We are Broken + Beloved

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We are Broken + Beloved Broken by this World 🌎 Beloved by a Savior 💔+❤️ We're all on this Heaven~ Bound Roadtrip together!


For my sisters in Christ or gals who just want to be encouraged and reminded they are Beloved and Be.You.tiful...link for She is Beloved below:


For everyone...sweet VIPeeps... thank you for showing up, praying and encouraging me to start slowly stepping into God's light in my life. God bless and I hope to see you a little further down the road! I know the Lord has more in-store and can't wait for Him to reveal it in His timing! 💔 + ❤️ Kristen

If you are a sister in Christ in the Broken + Beloved community I hope you will come find us over at She is Beloved (whe...

If you are a sister in Christ in the Broken + Beloved community I hope you will come find us over at She is Beloved (where this post is from) where I can continue to encourage you and help you find your inner and outer sparkle ✨️

Until God reveals the next chapter for Broken + Beloved...which I know in time He will...3/24 will be the last post shared here on this page. I thank everyone who has been a part of it and wish you all the very best.


This little analogy below is literally

Today is my Dad's bday...my Dads passing in this world is the driving passion behind everything I share with my favorite peeps to understand their worth in Christ and know how beloved they truly are...so I really wanted to share this message below with you. In hopes it may help another heart.

If you struggle with loss of a loved one please, please read this I promise it will open your mind up, it blew mine.

I have NEVER thought of life or heaven the same way since reading it...it truly will change how you view heaven and the beautiful place where we will see our loved ones again someday ❤️

If you have a hard time reading the picture post here's the word version to easily reference...

✨️ "Once, in a little pond, in the muddy water under the lily pads, there lived a little water beetle in a community of water beetles. They lived a simple and comfortable life in the pond. Once in a while, sadness would come to the community when one of their fellow beetles would climb the stem of a lily pad and would never be seen again. They knew when this happened; their friend was dead, gone forever.

Then, one day, one little water beetle felt an irresistible urge to climb up that stem. However, he was determined that he would not leave forever. He would come back and tell his friends what he had found at the top. When he reached the top and climbed out of the water onto the surface of the lily pad, he was so tired, and the sun felt so warm, that he decided he must take a nap. As he slept, his body changed and when he woke up, he had turned into a beautiful blue-tailed dragonfly with broad wings and a slender body designed for flying. So, fly he did! And, as he soared he saw the beauty of a whole new world and a far superior way of life to what he had never known existed. Then he remembered his beetle friends and how they were thinking by now he was dead. He wanted to go back to tell them, and explain to them that he was now more alive than he had ever been before.

His life had been fulfilled rather than ended. But, his new body would not go down into the water. He could not get back to tell his friends the good news. Then he understood that their time would come, when they, too, would know what he now knew. So, he raised his wings and flew off into his joyous new life". ✨️

God Bless + Keep Sparklin 💖 beautiful sister

Come join the new page where God has affirmed in my heart to create a community where I can encourage my sisters in Chri...

Come join the new page where God has affirmed in my heart to create a community where I can encourage my sisters in Christ. A non-judgmental, safe space where we can really get real. A sisterhood of sorts. She is Beloved.


💥 BOOM 💥

This...I will do a video on this soon...but this...we must remember He created us each for different purposes.

My story is different than yours but both are beautiful and God can use both to reach countless others.

So focus on being the most YOU not spending your whole life trying to become her.

In a world where it's so hard not to compare especially with social media this is so incredibly important. I struggle too with this truth (this is why I will do a video soon).

Focus on becoming YOU...the amazing, awesome, incredible, one-of-a-kind YOU- God created you to be.

God bless Sparkle Sisters in Christ ✨️


Soon I will stop posting on this page...

Good news:
God has opened a new chapter for me for my beautiful sisters in Christ...so follow on our new page

She is Beloved. Link below:


I have appreciated everything...the prayers, support and love from each of you for Broken + Beloved and hope in some way this page has encouraged you.

Would love for you to come join the She is Beloved page where a new chapter of Broken + Beloved has just begun...

God Bless
💔 + ❤️

A sisterhood where we love/never judge, traveling together on our journey back to our heavenly home.


This is a tough message for me...

It carries good news and bad news...

But on this road trip to heaven all together I'm just taking a back road for now and inviting you all to come along...it will be a platform where I can show up light hearted, sparkly (at times) and yet keep it very genuine and meaningful.

