My Journey: In Spirit & In Truth
2022, my self-proclaimed year called "The Awakening", was the most challenging, soul-bearing season of my life. I was fast approaching a new decade of life and I had already dedicated 17 years to a career. In fact, I had climbed the ranks, making a 6-figure salary as a c-suite executive, but it was tumultuous. I always felt morally compromised, too, but I rational
ized it for many years because I always try to find the good in bad situations first. I also became accustomed to dealing with constant adversity on the job. Besides, I was on a mission. My mission was to improve the workplace culture for the betterment of the employees. I was so optimistic that I would achieve this goal because I thought I was finally in a position to influence positive change. However, that wasn't quite the case. I eventually had to accept that what I wholeheartedly desired for a better workplace was just not realistic under the circumstances. I was fighting against a corporate leadership wall that was impenetrable. I felt defeated (cue the violins lol). In all seriousness, though, I felt that all my time, effort, and sacrifices was in vain. What I once perceived as a "successful" career was ultimately a dead end. I prayed for God to change the work environment, but little did I know he had placed me in that valley all along so that he could change me. No doubt, the workplace culture needed change, but God needed my outlook to change more. He needed to shift my focus and reset my priorities because unconsciously the success of my career had become an idol. I took a yearlong, intentional deep dive into self-discovery to make sense of who I was in that moment and who I wanted to grow into becoming going forward. Through this exploration of self-realization, I gained great discernment about necessary career and life changes I needed to make. I underwent a "separation and deprivation" process. I started by creating better boundaries to keep my job role and working relationships in proper context. I eventually begin eliminating people, places, and things that did not serve me well or add value to my life. I deprived myself of anything that could create a distraction or possibly dissuade me from my course of action. Most importantly, I learned to release the stronghold of control so that I could fully surrender to God's will. Comfort is the enemy of growth. Sometimes God has to disrupt our comfort to mature us spiritually so that we can solely rely on him to leave our comfort zone. Leaving a comfort zone is the greatest exercise of faith. Walking away from my job with so much uncertainty about the future was my faith on full display. After I took my leap of faith, it was not long after the holy spirit revealed to me a higher calling to serve. I began having all these unique encounters with people who desired better for themselves but was struggling to figure it out. I was able to share resources, offer advice, give guidance, and speak words of encouragement in those times of need. Although I was helping others, I was fulfilled in the process, knowing that I made a positive contribution to someone else's life. So that is what I am here to do. I don't profess to be the answer for anyone, but I do know THE answer. I do know when we commit our actions to God, he will establish our plans. I do know when we hold unswerving to the hope we profess, HE who promised is faithful. I do know that HE who has begun a good work in you (and me) will finish it to completion. I know this all to be true because I am a testament of all of these promises. I have made great strides on the journey of fulfilling my purpose, but just like you, I am still a work in progress. It's a continuous process, but I am faithfully committed to the pursuit more than ever before.