We are super excited to announce our first intake of student writers! These 6 brilliant ANU students will be writing amazing content over the coming months. At the moment, they are preparing the following articles:
🧬 The uses of AI in biology
❌ The economic cost of certain anti-semitic policies in N**i Germany
🎓 The effects of university affirmative action policies on perception, incentives and economic outcomes, pre-selection
🏭 Lobbying and international climate agreements' relative impact on local climate policy
💣 Detecting the funding of terrorism on blockchain using machine learning
We are just as excited to hear what they have to say as all of you are. Please give these students a massive congratulations!
Subscribe to our newsletters on our website to get all of their content straight away. We have also recently started a page so please check that out! And finally, please reach out if you're at all interested in writing with us.