The backroad is called "She is Beloved"


We will pray for each other and it will still be raw real unfiltered, no judging only loving safe space, we'll talk about mental health issues, motherhood, fashion you name it etc. In the new group I will share many of my own personal struggles and the journey I have currently been on and how Jesus is healing me even from wounds years ago.

We will also keep it light hearted too and have just some good ole' fashioned fun with lots of Jesus sprinkled in EVERYWHERE while I wait patiently on God's perfect timing and the dream He gave to me all those years ago when I was just a teenage girl, Broken + Beloved.

She is Beloved ~will still have people's stories from time to time as well as people feel comfortable sharing...there are a few that are ready and the stars are aligning for them to share their hearts with each of us. So they are definitely to come. I can't wait...such powerful incredible stories.

I hope you'll ride the Beauty in the Brokenness "backroad" with me on the journey. I know it will be a good time and the destination...Priceless. You don't want to miss the destination for the world.

Roadtrips are always best with friends so come along... as always no judgment for the baggage any of us bring on the journey and of course Jesus is driving, always ❤️

Much love sweet VIPeeps
💔 + ❤️

PS. The video drops out because my phone falls...it comes back on...but I left it in there...cause we're all gonna fall...and because Broken + Beloved was always about embracing the imperfect, Messy Broken parts as believers...so I left "the phone fall" in there. ✨️

"Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." Jeremiah 17:14 You and...

"Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." Jeremiah 17:14

You and God got this...and I'm so rooting and praying for you...if you shall need it. As always comment below if you are needing prayer or to be uplifted. You are so not alone.

This quote I feel like you can almost even take from the perspective that God is speaking to us.
He's always in our corner and the ultimate Healer. He knows...He will always bring you through what He brings you to in this life.

Let Him work His wonder...as we just sit in awe because He is that GOOD!

God bless incredible VIPEEPS and Brothers and Sisters in Christ
💔 + ❤️~ Kristen

If you've been praying and want to share the love of Jesus with a loved one this Valentine's Day who may or may not know...

If you've been praying and want to share the love of Jesus with a loved one this Valentine's Day who may or may not know Jesus... I urge you to check out this website, print the free downloadable letter on it. It's so beautifully and eloquently written and pierces the heart with meaningful scripture.


Let the words within the letter do the speaking. It's a beautifully written love letter from God to us "His Child".

This Valentine's I printed one to give to both of our children because as I always tell them... We can never out-love Jesus. We love you kids alot, but as much as we love you Jesus loves you so much more.

My hope is that they will cherish this letter in the years to come to remind them how unconditionally Jesus loves each and every one of us.

~His life from beginning to end is and always will be the ultimate
Love Story~
John 3:16

You are welcome to download and share all of the resources below in printed and digital formats or embed them on your website or social media page providing the content is not changed and that you do...

God's so got us you guys! Had to share this incredible image that took years to be caught on camera but it was an immedi...

God's so got us you guys!

Had to share this incredible image that took years to be caught on camera but it was an immediate reminder to me when I saw it...God's got us 💗

So grateful Nat Geo shared this image with the world...I collected Nat Geos forever...I had like 15 years worth of catalogs stored in my desk (my grandmother used to get them and hand them over to me when I was a little girl...it was one of my many collections of things...and since she gave them to me they were sentimental in my sensitive brain could not bear to let one go...so I kept every issue she ever gave me...scrunchies, lipglosses and Nat Geo books lol (IYKYK) 😆 all were little collections of mine.

But I can say this is HANDS down my favorite Nat Geo image that they have ever shared.

Ahhh my heart ❤️ so beautiful, so peace and so meaningful and in my mind so much love...

It's like He's saying I love you THIS MUCH...with His arms as stretched out as far as the East is from the West. Happy Sunday sweet, beloved VIPeeps 😊
💔 + ❤️
God Bless~Kristen


When the enemy tells me I'm a loser/failure...

Please comment if you are
struggling and need prayer from
intrusive thoughts or needing to
learn to love yourself and see
yourself through Jesus' eyes and I
so got you... I will absolutely lift you
up in prayer along with your other
bros and sisters in Christ!

💔 + ❤️
God Bless Beautiful, Beloved and Victorious VIPeeps~ Kristen

1000% read that again. Not 100%1,000% because God ALWAYS over and out performs in EVERYTHING He does in and through our ...

1000% read that again.

Not 100%

1,000% because God ALWAYS over and out performs in EVERYTHING He does in and through our lives.

Therefore He is MOST capable of taking care of us...
There's no one better for the role of being our ultimate caretaker... No one!

Thank you for loving us so well 💗 we are so blessed beyond words to be your sons and daughters.

