To those who subscribed to this page, a heart full of thanks and love. We all have our struggles and battles to survive. Sometimes we also need to accept our shortcomings and take help.
We all have falls sometimes that we consider as failure. Remember that failure is not about failing at all, failure is when we refuse to get up and get going.
Also sometimes situations happen when we find our world falling apart and struggle to come to terms with what is happening around us. Sometimes we are driven to the edge where quitting looks like an impressive solution. But being there at the edges and almost going over to the other side couple of times...
Trust me, this side of the edge is better and we probably need to find our purpose of being here to be happier. When I started this page I didn't expect anyone to follow, but was surprised to find so many following even without any post.
The page will share many things including from my past life also. Hope if you need inspiration in life (one of the many things we need in life), then this page will also be the one you would look for...