Vote for #OurFreedomsOurFutures
❌ Stop and frisk, racial profiling, police immunity
✅ True safety, accountability, and justice for all
Which do you choose? Be a voter for #OurFreedomsOurFutures by November 5.
❤️️ Black, white, or brown, native or newcomer, transgender or not, Americans show up for one another.
🗳 And we vote for leaders who will protect our freedoms.
🗓 Join us. Be a voter by November 5. #OurFreedomsOurFutures
Our freedom...
🛒 to go to the grocery store
🎒 to send our kids to school
🙏 to worship
🫂 to live our lives
👣 to walk through our communities
WITHOUT fear of gun violence is a choice we can make.
Register and be a voter:
If you missed (or just want to recap) yesterday's Women Wednesdays for Harris with Anat Shenker-Osorio and Indivisible Guide you can watch Anat's full presentation here!
Trump quiere gobernar para unos cuantos ricos.
Kamala Harris quiere que todos los estadounidenses tengan la libertad para prosperar y realizar sus sueños.
Vota por #NuestrasLibertadesNuestrosFuturos. Vota por Harris-Walz.
Because of Trump’s abortion ban, reproductive freedom has become a matter of life or death.
It’s time to vote like it. Vote Harris-Walz for #OurFreedomsOurFutures this November.
We can vote to protect our freedoms: the freedom to thrive no matter what we look like, where we’re from, or how we make a living.
Vote for #OurFreedomsOurFutures this election. Vote Harris-Walz.
📜 The Republican track record speaks for itself.
MAGA politicians have attacked:
✔️ Abortion
✔️ IVF
✔️ And now birth control
This year, #OurFuturesOurFreedoms are on the line. Vote Democrats.
PSA: Our freedom to live a better life is on the ballot this year.
Vote Harris-Walz for #OurFreedomsOurFutures this November.
No matter what we look like, how we worship, or who we love, most of us want similar things:
🙂 to be happy
♥️ to care for our loved ones
🎁 to contribute to our communities.
This year, do something to decide #OurFreedomsOurFutures. Be a voter: