ABVP holds protest march and sat on dharna at Jammu against the #JKPSC for sidelining Hindi, Dogri, Punjabi & Sanskrit in recent recruitment for 10+2 Lecturer positions.
आज अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद(ABVP) ज़िला रामबन (जम्मू कश्मीर) में रामबन नगर इकाई द्वारा 78वें स्वतंत्रता दिवस के उपलक्ष्य पर 100 फीट "तिरंगा यात्रा" का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें रामबन के सभी कार्यकर्ताओं व विद्यार्थियों ने बढ़ चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया खास तौर पर रामबन की छात्राओं की भी सहभागिता रही।
"तिरंगा यात्रा" गवर्नमेंट हॉयर सेकेंडरी स्कूल रामबन से प्रारंभ होकर टी चौक, बौली बाजार, नाका से फ्लाईओवर, बस स्टैंड, मेन मार्किट से होते हुए वापिस कपूर शॉपिंग कांप्लेक्स पहुंचकर संपन्न हुई।
भारत माता की जय
#ABVP #ABVPfornation
#abvpramban #Ramban
25/05/2024: There were many complaints from people for a long time against Dr Shabir working in District Hospital Ramban. Recently, Dr Shabir also misbehaved with a pregnant woman, refused to deliver the baby and the woman had to go to Jammu Hospital.
Today, the family members of the woman and the people of the society burnt the effigy of Dr Shabir and protested at the main gate of District Hospital Ramban and demanded action against this doctor.And the demand of the people is that we need a female doctor in Ramban Hospital.
Press Conference by Activists of ABVP Ramban, demands to allow the 695 eligible students of JKBOSE 12th Class in Annual Exam 2024 going to be start from 06 March 2024.
#Ramban #Gool #Khari #Banihal #Ukhal #pogalparisthan #Pogal #Rajgarh
#FLASH #BusAccident
Tragic Bus Accident at Assar, Doda….
More details awaited....
Press Conference regarding the INDEFINITE HUNGER STRIKE of 3rd Semester Students of GDC Ramban under the banner of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad(ABVP), which has been postponed on the 7th day on 27 September 2023 after Jammu Kashmir Higher Education Department (JKHED) assured to fulfill the demand of giving Geography as Major Subject in GDC Ramban. The official notice is expected to be released soon by JKHED.
The Press Conference was addressed by Pooja Chib(District Convenor, ABVP Ramban), Sumit Singh Manhas(College Vice President, ABVP GDC Ramban) and accompanied by some other students of GDC Ramban.
ABVP's Hunger Strike in GDC Ramban enters 5th Day, will continue till demand of Subjects SWAP not fulfilled.
जम्मू कश्मीर के गवर्नमेंट डिग्री कॉलेज रामबन में अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद(ABVP) के बैनर तले चल रही भूख - हड़ताल पे बैठे विद्यार्थी दिन - रात अपनी मांगों को मनवाने के लिए कॉलेज परिसर में लगातार संघर्ष कर रहे हैं।
22/09/2023 Day2 Hunger strike still continue.
Under the banner of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad(ABVP), third Semester Students of GDC Ramban are on Indefinite Hunger Strike in the premises of GDC Ramban demanding for Geography as Major Subject and Political Science as Minor as according to the norms of New Education Policy(NEP)-2020.
ABVP holds Press Conference, warns JU not to play with the future of students.
21/08/2023: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad(ABVP) unit of GDC Ramban held a press conference at Vidyarthi Bhawan, Ramban.
Addressing the media, ABVP College President Akriti Chib and a college student Sumit Singh Manhas said that University of Jammu is playing with the future of students by issuing notifications against the students. There is a group of 22 students of B.A Semester 3rd of GDC Ramban who are unable to swap in the Major and Minor subjects due to the anti student rules of University of Jammu. Sumit said that in 2022, when the got admission in B.A semester 1st, they choosed Political Science as Major subject and Geography as Minor subject. At that time, Geography subject was placed in Science as well as in Arts discipline and according to NEP-2020, it was clear that we could swap these subjects in the starting of semester 3rd. But now, University of Jammu has issued an another notification where they have removed Geography from Arts discipline and applied the rule to all the students.
Sumit said that this new rule of University of Jammu should be applicable to the new students and they should be allowed to swap their Major and Minor subjects according to the New Education Policy -2020.
ABVP President Akriti Chib warns the university authorities to immediately resolve the issue and demanded that these students should be given the chance to swap the subjects following the norms of NEP-2020, otherwise ABVP will fight in support of these students.
Today, on the occasion of Independence Day, a grand 100ft long tricolor procession was taken out by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad Ramban city unit. The students of Ramban participated enthusiastically in the Tiranga Yatra.
In this face-off, few soldiers on both sides suffered injuries. I'd like to tell this House that none of our soldiers died or suffered any serious injury. Due to the timely intervention of Indian military commanders, PLA soldiers have retreated to their own locations.
After this incident, on 11th Dec the local commander of the area held a flag meeting with his Chinese counterpart under the established system & discussed this incident. The Chinese side was refused all such actions and told to maintain peace at the border: Defence Minister in LS (ANI)