💔 + ❤️ God Bless Beloved VIPeeps and know God won't take care of you 100% He will always do it 1,000% 😊


In Ecclessiastes 3:11 it says "He has
made everything beautiful in its

I know many of you can relate to
God's timing and yes I did go
through a huge job search where I
did everything perfectly and went
on too many interviews to count.

I would get to the last round and
would think this is it, and everytime
they went a different direction. I
was not "the one".I got so
depressed with the constant
rejection and the fact I would get
so close and it never worked out.

Then when I was least expecting it I had
a super impromptu interview on
the phone in my pi's (twice) and
got hired for both positions at different seasons in my life!

Do I recommend
going to a job interview in your
pajamas no..of course not lol...but
what I am saying is God had
prepared their hearts to bring me
on...I was the one that wasn't expecting it.

It didn't matter what I was
wearing or anything...I was what
they were looking for and He had
prepared that path. I was not even actively looking at the time. I had no idea it
was coming until it literally
happened. This in my heart is how
God works and it's mind blowing
when we really think about it!
💥 BOOM 💥

God opened that door and closed
the rest I tried my dangest to open!
I have learned to let that door be
closed if God doesn't want it for
my life and never, ever search for the

His plan is more beautiful than
even anything I could ever
dream..sometimes I just get
impatient with His Big reveal..but
no matter what I wait on Him to
move the mountains or part the
sea...because He can and will..we
just have to make sure we hold on
to Him when the ground does
shake beneath our feet...
💔 + ❤️
God Bless amazing VIPeeps~Kristen

When Christ is our Rock there is nothing we can't go through or GROW through. 🪨 🌼 🪨 God bless tough, brave beautiful VIP...

When Christ is our Rock there is nothing we can't go through or GROW through. 🪨 🌼 🪨

God bless tough, brave beautiful VIPeeps 😍

💔 + ❤️~ Kristen

I hope this warms your heart as much as it did mine. Happy FriYAY and God Bless sweet VIPeeps ❤️ 💜 When Forest Gump died...

I hope this warms your heart as much as it did mine.

Happy FriYAY and God Bless sweet VIPeeps ❤️

💜 When Forest Gump died, he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter said, "Welcome, Forest. We've heard a lot about you." He continued, "Unfortunately, it's getting pretty crowded up here and we find that we now have to give people an entrance examination before we let them in."

"Okay," said Forest. "I hope it's not too hard. I've already been through a test. My momma used to say, 'Life is like a final exam. It's hard.' "

"Yes, Forest, I know. But this test is only three questions. Here they are."

1) Which two days of the week begin with the letter 'T'?"
2) How many seconds are in a year?
3) What is God's first name?

"Well, sir," said Forest, "The first one is easy. Which two days of the week begin with the letter 'T'? Today and Tomorrow."
St. Peter looked surprised and said, "Well, that wasn't the answer I was looking for, but you have a point. I give you credit for that answer."

"The next question," said Forest, "How many seconds are in a year? Twelve."
"Twelve?" said St. Peter, surprised and confused.
"Yes, sir. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd …"
St. Peter interrupted him. "I see what you mean. I'll have to give you credit for that one, too."

"And the last question," said Forest, "What is God's first name? It's Andy."

"Andy?" said St. Peter, in shock. "How did you come up with 'Andy'?"

"I learned it in church. We used to sing about it." Forest broke into song, "Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me, Andy tells me I am His own."

St. Peter opened the gate to heaven and said, "Run, Forest, Run!"

★¨*•♫.•Pass it on!! Give someone else a reason to smile. ♫ •* ★ 💜

💔 + ❤️~ Kristen

Welcome to the random mind of Kristen...you all said you were game so here goes nothing...Broken + Beloved is still gonn...

Welcome to the random mind of Kristen...you all said you were game so here goes nothing...

Broken + Beloved is still gonna be raw, real and hopefully with more stories/testimonies from others to be shared but in the meanwhile were gonna throw in a little color and whimsy because well that's how God created me and its hard to keep sharing my heart without the whimsy taking over a bit. ✨️

Listen the advice or brain farts (lol) are free so you get what you pay for 😉 😆

This morning after doing my quiet time the first thing I saw was a photo of this purple horse. 💜

And it got me thinking you know if God really wanted to He could absolutely turn horses purple...which would be my daughter's ultimate dream 💭 I mean ULTIMATE dream 💭 Her two favorite things together!

