《🐉🐎 精神!PONY CLUB X香港潮牌Dragonmade8 🔥潮派GIVEAWAY 二連發》
PONY CLUB 聯乘CROSSOVER 品牌熱潮一浪接一浪!相信有留意開潮牌嘅馬迷,眼利嘅話都應該收到風,我哋有一個重磅消息!
PONYCLUB NFT 同香港Streetwear品牌 Dragonmade8 正式合作!今次聯同Pony Club一齊跨過界,結合兩個品牌嘅精髓,背後理念用🐉與🐎的結合,擦出龍馬精神傳統與跨世代藝術的火花🔥🔥🔥
PONY CLUB正在為Roadmap 2.0馬不停蹄積極籌備中!🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
Roadmap 3.0 預計於六月發售,PLAY TO EARN 遊戲正式公開!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
PONYClUB NFT 公開發售日期24/3
時間為香港時間晚上 20:00
屆時必定全城「搶馬」,大家請提早「上馬」官網,我哋專業團隊會提供最強嘅支援服務,PONYCLUB 歡迎閣下成為我們的馬主!
🥈二獎:限量版PONY CLUB x Dragonmade8 x 18
🥉三獎:PONY CLUB White List x28
1. ✅追蹤 @ponyclubnft + @dragonmade8
2. ❤️讚好此貼文 + 留言tag三位朋友🏷️
3. ✈️Share此貼文去IG story 限時動態
並標籤Tag @ponyclubnft 🏷️
‼️得獎名單將會在 24/03/2022 於 PONY CLUB Discord 內公佈,敬請留意‼️
如有任何爭議,PONY CLUB 將擁有最終決定權。
PONY CLUB NFT ,3月24日公開發售!
Follow Us
Instagram : instagram.com/Ponyclubnft
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/YCC4JcMvwf
#nft #hknft #asianft #crypto #play2earn #gamefi #solana #solananft
🦄🦄🦄《掃馬港!掃馬潮!PONY CLUB X香港潮牌Carnaby Fair 潮派GIVEAWAY 》🐴🐴🐴
PONY CLUB Roadmap 1.0正式啟動!跨過界結合虛擬及現實世界,與香港時裝品牌合作推出首批潮流服裝!有幸邀請到 Carnaby Fair 為馬主們設計限量版Cap帽,設計靈感來自著名Pop art大師Andy Warhol,以藝術形式,將Gen 1 小馬轉化成為 Gen 2 異變小馬的過程呈現。
提提大家,認購三隻Gen1 🐴🦄🐴,即可於Road map 2.0 獲得免費變異小馬 NFT一隻!
🥇大獎:PONY CLUB NFT x 10
🥈二獎:限量版PONY CLUB x Carnaby Fair Cap帽 x 20
🥉三獎:PONY CLUB White List x 30
1. 追蹤@ponyclubnft + @carnabyfairoffical
2. 讚好此貼文 + 留言tag三位朋友
3. Share此貼文去IG story 限時動態
並標籤tag @ponyclubnft
‼️得獎名單將會在 23/03/2022 於 PONY CLUB Discord 內公佈,敬請留意‼️
如有任何爭議,PONY CLUB 將擁有最終決定權。
未來@ponyclubnft 將會與不同公司、品牌合作,包括:
🎉🎉🎉PONY CLUB NFT , 3月24日公開發售!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Follow Us
Instagram : instagram.com/Ponyclubnft
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/YCC4JcMvwf
#nft #hknft #asianft #crypto #play2earn #gamefi #solana #solananft #blockchain #magiceden #phantom #ponyclubnft #digitalart #nftcommun
《🐴快「馬」加鞭 Giveaway!PONY CLUB 再加「馬」🐴》
開心返埋嚟🤪最後一輪 Pre-Mint Giveaway 活動以答謝大家支持🤡
只需要做足三個步驟!大獎100 SOL、 IPhone 隨時送到你手上!
Giveaway 禮物包括:
大獎:100 SOL x 1 ‼️
二獎:iPhone 13 Pro x 5 ‼️
三獎:Pony Club NFT x 15 ‼️
只要在 21/3/2022 0:00前:
❶ 追蹤 Instagram帳號:@ponyclubnft
❷ 讚好此貼文+留言Tag 3位朋友
❸ Share 此貼文去IG Story 並 tag @ponyclubnft
(同埋一定要密切留意之後動態!因為…又點止咁簡單 😇)
‼️得獎名單將會在 22/03/2022 於 PONY CLUB Discord 內公佈,敬請留意!‼️
如有任何爭議,PONY CLUB 將擁有最終決定權。
🤪The last Pre-Mint Giveaway to thank you for your support 🤡 Just three steps! The grand prize of 100 SOL and mobile phones will reach you at any time!
Giveaway gifts include:
Grand Prize: 100 SOL x 1‼️
Second Prize: iPhone 13 Pro x 5 ‼️
Third Prize: Pony Club NFT x 15 ‼️
How to participate:
As long as before 21/3/2022 0:00:
❶ Follow @ponyclubnft
❷ Like this post + Comment Tag 3 friends
❸ Share this post to IG Story and tag @ponyclubnft
👨🚀Pony Club to the moon! and become horse owners together!👨🚀
Stay tuned for more!😇
For private account, please keep a screenshot. Proof of action may needed when we grant you the prize. Duplicate message accounts will be counted once only.
