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Recently I received a call from a participant for one of my forthcoming programs. She was having a case of the ‘jitters” moving forward to her next level of Self discovery and Self love.

Her gut told her she needed to do something different, if she wanted a different outcome to the one she kept getting.

She wanted more financial freedom and abundance. She wanted to ditch the doubt for good.

Her husband doesn’t even know she’s contemplating the Program, she confided. He wouldn’t approve of her spending money to learn more about spirit.

In his mind, you don’t need someone to tell you how to “stop spending” or “how to save” – you just “get on with it” – and “do it.”

The thing is… we need to be taught HOW to “just do it!” If we weren’t taught, then how would we know?

When we know better, we do better.

Days of doubt, moments of fear, inner conflict between old belief systems of “I have to just work harder,” clashing with “I’m allowed to be happy and prosperous,” are all part of the Growing Pains into deeper Self Love, Self knowing and Self valuing and respect.

The intellect will not guide us to our heart and our spirit’s decisions. Our small inner voice will. Not our spouse’s outer voice. Our inner one.

The ego is not privy to the Soul’s Agenda.

Not your ego, not your husband or wife ’s ego, nor your neighbours. No one is privy to YOUR spirit’s agenda.

Love the doubt as it transforms into faith right before your very eyes. We CAN become the happiness and Greatness we have been waiting for.

We each must ascend to our greatness.

Take risks.

Step beyond our comfort zone where new ground exists. Where all the passion, joy and juice of life springs forward.

We must love the doubt within. It is our signpost that we are moving beyond what we know, into the unknown.

Love the doubt as it transforms right before your very eyes. It will become the happiness and empowerment you’ve been waiting for.

How have you stepped out of your comfort zone and trusted the Divine will meet you there? Where have you taken a risk today???



👉🏽 Does it make you uncomfortable to accept compliments?

👉🏽 Did you have a childhood where you felt inconsequential or even invisible to one or both of your parents?

👉🏽 Did you know that by feeling inconsequential, or that we didn’t matter, that that now translates into not being able to receive compliments easily?

A compliment might bring up shame or negative feelings, so we rebuff anyone saying good things about us. 😔

Playing small, or being invisible may have been a to keep us safe, however it may now be back firing on you. If you’d like to change this… join us.

As part of a new business I've created called Yamaa, Certified Wisdom Coach Andy Amos will lead tomorrow night’s Session.

Come along to hear his on this topic, as he leads a meditation and discussion. 🦋 😇

Register for free here: https://bit.ly/WWednesdayWisdomRegistrationLink.

If you can’t make it, then register and we’ll send you a replay.


... coming to know the Source of our suffering

As humans, we all have three basic emotional needs:

TO BE TOUCHED appropriately

Even in our very early childhood, as an infant, these needs are right at the forefront.

We may not know if we were picked up when we cried, or if our mother looked us in the eye when she held us, or even how often we were picked up…

However… any of us with compulsive, controlling, or addictive behaviours most likely didn’t have these primary needs met in our early childhood.

Our nervous systems may have been on high alert a lot of the time as children, later in life causing digestive issues, a compromised auto immune system, or even anxiety and depression.

Now it’s time to THRIVE! Not survive.

Come join me tomorrow night as I discuss:

👉 The Creation of Trauma and the long term affects if not (eventually) transformed
👉The Ace Score, (Adverse Childhood Experiences) — science’s medical outlook
👉 The Six phases of Childhood Development and how childhood affects you TODAY in business and in life (even if you think you’ve left it behind)
👉 The 3 Defence responses, how they were created and how they play out in our lives


👉 Introducing the Accelerated Transpersonal Timeline Method(c), created over 18 years ago

I’m getting excited - only one more sleep...

Register here: https://bit.ly/DecemberWisdomWednesdays

How sweet is the world's tiniest hug?Did you know that oxytocin, a natural fee good hormone gets emitted every time we h...

How sweet is the world's tiniest hug?

Did you know that oxytocin, a natural fee good hormone gets emitted every time we hug someone?

It's associated with empathy, trust, sexual activity, and relationship-building. Oxytocin is sometimes referred to as the “love hormone,” because levels increase during hugging and or**sm.

How many hugs have you had today?

What loving and beautiful action have you done today for yourself?

What loving and beautiful action have you done today for yourself?

Becoming a Master at anything… meditation, writing, new behaviour takes years… and patience and perseverance. Be kind to...

Becoming a Master at anything… meditation, writing, new behaviour takes years… and patience and perseverance. Be kind to yourself along the path!

SOUL-LED ENTREPRENEURS - THE NEW EARTH PARADIGMAt the end of 2011 I went to a workshop entitled: “6 Figure Public Speaki...