I have this purple horse photo on my phone because I was able to have an artist create it for Isla's newly painted purple on purple on purple bedroom. We were trying to match paint to art etc so I had downloaded it to my phone. Can you tell my girl loves her some purple?

I couldn't find a cute purple horse image so I was able to get this amazing artist on Etsy named Hana to create one.

If you want an image of the horse PM me this girl is so sweet and talented and reasonable but I also posted her info below. She literally made Isla's day. I reached out to 4 other artists until I found amazing Hana who said yes I'll make a purple cowgirl horse. YAY!

On a side note...

God? Why didn't you make me artistic? Lol 😆 Oh well Isla knows her momma can't draw...like at all. It's bad VIPeeps...BAD! 😆 Isla tried to teach me and give me lessons and "gave up on me" her words...lol a few years ago.

But back to my story...I was sipping on my coffee after my quiet time and first thing that popped up was this purple horse photo and I started thinking yeah God you parted the Red Sea, turned water into wine if you want it to happen it most definitely will and if you don't it won't.

Listen VIPEEPS if God wanted to create a purple horse He absolutely could. Just because we can't see it in this life, or understand in our human minds doesn't mean He's not capable.

So God I'm just waiting I know one day who knows maybe you will create a purple horse and make my daughter's dreams come true...

💜 but if not man does the thought that you could bring such peace in my life by me always knowing of your endless power to create, provide, heal, forgive and the unconditional love that you so freely give..and just knowing the fact that if you really wanted to you absolutely in your masterful, magnificently strong hands could create a purple horse...those things God mean absolutely everything 💜 to this purple lovin' girl (oh yeah Isla's just like her momma in that way)

Lord you so make life worth living. ✝️

💔 + ❤️
God Bless beautiful VIPeeps 🙏

Photo Credit: Lady Hana Design- Etsy


No one is ever too broken to be
loved. I will die on that hill...until
one day I'm buried on that hill.
This is what's at the heart of Broken +
Beloved and I will spend every
day trying to let other souls know
that they are worthy of Gods love.

I watched a loved one live their
whole life never feeling worthy or
truly understanding how deep and
unconditional God's love is to us.
They died living their life never
knowing how much God truly loved
So I will spend the breaths God
gives me to tell you God Loves YOU..no matter what others have
told you. I also am here to tell you
Brokenness is not a bad thing it
just makes us human..beautifully
imperfect souls with stories and
experiences that can help and heal
one another while we are here in
this beautiful but incredibly tough
place together...so here's to
embracing our imperfections, our
stories and our brokenness in 2024
and truly learning to love ourselves
as God sees each of us with every
flaw and blemish that may even "pop up" like my good ole' friend Henrietta.
Hopefully she's only
here for a short stay lol but I love
her because I'm learning to love all
of me flaws and all...just as Jesus
does each of us!
God Bless beautiful and BELOVED
💔 + ❤️~ Kristen

PS..it's funny the video even got messed up...the Broken heart covered up the words lol.oh well its just a reminder that there's no such thing as perfection 🥰 so the video stays ✨just as it was created ✨ flaws and all! 😆

THIS 1000x THIS!YOU are worthy of God's love. You are worthy to learn to love yourself and be LOVED. End of Story.💔 + ❤️...

THIS 1000x THIS!

YOU are worthy of God's love. You are worthy to learn to love yourself and be LOVED. End of Story.

💔 + ❤️ sending hugs and prayers to you sweet VIPeeps ~ God Bless Kristen


💔 + ❤️
God Bless incredible VIPEEPS~Kristen


Dopamine dressing I had no idea what it was called when I was younger but I have done this for as long as I can remember and a while ago a researcher gave it a name..when the weather is icky I dress bright 🌞 when I'm needing a little pep to fight off depression I add sparkle...it's like a happiness hack.

Jesus, jewels (costume jewelry of course) coffee and country music...these are my main food groups...each one feeds my soul.

In 2024 I urge you to find your 4 too! Also try out Dopamine dressing essentially it's just wearing things that make you happy. If you don't have any here are some of mine you can borrow:

-sparkles (always)
-anything with smileys
-vibrant colors
-tie dye
-ombre (faded rainbow)

I have countless others honestly I've been flirting with the idea of joining some fashion into B+B as many have sent PMs etc inquiring and telling me they wish they could wear stuff they see in my videos too but don't have the confidence...you want to know my secret it ain't confidence I can tell you that much...I have always fought low self esteem until I truly began to see myself as God sees me.

