Who do you think this Civil War personality is? Join myself, Frank Alduino and David Coles as we discuss the Italian-American experience during the Civil War. Episode available on most podcast posts! 🇮🇹
Great time had by all! What a great town!
#remembranceday #gettysburg #reenactors #civilwar
On the Ground at Gettysburg!
Messing around with @exhi81t behind the scenes! New episode coming shortly!
Hospital Stewards were vital members of the army’s hospital staff. During the Civil War the steward was a pharmacist and overall hospital administrator. They were often identified by their sleeve insignia. Next time you are admiring images of the War, take a closer look to see if you can spot any hospital stewards!
Civil War soldiers had their vices too. Any cigar or pipe smokers listening to the podcast? #cigars #tobacco #americancivilwar #ushistory
Awesome Civil War photography display at The Antique Center of Gettysburg!
Who is at the Spring Gettysburg Show?
Sat with Father Robert Miller to discuss his research on chaplains in the American Civil War. Listen to the episode at the link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/796715/14200844
#armychaplain #chaplaincorps #civilwar #ushistory #militaryhistory