At the end of 2011 I went to a workshop entitled: “6 Figure Public Speaking” where I learned the art of delivering my material in bite sized pieces, in ways that didn’t over-stuff the participant.
I began delivering these Presentations all over the world, using this new method and had my first $50K week and my first $100K month, in 2013. I had only one staff helping. [I share these numbers only to inspire you, not to flaunt how great the business did.]
I burned out in 2015, ending up in hospital thinking I was having a heart-attack the day I was to delivery a 3 day retreat. Remember that Kylie Welsh? What I later found out, I didn’t build the proper infrastructure to help sustain my new found level of service.
I took a year off to re-group and heal from adrenal fatigue. You see I had all the energetics in place to manifest a bounty of abundance, it was my humanness that I forgot about.
We have both limitless access to energy in the Universe, however our physicality will dictate how much of that high octane fuel we can utilize.
In 2017 I began my business again. This time I invited in all manner of experts to help me re-build from a healthy foundation. I began to hire people to support my Vision on the planet.
One of those lovely people was Hannah Athanasiadis. She helped me focus, streamline my message and temper my enthusiasm, to trust in Divine timing, not “Angela timing,” and utilize other humans as well and I surpassed all previous milestones.
In 2019 it was her turn to spread her wings.
These past few years I’ve watched Hannah not only apply her amazingly sharp skill set of How to Build a Brand, do Personal Message marketing in Social Media, What to say on a Landing Page - all useful and necessary skills - she’s also worked diligently on her Inner Landscape.
To enjoy her life, and be fulfilled.
She understands completely that the insides must match the outsides.
That what we feel internally we will attract and manifest externally.
What we focus on, apply energy to will gather momentum energetically and eventually materialize.
Now she’s reached her 6 figure mark in her business and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She’s teaching about her journey of achievement and fulfillment.
She’s a baby sister to me, the daughter I never had, a willing student ready to listen and learn.
She’s standing on my shoulders, walking forward on the path that some of us forged for her Mission to manifest. And now she has something unique and important to teach from her heart.
I’m super thrilled to be introducing Hannah to my tribe of spiritual seekers, some of whom are small entreprenuers.
Listen up world, Hannah has a few very important additions to make to our New Earth paradigm that we are creating together.
It’s taken me 35 years on my spiritual journey as well as my entrepreneurial one to learn some of what Hannah is birthing in the world. I sincerely hope you take the time to come join us in Conversation tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Here’s the link: https://bit.ly/BusinessEnergeticsWebinar
Blessings and love,

When we’re going for our dreams… do we aim to achieve something or are we aiming to be fulfilled? Hopefully both. What d...

When we’re going for our dreams… do we aim to achieve something or are we aiming to be fulfilled?

Hopefully both.
What do you think?

TO ALL MISSIONED LEADERS INTERESTED IN DIVINE ALCHEMY... We are in a tremendous time of alchemy, meaning higher frequenc...


We are in a tremendous time of alchemy, meaning higher frequency energies are streaming in from the Universe, specifically from the sun, trying to integrate into our human bodies.

When bolts of this energy stream down into our coarse matter, which is of a denser frequency, all manner of physical symptoms and ailments arise.

Have you been feeling the increased need to nap, the achy bones and muscles, headaches, ringing in the ears, dizziness, irritability, and being pulled back into negative emotions?

We are being asked to release and repair any damage that fear-based consciousness has generated within us and in the world. And there is a lot of fear out there to transmute and transform alchemically into love!

We also alchemize the higher frequency energies into our bodies simply by bringing awareness to doubt, fear-based habits, and self-destructive behaviours that plague the human collective psyche.

Each moment of awareness eradicates a moment of suffering. We’re being asked to WAKE UP even further now.

Once the emotions and physical symptoms have cleared, our entire being of body and spirit has been integrated at a higher level. Lo and behold our personal frequency has been elevated!

When our frequency has increased, we are happier, more at ease, joyful and materiality magnetizes itself toward us.

You are being blessed with a transformative healing so profound that it can never be undone!

This is not a patch-up job, but a profound reconstruction of your physicality with the quality and consciousness of your reality forever changed. Hurray!

Enjoy the ride!

Let me know if you're needing support.

FOR ALL MISSIONED LEADERS We are on the 4th dimensional bridge now between the 3rd and the 5th dimensions of reality. We...


We are on the 4th dimensional bridge now between the 3rd and the 5th dimensions of reality.

We still have physicality in all the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, it’s just that the frequency of the physicality is higher depending on which Dimension you embody!

What signs of ascension have you felt recently?

Headache, nausea, ringing in ears, fatigue, food cravings or aversion, lots of purging of negative emotions?

FOR ALL THOSE ASCENDING DESPITE THE PAIN...The hardest part of being human, is confronting our "unloveable" bits.Confron...


The hardest part of being human, is confronting our "unloveable" bits.

