Grand Mobile Photo

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Grand Mobile Photo An international mobile photography contest. Visit and submit:

Have you seen the winning photos in Grand Press Photo 2023❓🤩You can see the whole photographs here. ⬇️PS We will start o...

Have you seen the winning photos in Grand Press Photo 2023❓🤩

You can see the whole photographs here. ⬇️

PS We will start our contest soon. Stay tuned❗

Zwycięzcy Grand Press Photo 2023. Poznaj laureatów i obejrzyj zdjęcia Zdjęcie Roku Autor: Wojciech Grzędziński, freelancer Ukraińscy ratownicy uwolnili spod gruzów mieszkania na ósmym piętrze skrajnie wyczerpaną i wychłodzoną kobietę. SINGLE STORIES I miejsce w kategorii CURRENT EVENTS...

Those photo won ➡ Grand Prix Grand Mobile Photo in two edition of our contest.You can win too - remember Grand Mobile Ph...

Those photo won ➡ Grand Prix Grand Mobile Photo in two edition of our contest.

You can win too - remember Grand Mobile Photo contest is for ➡ everyone!

1 📸 Mithail Afrige Chowdhury
2 📸 Agnieszka Modelska

Those are photos which was chosen by you ➡ The Internet User’s in two edition of GMP❗️Everyone has a chance to win in GM...

Those are photos which was chosen by you ➡ The Internet User’s in two edition of GMP❗️

Everyone has a chance to win in GMP, in this category you decide!

1 📸 Lidia Skuza
2 📸 Farees Mohamed Sharfan

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 TRAVEL, SPORT & ADVENTURES – category at Grand Mobile P...

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 TRAVEL, SPORT & ADVENTURES – category at Grand Mobile Photo.

Travel, exercise, enjoy your life and take photos by your phone. Be ready for GMP 2023❗

1 📸 Paweł Maślarz
2 📸 Artur Smutek

This photos won in ➡ STREET PHOTO category in two edition of GMP.Get inspired and take photos for this year's edition of...

This photos won in ➡ STREET PHOTO category in two edition of GMP.

Get inspired and take photos for this year's edition of GMP❗

1 📸 Olga Cherniakova
2 📸 Magdalena Szurek (Magdalena Szurek - Photography .szurek )

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 PORTRAITS, SELF-PORTRAITS – category at Grand Mobile Ph...

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 PORTRAITS, SELF-PORTRAITS – category at Grand Mobile Photo.

Just take your 📱 phone and create fantastic photos❗

1 📸 Beata Smutek
2 📸 Adam Dalecki

This photos won in ➡ PEOPLE category in two edition of GMP.Take photos and get ready to submit this photos at our contes...

This photos won in ➡ PEOPLE category in two edition of GMP.

Take photos and get ready to submit this photos at our contest!

1 📸 Agata Tomaszewska ( )
2 📸 Mithail Afrige Chowdhury

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 NATURE, LANDSCAPE & ENVIRONMENT – category at Grand Mob...

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 NATURE, LANDSCAPE & ENVIRONMENT – category at Grand Mobile Photo.

Get inspired and take photos for GMP 2023❗

1 📸 Dominika Koszowska Dominika Koszowska Fotografia Mobilna
2 📸 Saiful Islam

This photos won in ➡ MINIMAL category in two edition of GMP.You have steel time to taking a photos and then submit this ...

This photos won in ➡ MINIMAL category in two edition of GMP.

You have steel time to taking a photos and then submit this photos at our contest!

1 📸 Mario Tavares
2 📸 Paweł Mazur

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 MICRO category at Grand Mobile Photo.Just take a photos...

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 MICRO category at Grand Mobile Photo.

Just take a photos and remember Grand Mobile Photo contest is for ➡ everyone!

1 📸 Jacek Jaskólski
2 📸 Saone Sarkar

This photos won in ➡ LIFESTYLE category in two edition of GMP.The second one won Grand Prix Grand Mobile Photo.You have ...

This photos won in ➡ LIFESTYLE category in two edition of GMP.
The second one won Grand Prix Grand Mobile Photo.

You have all what you need to take a great photos. Just grab your phone 📱 and take a photo!

1 📸Mithail Afrige Chowdhury Mithail Afrige Chowdhury
2 📸Agnieszka Modelska Agnes Modelska

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & ARTS category at Grand Mobile Ph...

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & ARTS category at Grand Mobile Photo.

Create photos and be ready for GMP 2023❗

1 📸 Patryk Wikaliński (Patryk Wikaliński)
2 📸 Barbara Januszewska-Piróg ()

This photos won in ➡ ANIMALS category in  two edition of GMP.You can just take a photo by your 📱 phone and win our conte...

