Boss Hunter - Pumpkin Location Last Chapter
Well here we are again, i guess it must be fate, we tried it on our own blah blah blah... did you sang it? anyways as always, i finished the Final Chapter and still aiming to be the Top Player, how about' you what Chapter you are on? maybe this will help you... ;)
Boss Hunter - Pumpkin Location Chapter 19
Whoa it's been a while fellow Hunters, still playing the game? how many months was it since i updated or uploaded a video? i just did finish this Chapter 19 and i am in the Final Chapter... what Chapter are you now? maybe you finish it all... just wanted to show you the Boss and Pumpkin Locations... :)
Boss Hunter - Bigfoot Glitch (Just Stand)
Hey yo what's up? like the taste of your ketsup? listening to the songs that are being mash up? i don't know what that means but, well anyways, Just want to show you some glitches for todays Card Hunt... ;)
Boss Hunter - Pulling Legendary Card
Aloha Hunters! How are we today? nothing to do? bored? but still climbing to be a top Player? well, i have save some of the trash Cards, convert to stones and Recycle them and try to pull out something very useful to me, wanna see? come and click... ;)
Boss Hunter - Enhancing Mythic Weapon (1/5)
Yes yes yes... i am still upgrading my Mythic Weapon and today i will show you how to ENHANCE a Mythic Weapon... does it goes by a chance? does it fail? i don't think so...
Boss Hunter - Adding Slot For Mythic Weapon
Hunter's how's your item going? hope you are still improving on getting Mythic Items... upgrading Mythic Items is not hard but it takes a long time, i just did made another slot for my Mythic Weapon this time... hope you are doing too so... :)
Boss Hunter - Rix (Card Hunt)
Did you know that Rix is one of the Best Hero for the Card Hunt? He can kill the Boss very fast in terms of Power and Speed, so who's Hero do you prefer to use in the Card Hunt? Freya? i think she is not a good choice... Let's see...
Boss Hunter - Final Mythic Piece (2nd Account)
So my Second account finally got the Final piece of my Mythic Item... so just in my hunch before i was wrong, it was really random and i did not get what kind of armor that i want... i was hoping for better armor then... sad... :(
Boss Hunter - Pumpkin Location Chapter 18
Hello Hunters how are we today? is everything going so well for you? still moving on your Stuck Chapter? i finally move up once again in another Chapter, i am in the Last Two Chapters, and here is some Guide in Chapter 18... watch...
Boss Hunter - Final Mythic Item (Random Forge)
Ahem! how are we doing Hunters? this time i have got my 4th and Final piece of my Mythic Items, all i have to do is Upgrade and Upgrade them to Maximize their Stats... and my sincere apologies coz i was wrong, it really was random item Forging Mythic Items... see in here... 😅
Boss Hunter - Fhasys Beast Does the Trick
Sup' Hunters!!! still Huntin' the Haunted Hunters? My apologies for not making any updates, it was just a very busy week for me... but still trying to make some time... i just tried using the Hero Fhasys, and the Beast Falcon does the trick i think... :)
Boss Hunter - Last Mythic Item Preparation
Just so you know Hunters, i am preparing for my Last Mythic item to be Forge in both my accounts, i always felt i am not gonna get a Legendary item for just a recipe even with 10+ Keys, have you felt the same before? or did you even experience it? 🤔