This is my whole journey from the beginning. Been through a lot of ups and downs, some of the most severe downs but you gotta stand up every time you fall !
(2nd Slide)
Now, this 👆🏻 right here is the best way I can explain what consistency looks like and how it gets better and better with time ⚡
Even I wouldn't believe that one can gain this amount of muslces without 💉💊😆 but trust me, it's possible ✨ and honestly, you don't actually need to be consuming protein supplements on a regular basis either. Just plan you diet well, include supplements according to your diet. Don't depend solely on supplements.
(3rd Slide)
Current physique, in the past one month. No protein supplements in the past 1+ year, just essential nutrient pills : multivitamins, Omega3, & D3.
P.S.- Do your own research, experiment with yourself because every body type is different, take help wherever needed, don't hold back and always have a learning attitude, everyone is a teacher, good or bad, they'll teach you something.
So, remember, it's all about you and why you started ! Always have your goal in your mind... every single day !!! Just imagine how proud your past self is gonna be of you once you hit a milestone and for every milestone you go on with because once you get how it feels, you're never stopping, that's for sure ! 🔥
You'll get there slowly and steadily.