Deadline: 21/3/2022 (The list of winners will be announced on Discord, stay tuned!)
Don’t miss out!
‼️The list of winners will be announced on PONY CLUB Discord on 22/03/2022‼️
In case of any disputes, PONY CLUB will have the final decis
狂熱到馬上瘋!PONY CLUB NFT 終於公布發售日期!群星馬主更一齊拍攝宣傳短片慶賀,由即日起至23/3 一連七日會在銅鑼灣大電視播出!🚀🚀
Price: 1.88 SOL
Mint date: 2022 / 03 / 24
PONY CLUB NFT 為香港首個以賽馬競技、育成為主題,邊玩邊賺Play2Earn 的項目。
項目路線圖包括:與本地潮流品牌合作推出潮流服裝、實體派對、捐款至慈善機構、免費異變Pony NFT、50%收益回饋給馬主(NFT持有人)等等。
仲等?快D加入Discord參加抽獎活動,更可以同各界名人一齊玩遊戲、一齊做馬主 ! 🔥
PONY CLUB NFT finally announced the release date! The star horse owners have also filmed a promotional video to celebrate, from now until 23/3, it will be broadcast on Causeway Bay LED TV for 7 consecutive days! 🚀🚀
Price: 1.88 SOL
Mint date: 2022/03/24
PONY CLUB NFT is the first project in Hong Kong with the theme of horse racing and breeding, and Play2Earn while playing. The project roadmap includes: cooperating with local fashion brands to launch trendy clothing, parties, donations to charities, free mutation Pony NFT, 50% of revenue back to horse owners (NFT holders), etc.
What are you waiting for! Quickly join Discord to participate in the lucky draw, and you can play games and be horse owners together with celebrities!🔥
Instagram : instagram.com/Ponyclubnft
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/YCC4JcMvwf
薑檸樂 gingerlemoncola 小肥 Wilfredo Jr Alconaba (Jb) Zpecial Toffee 唐菲 K-Chek 曲赤 鍾雨璇 O3 Toto湯沛宜 火爆象.Ele Karate Bro & Sis Hong Kong 空手兄妺-劉知名&劉慕裳
@ponyclubnft @sleptbase_ltd @toto_tongpuiyee @jiggie_boy @jimmyosaka666 @c_minggg
@hk_elesun @zpecial_hk
@eddyhong_zpecial @siufay613
@u_keik @chong_abby @cheche730 @ging
**怎樣開設Phantom Wallet?**📝
1. 首先,在你的電腦上開啟Chrome網頁瀏覽器
2. 到 https://phantom.app/ 並點擊Add to Chrome網頁瀏覽器
3. 確認新增Phantom的擴充功能到Chrome網頁瀏覽器
4. 在Phantom擴充功能的頁面上,點擊建立新錢包
5. 將畫面上的12個字詞用紙筆記低並儲存好,然後放進保險箱 (不要儲存在電腦、也不要拍照把照片存放在手機,任何擁有這12個字詞的人都可以存取你的Phantom錢包,等同你的提款卡密碼,任何時候都不能向任何人透露)
6. 建立在這個Chrome上存取進入檢視這個Phantom錢包的密碼
7. 完成設定後在Chrome的右上方會顯示Phantom錢包的,把它釘選好
8. 釘選好後,Phantom錢包的幽靈標誌便會出現在Chrome的右上方
9. 登記完成。現在只要點按幽靈標誌,便可打開Phantom錢包,檢視你的錢包地址 (顯示在你錢包上方中間的那串Blockchain便是你的錢包地址,用來收發加密貨幣和NFT)、SOL餘額和NFT收藏品等資料
10. 然後你便可以到Binance或其他加密貨幣交易所購買SOL,並轉賬到閣下的Phantom錢包
11. 等待Presale或Mint Day,於Pony Club官方網站購買Pony Club
Follow Us
Instagram : instagram.com/Ponyclubnft
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/YCC4JcMvwf
#nft #crypto #gamefi #play2earn #solana #sol #phantom #ponyclub #ponyclubnft
《 究竟咩馬先係一隻好嘅馬?薑檸樂 x PONYCLUB NFT 為您隆重推介!》薑檸樂 gingerlemoncola
PONYCLUB NFT 為 Game-Fi 創建的 NFT 項⽬,集競技、育成於一身的模擬實馬經營類型遊戲。Play to Earn PONY CLUB 熱潮更席捲演藝界及 KOL 界,備受追捧!
想知多啲未來發展動向?快啲follow我哋ig 同discord 啦!
Follow Us
Instagram : instagram.com/Ponyclubnft
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/YCC4JcMvwf
Creator: @gingerlemoncola
@ponyclubnft @sleptbase_ltd
#nft #hknft
集合NFT,邊玩邊賺,競技育成的game-fi project的Pony Club將於三月份公開發售,敬請留意!
#nft #crypto #solana #sol #phantom #ponyclub #ponyclubnft