do you feel like you have don’t have enough hands to read and sign with your baby? I got you!
Right now with my 7 week old my favorite way to read and sign with him is sitting in a recliner with a boppy pillow.
The bobby pillow supports his head and body so that I can sign and hold the book with both my hands.
As I read, I sign one handed, put the book on my lap and sign with both hands, sign on his body, and sign on the book!
Follow me for more ideas and positions for reading and signing with your baby!
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VRI (video remote interpreter) is NOT effective for labor and birth. I am so grateful I had a team of nurses and interpreter who advocated for me and fought to keep me an in person interpreter the whole time rather than get VRI.
I’m frustrated that the nurse manager, hospital legal team, and language services were trying to send my interpreter home and tried to get me to use VRI. I know it’s cheaper, but I deserve my preferred access to language at ALL times.
I KNOW VRI would not have been effective for the labor/birth setting. Listen to the DHH people, we know what we need.
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I can’t believe it’s been a month since I gave birth to Cruz! I love listening to other birth stories so I wanted to share mine. It was the most incredible experience!
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here are some sentences you can sign for Thanksgiving this week! I’ll post a video tomorrow about signs for Thanksgiving foods! #deaf #thanksgiving #happythanksgivng #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafculture #deafworld #deafbaby #hardofhearing #asl #americansignlanguage #cochlearimplant #nucleus7 #n7 #audiology #earlyintervention
every hospital is different and could have different policies for how to get an ASL interpreter, but this is just how my experience was so far.
From many deaf people I talked to it sounds like this is pretty standard.
The best thing to do is reach out to your preferred interpreting agency and let them know you are giving birth soon, where you are giving birth, and give them your preferred interpreter list.
Then once you get to the hospital, talk to language services about getting an ASL interpreter. Give them the information of your preferred ASL interpreting agency and tell them to get your preferred interpreter.
I’ve done all I can to make sure this goes as smoothly as possible, but I definitely think the process could be better.
Wish me luck!
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comment songs I should consider adding to my birth playlist! As a deaf person, I’m not a huge music listener so I debated making a birth playlist, but decided to make one just in case. I can’t listen to a song for the first time and understand the lyrics, so I’m spending time now learning the words to the songs I want on my playlist. I want to be able to enjoy the music and understand the words I’m listening to. I’m so grateful for Apple Music for providing lyrics that I can follow along to and learn the words! #deaf #deafmom #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafculture #deafworld #deafbaby #hardofhearing #asl #americansignlanguage #cochlearimplant #nucleus7 #n7 #audiology #earlyintervention
Thanksgiving is almost here so here are some Thanksgiving signs you can use! Stay tuned for another video of just Thanksgiving food signs!#deaf #thanksgiving #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafculture #deafworld #deafbaby #hardofhearing #asl #americansignlanguage #cochlearimplant #nucleus7 #n7 #audiology #earlyintervention
I know I am picky, but this is my birth and my body and I deserve to have access to information how I want! Every Deaf person is different so I’ve learned that interpreters find it helpful to know what that individual wants in that specific setting. I have these directions all typed up and printed ready to give to the interpreters.
#deaf #deafmom #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafculture #deafworld #deafbaby #hardofhearing #asl #americansignlanguage #cochlearimplant #nucleus7 #n7 #audiology #earlyintervention
anything I’m missing?? This is my first time giving birth so I’m not entirely sure what to expect! The big main things for me regarding accessibility during my birth is making sure the background noise is reduced as much as possible, the doctor/nurses talking loud and clear directly to me, and having my preferred ASL interpreter whenever the doctor/nurses come into the room making sure I have full access to everything at all times.
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happy election day! Here are some signs related to the election! #deaf #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafculture #deafworld #deafbaby #hardofhearing #asl #americansignlanguage #cochlearimplant #nucleus7 #n7 #audiology #earlyintervention
With the holidays coming up, lots of dinner table conversations will be happening, so try to get a round table if possible to help with communication! Rent a round table if possible! Please share this to spread awareness!!I have loved my parents round dining table because it is so much easier for me to hear and see everyone. With round tables I can easily lip read and see everyone. Conversations at the dinner table can jump around quickly, so being able to easily see and hear everyone is SO helpful! I know it’s not always possible to have a round dining table due to the space. My parents are selling the table to the next owners because it fits so well in the space and their new kitchen layout is rectangular and a round table doesn’t fit the space well. I’m going to miss it! If possible I would recommend getting a round dining table! But there are also many other places that if you can choose a round table and I would definitely recommend it. Restaurants, planning events such as weddings, church activities, workshops, etc! #deaf #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafculture #deafworld #deafbaby #hardofhearing #asl #americansignlanguage #cochlearimplant #nucleus7 #n7 #audiology #earlyintervention
please enjoy this video of us doing this trend because let me tell you it was not easy doing it while 37 weeks pregnant 😅
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