As you know, I have a complicated relationship with Abraham Hicks, but always enjoy their messaging!
Check out this week’s ep of Magenta giraffes! 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts #lawofattraction #abrahamhicks
Could #bachsflowerremedies be working? 🤔
Check out the latest episode of #magentagiraffes
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts
#woowoo 101, Raising Your Vibration! That’s what I go over on this week’s episode. Some of it makes sense, some of it I deem stupid, you know how I am lol. But maybe there’s a takeaway for you somewhere in there.
New episode out now! 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts #vibration #raiseyourvibration #goodvibes #goodvibesonly
Sometimes it’s such a blessing to feel nothing. Unfortunately this was in Feb and this week I’m feeling EVERYTHING!
But, it’s nice to hear this and know that one day I’ll become numb again!
Check out this week’s new ep of Magenta Giraffes 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts #numb #emptyvessels
Guys, I go IN on Abraham Hicks on this week’s episode ep of Magenta Giraffes. While I do believe “their” messaging is good, I cannot handle the packaging. I do an impression of them, so you don’t want to miss it! Go check out my #hottake and then check out any other eps you may have missed!
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts #abrahamhicks #abrahamhicksquotes
Kind of a common sense idea, but reading has really helped me relieve my anxiety of late. And yes, I’m mostly reading trashy fantasy novels, but LET ME LIVE!
Check out the latest episode and catch up on past ones on this lovely #presidentsday 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts #reading #readingisfundamental #books #fantasybookstagram #bookstagram
This is how I was feeling after watching the HP retrospective 😭😭😭😭😭
Life was a lot simpler when the most exciting thing was waiting for the next Harry Potter book to come out.
New episode out this week. 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts @googlepodcast
Oh, New York! I hope it gets better between us. Time will tell, but for now I still love you! ♥️
New episode out now! 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts @googlepodcast
#newyork #concretejungle #divorce #longtermrelationship
Ooooh I think I was a little angry right here…also find out how I really feel about Past Life Regression sessions on this week’s episode!
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts @googlepodcast
#pastlife #pastliferegression #anger #pastlives
Sometimes you need to clean up the relationships in your life and have some emotional “winter cleaning.” I’m good with it! ✌🏽💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts @googlepodcast
#wintercleaning #relationshipcleaning
I’m not kidding, look at the reviews for @bachoriginalusa flower remedies on amazon - they are mostly about CATS! But hey, if they work for cats, maybe they will work for me!
New episode out now! 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts @googlepodcast
#bachs #bachsflowerremedies #cats #amazon
Sometimes all we can mustard (😝) up is being grateful for salad dressing. New episode out now! 💕🦒
#magentagiraffes #magentagiraffespodcast #grief #spirituality #signs #afterlife #mediums #griefjourney #otherside #lovedones #death #hope #meditation #love #podcast #journey #lifeafterdeath #grieving #surviving #intuition @applepodcasts @spotify @stitcherpodcasts @googlepodcast #saladdressing #grateful #gratitudejournal