We think it is very important that I share this little piece of information (Please excuse my poor grammar)😁:
This is a breakdown of all the music organizations in SA, which royalties they actually collect and why it is very important that you register with all of these organizations if you really want to make serious money in the music. I will break this down using a music video playlisted on MTV Base, Channel O etc as an example.
1. We have SAMRO, Samro basically stands for Southern African Music Rights Organization.
SAMRO is responsible for collecting performance rights. When your music video is played on TV, you are in actual facts performing your song on TV. Now because you are performing, SAMRO will collect performance rights for you. Meaning you will get paid money/Royalties because technically you were performing for South Africa on Channel O/MTV/BASE.
2. We have SAMPRA. SAMPRA stands for South African Music Performance Rights.
SAMPRA is responsible for collecting royalties for audio. Should your song gets played on radio, you will get money from SAMPRA. Now, here's the part most artists do not know, SAMPRA also collects royalties for your music videos.
In your music video there is an audio there, so technically, you are entitled to receive audio royalties for your music video.
3. Lastly, We have Capasso. Capasso stands for Composer, Authors and Publisher Association.
Capasso collects mechanical royalties on your behalf. You get paid mechanical royalties every time your music is featured in adverts, movies, TV games, YouTube videos by influencers etc. Now back to your music video that's just got playlisted on Channel O. Yaay!
Should your music video get lucky enough to get high rotations and by God's grace, also get featured in big playlists alongside big artists. Channel O will then include your video in adverts. For example, They'd take a couple of scenes from UGesi music video by Nkawza Imasterz (Check him out if you want, he works hard🔥