I will always encourage prayer over the ”babies”… my kids are now in college and I’m still praying, I’m still asking about grades and checking in on them… parenting doesn’t stop once they turn 18. Don’t stop praying now Sis
#keeppraying #realtalktho #imjustsaying #therealtalkmom #momlife
Hey hey hey 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾 get @respectedjewels for this and other pieces. Affordable and timeless pieces!
When I say I’m proud of this chic right here… she said sometime after her prom last year that she wanted to make her prom dress and tonight is prom night, her senior year, and guess what, she made her dress!!!! She did a good job! Yay Veah… Enjoy your night and stay safe.
It’s April... It’s the beginning of the month, New Opportunities, New Possibilities, New Decisions to make... What will you do with the month? What are your goals? Is it to refresh your resume and put in applications? Start school? Exercise more?
Maybe the year is not going as you initially planned but there’s nothing wrong with regrouping.
#yougotthis #queendomresources #startagain #keepmoving #goals
My baby performing Silent Night... I absolutely love to hear her play... she says mom I be messing up but I continue to encourage her... she has not been in Orchestra since the 8th grade 3 years ago but she will still get the violin out and play something ever so often... #encouragethechildren #speaklife #trainupachild #kidgeniuses #violinplayer #yougotthis #takecareofyou
#MadeWithRipl via ripl.com
Hey hey hey it’s Saturday!!! What do you guys have planned for the day? Today I’m off from my 9-5 so I plan to make some time for me and get my nails and toes done... but because there’s never time off being a mom I do have to do life🤷🏾♀️... no matter what your day may bring find 10 minutes for your self... read a chapter in that book you got last month... Have a personal jam session listening to your favorite music.... meditate/yoga... do something that’s all for you. It’s not selfish it’s smart!
New blog post coming soon! I’m excited lol...
#singlemom #takecareofyou #yougotthis #spaday #mommamba #lifeofasinglemom
Hey hey hey... it’s Monday and I haven’t posted much lately and I just wanted to check on you all... How ya Be?
Sometimes we forget to care for ourselves as single mothers... we run errands, go to games, recitals, take the kids here take them there and we forget about us. There is nothing wrong with taking some time for yourselves. @mommakeitlookez @laughoutmom