This Story Made My Day

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This Story Made My Day Heart touching stories help to spread human kindness!

I have reached 300 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

I have reached 300 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

"This is my son.At about a year old I overdosed with him in my bed. Well, it was just a mattress on my living room floor...

"This is my son.
At about a year old I overdosed with him in my bed. Well, it was just a mattress on my living room floor.
At 2 he had to come visit me in jail. He beat against the glass screaming and crying for his mommy. He started biting his nails after that.
At 3 he witnessed me get hit in the head with a brick, and my head split open. He rode with me in the ambulance. It scared him really bad.
At 4 he was in a car wreck with me, one of my many DUIS.
At 5 my mother had to raise him most of the time. I barely even came home.
At 6 I lost full custody, and I went to prison.
He is 12 today. He lives with me. He attends a private Christian school. He is on the honor roll. He gets prayed with every night and his mommy is there to wake him up for school every morning. I celebrate all of his accomplishments with him, and he celebrates every sober birthday with me. I tell him how much I love him everyday. He’s so kind to the broken because we were once broken. He’s truly so special.
Thank you God for allowing me to be a mother to this sweet boy every day.
It’s the sweetest gift of my sobriety."
Credit: Shay Walters

“Y'all. This gentleman right here is Barry. He paid for my groceries when I realized I left my wallet in Emmy's diaper b...

“Y'all. This gentleman right here is Barry. He paid for my groceries when I realized I left my wallet in Emmy's diaper bag. The cashier had finished ringing everything up and gave me my total. After I couldn't find my wallet, the cashier and bagger graciously offered to suspend my order and put all my perishable items in a cooler so I could run home to get my wallet. I explained I live 20+ minutes away and by the time my kids and I would make it back an hour will have passed. It was already 7:00 and we still needed to eat dinner. I succumbed to the fact I would have to put an order in online and pick it up the following day. Trust me, I realize there are people with actual problems in this world, but at that moment, I felt completely defeated. My husband had just left for Texas and would be gone for two weeks and there was still so much to do at home. My son, who just got done helping me put everything on the conveyor belt kept asking what was wrong. In my frustration and anger (toward myself) I said through clenched teeth ‘I don't have my wallet; we have to leave’. Now comes the good part. In steps Barry asking, ‘How much is it?’ I profusely refuse, but Barry's persistent so I tell him my total. He hands his card to the cashier and looks at me and says ‘I've been there before. I understand. My wife recently died and if she were here, she'd want me to help you. So, I'm doing it for her, too.’ It might have been weird asking to take a picture, but he was my saving grace this evening. He's a reminder that there's plenty of good out there.”
Credit: Becky Loos

Today is a day I'll not soon forget..As I was combining today, I was unloading into the auger cart and I saw a vehicle g...

