Videos】🔔🔔
We have new videos to update you.😆😆
Please watch our new video clips of “Weathernews LiVE” to enjoy this summer with the popular Japanese Weather Casters. 🧆🍡

“Weathernews LiVE” is a very popular program.
Its current channel subscriber count is over a million. (with the number of monthly viewers which has reached 7 million people).🎥👩‍🏫👨‍🏫💞
Our videos have various options of subtitle languages as below.
・Basic Subtitles: English and Japanese (Kanji and Hiragana)
・Manual Input Subtitles: Indonesian, Tagalog, Mandarin, and Cantonese

All the subtitles are translated by native speakers, so they are helpful for you to learn Japanese grammars, too.🦅🐳
If you are interested, please take a look.🙆‍♀️💮🎉


👉 Mii-chan finds a UFO while watching the aurora observed in Hokkaido.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Mii-chan feels like flying when she eats the ice cream made by herself.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Airin gets angry at the impolite message and walks toward the viewer.【Airi Yamagishi】【Weather News】

👉 Mii-chan and Yamaguchi-san play with the Japanese toys incorrectly.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Yuiko-chan also found the secret of the "Yamaguchi-san" doll.【Yuiko Lisa Okamoto】【Weather News】

👉 Mii-chan enjoys dancing with the people in the fitness studio. 【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

👉 Yui-chan is confused that Mii-chan doesn't want to be on camera.【Mizuki Tokita】【Weather News】

Original videos: https://www.youtube.com/live/nhXnGzX4jCI?si=Pui6DpaoBXDioiGw 【Weathernews LiVE】Official Site: https://weathernews.jp/ 【Weathernews LiVE】Offi...



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