This photos won in ➡ ANIMALS category in two edition of GMP.

You can just take a photo by your 📱 phone and win our contest!

Dare to take digital pictures with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets❗️

1 📸Maciej Gaweł
2 📸Basrie Kamba

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 ABSTRACT category.Get inspired and take photos for this...

Those are the winners in two editions of Grand Mobile Photo in 👉 ABSTRACT category.

Get inspired and take photos for this year's edition of GMP❗

1 📸Tomasz Żukowski
2 📸Wesley Wnek Wnek

This is the photo which was chosen by you ➡ The Internet User’s❗️That's what the author 👉 Farees Mohamed Sharfan said ab...

This is the photo which was chosen by you ➡ The Internet User’s❗️

That's what the author 👉 Farees Mohamed Sharfan said about this photo:
"Art is not physical. Rather sentimental. The speed, intelligence and energy of the search depend on the depth of the hunger."

This is the winner of ➡TRAVEL, SPORTS & ADVENTURES category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉 Artur Smutek.It is interesting ...

This is the winner of ➡TRAVEL, SPORTS & ADVENTURES category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉 Artur Smutek.

It is interesting how the author bring out the effect of Yin & Yang.☯️ Let's read:

"Jedną z rzeczy, za którą lubię mobilną fotografię, jest to, że fotografem się nie bywa, a się jest. Zawsze. W każdej chwili można wyciągnąć smartfon i zrobić świetne zdjęcie. Można zrobić najlepsze zdjęcie z wyprawy, zanim ta jeszcze się zacznie. Tak jak w tym przypadku, kiedy czekając na pociąg w rodzinnym miasteczku, spostrzegłem, jak pięknie kontrastują ze sobą dwie połowy peronu. Jedna ciemna z torowiskiem
i druga jasno oświetlona z zadaszeniem odbijającym światło. Wyciągnąłem telefon i starałem się złapać ujęcie tak, by te dwa światy podzieliły kadr na równe połowy. Po konwersji na czarno-białe i delikatnych poprawkach uzyskałem efekt kolejowego jin i jang."

Winning photo of ➡ STREET PHOTO category shows Sarajevo. Not only the women on this photo are using phones. The author 👉...

Winning photo of ➡ STREET PHOTO category shows Sarajevo.

Not only the women on this photo are using phones. The author 👉 Magdalena Szurek - Photography describe how to use your phone during the trip:

"Zdjęcie wykonałam w Sarajewie, w sierpniu 2022 roku telefonem iPhone13 Pro. Miasto bardzo mnie zachwyciło – przede wszystkim swoim autentycznym klimatem. Sarajewo to miasto o dość smutnej przeszłości. Mimo tak burzliwej historii miasto żyje w symbiozie wielu kultur. Uwieczniony przeze mnie obraz sarajewskiej uliczki odzwierciedla klimat miasta. Wydaje mi się, że gdyby nie subtelność telefonu komórkowego, taka fotografia by nie powstała. Była to sytuacja bardzo naturalna i naturalnie przyszło mi fotografować panie pochłonięte przeglądaniem swoich telefonów."

Winning photo of ➡ PORTRAITS, SELF-PORTRAITS shows the author 👉 Adam Dalecki.The title of this photo is: „ME vs ME”.What...

Winning photo of ➡ PORTRAITS, SELF-PORTRAITS shows the author 👉 Adam Dalecki.

The title of this photo is: „ME vs ME”.

What the author meant❓

"Każdy z nas, niezależnie od pozycji oraz życiowego statusu, toczy wewnętrzną walkę z własnymi problemami, słabościami, traumami. Mimo zauważalnego światła w życiu wielu ludzi pozostaje jeszcze druga strona – ta skryta w ciągłym cieniu, która kształtowała nasz umysł przez lata."

This is the winner of ➡ PEOPLE category in second edition of GMP.Where this photo was taken? Author 👉Mithail Afrige Chow...

This is the winner of ➡ PEOPLE category in second edition of GMP.

Where this photo was taken? Author 👉Mithail Afrige Chowdhury, explains:

"A was visiting Kawran market, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 4.02.2022 to purchase some household goods .When the rain started suddenly I found a dramatic environment at the spot, a pickup driver trying to cover rice by plastic. I took nearly 100 to 150 photos to capture a good photo. This photo was the maximum output I could bring. When I found the photo is the winner in people category. It inspired me to believe, may be this is something good."

This is the winner of ➡ NATURE, LANDSCAPE & ENVIRONMENT category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉 Saiful Islam .We asked Sai...