Today is a day I'll not soon forget..
As I was combining today, I was unloading into the auger cart and I saw a vehicle go by a couple times slowly and then pull over and stop. I had a minor repair to make and the vehicle stayed... I was a little concerned until I happened to catch 3 little sets of eyes looking out windows.
I went over and they rolled down the window and I asked if they needed anything and the lady explained their grandchildren were visiting from Florida and had never seen "farmer stuff" up close. There were 2 boys and a little girl.. I'd assume they were between the ages of 6 and 9. The two boys were all giddy but the little girl, while sweet and excited was pretty quiet.
I also happen to notice that she kept turning away from me and there was a scar or a birthmark or something on her face... And I felt really bad trying to figure out what it was because I was feeling like I'm staring at her..
The grandmother and her husband thanked me for stopping and saying hi and said they would get going because they knew farmers were busy this time of the year... And I said be careful and have a good trip...
It was then that one of the boys said are you going to be going soon cuz we would like to see what that machine does... the grandmother quickly quieted them and I said would it be okay if I took them for a ride...
She then said No we're sure your way too busy for that and I said no I'm by myself for now I've got time so she asked the two boys if they wanted to go and of course they did but the little girl stayed back.
I asked her again if she wanted to go and she said no thank you and so the boys and I went and got in the combine and we made one round and came back... While in the combine I said why didn't your sister want to come... they said shes shy. I then, because of curiosity, asked them about her face... And they told me it was a birthmark and that she gets picked on about it a lot.
After their ride I walked them back over to their grandparents car and I said to the little girl How come you didn't want to go for a ride? And she said well the boys always say that that kind of stuff is just for boys not for girls...
I laughed and said You know, there are girl farmers AND I even had a young girl in that cab just yesterday. Would you like a ride? She looked at her Grandma and she said go ahead if you want.
I then asked the grandmother if she had a smartphone and knew how to video... She laughed and said I have grandchildren of course I know how to video... So I told her have your phone ready and when you see me turn on the yellow flashing lights video the combine.
The little girl and I got in the cab and I turned the machine around and went back into the field at the end of it and came back facing her grandparents vehicle. I then said to you can turn the steering wheel... she first looked at me like I was on crack co***ne... But I finally convinced her and I told her not everybody gets to do this but people that are part of the special face Club definitely get to...but its a secret reason why you get to drive so you cant tell anyone. We even pinky swore on it...
The smile she had made this old tired grumpy mans heart soft and there must have been some Bean dust in the cab because my allergies started acting up just a little bit... So I let her "steer" and turned on the yellow lights on the way back so her Grandma could video tape her "driving by".
We got out of the combine and she still had a huge smile on her face and ran over to her grandma and was a little Chatterbox did you see me did you see me I got to drive I got to drive... Her brothers were obviously a little miffed... And ask her why she got to drive... I was afraid she was going to tell them why... But with all the sass of a little brunette girl with her hair in a pony she looked at them both matter-of-factly and said Because girls CAN farm.
My allergies started acting up a little bit again as she came back running over to me and gave me a huge hug and told me thank you... The grandfather came over and patted me on the shoulder shook my hand said I don't know what you said to her...but that's the biggest smile we've seen on her this vacation so far... the boys shook my hand and thanked me and got back into the vehicle and drove away... Leaving me to my thoughts
And all I could think of was if one of the combines hadnt broke down yesterday, I wouldn't have been in that field this morning, and I wouldnt have been by myself and we would have been really pushed wherever we were at to keep up with everything...and it proved to me once again everything happens for a reason...
All three of their faces were on my mind the rest of the day but mostly hers... not because of her birthmark, because of her genuine smile in the confidence that she showed when she got to get out of that combine and "brag" a little to the boys.
My gramps told me long ago to always be patient with children and people you come in contact with. I remember the countless times that he would let me "drive" the tractor... and the exhilaration and happiness that I felt during that time... And I swore that I was going to make other people feel that way when I got older... and I've definitely failed at that numerous times.. but I'm trying..
But, I'm kind of thinking maybe that's what I did today or maybe that little girl made me feel like that little boy with his Gramps all those years ago.
30 minutes out of 24 hours... I need to do that more often....
Today was a good day... and one I shall not soon forget.
Credit: Jeff Ditzenberger

This is what breaking a generational curse of drug addiction & poverty looks like. If you told the little girl in that p...

This is what breaking a generational curse of drug addiction & poverty looks like. If you told the little girl in that photo that she would be living the life I am now, I wouldn’t believe it. I wanted so badly to have normal parents & a stable surrounding but felt like I couldn’t ever “get out.” PLOT TWIST!! I did. I got out & I became the stable adult I needed as a kid.
I’m making this post in hopes that it reminds any child who has dealt with family addiction, poverty, & lack of guidance that you don’t have to live the life you were born into. Aim to be the adult you needed & never stop working on that person. It’s far from easy but so worth it. I promise
Credit: Kebrina Frates

Ola Cohn spent 3 years (1931-34) carving fairies, gnomes, animals and birds into the stump of an old Red Gum in East Mel...

Ola Cohn spent 3 years (1931-34) carving fairies, gnomes, animals and birds into the stump of an old Red Gum in East Melbourne’s Fitzroy Gardens. Following the natural lines of the tree, she turned it into a thing of beauty and wonderment.

