Islamophobia| Unlock Pakistan
Islamophobic Ideologies and its boomerang effect has taken the world badly.
What is Islamophobia ?? What are its Manifestations and how Pakistan is playing its part to combat Islamophobia ??
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#Islamophobia #AntiMuslim #Islam #Freedomofspeech #Hatespeech #Racism
Prime Minister's Office of Pakistan Ministry of Foreign AfGovernment of Pakistan دار الإفتاء المصرية - مرصد الإسلاموفوبيا - Islamophobia watch Xenophobia
Covid-19 Response (Pakistan Vs India) | Unlock Pakistan
Covid-19, a dark shadow of a deadly pandemic has taken the world. The pain, the casualities, dying economies, world moving towards unilateralism and the fear of a biological hybrid warfare. In such a chaotic situation, Pakistan is regarded as one of the countries that fought the pandemic with effective policies and planning.
Covid-19 News Covid-19 Pandemic World Health Organization (WHO)
New Political Map of Pakistan| Unlock Pakistan
Prime Minister Imran Khan unveiled the new Political Map of Pakistan. the new map reflects the principled stance of the people of Pakistan and that of Indian Illegally ocuupied Jammu and Kashmir. Also, it clearly negates the indian illegal action of August 5th, 2019
Prime Minister's Office of Pakistan Government of Pakistan
India's State Sponsored Terrorism EXPOSED | Unlock Pakistan
The irrefutable evidence of India’s active planning, promoting, aiding, abetting, financing and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan, the Indian Government has escalated its anti-Pakistan campaign, marked by false narratives, concocted evidence, and orchestration of false flag operations.Pakistan will continue exposing India and not let the world community be misled by Indian propaganda. The world community, including the United Nations counter-terrorism mechanisms, must act on the Dossier presented by Pakistan with incontrovertible evidence of Indian state-sponsorship of terrorism.
Jodhpur Incident | Unlock Pakistan
Mysterious death of 11 Pakistani Hindus in Jodhpur and the reality behind it.
Even Hindus are not safe in India?? What about Hindutva ideology and double standards of BJP Regime??
#Justiceforjodhpur #Hindutva #RSS #BJP
OIC 47th CFM | Unlock Pakistan
Pakistan is among the founding members of OIC, a 57-member state body which is the second largest Inter-governmental organization of the world. OIC represents the aspirations of 1.8 billion Muslims from 4 continents. At the 47th CFM Session in Niamey, Niger, OIC has reaffirmed its support for the Jammu & Kashmir dispute. It has also endorsed Pakistan’s stance on declaring March 15 as ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia’. Pakistan is looking forward to host the 48th CFM next year in Islamabad.
#OIC #OIC47CFM #Pakistan
UN Turns 75 | Unlock Pakistan
UN turns 75... Time to Celebrate ?? On Introspect??
As Un turns 75 this year, it marked new multilateral milestones be it arms control, alleviating hunger & poverty, Climate Change or Health. Apart from all these, there alot that needs to be done.. Kashmir Dispute??
Israel-Palestine ? Islamophobia?? Xenophobia??
Its time for UN to form Multilateral policies for ongoing challenges to address the threats to peace and humanity.
#UNGA2020 #UN75th #UN #Pakistan #PakUNGA2020
Afghan Peace Deal and Pakistan's Role| Unlock Pakistan
Afghanistan has suffered badly due to war on terror. Peace is the need of hour not only for Afghanistan but for the whole region. Peace in Afghanistan means peace in region. Pakistan has played a laudable role in bringing talibans to the negotiation table. Pakistan is the biggest stakeholder of Afghan Peace Process and will continue to support until peace prevails. US has also praised Pakistan's efforts for the peace negotiations
#Pakistan #Afghanistan #US #AfghanPeaceprocess #QatarAccord
PAK-Russia Relations| Unlock Pakistan
Pak-Russia Relationship is entering into a new era of mutual cooperation and growth. The new opportunities are knocking the doors of two countries.
Pakistan has adopted a rational diplomatic approach for strengthening the ties between the two countries.
Both the countries have strong potential to improve their relations further and to benefit from eachother in fast changing regional and global security environment.
#Pakistan #Russia #Powerplay #PakRussia
Pakistan in SCO | Unlock Pakistan
Pakistan's inclusion is SCO is a turning point for the geo-political landscape of the region. The practice of multilateral diplomacy will bring a notable change in the Eurasian Belt interms of Regional Connectivity and mitigating regional Tension.
How SCO will open new channels for Pakistan into Centeral Asia and what new opportunities will it bring for the country??
#SCO #CentralAsia #PakistaninSCO #PakSCO #Eurasia