Honey we’re home! Also, how much space do we have right now!?! We just wanted to let everyone know that we are home safe and sound. We’ve been very busy since Sunday working, moving and buying furniture (because Kirsty decided it was a great idea to have a MASSIVE clean out before we left so we didn’t keep much furniture). We have some videos to share and statistics on our trip coming up so stay tuned. Just need to get settled in first.
By the way Queensland- WTF is this humidity?!?!
#digitalnomads #digitalnomadsonebyte #honey #home #honeyimhome #vanlife #coming #home #cominghome
Welcome to Sunny QLD! #digitalnomadsonebyte #digitalnomads #sunnyqueesnland #Queensland
Here's a little sneak peek at what we did today. The Sea Lions were absolutely adorable! They had such a great time playing with their hooman friends.
We have a lot of footage, which we will share in our Eyre Peninsula video but we couldn't wait to show you a video of them.
#digitalnomadsonebyte #digitalnomads #sealions #calypsosealion #eyrepeninsula #southaustralia
Nullarbor here we come! Heading East this time.
#digitalnomadsonebyte #digitalnomads #nullarbor
A little wander through the Ancient Empire and Valley of the Giants Treetop Walk. #digitalnomads #digitalnomadsonebyte #westernaustralia #valleyofthegiants #ancientempire
Jewel Cave. Spectacular. We cant get over how amazing nature is and the beauty it creates. #digitalnomads #digitalnomadsonebyte #westernaustralia #jewellcave
Monkey Mia. The dolphins were cute but the emus having a splash in the ocean made our day. 😀 #digitalnomads #digitalnomadsonebyte #monkeymia #emus
Thanks Broome, it’s been a fabulous 12 days! A little further north and then we turn around and head back down. #digitalnomads #digitalnomadsonebyte #broome #broomecamelsafaris
Watching the beautiful Broome sunset from atop a camel 😀 #digitalnomadsonebyte #digitalnomads #broome #broomecamelsafaris #broomesunset #sunset