Her words (from the foreword in her book, The Fairies Tree) are inscribed on a plaque... “I have carved in a tree in the Fitzroy Gardens for you, and the fairies, but mostly for the fairies and those who believe in them, for they will understand how necessary it is to have a fairy sanctuary - a place that is sacred and safe as a home should be to all living creatures.
~Photo from Museums Victoria

In Auckland, that Pokemon craze has recently caught on. And one day, two young boys were outside rounding up whatever ch...

In Auckland, that Pokemon craze has recently caught on. And one day, two young boys were outside rounding up whatever characters they could from that game. Those boys were Blake Ockleston and Daniel Coyle-Smith.
The 13-year-olds were having a good time playing the game. And then, they spotted an elderly man struggling to cross the street. He was shaking as he stood with his walker, and it was obvious he was unsure of himself.
So Blake and Daniel put away the Pokemon stuff and walked over to the man. As they helped him out into the road, the light changed again. So one of them completely stopped all the traffic so they could get the man safely across the street. They then walked him across another street. But then they did something else.
Once they safely got him to the other side, they walked with him to his destination… the train station. And when they arrived there, one of the boys asked a security guard to stay with the man and help him.
A woman named Lyqueeshah Brooks spotted the boys act of kindness and posted it on Facebook. Says Lyqueeshah: “My heart is so full [right now]. These boys helped this man cross 2 pedestrians in new lynn right now .. shout out to these boys parents. If it wasn’t for them no cars would have waited for this man to cross.”
Photo courtesy: Lyqueeshah Brooks

A letter from an elderly woman from a nursing home.I am 82 years old, I have 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grand...

A letter from an elderly woman from a nursing home.
I am 82 years old, I have 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and a room of 12 square meters.
I no longer have a home or expensive things, but I have someone who will clean my room, prepare food and bedding, measure my pressures and weigh me.
I no longer have the laughter of my grandchildren, I don't see them growing, hugging and arguing. Some come to me every 15 days, some every three or four months, and some never.
I no longer work in the winter, I don't bake cakes, I don't dig up the garden. I still have hobbies and I like to read, but my eyes quickly hurt.
I don’t know how much longer, but I have to get used to this loneliness. Here at home, I lead group work and help those who are worse than me as much as I can. Until recently, I read aloud to an immobile woman in the room next to me, we used to sing together, but she died the other day.
They say life is getting longer. Why? When I’m alone, I can look at photos of my family and memories I brought from home. And that's all.
I hope that the next generations will understand that families are born to have a future (with children) and that they do not forget about the family even in old age.
Please don't show this to my children.
Grandma Maria loves you!💞

"Today, the 'low oil' light appeared on my way to fetch my kids from school. The car was losing power, so I decided to g...

"Today, the 'low oil' light appeared on my way to fetch my kids from school. The car was losing power, so I decided to go the nearest garage (Total Garage in Ramsgate). Once the oil was replaced, I was unable to move the car because the gears weren't catching. I explained to the attendants that we were new to the area with no one to assist me with fetching my kids, which had to be done immediately. This amazing petrol attendant, Clement, without any thought, asked me if I could drive a manual. Before I knew it, he parked his car next to me with the keys in the ignition and continued work as normal. I managed to fetch my kids on time. I'm so thankful he trusted me with his prized possession without knowing my name or driving abilities. When I returned, he allowed me to drop my kids off at home, and for my husband to return with his car. Clement organized a tow truck and someone to fix the car. He was truly my knight in shining armor! I pray God will bless him beyond measure."
Credit: Laine Herman

These 2 incredible employees in the bright green shirts at Busch Gardens❤️ sat on either side of my brother, who has Dow...

These 2 incredible employees in the bright green shirts at Busch Gardens❤️ sat on either side of my brother, who has Down’s syndrome. He really wanted to go on this ride and we were worried he would freak out once at the top. These 2 amazing gentlemen who worked at this ride volunteered to sit beside him in case he did, they were equipped to abort the ride at any time.
My brother did have his eyes closed the entire time but absolutely loved it. Everyone cheered and clapped for him when he got off the ride. It was an awesome moment for everyone, only made possible by the 2 employees who volunteered to get on with him😊 thank you again.
Credit: Nadia Kl

“She  would have been 7 years old on Feb 27. I rescued her when she was 2  days old. She had been released several times...

“She would have been 7 years old on Feb 27. I rescued her when she was 2 days old. She had been released several times and always stayed close to home. she came back to give birth to her babies. Watching her delivery and raising her kits was the most amazing experience I have ever had being a rehabber. She was a fighter, she survived distemper, she was poisoned, several different attacks in the wild. The distemper left her with neurological issues, that point she was deemed non-releasable. She has been indoors with me for almost 5 years now. Her and I have been so much together. We both dependent on each other she could make it without me and I couldn't make it without her. The bond that her and I developed with each other was like no other that I've ever experienced. NAWTY fell asleep on my chest her last night and when I woke up she was still laying on my chest she looked up at me and licked my chin once then took a few deep breaths and she was gone. My heart is hurting so bad. I am totally lost without her. She was my soulmate there's no words that can describe how much I loved her. Thank you for accepting me into this group. And I'm sending my heartfelt condolences to all that have lost their love. Many blessings to you all.
Credit: Ron Mack

My 84-year-old grandmother apologized for having to wear her nightgown in front of us. I said it was no problem and that...

My 84-year-old grandmother apologized for having to wear her nightgown in front of us. I said it was no problem and that it actually looked very comfortable, so she immediately offered one to me. It's not like I could have rejected this generous gift...
Source: JarrodAlonge/ Reddit

"UPS driver Dallen Harrell recognized a lot of the boxes he was dropping off at Jess Kitchel’s house… Because he was get...

"UPS driver Dallen Harrell recognized a lot of the boxes he was dropping off at Jess Kitchel’s house… Because he was getting the same things delivered himself.
See Dallen is a new father and knew right away the things he was delivering for the Kitchel’s were for their new baby as well.
He saw the little stork in their front yard with the, “IT’S A BOY!” sign, when they came home from the hospital.
So instead of just dropping the boxes off and going about his day, Dallen stopped and looked right in their doorbell camera.
He told them he was a new Dad himself and wished them a lot of luck with their newborn.
“I just hope everything is going good,” he tells the camera. “God bless, Happy Holidays.”
His sweet message meant the world to Mom, Jessica.
She was so touched by his kindness, she shared his message with her followers on Instagram.
“It’s easy to focus on what isn’t going right with all of the staff shortages… but it’s good to be reminded there are still great people out there working!”
She wrote that she wished she knew his name, so she could thank him for his kindness.
Well social media came through, and the two of them were able to connect!
Dallen came and met Jessica’s family, her baby boy and her daughter, and Jessica shared Dallen’s baby registry for his little bundle of love as well!
A diaper company saw their story and sponsored diapers for Dallen’s family for the next 6 months!
Now Jessica’s friends and family are buying out Dallen’s registry - and you can tell from the picture what a sweet friendship they now share.
There is so much goodness out there - and sometimes it’s delivered right to your front door." ❤️
📷: Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive

I've never loved my physical appearance and physical looks. I just wanted one night to feel beautiful and for once and m...

I've never loved my physical appearance and physical looks. I just wanted one night to feel beautiful and for once and my prom night was the night. I loved the dress. I felt like a princess I felt like I was beautiful. I thought I'd share this with you!

Source: Reddit/Short-Use-5933

My twin sister Caty just wrapped up her fourth shift in a row. That's around 53+ hours in four days. That's not includin...