It's not my confidence, its my Godfidence- it's me knowing who God is, who He created me to be and that He's got me no matter what direction I go in life... so if I want to take that journey in rhinestone boots and a sequin kimono listen God laid my path before me and I can "step out" knowing who He is in my life and the soul He created me to be sparkles and all...and we all have that chance to let our soul sparkle ✨️ I just one day chose to do outside and inside...

However I'm here for it either way...if it's helping you to sparkle inside your soul by helping you discover who God made you to be by finding your Godfidence...or the outside too by learning to find your Godfidence and learning to Dopamine Dress like a Diva and daughter of the most high King. Then let's do it!

This is just a small little turn that B+B is taking, hopefully more testimonies to come again soon but I'll have to share on that another day. I realized it was the devil trying to tear the ministry down but God said to me..."Kristen, my timing, not yours" and He asked me to start sharing even more of my heart and stories for now while I wait on Him to fulfill the other pieces to this loving ministry He helped me create. ❤️

God Bless sweet VIPeeps~

Here's your reminder VIPeeps 😊 💔 + ❤️ ~KristenOkay so just noticed the E is missing in Haven't...lolI'm keeping it that ...

Here's your reminder VIPeeps 😊
💔 + ❤️ ~Kristen

Okay so just noticed the E is missing in Haven't...lol

I'm keeping it that way and not correcting this post, as a reminder to all of us that there's only one perfect God with a perfect plan and can love us with a perfect heart. Despite our best efforts we will NEVR be perfect (see what I did there-lol 😆) so it's time to take the stress off of PERFECTION and the worry and realize that we're all just doing the best we can with our loving imperfect human hearts. 💕


I have not worn a onesie since I
was a bitty baby. l've always
thought they were fun but never
took the plunge.

Fear, body insecurity who knows, This year I
was invited to NYE party and you had to wear a onesie and you know what I just owned it...who cares if I feel uncomfortable...I'll tell you it's
the most comfortable being uncomfortable I have ever felt in my entire life so maybe it's time to wear the dress that in your mind is
too much for your personality or the lipstick shade that you love but others say just isn't your color...listen a onesie was definitely not
my best fashion choice of the year but I'm glad I was told to wear one because I probably never would have even tried and almost everybody was rocking the onesie at the party...so let's let 2024 be the year we realize life is short we
give yourselves the chance to just say yes before we ever get to talk ourselves out of it!
God Bless and
Happy New Year VIPeeps 🎉 Kristen
💔 + ❤️


I meant to post this a bit ago but I think the message still rings true as we wrap up the holiday season. God Bless sweet VIPeeps and thanks for giving me grace with posting as the holidays are a time where this human can definitely struggle. I so meant to and thought I shared this days ago...oh Kristen, you try (as I talk to myself) Lol

Remember I'm gonna be 1,000% authentic with you all when I show up on this platform but that level of vulnerability is incredibly difficult at times and can be very draining on a person if I'm being honest...so bear with me but know when I post its sincerely from the heart and my messy, unorganized, raw and unfiltered emotions during prayer time and in my own journey of learning to let go and let God. Hope it helps someone out there.
God bless
💔 + ❤️~ Kristen

Sorry you all it's been a minute...truth is this below... my mind has been a mess...but here's the thing Jesus loves thi...

Sorry you all it's been a minute...truth is this below... my mind has been a mess...but here's the thing Jesus loves this Hot Mess and He loves you as the beautiful perfectly imperfect soul you are too. Jesus loves every ounce of you and me...even the parts that we find hard to love of ourselves.

This year especially this Christmas I pray your heart is truly filled with the love and peace that can only come from the most Loving Savior ❤️ I'm having to ask God to show me how I can love myself through His love even the parts that feel unlovable...it's a long story why but the holidays bring up all sorts of emotions good and bad but I really try to soak up the Holy Spirit as Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

God Bless sweet VIPeeps. I'll try to do better posting but remember I'm just a human trying to show others Jesus' light and love. I'm no expert, no preacher, just someone who felt the Lord tug on her heart and is trying to follow the path set before me, but stumble I will most definitely and you all are on that journey with me...well that's if you want to be lol.
Love you guys and gals! Kristen


"This is the day the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

We are all Broken by this world but
deeply BELOVED by a Savior!
💔 + ❤️ God Bless beautiful
VIPeeps~ Kristen

Enjoy every second of
Merry Thanksmas season and what
it means to you!

💔 + ❤️ Amen to this! The God of the Universe is bigger than anything else we may face! God Bless VIPeeps~Kristen

💔 + ❤️
Amen to this! The God of the Universe is bigger than anything else we may face!
God Bless VIPeeps~Kristen



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