how did dinosaurs become extinct,ডাইনোসর রহস্য......................................... Wealcome to idea420....................................
why whatch this video:
dinosorThe most common theory for the demise
of the dinosaurs is that a large asteroid struck Chicxulub in Mexico,
forming a 240 kilometre wide crater. The resulting atmospheric debris
blocked out the sun creating a 'nuclear winter',
which killed plants, then plant-eaters and, finally, meat-eaters.
what are the three theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs,
dinosaur extinction facts,
how big was the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs,
when did dinosaurs first appear,
where is the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs,
how did the dinosaurs,
why did dinosaurs go extinct but not other animals,
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ডাইনোসর রহস্য,
# dinosaurs_extinct
#ডাইনোসর রহস্য