This is the winner of ➡ NATURE, LANDSCAPE & ENVIRONMENT category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉 Saiful Islam .

We asked Saiful to comment his photo, that's what he said:

"A woman sifts through garbage next to a polluted canal that leads to the Buriganga river in Dhaka, Bangladesh has been reportedly ranked 10th out of the top 20 plastic polluters in the world with the Buriganga river known as one of the most polluted rivers in the country due to rampant dumping of industrial and human waste. Like many developing countries, Bangladesh lacks the infrastructure to effectively manage its waste which causes problems in keeping the waters safe for humans and aquatic."

Winning photo of ➡ MINIMAL category shows Blue Lagoon.Exactly in this place during the trip author Paweł Mazur proposed ...

Winning photo of ➡ MINIMAL category shows Blue Lagoon.

Exactly in this place during the trip author Paweł Mazur proposed 💍 to his girlfrind, let's read about this story:

"Zdjęcie to zatytułowałem Ofelia. Zrobiłem je na Islandii, w miejscu zwanym Blue Lagoon. Są to baseny termalne z niesamowitym mlecznoniebieskim kolorem wody. W miejscu, w którym wykonałem to zdjęcie – na basenie
– smartfon sprawdził się idealnie. Dzięki temu, że jest wodoodporny, nie obawiałem się zalania i mogłem fotografować, szukając różnych ciekawych kadrów i kompozycji. Powiedzenie: „Najlepszy aparat to ten, który masz przy sobie”, jeszcze nigdy nie było tak prawdziwe. To zdjęcie ma dla mnie sentymentalne znaczenie, bo podczas tego wyjazdu na Islandię z moją narzeczoną Gosią,
która jest na tym zdjęciu – zaręczyliśmy się."

This is the winner of ➡ MICRO category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉 Saone Sarkar .What kind of spider do we see on this ...

This is the winner of ➡ MICRO category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉 Saone Sarkar .

What kind of spider do we see on this photo❓
"Plexippus paykulli is a species of jumping spider. It is native to south east Asia but has spread to other parts of the world and globe. In the United States it is called the pantropical jumping spider. It is usually associated with buildings and may be found near light sources catching insects attracted by the light. It is named in honor of Gustaf von Paykull."

Winning photo of ➡ ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & ARTS category shows Holocaust-Mahnmal.It's interesting what the author 👉 Barba...

Winning photo of ➡ ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN & ARTS category shows Holocaust-Mahnmal.

It's interesting what the author 👉 Barbara Januszewska-Piróg thinks about this place:

"Zdjęcie wykonane zostało w maju tego roku w Berlinie. Pomnik Pomordowanych Żydów Europy nie był na mojej liście miejsc do odwiedzenia. Tego pomnika się nie ogląda. Jego się doświadcza, przeżywa i pamięta. Wąskie alejki, nierówne podłoże, coraz wyższe i lekko odchylone od pionu betonowe bloki wywołują niepokój, a nawet strach. Nie jest to labirynt, ale szybko pojawia się wrażenie zagubienia, chęć ucieczki. To uczucia, które na pewno nie były obce ofiarom pogromu. Chciałam oddać te emocje, ten nastrój."

This is the winner of ➡ ANIMALS category in second edition of GMP.How author of this photo 👉 Basrie Kamba met lizard on ...

This is the winner of ➡ ANIMALS category in second edition of GMP.

How author of this photo 👉 Basrie Kamba met lizard on his way?

"I just came down from a mountain hike for some landscape photography, when I bumped with this charming lizard hiding calmly in a perfect camouflage at the shade of a healthy caladium leave of a green-rich garden in Bali. I stopped hastily and realized that my camera was already in the car. Knowing that I had no chance to go back to the car, I knee down to grab my handphone in my pocket, while watching the menacing look of this knight anole - starring at me in such a great composition lit by the morning sun. In silent and holding my breath, I took a couple of shots and stepped back slowly in a very low frequency.

Sometimes, we then understand why the best camera is something which is always with you round the clock."

This is the winner of ➡ ABSTRACT category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉Wesley Wnek.We asked Wesley to comment his photo, ...

This is the winner of ➡ ABSTRACT category at Grand Mobile Photo 2022 👉Wesley Wnek.

We asked Wesley to comment his photo, that's what he said:

"Being an amateur with passions and hobbies photography, each of us knows that what counts is a moment, an observation and sometimes a coincidence, and that's how this photograph was created, spoons lying on the notes of our daughter and what do we have at hand? always phone. This allows you to capture moments and be inspired by new ideas. I named the photo Shape of Music. ;)"

"Shape of Music" - sounds beautiful! 😍

Yeah, finally❗️You can find an article about GMP 2022 and all winning photos in current issue of 👉Press magazine. It'a a...

Yeah, finally❗️

You can find an article about GMP 2022 and all winning photos in current issue of 👉Press magazine. It'a avaiable at

❤️💚💙Happy New Year! ❤️💚💙

❤️💚💙Happy New Year! ❤️💚💙

Thank you all for take part in second edition of Grand Mobile Photo!👏Your photographs were amazing! 🤩 It was a big pleas...

Thank you all for take part in second edition of Grand Mobile Photo!👏
Your photographs were amazing! 🤩 It was a big pleasure to evaluate all yours photos. ❤️💚💙

Congratulation for all winners❗️

We invite you already to next edition in the new year!🥳

Thank to all partners of contest Stowarzyszenie Autorów ZAiKS , , Jet Line , Igers Poland Mobile Photographers , Radio ESKA , British American To***co Polska.

Merry Christmas! 🙂

Merry Christmas! 🙂

This year Jury selected 👉 89 to the grand final. In second edition of GMP submitted photographs from 30 countries (e.g. ...

This year Jury selected 👉 89 to the grand final.

In second edition of GMP submitted photographs from 30 countries (e.g. Armenia, Bangladesh, Finland, Spain, Indonesia, Japan, Canada, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Mozambique, South Africa, Sri Lanka, USA).

All nominated photos and all winners of second edition Grand Mobile Photo you can find here. 👇

We invite you to the next edition in next year❗

Formularz zgłoszeniowy do konkursu Grand Mobile Photo

❗️We announce the results❗️These are the winners of second edition of Grand Mobile Photo.👇👉 Abstract: Wesley Wnek, USA👉 ...

❗️We announce the results❗️
These are the winners of second edition of Grand Mobile Photo.👇

👉 Abstract: Wesley Wnek, USA
👉 Animals: Basrie Kamba, Indonesia
👉 Architecture, Design & Arts: Barbara Januszewska-Piróg, Polska
👉 Lifestyle: Agnieszka Modelska, Polska
👉 Micro: Saone Sarkar, Bangladesz
👉 Minimal: Paweł Mazur, Polska
👉 Nature, Landscape & Environment: Saiful Islam, Bangladesz
👉 People: Mithail Afrige Chowdhury, Bangladesz
👉 Portraits, Self – Portraits: Adam Dalecki, Polska
👉 Street Photo: Magdalena Szurek, Polska
👉 Travel, Sport & Adventures: Artur Smutek, Polska
👉 The Internet Users’ Choice Prize: Farees Mohamed Sharfan, Sri Lanka
👉 Grand Prix Grand Mobile Photo: Agnieszka Modelska, Polska.

All photos and winners you can see on our website.

The jury decided to not nominate two categories – Photojournalism i Technology and modern life, due to insufficient level of photographes. Part of the photos has been transferred to another categories.

❗️We're excited to announce the nominees in second edition of Grand Mobile Photo contest❗️From all 13 categories (Abstra...

❗️We're excited to announce the nominees in second edition of Grand Mobile Photo contest❗️

From all 13 categories (Abstract, Animals, Architecture, Design & Arts, Lifestyle, Micro, Minimal, Nature, Landscape & Environment, People, Photojournalism, Portraits, Self-portraits, Street photo, Technology and modern life, Travel, Sport & Adventures) the jury decided to not nominate two categories – Photojournalism i Technology and modern life, due to insufficient level of photographes. Part of the photos has been transferred to another categories.

The winners will be announced on ➡️ 30th of November on 👉Grand Mobile Photo website and all Social Media channels.

Save the date❗️ Enjoy all beatifule photos.⬇️


Z przyjemnoscią ogłaszamy nominowanych w drugiej edycji Grand Mobile Photo.

Z 13 kategorii (Abstract, Animals, Architecture, Design & Arts, Lifestyle, Micro, Minimal, Nature, Landscape & Environment, People, Photojournalism, Portraits, Self-portraits, Street photo, Technology and modern life, Travel, Sport & Adventures) jury postanowiło nie nominować fotografii w dwóch kategoriach – Photojournalism i Technology and modern life, ze względu na niewystarczający poziom prac. Część zdjęć, decyzją jury została przeniesiona do innych kategorii.

Wyniki konkursu zostaną ogłoszone 30 listopada br. na stronie konkursu oraz kanałach społecznościowych Grand Mobile Photo.

It's time to introduce our Jury❗️Grand Mobile Photo jury is (in alphabetical order):👉 Anita Demianowicz Podróże / Fotogr...

It's time to introduce our Jury❗️

Grand Mobile Photo jury is (in alphabetical order):
👉 Anita Demianowicz Podróże / Fotografia / Reportaż - photographer and solo female traveller
👉 Herve Bois - president of Igers France
👉 prof. Witold Krassowski - polish photographer and academic teacher
👉 Taru Latva-Pukkila - designer, photographer
👉 Jarosław Marciuk - coordinator of Igers Poland
👉 Weronika Mirowska - publishing director of Press Magazine
👉 Uwa Scholz - photographer, travelgrammer
👉 Jarosław Sroka - board member at Kulczyk Investments
👉 Michał Stasiak - head of graphics studio at Press Magazine

More about our jurors you can find at ➡

We'll let you know soon when results of Grand Mobile Photo will be announced!

Our jury is still working hard reviewing submitted photos. And haven't finished yet.We'll let you know soon when results...

Our jury is still working hard reviewing submitted photos. And haven't finished yet.

We'll let you know soon when results of Grand Mobile Photo will be announced!

Last chance❗️This is the last day to get a vote!You have time until midnight (Warsaw time), so hurry up❗️ 🙂Help yourself...

Last chance❗️
This is the last day to get a vote!
You have time until midnight (Warsaw time), so hurry up❗️ 🙂

Help yourself to get Internet User's Prize.

Ostatnia szansa❗️
Macie czas do północy, żeby zdobyć jak najwięcej głosów i wygrać Nagrodę Internautów. 🙂'

Namawiajcie znajomych i zbierajcie głosy!

Last days❗Voting is open until the end of 17th of October.Every submitted photo has a chance to win 👉2,000 euro! How can...

Last days❗
Voting is open until the end of 17th of October.

Every submitted photo has a chance to win 👉2,000 euro!

How can someone vote for your photo?
➡Go to
➡Find you photo or photos (it's up to you if you want to get votes for one or multiple photos).
➡ Click on the photo and choose how you want to share it. You can publish it on Facebook or Twitter, send via email or just copy link.
➡ Ask others to vote. Only one vote can be sent from one email address.

Internet User's Voting is still open❗Don't forget to ask your friends and followers to help you win.😁Voting is open unti...

Internet User's Voting is still open❗

Don't forget to ask your friends and followers to help you win.😁

Voting is open until the end of 👉17th of October.

Every submitted photo has a chance to win ➡2,000 euro!

Go to ➡

You can vote and help❗We encorage you to go to 👉, find your favorite photo, vote and share it...

You can vote and help❗

We encorage you to go to 👉, find your favorite photo, vote and share it on your Social Media to help the author. 🤩

If you are an author, just do the same❗

Every submitted photo has a chance to win 2,000 euro!

If you have already submitted, you have chance to win Grand Prix or a category prize - that is up toour Jury.But you can...

If you have already submitted, you have chance to win Grand Prix or a category prize - that is up to
our Jury.

But you can help yourself and win 👉2,000 euro!
Just ask your friends and followers to vote for your photo❗

There are already thousands of votes and we can tell you just one thing - all of you still have a chance to win❗

Go to 👉 , find your photo and share it.

You have time until ➡17th of October to get votes.

This is a good moment to remind you about 👉Internet Users' prize. Voting is open until the end of 👉17th of October ).Eve...

This is a good moment to remind you about 👉Internet Users' prize. Voting is open until the end of 👉17th of October ).

Every submitted photo has a chance to win 2,000 euro!🤩

So don't forget to ask your friends and folowers to help you win.

How can someone vote for your photo?
➡ Go to
➡ Find you photo or photos (it's up to you if you want to get votes for one or multiple photos).
➡ Click on the photo and choose how you want to share it. You can publish it on Facebook or Twitter, send via email or just copy link.
➡ Ask others to vote. Only one vote can be sent from one email address.

Good luck❗
Przypominamy o trwającym głosowaniu na Nagrodę Internautów!
Zachęć swoich znajomych i followersów, żeby zagłosowali na Twoje zdjęcie. Do wygrania aż 2 tys. euro!
Jak można zagłosować na Twoje zdjęcie?
➡Wejdź na
(możesz wybrać polską wersję strony).
➡Wśród zgłoszonych zdjęć odnajdź swoje (jedno lub wszystkie, decyzja należy do Ciebie).
➡ Po kliknięciu w zdjęcie wybierz
sposób, w jaki chcesz się nim podzielić. Możesz opublikować je na Facebooku, na Twitterze, wysłać mailem lub po prostu skopiować link do zdjęcia.
➡ Zachęć innych do głosowania. Z jednego adresu mailowego można oddać głos tylko na jedno zdjęcie.




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