My twin sister Caty just wrapped up her fourth shift in a row. That's around 53+ hours in four days. That's not including the 1.5 hours she's in the car each day. She usually doesn't get a chance to eat lunch or even drink much water (and she has to dress like a blueberry...I mean, come on). She is so good at what she does that she often forgets how to take care of herself while she's taking care of her patients.
This picture is from a night back in July where she came to my house after a particularly hard day. She delivered a stillborn. Have you guys ever really thought about what a labor and delivery nurse sees?
They see great joy in smooth deliveries and healthy moms and babies. They see panic and anxiety when a new mom is scared. They see fear when a stat c-section is called. They see peace when the mom has support from her family, because not all new moms do. They see teenagers giving birth. They see an addicted mom give birth to a baby who is withdrawing. They see Child Protective Services come. They see funeral homes come. Did you know that they have to make arrangements for the funeral home to come pick up the baby? I didn't either.
Caty, and all other nurses, you are SPECIAL. You bless your patients and their families more than you will ever know. Thank you for all that you do."
Credit: Laura McIntyre

"Shout out to this Walmart employee, Ke'Mya Wilson, who saw a mom with a screaming baby and her hands full in the self-c...

"Shout out to this Walmart employee, Ke'Mya Wilson, who saw a mom with a screaming baby and her hands full in the self-checkout. She bounced the baby and entertained the toddler while mom swiped those groceries like a pro. Thank you from all the moms who just need a hand instead of your judgement."

Credit: Piper Tillman

"My three-year-old son Benjamin has a best friend. She’s our neighbor.Our houses are so close I think you can touch them...

"My three-year-old son Benjamin has a best friend. She’s our neighbor.
Our houses are so close I think you can touch them simultaneously if you stand between them and extend your arms in both directions. We share a staircase to the street.
She’s probably nearing 70 years old, and sadly she suffers from Alzheimer’s. I don’t think she remembers me or my husband’s names even though we talk many times a day. She definitely can’t remember our youngest's name.
But she and my son play every day and she knows his name for sure. She comes out when she hears us in the yard. He knocks on her door when we are playing out front.
Our son has a brain injury from Meningitis and while he can’t speak much verbally, when he sees her out of the window, he runs to us and frantically signs 'help,' 'outside,' and 'open door.'
He recently terrified us when he figured out how to open the front door and leave the house on his own. Moments later though, we found him in the backyard with her.
When I sit on the stoop and watch them play, I realize how perfect they are for one another.
Benjamin doesn’t notice that she struggles remembering things. She doesn’t have to carry on small talk and remember details with him.
She doesn’t seem to notice or mind that he can’t talk. She understands him without words.
They honestly love each other and they both know and understand that much.
They sit on the bench in my front yard and watch the world go by. He helps her sweep her stoop, pick up sticks, and w**d her grass.
He plays with her hair and loves to wrestle with her in the grass. She always tells me how beautiful he is and how he’s such a star. How he’s so strong and smart.
Yesterday we were leaving and getting in the car and she was out front in her yard. Benjamin wanted her to come with us. He grabbed her hand and showed her the way to the car.
She asked if she could lift him into his car seat and as I buckled him in, he waved and said 'bye,' one of his few actual words.
As we pulled off, with Benjamin waving and looking back, and her standing in street, waving and getting smaller in the distance, I realized how she has become the closest thing to a best friend for Benjamin.
And how lucky he is to have her just an arm’s length away."
Credit: Maura Caldwell of Finding the Silver Linings

The world needs more Lori's. ❤"This is Lori from McDonald's in Wills Point, Tx. She took my order for gift cards when I ...

The world needs more Lori's. ❤
"This is Lori from McDonald's in Wills Point, Tx. She took my order for gift cards when I pulled into the drive thru after finding no available parking.
Lori: "Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?"
Me: "Yes, I'm sorry, but may I order gift cards here"?
Lori: "Yes! Would you like $5., $10, or $25"?
Me: ""I'd like one $25. and one $10. please".
Lori: "Yes ma'am. That's one $25 and one $10. Would you like a song with that"?
Me: "A song, really"? (Because it seemed a very cruel thing to be offering me a song if she didn't really mean it 😁)
Lori: "Yes. Would you like one"?
Me: "Yes! I'd love a song!".
Lori: "Really?! Nobody ever says yes"!
Me: "I'm saying yes. Please sing for me girl in the speaker. The gift cards are an anniversary gift if that helps".
Lori: "Oh my goodness, the pressure - the pressure - it has to be good. What do I sing? What do I sing"? She then starts singing Justin Beiber's Baby, Baby. I have never smiled so much! This girl made my day. So funny, so sweet. Infectious smile. The world needs more Lori's!!"
Credit: Karen Solley Forester

”I teach 8th grade. This week, my homeroom took an angel off the “giving tree” – a little girl. All she asked for was a ...

”I teach 8th grade. This week, my homeroom took an angel off the “giving tree” – a little girl. All she asked for was a bike & clothes. My kids all agreed to bring in $2 each & we’d buy her clothes bc we couldn’t afford to get the bike. Then today, very quietly one of them came to my room with this.”
Credit: Reddit/sevencyns

"With this long overdue post I would like to introduce the wonderful Flo Osborne." Flo is 89 years young and lives in a ...

"With this long overdue post I would like to introduce the wonderful Flo Osborne." Flo is 89 years young and lives in a assisted living facility. During the first lockdown and after, Flo in her little kitchen baked up to 20 yummy fruit cakes (so a little over 100 in total) for our food drive for those in need and supported us in helping other people before.
She made every single cake herself, mixed the dough, cut the fruit and then put it in her little oven. In my eyes, this is a great achievement for the community and once again clears up the prejudices that age stops one from still being part of society.
On the contrary, my frustration is that I couldn't get the local news, radio or TV to write about this wonderful woman's great work. That's why I address all the users here via Facebook, of which there are much more than in the mainstream media. Lets make Flo a social media heroine. "

Yesterday – after a Dr.’s appointment – we went to IHOP in Abilene. Dwayne immediately noticed the waitress’s name tag (...

Yesterday – after a Dr.’s appointment – we went to IHOP in Abilene. Dwayne immediately noticed the waitress’s name tag (Dwayne has a thing for badges and name tags). He told the waitress that he liked her name tag and then told her that his name is “Captain America.” Before we left – here comes the waitress – pins a name tag on Dwayne’s Shirt – and yes it said “CAPTAIN AMERICA” – Dwayne was thrilled!
Thank you to Millie at Ihop. U made his day !
Credit: Regina Thomason

"The elderly gentleman was seated in the booth directly across from my family as we ate dinner Saturday night at Eat'n P...

"The elderly gentleman was seated in the booth directly across from my family as we ate dinner Saturday night at Eat'n Park in Belle Vernon. We really didn't see him come in. But we did notice when our server, Dylan, dropped to one knee to look him eye-to-eye as he got ready to take his order.
The man apologized for not hearing too well. He had forgotten to put in his hearing aids. He talked about how he lost his hearing during his time in the war. He was 91 years old with many stories to tell. Dylan patiently listened giving him his full attention. Eventually the man apologized for talking so much. 'I'm alone now,' he said, 'and I don't often have someone to talk to.' Dylan smiled and said he enjoyed listening. He then helped him figure out what to order and left to take it to the kitchen. It was a touching sight.
I wanted offer to pay for the man's dinner, but before I could flag down Dylan, a man seated at a nearby booth asked Dylan to bring him his check. 'Someone's already taken care of it,' Dylan smiled. I guess we weren't the only ones eavesdropping on the conversation. After the man received his food Dylan came back to say he was on a break. He asked if he could sit with the gentleman as he ate. As we left the restaurant the two of them were conversing and many people seated nearby were smiling. It was a touching sight.
With all of the negative stories about our youth today this was a breath of fresh air. I wonder if I would have been as kind and attentive if I were the one working there. One thing's for sure, if you are ever at Eat'n Park in Belle Vernon, ask for Dylan. If he's your waiter you're certain to get great service."
Credit: Lisa Meilander

Wednesday afternoon I was driving west on I-40 when my blood sugar dropped to a dangerous level. Luckily a Burger King r...

