What is the meaning of the Scapegoat in Leviticus 16?
What is the meaning of the Scapegoat in Leviticus 16?
In Leviticus 16, we find the service that was performed on the Day of Atonement. In this service, we see two goats being utilized. One goat was the Sin Offering, and the other goat was called the Scapegoat. Most Christians believe that both the Sin Offering and the Scapegoat represent Christ, however others believe the Scapegoat represents Satan. Which interpretation is correct? By the end of this video, you will find out!
#scapegoat #daniel #prophecy #sanctuary #1844 #atonement
Every Question you can think of regarding the Heavenly Sanctuary! Pt. 2
1. When the Hebrews 6:19 says Jesus entered "within the veil," wasn't this the Most Holy Place? (00:16)
2. When Hebrews 10:19 says, "Having boldness to enter into the Holiest," isn't this an obvious reference to the Most Holy Place? (5:44)
3. Was Jesus' sacrifice represented as the Daily Sacrifice or the Day of Atonement sacrifice? (10:15)
4. Did Christ's blood pollute the heavenly sanctuary? (11:11)
5. Is Christ's work in the heavenly sanctuary a work of judgment? (11:55)
6. Is the Judgment occurring in the heavenly sanctuary for believers or for everyone? (13:15)
7. Why is Christ's work in the heavenly sanctuary called the Investigative Judgment? (14:20)
8. Why would Christ need an Investigative Judgment? (16:25)
Every Question you can think of regarding the Heavenly Sanctuary! Pt. 1
This is part 1 of a 3-part series on the Heavenly Sanctuary. I will attempt to answer every question that has been asked regarding this Biblical concept.
1. At the Cross, Jesus said "It is Finished." Are you suggesting there was more work for Christ to do?
2. What was Jesus doing prior to the year 1844 AD?
3. Was the "Atonement" complete at the cross?
4. Because Jesus was from the order of Melchisedec, does that mean His duties as the High Priest don't contain the same
components as the Levitical priests?
5. At Christ's ascension, did He go to the Holy Place or did He go straight into the Most Holy Place?
6. The Bible says, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father... How can this be the Holy Place?
#Biblestudy #Sanctuary #InvestigativeJudgment #Daniel #Revelation #1844
This is what happened at the fulfillment of the 2300-day Prophecy
This is what happened at the fulfillment of the 2300-day Prophecy
A prophecy found in Daniel 8:14 says, "...Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
In this video we learn that the 2300-day prophecy is a 2300-year prophecy and the cleansing of the sanctuary reveals that we are at the end of the world!
#2300dayprophecy #Daniel #prophecy #sanctuary
Is the 2300-day Prophecy about Antiochus Epiphanes?
In our attempt to determine when the 2300-day prophecy began, we approach this study with the assumption that the 2300 days are literal days. Many who believe that the 2300 days are literal also believe that this prophecy is about Antiochus Epiphanes, the Syrian king who performed horrible acts against God's people. However, in this study we reveal that the 2300-day prophecy could not have been referring to the mad king; and we also discover that the 2300 days are really 2300 years!
The Conflict in Sudan and Daniel 11???
Is it possible that the conflict in Sudan is a pretext to the events in Daniel 11?
What is the Cleansing of the Jewish Sanctuary?
What is the Cleansing of the Jewish Sanctuary?
Daniel 8:14, says unto 2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. What type of cleansing would the sanctuary go through and how can a place that contains the presence of God ever require cleansing?
What is the earthly Sanctuary?
What is the earthly Sanctuary?
As we delve into the subject of the 2300-day prophecy, we must answer the question - What is the earthly sanctuary. Once we understand this question, we can better determine what needed to be cleansed in Daniel 8:14.
Time-based Prophecies 101
Time-based Prophecies 101
As we begin our series on Time-Based prophecies, this is a simple look at what we must know before we delve into these time-based prophecies found in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
Who is the Woman Riding the Beast in Revelation 17?
One of my subscribers wanted to know - Who is the Woman in Revelation 17 that was riding the Beast? In this lesson, I answer her question.
7. Daniel 11:40 - 45 | The United States of America and the Time of the End
7. Daniel 11:40 - 45 | The United States of America and the Time of the End
In this study, we learn about the power that will orchestrate events during the Time of the EndโThe United States of America
#Daniel11 #daniel11
The Third and Final Abomination of Desolation
Most of us should know that the Prophet Daniel focuses on two Abomination of Desolations. However, a close look at the Word of God reveals that there is a Third and Final Abomination of Desolation that is soon to take place...and this time it will affect the whole world!
#abominationofdesolation #prophecy
This is the True Meaning of the Abomination of Desolation!
The Abomination of Desolation was mentioned by Jesus and the prophet Daniel. Many believe the Abomination of Desolation refers to Antiochus Epiphanes. Some believe it relates to Clovis I, king of the Franks. And others say it refers to a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
While I respect all these views...what if you realized all of them were wrong? We ask that you keep an open mind....and if you do, I guarantee that you will discover the plain truth about the Abomination of Desolation!
#abominationofdesolation #abomination #prophecy #clearandpresenttruth
Music: Evan King - Guardians
What is the Meaning of the Daily Sacrifice in the Book of Daniel?
The prophet Daniel mentions the Daily Sacrifice multiple times. Bible scholars declare that this Daily Sacrifice relates to Antiochus Epiphanes' disruption of the Jewish sanctuary services. Others believe that the Daily Sacrifice describes Paganism in Rome. And there are a few who suggests the Daily Sacrifice refers to the heavenly ministration of Christ. While arguments can be made in favor of any of these views, the truth is, when Daniel prophesied about the Daily Sacrifice, he was referring to the one thing we have all overlooked.
Music: Evan King - Guardians
#dailysacrifice #prophecy #bookofdaniel
Who are the Ten Horns in Bible Prophecy?
One of the most mysterious prophecies of the Bible revolves around the ten horns of the Beast in Daniel 7. In this video we investigate this mysterious symbol and discover who these kings are at the end of the world!
#tenkings #tenhorns #bibleprophecy
The Coincidence of Creation?
Bible Study 1 - God / Lesson 2 - The Coincidence of Creation?
There are millions of honest people who believe life came from a coincidental explosion in the sky. From this explosion, hundreds of thousands of impossible coincidences spawned to create the current systems of life that we see today. However, after looking at all these accidents and coincidences, is it possible that we actually were intentionally created? #creation #evolution #bigbang #biblestudy #clearandpresenttruth
Who is the Little Horn in Daniel 8?
Some suggest that the Little Horn is a symbol for the Roman Empire, while others suggest that the Little Horn represents Antiochus Epiphanes. While this video is not designed to cover ever facet of the debate, we want to look at a few of the attributes of the Little Horn to determine exactly who the Bible is referring to. Blessings!
A Big Bang or a Big God?
Bible Study 1 - God / Lesson 1 - A Big Bang or a Big God?
Millions of people around the world believe that life began with a big bang. From that big bang, life evolved into what we see today.
In our first lesson, we look to decide if we were created by happenstance or if Someone intelligently designed us.
Who is the Little Horn in Daniel 7?
In vision, God revealed the Fourth Beast to Daniel. That Beast had ten horns and among those horns a Little Horn rose up and destroyed three of those horns. Who is this Little Horn? Who or what are the three horns it destroyed? What did the Little Horn do that still affects society today? All these questions will be answered in this study.