Confronting the behaviours where we fall short of being our best,
where we over-compensate because we feel inadequate.

I call them character defects. They are not us, they are our behaviours, and we can change them! Hurray!

ALL parts of us are worthy of our attention and love. Whatever we resist within, will persist.

What behaviours are you wanting to learn to love more?

FOR ALL THOSE SOULS PURGING & RELEASING...It’s been another energetic past couple of weeks, beginning with the passing a...


It’s been another energetic past couple of weeks, beginning with the passing away of my mother-in-law (May 22nd). My husband and I ventured to Hobart for the week, and celebrated a beautifully kind and compassionate woman.

In the midst of all that the magnificent Lunar Eclipse last Wednesday (May 26th) occurred and then the beginning of another Mercury Retrograde (May 29th). Be prepared for communications and electronics going awry.

The planetary configurations, along with the sun are having a massive influence over each and everyone of us, regardless of whether we’re aware or not.

All of May, the Schumann Resonance frequencies have been literally “off the charts,” (http://sosrff.tsu.ru/). Planet earth is travelling through a part of the Universe that we’ve not traversed in over 26,000 years.

If you’re experiencing things you’ve never encountered before… know you’re not alone!

Whenever someone dies, regardless if they are old or young, the entire Cosmos forever shifts with that one soul changing from dense matter back into spirit.

One can’t be in anything but awe while in the presence of this shifting energy.

No matter how much spiritual or personal development we've done, when “Letting Go, and Letting God” into our life, grieving will always be part of the process.

When we let go, life might get messy for a while. The Universe has to re-arrange all persons and parts of our life including our internal mechanisms of defence, strategy, fear, love etc. to re-align with the new Divine Order.

This disruption in our “beingness” may not feel good, may not be pretty and will definitely take time. We must be patient and kind to ourselves

Death of anything, any situation, anyone, will always call up previous losses or deaths we’ve experienced.

It’s imperative to allow ourselves to grieve.

Since Covid hit late in 2019 we’ve each had our own personal inner and outer experiences of how we’ve been affected and forced to change.

We each live in a different country, with different rules and laws. Different lockdown procedures and experiences with masks, vaccinations, and being with loved ones.

This time has changed each and everyone of us profoundly.

Perhaps we’re witnessing our dreams dying, our delusions dying, our identity dying, our relationship changing or dying.

Maybe where we live or where we work is changing, or even our dog may be dying. Doesn’t matter whether the loss is big or small, the stages of grief will arise.

As we let go and surrender to higher powers, things, people, situations leave our life, or change their relationship to us as well. And life then alters forever. That’s the nature of letting go.

We may feel like our heart is breaking. Or that we’ve been kicked in the gut. We may feel that some part of us is melting away right in front of our eyes.

With the surrender, a space, a hole even, appears that physically opens up our solar plexus and heart. We will experience loss, absence, even a void or a deep emptiness. And sadness.

Before that hole becomes filled with acceptance and Divine grace, we will walk through stages of grief. Sometimes all in rapid succession in 5 minutes, sometimes it will take days, weeks, even months to process.

Turn inward during this time. Turn towards the Divine presence, and those who embody it, as shelter.

This too shall pass and we will come out shaped even more perfectly by the Divine. We are ALL coming to embody even more of our Divine essence.

Remember, it may be messy before the acceptance comes in… but the calm and Divine serenity will always arise. Trust the process.

What might you be letting go of?

Keep the faith!

With love and abundance,


Angela Hryniuk explains the Three propositions around Death and Dying according to Tibetan Buddhism. 1.) Death is Certain 2.) The Time of Death is Uncertain ...


"First Heal the Pain, Then Heal the Thought that Caused the Pain"

Head to https://bit.ly/3dZlJpj (check first comment for link) for bite sized video's, meditations & more to help you with your healing process. I'm waiting for you inside!



Each day is our gift to ascend, to our Mission on earth. 🙏

The Universe, Higher Power, whatever you want to call the highest frequencies, are waiting for us to ask it/them for whatever it is we need: guidance, protection, safety, security.

What might be holding you back from stepping forward into the Light? Into Eternity?



We get way too caught up in the mundane, deadlines and delivering on other people’s schedules.

We run ourselves ragged.

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to withdraw, by yourself in silence and replenish your battery?



We are here to Serve humanity and the planet as a whole in birthing a new reality!

Sometimes we revert to our old way of thinking ( ) that there’s something more we have to “do, do, do” because we can’t see any outward changes happening.

This in fact can actually get in the way of the Divine swooping in to us!

Remember, “Trust and Surrender,” actions to take on the path will be given.

And don’t expect if you only “managed better” you’d be able to “wrestle happiness” out of each situation.

Let us be a producer of serenity💖, rather than chaos. 🙏



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