Wednesday afternoon I was driving west on I-40 when my blood sugar dropped to a dangerous level. Luckily a Burger King restaurant was at the upcoming exit. As I stumbled through placing my order I mentioned to the voice on the speaker that I was diabetic and in need of food. Low blood sugar makes it difficult to think or act. I pulled up to the first window in order to pay for my food. I was shocked to see Burger King employee Tina Hardy running toward the front of my car. She squeezed between the front of my car and the building just to bring me a small serving of ice cream. Tina later explained that her husband was also diabetic and she could tell that I needed help. After paying I pulled up to Tina’s window where she gave me my food. She instructed me to park across the driveway so that she could keep an eye on me until I felt better. After eating I waited for a break in business so that I could return to Tina’s window. I then took this picture and spoke with Tina’s supervisor, telling him what she did for me. If you appreciate what this special woman did please share this story. Hopefully Tina Hardy will receive the recognition that she truly deserves from the public and from the big bosses at Burger King.
Credit: Rebecca Boening

This puppy doesn't like the snow, so the owner leaves out a piece of plywood so he always has a patch of snow-free grass...

This puppy doesn't like the snow, so the owner leaves out a piece of plywood so he always has a patch of snow-free grass.❤️

The sweet things people do for their pets!



He released the swan that’s hooked to a net and momentarily held him in his arms and felt his heartbeat gradually calmin...

He released the swan that’s hooked to a net and momentarily held him in his arms and felt his heartbeat gradually calming,then the swan wrapped his neck to his.
How precious it is to feel the trust of an animal.
Credit : Born To Explore

When 19-year-old Dairy Queen manager, Joey Prusak was serving a blind customer, he noticed the man drop a $20 bill.The w...

When 19-year-old Dairy Queen manager, Joey Prusak was serving a blind customer, he noticed the man drop a $20 bill.
The woman behind the blind man grabbed the $20 bill and put it in her purse.
Prusak then instructed the woman to return the money. After she said no, the teenager made her leave. “I told her, ‘Ma’am, you can either return the $20 bill or you can leave the store, because I’m not going to serve someone as disrespectful as you.'"
The woman left. But then, Prusak returned to the blind man and gave him $20 of his money.
Prusak notes, "I was just doing what I thought was right. I did it without even really thinking about it."
HT John Tesh

100 days ago I attempted su***de 4 times in a week and the last and final time I was so intoxicated and high I ended up ...

100 days ago I attempted su***de 4 times in a week and the last and final time I was so intoxicated and high I ended up in the hospital overdosed. I ended up staying in the hospital overnight when my father who committed su***de coming on 24 years ago came to visit me and told me he wasn’t ready for me to join him. Once I was released from the hospital I walked myself into an AA group and that’s when recovery began. I joined a home group and got a sponsor and began the steps of recovery. A week later my oldest son had called me to meet his son (my grandson) that I hadn’t seen yet. I went over and as soon as I walked in my little 10 month old grandson smiled at me and hugged me. I believe my father lives in him and my grandson knew who I was. Ever since then I am grateful to have my little star in my life and my dad is my higher power and I am grateful to be on this life long journey called recovery.
Credit: Sobriety Motivation

"So I thought it was a good idea to fly by myself with a 2 yr old and a 5 year old 😐 we were standing in line in securit...

"So I thought it was a good idea to fly by myself with a 2 yr old and a 5 year old 😐 we were standing in line in security, on the verge of tears because Wyatt was screaming and James was exhausted. Out of the blue, one mom stops the line for security and says “here, jump in front of me! I know how it is!” Wyatt fell asleep and I was trying to carry everyone’s carry-on when another mom jumps out of her place in line and says “hand me everything, I’ve got it”. When I said thank you to both of them they said “don’t you worry, we’re going to make sure you get on that flight.” The second woman takes everything and helps me get it through security and, on top of all that, she grabs all of it and walks us to the gate to make sure we get on the flight. To top it all off, Wyatt starts to scream at take off before he finally falls back to sleep. After about 45 min, this angel comes to the back and says “you look like you need a break” and holds Wyatt for the rest of the flight AND walks him all the way to baggage claim, hands him to blake, hugs me and says “merry Christmas!!”"
Credit: Becca Kinsey




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